25 research outputs found

    The Strengthening and Internalisation of Ta'limul Muta'allim Values in Ma'had Darul Qur'an Wal Hadith Al-Majidiyyah As-Syafi'iyyah NW Pancor Lombok, Indonesia

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    This study aims to reveal the tradition of character education principles in Ma'had Darul Qur'an Hadith (MDQH) Al-Majidiyah As-Shafi'iyah Nahdlatul Wathan Pancor, Mataram, based on the principles in Ta'limul Mutaallim. This research is qualitative research that uses a phenomenological approach. Sampling was done by purposive and snowball sampling. To determine the sample purposively, the researcher interviewed several informants from the teaching staff. On the other hand, in snowball sampling, the researcher explores in-depth interviews based on the recommendations of previous informants to collect data from several other informants. Furthermore, data was also collected through observation by directly observing student learning and documenting attitudes recorded in school records such as student conditions and Ma'had's profile. The collected data is then analyzed into an immersive study using the Miles and Huberman model, where the data is analyzed interactively and persistently until it is complete and the data is saturated. The results of this study indicate that studying the Book of Ta'limul al-Muta'alim will make students (santri) of Ma'had Darul Qur'an Hadith have morals such as sincerity (ikhlās), contention (istiqāmah), and patience (ᚣabr)

    Konsep Adab Peserta Didik dalam Pembelajaran menurut Az-Zarnuji dan Implikasinya terhadap Pendidikan karakter di Indonesia

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    Kepribadian   seseorang   tercermin   dari   akhlak   yang   mulia,   dia   akan mengantarkan  seseorang  kepada  martabat  yang  tinggi. Akhir-akhir  ini  adab  yang  mulia  merupakan  hal  yang  mahal  dan  sulit  dicari.  Minimnya  pemahaman akan  nilai-nilai  adab yang  terkandung  dalam al  qur’an dan hadits  akan  semakin memperparah kondisi kepribadian seseorang. Untuk  membentuk  pribadi  yang  mulia,  hendaknya  penanaman  adab terhadap  anak  digalakkan  sejak  dini,  karena  pembentukannya  akan  lebih  mudah dibanding  setelah  anak  tersebut  menginjak  dewasa. Al-jarnuzi membahas tentang beberapa  konsep adab yang  perlu  kita  aplikasikan  dalam pembelajaran, sehingga akan  tercipta  pribadi  yang  santun sesuai  tuntunan  al  qur‟an.  Jenis  penelitian  ini merupakan  penelitian  kajian  pustaka. Untuk memperoleh   data   yang  representatif  dalam   pembahasan   skripsi   ini digunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan cara mencari mengumpulkan,  membaca  dan menganalisa  buku-buku  yang  ada  relevansinya dengan masalah penelitian, kemudian diolah sesuai dengan kemampuan penulis. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa konsep adab dalam belajar  yang di gagas oleh Al-jarnuzi ini memiliki  konsep adab belajar yang terklasifikasi ke dalam adab belajar murid terhadap Allah, adab belajar murid terhadap diri sendiri, adab belajar murid  terhadap sesama (orang tua, guru, dan teman), dan adab belajar murid terhadap ilmu. Rekomendasi dalam penelitian ini, hendaknya semua pihak yang berkecimpung dalam pendidikan khususnya bagi seorang murid, harus senantiasa mengaplikasikan adab belajar yang  telah digagas oleh Al-jarnuji ini ,agar memperoleh keberhasilan dan kesuksesan dalam belajar, sehingga mendapatkan ilmu yang bermanfaat

    Unlocking the Rusty Padlock: The Role of the Scientific Tradition of Pesantren Karanggedang on the Literacy Development in the Surrounding Village Community

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    The scientific and literary construction of pesantren or Islamic boarding schools, especially traditional ones, is highly popular to the community and involves the surrounding villagers. The communication established between village community and pesantren in continuing the scientific tradition ultimately creates new socio-cultural-economic activities. Pondok Pesantren Al-Muwahidin, located in Karanggedang, Salebu Village, Majenang District, Cilacap Regency, Central Java, is one of the pesantren that has a role in developing community literacy as mentioned. This research aims to observe and explain the role of the scientific tradition of Pesantren Karanggedang on literacy development of the local village community. A case study approach is used in this research. The stages of research activities include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The data was collected from observation, interviews, and documentation. This research reveals several findings about the role of the pesantren scientific tradition on literacy development of the local community, which are increasing public understanding of adab (Islamic etiquette), reducing criminal acts, creating information circulation culture, and modernizing knowledge, arts, and culture based on tradition and religion

    Character Education Values in Prayer

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    Character education involves cultivating virtuous behavior with consistent practice, particularly evident in Islamic teachings and laws. Notably, prayer (salat) in Islam holds paramount significance, encompassing recitations and movements that foster various character traits. The study utilizes a qualitative-descriptive method rooted in literature review, systematically portraying information from diverse sources. The research concludes that salat instills discipline, composure, respect for knowledge, honesty, purity, patience, and orderliness. The author encourages scholars to explore salat's inherent character education values through Quranic verses, Prophet Muhammad's sayings, and scholarly opinions. Additionally, the study suggests emphasizing these values rather than mere procedural aspects when teaching salat to enhance character developmen

    Pengarusutamaan Nilai-nilai Sufisme dalam Pendidikan Islam Indonesia Kontemporer

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    This article reexamines and rediscusses the importance of the dimensions of Sufism virtues ​​as the foundational spirit of Indonesian Islamic education today amidst its social dynamics. This article is based on participatory research on psudo-Sufism, namely the Shalawat Adlimiyah located in districts of Bojonegoro and Pasuruan. Findings show that the Sufism dimension is effective in reducing moral decadence and strengthening character education. The teacher-student relationship as the core of Sufism teachings is the entry point as well as a capital for the processes of shaping personality and morality, both of which are the essential in character education. This practice has occurred for hundreds of years in the tradition of Sufism education and is still ongoing today. One of its representations is through Sufism education in the circles of Shalawat Adlimiyah. This paper suggests that mainstreaming Sufism values into the practice of Islamic education is urgently needed in addressing the problems of contemporary Indonesian Islamic education.Artikel ini menelaah dan mendiskusikan kembali arti penting dimensi nilai-nilai sufisme sebagai ruh dasar bagi pendidikan Islam Indonesia dewasa ini di tengah berbagai problematika sosialnya. Tulisan yang didasarkan atas riset partisipatoris pada psudo-sufi, yakni Majelis Shalawat Adlimiyah di Bojonegoro dan Pasuruan. Temuan menunjukkan efektifitas dimensi sufisme dalam mereduksi dekadensi moral di satu sisi dan menguatkan pendidikan karakter di sisi lain. Relasi guru-murid sebagai inti ajaran sufisme menjadi titik masuk sekaligus modal bagi proses-proses pembentukan kepribadian dan akhlaq yang keduanya merupakan essensi dari pendidikan karakter. Praktik demikian ini telah terjadi selama ratusan tahun dalam tradisi pendidikan sufisme dan masih berjalan hingga saat ini. Salah satu representasinya melalui pendidikan sufisme dalam Majelis Shalawat Adlimiyah. Tulisan ini menyarankan bahwa kebutuhan melakukan pengarusutamaan nilai-nilai sufisme ke dalam pendidikan Islam menjadi kebutuhan mendesak dalam menjawab problematika pendidikan Islam Indonesia kontemporer

    Exploring “Kaulinan Barudak” to Develop Children’s Character Values in Islamic Early Childhood Education

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    In RA (Raudhatul Athfal/Islamic Early Childhood Education) context, since many teachers relied heavily on standard learning guidelines, most of them didn’t have the power of creativity to make learning for children fun.  As a result, children were likely to experience burn out and this calls for a solution to apply like kaulinan barudak to develop children’s character values. This study was aimed at determining the effectiveness of the implementation of kaulinan barudak, Sundanese traditional games in developing character values for children in RA (Raudhatul Athfal/Islamic Early Childhood Education). This research applied a quasi-experimental method with Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest design. This research was conducted in two RA schools namely RA Al Muqadasah 1 and RA Al-Muqadasah 2 with 36 children involved. The test result for average difference on the post-test showed that children’s character values of the experimental class and the control class at the 0.05 significance level was obtained p (sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000. This indicated that there was a significant difference between the average score of the experimental class and control class in their post-test in terms of their character values scores at a level of confidence of 95%. Applying kaulinan barudak provided the experimental class a fun learning experience, potential growth, fun game, peer interaction, and a pleasant atmosphere. The process allowed character values to occur and children learned those values and realized them in kaulinan barudak

    Pendidikan Nilai-Nilai Kebangsaan Di Pesantren : Riset di Pesantren Ashidiqiyah Jakarta Barat

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    In addition to transferring knowledge, education is the way to cultivate the values, such as civic values. Recently, the urgency of civic education is deemed important regarding the emergence of national crisis (the lack of civic and public values). Therefore, civic values must be implemented in educational institution such as pesantren. This paper is research summary on education values in Ashidiqiyah Pesantren Kedoya South Jakarta. The result inferred that civic education was cultivated in the Pesantren, including the personal character and nation character building. Personal character encompasses honesty, truthfulness, love to knowledge, sincerity, patient, self-restraint and others values of piety. While civic character constitutes tolerance, equality, and national unity and others. Civic values educated in the Pesantren are referenced to the Qur‟an, hadith and classical Islamic works (yellow book) and implemented through two systems: education (ta‟lim) and care systems. Ta‟lim system is implemented in formal education (madrasah) surrounding the Pesantren, starting from the lowest level (ibtidaiyyah) to the higher level Madrasah (aliyah) and Ma‟had Ali (as university). Ta‟lim system is also conducted through routine studies on Yellow Book and discussion forum (bahsul masa‟il), and the like. While care system tends to emphasize the habitual (ta‟dib). By the care, control and discipline systems, santri as subject of education is accustomed to practice the higher values of Islam, including civic values and self-defend to the bad values which polluted the civic values


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    ABSTRAK Pendidikan merupakan salah satu sarana terpenting dalam membangun sumber daya manusia dan penanaman nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang nantinya akan menciptakan dan membentuk disiplin hidup dan tatanan kehidupan masyarakat yang sejahtera, aman dan tentram. Urgensi pendidikan tersebut akan dirasakan manfaatnya ketika mampu memahami makna pendidikan yang terkandung dalam suatu konsep pendidikan yang tepat, komprehensif, ideal, integral dan dapat dijadikan pedoman dalam mengaplikasikan semua aktivitas yang terkait dengan proses pendidikan. Dalam menentukan konsep pendidikan yang tepat, maka menjadi tanggung jawab moral bagi setiap pakar pendidikan untuk membangun teori sebagai paradigma pendidikan yang dirumuskan. Sebagaimana dilakukan oleh tokoh pendidikan populer yaitu Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas. Peneliti mengangkat tokoh ini karena beliau adalah salah satu seseorang intelektual Muslim yang produktif dan otoritas terhadap keilmuan khususnya dibidang pendidikan. Adapun fokus penelitian ini adalah konsep adab pendidik dan peserta didik menurut Sayyid Muhammad Naqib Al-Attas. Sedangkan tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep adab pendidik dan peserta didik menurut pemikiran Sayyid Muhammad Naqib Al�Attas. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan libarary research (kajian pustaka) yang berusaha mengungkapkan konsep-konsep baru dengan cara membaca dan mencatat informasi yang relevan dengan kebutuhan. Dalam hal ini adalah mencakup buku-buku, teks jurnal, majalah dan hasil penelitian yang terkait dengan judul karya ilmiah ini. Adapun teknik analisa dalam penulisan ini adalah content analisis (analisis isi) yaitu teknik apa saja yang digunakan untuk menarik kesimpulan melalui usaha menemukan karakteristik pesan dan dilakukan secara objektif serta sistematis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah konsep adab berimplikasi pada kepribadian dan adab seorang pendidik yang mengharuskan pendidik memiliki adab yang baik sehingga menjadi panutan bagi peserta didiknya. Menurutnya seorang pendidik harus menghiasi dirinya dengan akhlak yang terpuji yang diharuskan adalah rendah hati, khusyu‟, tawadlu, dan berserah diri kepada Allah SWT. Selain itu, konsep ini memiliki kecenderungan untuk selalu memperhatikan kepribadian atau adab peserta didik dalam mencari ilmu pengetahuan sehingga ia dapat mengamalkan pengetahuannya dengan benar dan tepat. Peserta didik harus memiliki sifat sabar, mempunyai karakter yang baik, semangat yang tinggi serta memiliki keikhlasan niat dalam menuntut ilmu yang bertujuan untuk mencari ridho Allah dan membersihkan hati. Kata kunci: konsep, Adab Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Atta

    Upaya Dosen Meningkatkan Motivasi Mahasiswa Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab

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    Motivation is a way that is done by giving encouragement to students to be more enthusiastic and passionate in the learning process, especially in the field of Arabic studies. Motivation is an important thing to note because motivation can improve morale, loyalty, responsibility, discipline, creativity, and enthusiasm of students. The purpose of this paper is to determine the efforts of lecturers in providing motivation to students in learning Arabic. Arabic is a part of religion, and knowing that the law is obligatory, because actually understanding the Book and as-Sunnah is a matter that is mandatory, and can not be understood except with Arabic.The data used are primary data obtained through interviews and observations. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis method. After an analysis, it can be concluded that the Arabic language education lecturer at the Raudhatul Jannah Arabic Language Education Institute (LPBA RJ) has provided motivation to students. Motivation provided Types of motivation used are positive and negative motivations. Positive motivation in the form of appreciation, praise, or prizes. While negative motivation is in the form of a reprimand