85 research outputs found

    Design, Development and Evaluation of 5G-Enabled Vehicular Services:The 5G-HEART Perspective

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    The ongoing transition towards 5G technology expedites the emergence of a variety of mobile applications that pertain to different vertical industries. Delivering on the key commitment of 5G, these diverse service streams, along with their distinct requirements, should be facilitated under the same unified network infrastructure. Consequently, in order to unleash the benefits brought by 5G technology, a holistic approach towards the requirement analysis and the design, development, and evaluation of multiple concurrent vertical services should be followed. In this paper, we focus on the Transport vertical industry, and we study four novel vehicular service categories, each one consisting of one or more related specific scenarios, within the framework of the “5G Health, Aquaculture and Transport (5G-HEART)” 5G PPP ICT-19 (Phase 3) project. In contrast to the majority of the literature, we provide a holistic overview of the overall life-cycle management required for the realization of the examined vehicular use cases. This comprises the definition and analysis of the network Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) resulting from high-level user requirements and their interpretation in terms of the underlying network infrastructure tasked with meeting their conflicting or converging needs. Our approach is complemented by the experimental investigation of the real unified 5G pilot’s characteristics that enable the delivery of the considered vehicular services and the initial trialling results that verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the presented theoretical analysis

    Development of Organizing and Economic Measures for Monitoring the Cost of Construction Resources

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    Resources monitoring in the market economy is carried out to determine current market prices. Market pricing depends on a huge list of factors and in each case is carried out in a wide range of initial values with high probability assumptions. This approach is based on a set of organizational and economic mechanisms allowing tracking not potential, but real purchase and sale of construction resources. Systematization the received information allows planning and implementation of state construction contracts in the field of transport and other dispersed construction

    Remote Shutdown of Heavy Duty Vehicles

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    Today, vehicles are equipped with advanced electronics and complex alarm systems but still vehicle and cargo theft is a huge problem around the world. After struggling with this issue for several decades, the government in Brazil finally had enough and voted that all new vehicles manufactured or imported to the country are required to be equipped with an electronic device enabling tracking and immobilization of the vehicle if stolen. Remote immobilization could be a possible solution to prevent vehicle theft and also give the authorities a way to reclaim valuable cargo from stolen vehicles. Since Scania was already developing a telematic unit with the purpose of tracking vehicles and analyzing vehicle data, this thesis was started to investigate if it was possible to use the unit and the current system for remote immobilization as well. Security of the system would be the key issue since a flaw in security could give unauthorized access to stop vehicles and this would certainly be a disaster. A prototype system was created to test the reliability and performance of the system

    Mobile application for fleet management

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    Fleet management is not difficult if your company only has five to ten vehicles. But if there are thousands of vehicles, then you need a fleet management system, or you will be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work for you. With the help of a fleet management system, you can monitor any vehicle in real-time. You can find out whether the customer has received the item they purchased by or is on the way. You can also know whether your driver is working or just idling by. Without a vehicle management system, you only rely on the trust you have between you and your drivers. And more often than not, your trust is betrayed by your drivers. With a vehicle management system, routine service schedules information can be obtained anytime and anywhere. You only have to enter the required data into the system and it will arrange the schedule. Fleet management certainly involves drivers. The involvement starts with determining work schedules and reporting. Staff who arrive late at the office will certainly affect your customer satisfaction because the delivery will definitely be delayed. The fleet management system will eliminate these things. The system will automatically inform the driver of their work schedule so he/she can come to work on time. A fleet management a website and a Android mobile application to facilitate the in-house management, viewing options and communications for the associated employees. In this project, an iOS mobile application is needed to manage the driver, vehicle and intercommunication of drivers. The application then further provides the functionalities for driver to view and track the Alarms, Events and other vehicle based on the geo location of the vehicle. Furthermore, it provides the facility for management to keep track of all the vehicles and their trips which helps to analyze the data. This report covers the development of the project of Fleet Management application. Many companies want to stay small and keep their contracts manageable, and they’re happy with a few cars or trucks. Even so, they would still like to do more business. The Fleet Management application has been designed to provide solutions that will help them function more efficiently. A company can greatly increase its profits for relatively low investment in these solutions. Whether large or small, any business can find a fleet management software product on the market that meets its needs. We all know that it is difficult, if not impossible, to predict the future. Generally, there are so many different variables to consider, many of them very difficult to predict, that make the whole exercise quite complex. Predicting the future of fleet management is this type of exercise. If you think someone in the world already knows how it will be, think twice. From truck manufacturers to telematics companies, from large technology companies to fleet managers with 30 years of experience, nobody knows for sure. we added some cutting-edge technologies to this Fleet Management system. With that in mind, we are in fact proposing a new future for fleet management. Or, at least, contributing to it

    Modelling driving performance using implicit interaction

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    The current project has been realized in collaboration with EIT Digital and Philips Research as part of the high impact initiative in the health & well-being action line. The challenge we are facing in the present work is to design a system for professional truck drivers that monitors driving behavior and predicts vigilance degradation. The research ended with defining parameters that can model drowsiness, fatigue, stress, aggressiveness and driver inattentiveness. The final proposal includes an in-vehicle system that does not impede the drivers' primary or secondary tasks, requires no explicit user input and provides feedback that promotes driving awareness and safer on-road behavior. The system is being designed to support user identification, personal profiles, driving performance monitoring and context-aware interaction for providing personalized and relevant to the circumstances feedback. In order to reach the desired conclusion, we initially conducted a literature review on advanced human-computer interaction and intelligent systems models and we present a model-based interface that supports the desired functionalities. The work also included comparison of cutting edge technologies for affective computing and driver modelling. Due to the nature of the agreement with Philips, we are not authorized to disclose any information that relate to user studies, thus the reader is presented with hypothetical scenarios for system output and user feedback that remain to be verified. These scenarios have been shaped with the help of technology acceptance and data privacy academic papers as well as deep understanding of the driving related context

    Effects of subjects' expectancy of experimenter's involvement on live and taped relaxation training

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    Progressive or deep muscle relaxation training has become an increasingly popular psychotherapeutic procedure. The usage of relaxation training has increased primarily because of the impressive success of treatment procedures utilizing such training. As the experimental and clinical use of relaxation increased, some of the procedures have been automated in order to facilitate standardization, decrease intrasession variability, and increase the effective use of the therapist's time. Although experimental and clinical studies utilizing automated procedures have been successful, the only research directly investigating the comparability of live and tape instruction procedures has indicated tape relaxation training to be inferior to live relaxation training. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of live and taped relaxation training on the reduction of physiological arousal (muscle tension, heart rate) and subjective tension and distress (Anxiety Differential, Subjective Units of Discomfort, Level of Relaxation). It was hypothesized that differences in treatment effect using identical live and tape relaxation training instructions would be a function of the amount of involvement exercised by the experimenter in individualizing the therapeutic procedure

    Human factors : a new approach for designing the truck-driver system

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    The logistics sector is an often forgotten force behind modern life in the UK, and it is increasingly under pressure to become more efficient, more safety-conscious, and more environmentally sustainable. This triple bottom line necessitates deep changes to the traditional way of working. As evidenced by an expert-led technology forecast, many technological and organisational interventions are on the horizon for the next 15-30 years. This rapid pace of advancement, together with the frequent assumption that workers are ‘hyper-rational’, echoes a worrying pattern from other sectors that have since benefited from human factors & ergonomics (HF/E) expertise. This thesis aims to apply HF/E principles and methods to both current and projected future truck-driver scenarios, in order to leverage the most agile and intelligent agent in the logistics system: the human. Despite a lack of past work at this intersection, logistics and HF/E can be drawn together by their mutual use of systems complexity concepts. This thesis proposes that logistics is a large, complex adaptive socio-technical system (CASTS), and reviews HF/E methods to determine their fit to different system scales and dynamics. From this it is determined that initial work requires a bottom-up focus on the truck-driver system. A range of methods are employed to understand the existing truck driving task and what it requires of the modern driver; identify and prioritise potentially critical system ‘parts’; design new supportive technologies from scratch in a way that allows for emergent behaviour; and analytically prototype how truck-driver systems are likely to change in projected future scenarios. This work provides new practical insights for current truck-driver systems, and a map of how this may change – shedding light on potential future problems and how we might adapt to them before they occur. Not only does this thesis provide a solid empirical foundation and a ‘direction of travel’, it also contributes the methodological guidance necessary to strategise next steps beyond this thesis, into deeper logistics complexity. Taken together this demonstrates the power of human factors methods for logistics, and their potential for other unexplored ‘complex adaptive sociotechnical systems’ (CASTS)
