30 research outputs found

    An Adaptive Flex-Deluge Approach to University Exam Timetabling

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    Solving Examination Timetabling Problem using Partial Exam Assignment with Great Deluge Algorithm

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    Constructing a quality solution for the examination timetable problem is a difficult task. This paper presents a partial exam assignment approach with great deluge algorithm as the improvement mechanism in order to generate good quality timetable. In this approach, exams are ordered based on graph heuristics and only selected exams (partial exams) are scheduled first and then improved using great deluge algorithm. The entire process continues until all of the exams have been scheduled. We implement the proposed technique on the Toronto benchmark datasets. Experimental results indicate that in all problem instances, this proposed method outperforms traditional great deluge algorithm and when comparing with the state-of-the-art approaches, our approach produces competitive solution for all instances, with some cases outperform other reported result

    Problemas de optimizaci贸n combinatoria: una propuesta que combina algoritmos gen茅ticos y metaheur铆sticas

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    Timetabling se refiere al conjunto de problemas de optimizaci贸n combinatoria que intentan asignar recursos, sean aulas, docentes o intervalos de tiempo, para distintas necesidades de estudiantes, cursos y ex谩menes. El presente trabajo se ocupa de una de las variantes de este problema, que busca agendar ex谩menes a distintos intervalos de tiempo, cumpliendo con las restricciones de que ning煤n alumno debe asistir a m谩s de un examen en el mismo momento y que, en la medida de lo posible, tenga el mayor tiempo libre entre las evaluaciones. Los intervalos de tiempo no tienen restricciones en cuanto a la cantidad de ex谩menes que puedan asign谩rseles. Como estrategia de resoluci贸n se utiliza un algoritmo gen茅tico, que combina diversas heur铆sticas para la construcci贸n de soluciones factibles que conforman la poblaci贸n inicial con la que trabaja el algoritmo. Dichas heur铆sticas fueron seleccionadas priorizando la calidad de la soluci贸n construida. Tambi茅n se definieron operadores de cruzamiento y mutaci贸n particulares, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de la soluci贸n resultante del proceso gen茅tico o, al menos, evitar la generaci贸n de soluciones no factibles. Mediante el algoritmo propuesto se alcanzaron soluciones relativamente buenas con pocas evaluaciones de la funci贸n objetivo y en un tiempo de ejecuci贸n razonable

    Choice function based hyper-heuristics for multi-objective optimization

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    A selection hyper-heuristic is a high level search methodology which operates over a fixed set of low level heuristics. During the iterative search process, a heuristic is selected and applied to a candidate solution in hand, producing a new solution which is then accepted or rejected at each step. Selection hyper-heuristics have been increasingly, and successfully, applied to single-objective optimization problems, while work on multi-objective selection hyper-heuristics is limited. This work presents one of the initial studies on selection hyper-heuristics combining a choice function heuristic selection methodology with great deluge and late acceptance as non-deterministic move acceptance methods for multi-objective optimization. A well-known hypervolume metric is integrated into the move acceptance methods to enable the approaches to deal with multi-objective problems. The performance of the proposed hyper-heuristics is investigated on the Walking Fish Group test suite which is a common benchmark for multi-objective optimization. Additionally, they are applied to the vehicle crashworthiness design problem as a real-world multi-objective problem. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the non-deterministic move acceptance, particularly great deluge when used as a component of a choice function based selection hyper-heuristic

    Grammatical evolution hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimization problems

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    Designing generic problem solvers that perform well across a diverse set of problems is a challenging task. In this work, we propose a hyper-heuristic framework to automatically generate an effective and generic solution method by utilizing grammatical evolution. In the proposed framework, grammatical evolution is used as an online solver builder, which takes several heuristic components (e.g., different acceptance criteria and different neighborhood structures) as inputs and evolves templates of perturbation heuristics. The evolved templates are improvement heuristics, which represent a complete search method to solve the problem at hand. To test the generality and the performance of the proposed method, we consider two well-known combinatorial optimization problems: exam timetabling (Carter and ITC 2007 instances) and the capacitated vehicle routing problem (Christofides and Golden instances). We demonstrate that the proposed method is competitive, if not superior, when compared to state-of-the-art hyper-heuristics, as well as bespoke methods for these different problem domains. In order to further improve the performance of the proposed framework we utilize an adaptive memory mechanism, which contains a collection of both high quality and diverse solutions and is updated during the problem solving process. Experimental results show that the grammatical evolution hyper-heuristic, with an adaptive memory, performs better than the grammatical evolution hyper-heuristic without a memory. The improved framework also outperforms some bespoke methodologies, which have reported best known results for some instances in both problem domains

    Structure based partial solution search for the examination timetabling problem.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.The aim of this work is to present a new approach, namely, Structure Based Partial Solution Search (SBPSS) to solve the Examination Timetabling Problem. The success of the Developmental Approach in this problem domain suggested that the strategy of searching the spaces of partial timetables whilst constructing them is promising and worth pursuing. This work adopts a similar strategy. Multiple timetables are incrementally constructed at the same time. The quality of the partial timetables is improved upon by searching their partial solution spaces at every iteration during construction. Another key finding from the literature survey revealed that although timetables may exhibit the same behaviour in terms of their objective values, their structures or exam schedules may be different. The challenge with this finding is to decide on which regions to pursue because some regions may not be worth investigating due to the difficulty in searching them. These problematic areas may have solutions that are not amenable to change which makes it difficult to improve them. Another reason is that the neighbourhoods of solutions in these areas may be less connected than others which may restrict the ability of the search to move to a better solution in that neighbourhood. By moving to these problematic areas of the search space the search may stagnate and waste expensive computational resources. One way to overcome this challenge is to use both structure and behaviour in the search and not only behaviour alone to guide the search. A search that is guided by structure is able to find new regions by considering the structural components of the candidate solutions which indicate which part of the search space the same candidates occupy. Another benefit to making use of a structure-based search is that it has no objective value bias because it is not guided by only the objective value. This statement is consistent with the literature survey where it is suggested that in order to achieve good performance the search should not be guided by only the objective value. The proposed method has been tested on three popular benchmark sets for examination timetabling, namely, the Carter benchmark set; the benchmark set from the International Timetabling competition in 2007 and the Yeditepe benchmark set. The SBPSS found the best solutions for two of the Carter problem instances. The SBPSS found the best solutions for four of the competition problem instances. Lastly, the SBPSS improved on the best results for all the Yeditepe problem instances

    Problemas de optimizaci贸n combinatoria: una propuesta que combina algoritmos gen茅ticos y metaheur铆sticas

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    Timetabling se refiere al conjunto de problemas de optimizaci贸n combinatoria que intentan asignar recursos, sean aulas, docentes o intervalos de tiempo, para distintas necesidades de estudiantes, cursos y ex谩menes. El presente trabajo se ocupa de una de las variantes de este problema, que busca agendar ex谩menes a distintos intervalos de tiempo, cumpliendo con las restricciones de que ning煤n alumno debe asistir a m谩s de un examen en el mismo momento y que, en la medida de lo posible, tenga el mayor tiempo libre entre las evaluaciones. Los intervalos de tiempo no tienen restricciones en cuanto a la cantidad de ex谩menes que puedan asign谩rseles. Como estrategia de resoluci贸n se utiliza un algoritmo gen茅tico, que combina diversas heur铆sticas para la construcci贸n de soluciones factibles que conforman la poblaci贸n inicial con la que trabaja el algoritmo. Dichas heur铆sticas fueron seleccionadas priorizando la calidad de la soluci贸n construida. Tambi茅n se definieron operadores de cruzamiento y mutaci贸n particulares, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de la soluci贸n resultante del proceso gen茅tico o, al menos, evitar la generaci贸n de soluciones no factibles. Mediante el algoritmo propuesto se alcanzaron soluciones relativamente buenas con pocas evaluaciones de la funci贸n objetivo y en un tiempo de ejecuci贸n razonable.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    Search methodologies for examination timetabling

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    Working with examination timetabling is an extremely challenging task due to the difficulty of finding good quality solutions. Most of the studies in this area rely on improvement techniques to enhance the solution quality after generating an initial solution. Nevertheless, the initial solution generation itself can provide good solution quality even though the ordering strategies often using graph colouring heuristics, are typically quite simple. Indeed, there are examples where some of the produced solutions are better than the ones produced in the literature with an improvement phase. This research concentrates on constructive approaches which are based on squeaky wheel optimisation i.e. the focus is upon finding difficult examinations in their assignment and changing their position in a heuristic ordering. In the first phase, the work is focused on the squeaky wheel optimisation approach where the ordering is permutated in a block of examinations in order to find the best ordering. Heuristics are alternated during the search as each heuristic produces a different value of a heuristic modifier. This strategy could improve the solution quality when a stochastic process is incorporated. Motivated by this first phase, a squeaky wheel optimisation concept is then combined with graph colouring heuristics in a linear form with weights aggregation. The aim is to generalise the constructive approach using information from given heuristics for finding difficult examinations and it works well across tested problems. Each parameter is invoked with a normalisation strategy in order to generalise the specific problem data. In the next phase, the information obtained from the process of building an infeasible timetable is used. The examinations that caused infeasibility are given attention because, logically, they are hard to place in the timetable and so they are treated first. In the adaptive decomposition strategy, the aim is to automatically divide examinations into difficult and easy sets so as to give attention to difficult examinations. Within the easy set, a subset called the boundary set is used to accommodate shuffling strategies to change the given ordering of examinations. Consequently, the graph colouring heuristics are employed on those constructive approaches and it is shown that dynamic ordering is an effective way to permute the ordering. The next research chapter concentrates on the improvement approach where variable neighbourhood search with great deluge algorithm is investigated using various neighbourhood orderings and initialisation strategies. The approach incorporated with a repair mechanism in order to amend some of infeasible assignment and at the same time aiming to improve the solution quality

    Search methodologies for examination timetabling

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    Working with examination timetabling is an extremely challenging task due to the difficulty of finding good quality solutions. Most of the studies in this area rely on improvement techniques to enhance the solution quality after generating an initial solution. Nevertheless, the initial solution generation itself can provide good solution quality even though the ordering strategies often using graph colouring heuristics, are typically quite simple. Indeed, there are examples where some of the produced solutions are better than the ones produced in the literature with an improvement phase. This research concentrates on constructive approaches which are based on squeaky wheel optimisation i.e. the focus is upon finding difficult examinations in their assignment and changing their position in a heuristic ordering. In the first phase, the work is focused on the squeaky wheel optimisation approach where the ordering is permutated in a block of examinations in order to find the best ordering. Heuristics are alternated during the search as each heuristic produces a different value of a heuristic modifier. This strategy could improve the solution quality when a stochastic process is incorporated. Motivated by this first phase, a squeaky wheel optimisation concept is then combined with graph colouring heuristics in a linear form with weights aggregation. The aim is to generalise the constructive approach using information from given heuristics for finding difficult examinations and it works well across tested problems. Each parameter is invoked with a normalisation strategy in order to generalise the specific problem data. In the next phase, the information obtained from the process of building an infeasible timetable is used. The examinations that caused infeasibility are given attention because, logically, they are hard to place in the timetable and so they are treated first. In the adaptive decomposition strategy, the aim is to automatically divide examinations into difficult and easy sets so as to give attention to difficult examinations. Within the easy set, a subset called the boundary set is used to accommodate shuffling strategies to change the given ordering of examinations. Consequently, the graph colouring heuristics are employed on those constructive approaches and it is shown that dynamic ordering is an effective way to permute the ordering. The next research chapter concentrates on the improvement approach where variable neighbourhood search with great deluge algorithm is investigated using various neighbourhood orderings and initialisation strategies. The approach incorporated with a repair mechanism in order to amend some of infeasible assignment and at the same time aiming to improve the solution quality