1,176 research outputs found

    Improved success rate and stability for phase retrieval by including randomized overrelaxation in the hybrid input output algorithm

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    In this paper, we study the success rate of the reconstruction of objects of finite extent given the magnitude of its Fourier transform and its geometrical shape. We demonstrate that the commonly used combination of the hybrid input output and error reduction algorithm is significantly outperformed by an extension of this algorithm based on randomized overrelaxation. In most cases, this extension tremendously enhances the success rate of reconstructions for a fixed number of iterations as compared to reconstructions solely based on the traditional algorithm. The good scaling properties in terms of computational time and memory requirements of the original algorithm are not influenced by this extension.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Fast Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling for sparse Bayesian inference in high-dimensional inverse problems using L1-type priors

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    Sparsity has become a key concept for solving of high-dimensional inverse problems using variational regularization techniques. Recently, using similar sparsity-constraints in the Bayesian framework for inverse problems by encoding them in the prior distribution has attracted attention. Important questions about the relation between regularization theory and Bayesian inference still need to be addressed when using sparsity promoting inversion. A practical obstacle for these examinations is the lack of fast posterior sampling algorithms for sparse, high-dimensional Bayesian inversion: Accessing the full range of Bayesian inference methods requires being able to draw samples from the posterior probability distribution in a fast and efficient way. This is usually done using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling algorithms. In this article, we develop and examine a new implementation of a single component Gibbs MCMC sampler for sparse priors relying on L1-norms. We demonstrate that the efficiency of our Gibbs sampler increases when the level of sparsity or the dimension of the unknowns is increased. This property is contrary to the properties of the most commonly applied Metropolis-Hastings (MH) sampling schemes: We demonstrate that the efficiency of MH schemes for L1-type priors dramatically decreases when the level of sparsity or the dimension of the unknowns is increased. Practically, Bayesian inversion for L1-type priors using MH samplers is not feasible at all. As this is commonly believed to be an intrinsic feature of MCMC sampling, the performance of our Gibbs sampler also challenges common beliefs about the applicability of sample based Bayesian inference.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figure

    Critical Slowing-Down in SU(2)SU(2) Landau Gauge-Fixing Algorithms

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    We study the problem of critical slowing-down for gauge-fixing algorithms (Landau gauge) in SU(2)SU(2) lattice gauge theory on a 22-dimensional lattice. We consider five such algorithms, and lattice sizes ranging from 828^{2} to 36236^{2} (up to 64264^2 in the case of Fourier acceleration). We measure four different observables and we find that for each given algorithm they all have the same relaxation time within error bars. We obtain that: the so-called {\em Los Alamos} method has dynamic critical exponent z2z \approx 2, the {\em overrelaxation} method and the {\em stochastic overrelaxation} method have z1z \approx 1, the so-called {\em Cornell} method has zz slightly smaller than 11 and the {\em Fourier acceleration} method completely eliminates critical slowing-down. A detailed discussion and analysis of the tuning of these algorithms is also presented.Comment: 40 pages (including 10 figures). A few modifications, incorporating referee's suggestions, without the length reduction required for publicatio

    The LHMC Algorithm for Free Field Theory: Reexamining Overrelaxation

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    We analyze the autocorrelations for the LHMC algorithm in the context of free field theory. In this case this is just Adler's overrelaxation algorithm. We consider the algorithm with even/odd, lexicographic, and random updates, and show that its efficiency depends crucially on this ordering of sites when optimized for a given class of operators. In particular, we show that, contrary to previous expectations, it is possible to eliminate critical slowing down (z[int]=0) for a class of interesting observables, including the magnetic susceptibility: this can be done with lexicographic updates but is not possible with even/odd (z[int]=1) or random (z[int]=2) updates. We are considering the dynamical critical exponent z[int] for integrated autocorrelations rather than for the exponential autocorrelation time; this is reasonable because it is the integrated autocorrelation which determines the cost of a Monte Carlo computation.Comment: LaTeX, 33 pages, 3 postscript figure

    A comparison of updating algorithms for large N reduced models

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    We investigate Monte Carlo updating algorithms for simulating SU(N)SU(N) Yang-Mills fields on a single-site lattice, such as for the Twisted Eguchi-Kawai model (TEK). We show that performing only over-relaxation (OR) updates of the gauge links is a valid simulation algorithm for the Fabricius and Haan formulation of this model, and that this decorrelates observables faster than using heat-bath updates. We consider two different methods of implementing the OR update: either updating the whole SU(N)SU(N) matrix at once, or iterating through SU(2)SU(2) subgroups of the SU(N)SU(N) matrix, we find the same critical exponent in both cases, and only a slight difference between the two.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Simulating the Electroweak Phase Transition in the SU(2) Higgs Model

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    Numerical simulations are performed to study the finite temperature phase transition in the SU(2) Higgs model on the lattice. In the presently investigated range of the Higgs boson mass, below 50 GeV, the phase transition turns out to be of first order and its strength is rapidly decreasing with increasing Higgs boson mass. In order to control the systematic errors, we also perform studies of scaling violations and of finite volume effects.Comment: 46 pages with 16 figures, DESY-94-15

    Biased Metropolis-Heat-Bath Algorithm for Fundamental-Adjoint SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory

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    For SU(2) lattice gauge theory with the fundamental-adjoint action an efficient heat-bath algorithm is not known so that one had to rely on Metropolis simulations supplemented by overrelaxation. Implementing a novel biased Metropolis-heat-bath algorithm for this model, we find improvement factors in the range 1.45 to 2.06 over conventionally optimized Metropolis simulations. If one optimizes further with respect to additional overrelaxation sweeps, the improvement factors are found in the range 1.3 to 1.8.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; minor changes and one reference added; accepted for publication in PR

    The Electroweak Phase Transition: A Non-Perturbative Analysis

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    We study on the lattice the 3d SU(2)+Higgs model, which is an effective theory of a large class of 4d high temperature gauge theories. Using the exact constant physics curve, continuum (V,a0V\to\infty, a\to 0) results for the properties of the phase transition (critical temperature, latent heat, interface tension) are given. The 3-loop correction to the effective potential of the scalar field is determined. The masses of scalar and vector excitations are determined and found to be larger in the symmetric than in the broken phase. The vector mass is considerably larger than the scalar one, which suggests a further simplification to a scalar effective theory at large Higgs masses. The use of consistent 1-loop relations between 3d parameters and 4d physics permits one to convert the 3d simulation results to quantitatively accurate numbers for different physical theories, such as the Standard Model -- excluding possible nonperturbative effects of the U(1) subgroup -- for Higgs masses up to about 70 GeV. The applications of our results to cosmology are discussed.Comment: 69 pages, 48 figures as uuencoded compressed postscrip