249 research outputs found

    Integration of Legacy and Heterogeneous Databases

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    An architecture for secure data management in medical research and aided diagnosis

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións. 5032V01[Resumo] O Regulamento Xeral de Proteccion de Datos (GDPR) implantouse o 25 de maio de 2018 e considerase o desenvolvemento mais importante na regulacion da privacidade de datos dos ultimos 20 anos. As multas fortes definense por violar esas regras e non e algo que os centros sanitarios poidan permitirse ignorar. O obxectivo principal desta tese e estudar e proponer unha capa segura/integracion para os curadores de datos sanitarios, onde: a conectividade entre sistemas illados (localizacions), a unificacion de rexistros nunha vision centrada no paciente e a comparticion de datos coa aprobacion do consentimento sexan as pedras angulares de a arquitectura controlar a sua identidade, os perfis de privacidade e as subvencions de acceso. Ten como obxectivo minimizar o medo a responsabilidade legal ao compartir os rexistros medicos mediante o uso da anonimizacion e facendo que os pacientes sexan responsables de protexer os seus propios rexistros medicos, pero preservando a calidade do tratamento do paciente. A nosa hipotese principal e: os conceptos Distributed Ledger e Self-Sovereign Identity son unha simbiose natural para resolver os retos do GDPR no contexto da saude? Requirense solucions para que os medicos e investigadores poidan manter os seus fluxos de traballo de colaboracion sen comprometer as regulacions. A arquitectura proposta logra eses obxectivos nun ambiente descentralizado adoptando perfis de privacidade de datos illados.[Resumen] El Reglamento General de Proteccion de Datos (GDPR) se implemento el 25 de mayo de 2018 y se considera el desarrollo mas importante en la regulacion de privacidad de datos en los ultimos 20 anos. Las fuertes multas estan definidas por violar esas reglas y no es algo que los centros de salud puedan darse el lujo de ignorar. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es estudiar y proponer una capa segura/de integración para curadores de datos de atencion medica, donde: la conectividad entre sistemas aislados (ubicaciones), la unificacion de registros en una vista centrada en el paciente y el intercambio de datos con la aprobacion del consentimiento son los pilares de la arquitectura propuesta. Esta propuesta otorga al titular de los datos un rol central, que le permite controlar su identidad, perfiles de privacidad y permisos de acceso. Su objetivo es minimizar el temor a la responsabilidad legal al compartir registros medicos utilizando el anonimato y haciendo que los pacientes sean responsables de proteger sus propios registros medicos, preservando al mismo tiempo la calidad del tratamiento del paciente. Nuestra hipotesis principal es: .son los conceptos de libro mayor distribuido e identidad autosuficiente una simbiosis natural para resolver los desafios del RGPD en el contexto de la atencion medica? Se requieren soluciones para que los medicos y los investigadores puedan mantener sus flujos de trabajo de colaboracion sin comprometer las regulaciones. La arquitectura propuesta logra esos objetivos en un entorno descentralizado mediante la adopcion de perfiles de privacidad de datos aislados.[Abstract] The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented on 25 May 2018 and is considered the most important development in data privacy regulation in the last 20 years. Heavy fines are defined for violating those rules and is not something that healthcare centers can afford to ignore. The main goal of this thesis is to study and propose a secure/integration layer for healthcare data curators, where: connectivity between isolated systems (locations), unification of records in a patientcentric view and data sharing with consent approval are the cornerstones of the proposed architecture. This proposal empowers the data subject with a central role, which allows to control their identity, privacy profiles and access grants. It aims to minimize the fear of legal liability when sharing medical records by using anonymisation and making patients responsible for securing their own medical records, yet preserving the patient’s quality of treatment. Our main hypothesis is: are the Distributed Ledger and Self-Sovereign Identity concepts a natural symbiosis to solve the GDPR challenges in the context of healthcare? Solutions are required so that clinicians and researchers can maintain their collaboration workflows without compromising regulations. The proposed architecture accomplishes those objectives in a decentralized environment by adopting isolated data privacy profiles

    Improving Operational Risk Management Systems by Formalizing the Basel II Regulation with Goal Models and the ISO/IEC 15504 Approach

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    Abstract. The bankruptcy of financial institutions shows the rapid changes in the risks profiles of financial systems and processes. Although financial institu-tions have always managed the operational risks, the profile of this kind of risks is changing due to the increasing international competitive pressure and the evolution of the financial institutions ’ operational systems relying more and more on IT systems. This paper reports the results of the joint research with the CSSF [1] focusing on the formalization of both the Basel II Accord and com-pliant operational risk management (ORM) systems implementations. This for-malization uses concepts of the ISO/IEC 15504 process assessment standard and the concepts of strategy and policy. This structure of the model ensures the traceability between the Basel II Accord and compliant ORM systems imple-mentations, improves the formal validation of those systems and is more ade-quate to represent all organizational levels of financial institutions.

    Digital archives : comparative study and interoperability framework

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    EstĂĄgio realizado na ParadigmaXis e orientado pelo Eng.Âș Filipe CorreiaTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia InformĂĄtca e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Evolving a secure grid-enabled, distributed data warehouse : a standards-based perspective

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    As digital data-collection has increased in scale and number, it becomes an important type of resource serving a wide community of researchers. Cross-institutional data-sharing and collaboration introduce a suitable approach to facilitate those research institutions that are suffering the lack of data and related IT infrastructures. Grid computing has become a widely adopted approach to enable cross-institutional resource-sharing and collaboration. It integrates a distributed and heterogeneous collection of locally managed users and resources. This project proposes a distributed data warehouse system, which uses Grid technology to enable data-access and integration, and collaborative operations across multi-distributed institutions in the context of HV/AIDS research. This study is based on wider research into OGSA-based Grid services architecture, comprising a data-analysis system which utilizes a data warehouse, data marts, and near-line operational database that are hosted by distributed institutions. Within this framework, specific patterns for collaboration, interoperability, resource virtualization and security are included. The heterogeneous and dynamic nature of the Grid environment introduces a number of security challenges. This study also concerns a set of particular security aspects, including PKI-based authentication, single sign-on, dynamic delegation, and attribute-based authorization. These mechanisms, as supported by the Globus Toolkit’s Grid Security Infrastructure, are used to enable interoperability and establish trust relationship between various security mechanisms and policies within different institutions; manage credentials; and ensure secure interactions

    Integration of Legacy and Heterogeneous Databases

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    Simultaneous observations of lower tropospheric continental aerosols with a ground-based, an airborne, and the spaceborne CALIOP lidar system

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    International audienceWe present an original experiment with multiple lidar systems operated simultaneously to study the capability of the Cloud-Aerosol LIdar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP), on board the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO), to infer aerosol optical properties in the lower troposphere over a midlatitude continental site where the aerosol load is low to moderate. The experiment took place from 20 June to 10 July 2007 in southern France. The results are based on three case studies with measurements coincident to CALIOP observations: the first case study illustrates a large-scale pollution event with an aerosol optical thickness at 532 nm (τa532) of ∌0.25, and the two other case studies are devoted to background conditions due to aerosol scavenging by storms with τa532 <0.1. Our experimental approach involved ground-based and airborne lidar systems as well as Sun photometer measurements when the conditions of observation were favorable. Passive spaceborne instruments, namely the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVERI) and the Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), are used to characterize the large-scale aerosol conditions. We show that complex topographical structures increase the complexity of the aerosol analysis in the planetary boundary layer by CALIOP when τa532 is lower than 0.1 because the number of available representative profiles is low to build a mean CALIOP profile with a good signal-to-noise ratio. In a comparison, the aerosol optical properties inferred from CALIOP and those deduced from the other active and passive remote sensing observations in the pollution plume are found to be in reasonable agreement. Level-2 aerosol products of CALIOP are consistent with our retrievals

    Towards Data Sharing across Decentralized and Federated IoT Data Analytics Platforms

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    In the past decade the Internet-of-Things concept has overwhelmingly entered all of the fields where data are produced and processed, thus, resulting in a plethora of IoT platforms, typically cloud-based, that centralize data and services management. In this scenario, the development of IoT services in domains such as smart cities, smart industry, e-health, automotive, are possible only for the owner of the IoT deployments or for ad-hoc business one-to-one collaboration agreements. The realization of "smarter" IoT services or even services that are not viable today envisions a complete data sharing with the usage of multiple data sources from multiple parties and the interconnection with other IoT services. In this context, this work studies several aspects of data sharing focusing on Internet-of-Things. We work towards the hyperconnection of IoT services to analyze data that goes beyond the boundaries of a single IoT system. This thesis presents a data analytics platform that: i) treats data analytics processes as services and decouples their management from the data analytics development; ii) decentralizes the data management and the execution of data analytics services between fog, edge and cloud; iii) federates peers of data analytics platforms managed by multiple parties allowing the design to scale into federation of federations; iv) encompasses intelligent handling of security and data usage control across the federation of decentralized platforms instances to reduce data and service management complexity. The proposed solution is experimentally evaluated in terms of performances and validated against use cases. Further, this work adopts and extends available standards and open sources, after an analysis of their capabilities, fostering an easier acceptance of the proposed framework. We also report efforts to initiate an IoT services ecosystem among 27 cities in Europe and Korea based on a novel methodology. We believe that this thesis open a viable path towards a hyperconnection of IoT data and services, minimizing the human effort to manage it, but leaving the full control of the data and service management to the users' will
