172 research outputs found

    Beyond the arcuate fasciculus : consensus and controversy in the connectional anatomy of language

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    The growing consensus that language is distributed into large-scale cortical and subcortical networks has brought with it an increasing focus on the connectional anatomy of language, or how particular fibre pathways connect regions within the language network. Understanding connectivity of the language network could provide critical insights into function, but recent investigations using a variety of methodologies in both humans and non-human primates have provided conflicting accounts of pathways central to language. Some of the pathways classically considered language pathways, such as the arcuate fasciculus, are now argued to be domain-general rather than specialized, which represents a radical shift in perspective. Other pathways described in the non-human primate remain to be verified in humans. In this review, we examine the consensus and controversy in the study of fibre pathway connectivity for language. We focus on seven fibre pathways—the superior longitudinal fasciculus and arcuate fasciculus, the uncinate fasciculus, extreme capsule, middle longitudinal fasciculus, inferior longitudinal fasciculus and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus—that have been proposed to support language in the human. We examine the methods in humans and non-human primate used to investigate the connectivity of these pathways, the historical context leading to the most current understanding of their anatomy, and the functional and clinical correlates of each pathway with reference to language. We conclude with a challenge for researchers and clinicians to establish a coherent framework within which fibre pathway connectivity can be systematically incorporated to the study of language

    Triadic (ecological, neural, cognitive) niche construction: a scenario of human brain evolution extrapolating tool use and language from the control of reaching actions

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    Hominin evolution has involved a continuous process of addition of new kinds of cognitive capacity, including those relating to manufacture and use of tools and to the establishment of linguistic faculties. The dramatic expansion of the brain that accompanied additions of new functional areas would have supported such continuous evolution. Extended brain functions would have driven rapid and drastic changes in the hominin ecological niche, which in turn demanded further brain resources to adapt to it. In this way, humans have constructed a novel niche in each of the ecological, cognitive and neural domains, whose interactions accelerated their individual evolution through a process of triadic niche construction. Human higher cognitive activity can therefore be viewed holistically as one component in a terrestrial ecosystem. The brain's functional characteristics seem to play a key role in this triadic interaction. We advance a speculative argument about the origins of its neurobiological mechanisms, as an extension (with wider scope) of the evolutionary principles of adaptive function in the animal nervous system. The brain mechanisms that subserve tool use may bridge the gap between gesture and language—the site of such integration seems to be the parietal and extending opercular cortices

    Recalage déformable à base de graphes : mise en correspondance coupe-vers-volume et méthodes contextuelles

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    Image registration methods, which aim at aligning two or more images into one coordinate system, are among the oldest and most widely used algorithms in computer vision. Registration methods serve to establish correspondence relationships among images (captured at different times, from different sensors or from different viewpoints) which are not obvious for the human eye. A particular type of registration algorithm, known as graph-based deformable registration methods, has become popular during the last decade given its robustness, scalability, efficiency and theoretical simplicity. The range of problems to which it can be adapted is particularly broad. In this thesis, we propose several extensions to the graph-based deformable registration theory, by exploring new application scenarios and developing novel methodological contributions.Our first contribution is an extension of the graph-based deformable registration framework, dealing with the challenging slice-to-volume registration problem. Slice-to-volume registration aims at registering a 2D image within a 3D volume, i.e. we seek a mapping function which optimally maps a tomographic slice to the 3D coordinate space of a given volume. We introduce a scalable, modular and flexible formulation accommodating low-rank and high order terms, which simultaneously selects the plane and estimates the in-plane deformation through a single shot optimization approach. The proposed framework is instantiated into different variants based on different graph topology, label space definition and energy construction. Simulated and real-data in the context of ultrasound and magnetic resonance registration (where both framework instantiations as well as different optimization strategies are considered) demonstrate the potentials of our method.The other two contributions included in this thesis are related to how semantic information can be encompassed within the registration process (independently of the dimensionality of the images). Currently, most of the methods rely on a single metric function explaining the similarity between the source and target images. We argue that incorporating semantic information to guide the registration process will further improve the accuracy of the results, particularly in the presence of semantic labels making the registration a domain specific problem.We consider a first scenario where we are given a classifier inferring probability maps for different anatomical structures in the input images. Our method seeks to simultaneously register and segment a set of input images, incorporating this information within the energy formulation. The main idea is to use these estimated maps of semantic labels (provided by an arbitrary classifier) as a surrogate for unlabeled data, and combine them with population deformable registration to improve both alignment and segmentation.Our last contribution also aims at incorporating semantic information to the registration process, but in a different scenario. In this case, instead of supposing that we have pre-trained arbitrary classifiers at our disposal, we are given a set of accurate ground truth annotations for a variety of anatomical structures. We present a methodological contribution that aims at learning context specific matching criteria as an aggregation of standard similarity measures from the aforementioned annotated data, using an adapted version of the latent structured support vector machine (LSSVM) framework.Les méthodes de recalage d’images, qui ont pour but l’alignement de deux ou plusieurs images dans un même système de coordonnées, sont parmi les algorithmes les plus anciens et les plus utilisés en vision par ordinateur. Les méthodes de recalage servent à établir des correspondances entre des images (prises à des moments différents, par différents senseurs ou avec différentes perspectives), lesquelles ne sont pas évidentes pour l’œil humain. Un type particulier d’algorithme de recalage, connu comme « les méthodes de recalage déformables à l’aide de modèles graphiques » est devenu de plus en plus populaire ces dernières années, grâce à sa robustesse, sa scalabilité, son efficacité et sa simplicité théorique. La gamme des problèmes auxquels ce type d’algorithme peut être adapté est particulièrement vaste. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous proposons plusieurs extensions à la théorie de recalage déformable à l’aide de modèles graphiques, en explorant de nouvelles applications et en développant des contributions méthodologiques originales.Notre première contribution est une extension du cadre du recalage à l’aide de graphes, en abordant le problème très complexe du recalage d’une tranche avec un volume. Le recalage d’une tranche avec un volume est le recalage 2D dans un volume 3D, comme par exemple le mapping d’une tranche tomographique dans un système de coordonnées 3D d’un volume en particulier. Nos avons proposé une formulation scalable, modulaire et flexible pour accommoder des termes d'ordre élevé et de rang bas, qui peut sélectionner le plan et estimer la déformation dans le plan de manière simultanée par une seule approche d'optimisation. Le cadre proposé est instancié en différentes variantes, basés sur différentes topologies du graph, définitions de l'espace des étiquettes et constructions de l'énergie. Le potentiel de notre méthode a été démontré sur des données réelles ainsi que des données simulées dans le cadre d’une résonance magnétique d’ultrason (où le cadre d’installation et les stratégies d’optimisation ont été considérés).Les deux autres contributions inclues dans ce travail de thèse, sont liées au problème de l’intégration de l’information sémantique dans la procédure de recalage (indépendamment de la dimensionnalité des images). Actuellement, la plupart des méthodes comprennent une seule fonction métrique pour expliquer la similarité entre l’image source et l’image cible. Nous soutenons que l'intégration des informations sémantiques pour guider la procédure de recalage pourra encore améliorer la précision des résultats, en particulier en présence d'étiquettes sémantiques faisant du recalage un problème spécifique adapté à chaque domaine.Nous considérons un premier scénario en proposant un classificateur pour inférer des cartes de probabilité pour les différentes structures anatomiques dans les images d'entrée. Notre méthode vise à recaler et segmenter un ensemble d'images d'entrée simultanément, en intégrant cette information dans la formulation de l'énergie. L'idée principale est d'utiliser ces cartes estimées des étiquettes sémantiques (fournie par un classificateur arbitraire) comme un substitut pour les données non-étiquettées, et les combiner avec le recalage déformable pour améliorer l'alignement ainsi que la segmentation.Notre dernière contribution vise également à intégrer l'information sémantique pour la procédure de recalage, mais dans un scénario différent. Dans ce cas, au lieu de supposer que nous avons des classificateurs arbitraires pré-entraînés à notre disposition, nous considérons un ensemble d’annotations précis (vérité terrain) pour une variété de structures anatomiques. Nous présentons une contribution méthodologique qui vise à l'apprentissage des critères correspondants au contexte spécifique comme une agrégation des mesures de similarité standard à partir des données annotées, en utilisant une adaptation de l’algorithme « Latent Structured Support Vector Machine »

    The cortical infrastructure of language processing: Evidence from functional and anatomical neuroimaging

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    The key ideas developed in this thesis lie at the intersection of epistemology, philosophy of molecular biology, medicine, and computer science. I examine how the epistemic and pragmatic needs of agents distributed across particular scientific disciplines influence the domain-specific reasoning, classification, and representation of breast cancer. The motivation to undertake an interdisciplinary approach, while addressing the problems of knowledge integration, originates in the peculiarity of the integrative endeavour of sciences that is fostered by information technologies and ontology engineering methods. I analyse what knowledge integration in this new field means and how it is possible to integrate diverse knowledge domains, such as clinical and molecular. I examine the extent and character of the integration achieved through the application of biomedical ontologies. While particular disciplines target certain aspects of breast cancer-related phenomena, biomedical ontologies target biomedical knowledge about phenomena that is often captured within diverse classificatory systems and domain-specific representations. In order to integrate dispersed pieces of knowledge, which is distributed across assorted research domains and knowledgebases, ontology engineers need to deal with the heterogeneity of terminological, conceptual, and practical aims that are not always shared among the domains. Accordingly, I analyse the specificities, similarities, and diversities across the clinical and biomedical domain conceptualisations and classifications of breast cancer. Instead of favouring a unifying approach to knowledge integration, my analysis shows that heterogeneous classifications and representations originate from different epistemic and pragmatic needs, each of which brings a fruitful insight into the problem. Thus, while embracing a pluralistic view on the ontologies that are capturing various aspects of knowledge, I argue that the resulting integration should be understood in terms of a coordinated social effort to bring knowledge together as needed and when needed, rather than in terms of a unity that represents domain-specific knowledge in a uniform manner. Furthermore, I characterise biomedical ontologies and knowledgebases as a novel socio-technological medium that allows representational interoperability across the domains. As an example, which also marks my own contribution to the collaborative efforts, I present an ontology for HER2+ breast cancer phenotypes that integrates clinical and molecular knowledge in an explicit way. Through this and a number of other examples, I specify how biomedical ontologies support a mutual enrichment of knowledge across the domains, thereby enabling the application of molecular knowledge into the clinics

    Towards an epistemology of medical imaging

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    Tese de doutoramento (co-tutela), História e Filosofia das Ciências (Filosofia), Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Università degli Studi di Milano, 201

    Neurological and Mental Disorders

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    Mental disorders can result from disruption of neuronal circuitry, damage to the neuronal and non-neuronal cells, altered circuitry in the different regions of the brain and any changes in the permeability of the blood brain barrier. Early identification of these impairments through investigative means could help to improve the outcome for many brain and behaviour disease states.The chapters in this book describe how these abnormalities can lead to neurological and mental diseases such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), anxiety disorders, Alzheimer’s disease and personality and eating disorders. Psycho-social traumas, especially during childhood, increase the incidence of amnesia and transient global amnesia, leading to the temporary inability to create new memories.Early detection of these disorders could benefit many complex diseases such as schizophrenia and depression

    Population-level neural coding for higher cognition

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    Higher cognition encompasses advanced mental processes that enable complex thinking, decision-making, problem-solving, and abstract reasoning. These functions involve integrating information from multiple sensory modalities and organizing action plans based on the abstraction of past information. The neural activity underlying these functions is often complex, and the contribution of single neurons in supporting population-level representations of cognitive variables is not yet clear. In this thesis, I investigated the neural mechanisms underlying higher cognition in higher-order brain regions with single-neuron resolution in human and non-human primates performing working memory tasks. I aimed to understand how representations are arranged and how neurons contribute to the population code. In the first manuscript, I investigated the population-level neural coding for the maintenance of numbers in working memory within the parietal association cortex. By analyzing intra-operative intracranial micro-electrode array recording data, I uncovered distinct representations for numbers in both symbolic and nonsymbolic formats. In the second manuscript, I delved deeper into the neuronal organizing principles of population coding to address the ongoing debate surrounding memory maintenance mechanisms. I unveiled sparse structures in the neuronal implementation of representations and identified biologically meaningful components that can be directly communicated to downstream neurons. These components were linked to subpopulations of neurons with distinct physiological properties and temporal dynamics, enabling the active maintenance of working memory while resisting distraction. Lastly, using an artificial neural network model, I demonstrated that the sparse implementation of temporally modulated working memory representations is preferred in recurrently connected neural populations such as the prefrontal cortex. In summary, this thesis provides a comprehensive investigation of higher cognition in higher-order brain regions, focusing on working memory tasks involving numerical stimuli. By examining neural population coding and unveiling sparse structures in the neuronal implementation of representations, our findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying working memory and higher cognitive functions

    When the hedgehog kisses the frog : A functional and structural investigation of syntactic processing in the developing brain

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