Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
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    260 research outputs found

    Exploring Students’ Perspectives on Sufism and Tarekat in Islamic Education

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    This study examines the perspectives of Islamic master's students in Bandung, Indonesia, towards sufism and tarekat, sufi orders (Arab: ṭarȋqah). The objective is to analyze graduates' beliefs regarding the influence of foreign practices on sufism and their explanations of the controversial doctrines associated with tarekat. Utilizing a qualitative approach, eight respondents from two universities, who demonstrated high proficiency in the sufism course, were selected. The research employed documentation studies and in-depth interviews as primary techniques. Assessments were conducted before and after the sufism course to gauge respondents' attitudes towards the central tenets of sufism and tarekat. The results indicated significant shifts in viewpoints, with the majority initially holding opposing perspectives that evolved positively after the course. Many graduates embraced tarekat under the guidance of a murshîd (spiritual guide) and accepted doctrines such as żikr-tarekat, talqȋn-żikr, ma'rifat, and waḥdat al-wujûd. The study concludes that Sufism lectures have a constructive impact on fostering religious moderation among students, effectively countering the negative narrative propagated by the Salafi campaign against sufism and tarekat. The findings highlight the importance of conducting Sufism lectures in Islamic master's programs, emphasizing their effectiveness in shaping graduate students' attitudes towards tarekat


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    Stunting, characterized by impaired growth and development in children under five years old, represents a significant global nutritional issue, particularly in Indonesia. This study aims to explore stunting prevention and child protection from the perspective of Islamic education. Employing a qualitative methodology with a phenomenological approach, the research seeks to understand and interpret specific events and social situations related to stunting and child protection within the Indonesian context. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and documentation, specifically involving lecturers at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. The findings reveal that the incidence of stunting in Indonesia remains alarmingly high compared to other middle-income countries, leading to decreased cognitive abilities, heightened health risks, and diminished future productivity. The research concludes that stunting prevention and child protection are critical national programs that require synergistic implementation to secure a better future for children and ensure their right to quality education. From the perspective of Islamic education, these efforts are intrinsically linked, as Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of proper care, provision of halal and nutritious food, which positively influence both the physical and mental well-being of children. The study highlights the need for integrating Islamic educational principles in national stunting prevention strategies to foster holistic child development

    Implementation of Knowledge Integration in Islamic Higher Education

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    Knowledge integration in higher education institutions is a crucial topic for advancing academic and practical outcomes. This study investigated the implementation of knowledge integration at UIN Jakarta, focusing on its policies, practices, and philosophical foundations. Using qualitative methods such as document analysis and interviews, the research examines how UIN Jakarta integrates religious and secular knowledge within its academic framework. The findings reveal that UIN Jakarta has established a robust philosophical basis for knowledge integration, emphasizing an open-minded and dialogic approach to learning. Additionally, the university has enacted various policies at both institutional and faculty levels to support this initiative. However, limitations include the lack of comprehensive policies across all faculties and minimal emphasis on community service programs related to knowledge integration. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with knowledge integration in Islamic higher education institutions, highlighting the need for further research and evidence-based practices to enhance these efforts

    The Role of Steam Education in Improving Student Collaboration and Creativity: A Case Study in Madrasah

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    The 21st century is marked by increasing technological progress and productivity. This progress has provided a challenge for the education sector to produce quality young people with adequate skills. This research examines the effectiveness of a learning approach that integrates a multi-subject called STEAM, namely science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics, to improve 21st-century skills. These skills include collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication, known as the 4Cs. As a case study, this STEAM learning was given to students at two State Madrasahs in West Java. To achieve this goal, mixed methods were used. The research combined qualitative and quantitative approaches. A qualitative approach was used to observe phenomena experienced by students, learning design, and implementation. Moreover, a quantitative approach was used to analyze the impact of STEAM learning on student skills. The STEAM learning design was delivered in three learning meetings. Research findings show that the STEAM learning model by using a multi-subject approach could significantly improve students' collaboration skills. However, it did not significantly improve students’ critical thinking, creativity and communication skills. Meanwhile, student responses showed positive results on the implementation of this model. Factors that were considered to influence the implementation of this model are: Duration of learning, literacy skills and student learning experiences, as well as teacher competencies

    Promoting Islamic Value for Green Skill Development in Islamic Vocational High School

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    Air pollution is a critical issue in Indonesia in 2023, prompting the need to enhance green skills within Vocational High Schools to support a sustainable green economy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of Islamic values on the development of green skills among students. Utilizing quantitative methods, data were collected through online questionnaires distributed to 562 twelfth-grade students at the Islamic Foundation Vocational School in Bogor Regency. The results revealed that Islamic values, particularly beliefs and attitudes towards the environment, significantly impacted the acquisition of green skills. Further analysis identified that Islamic values as a source of inspiration and serenity, along with teachings on tree planting and zero-waste practices, had a partially significant effect. The study concludes that incorporating Islamic religious education into the vocational school curriculum is crucial. These findings offer valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and practitioners, providing a basis for integrating Islamic values into vocational education to enhance green skill development among students

    Religious-Sociocultural Networks and Social Capital Enhancement in Pesantren

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    Implementing society empowerment models is crucial for addressing micro-level problems where government services often fall short. Despite evidence that social capital significantly contributes to development and poverty reduction, there remains a gap in understanding specific strategies and outcomes of social capital-based empowerment initiatives. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating the unique learning concept of Pesantren Rakyat Sumberpucung (PRS), which emphasizes low- cost, independent, flexible, and mutual assistance principles. Utilizing framework which includes structural opportunity to meet, know-how of social interaction, sense of belonging, and ethos of mutuality, this study employed qualitative research design. Data were gathered through participant observation, semi-structured interviews with village-level stakeholders, in-depth interviews and focus group discussion. The results indicate that the integrative model known as "Pancarukun," which includes initiatives such as Jagong Mathon, Celengan, Ngaji Ngluruk, Lumbung Pesantren Rakyat, and Fatehahan, effectively strengthens socio-cultural-religious networks, fostering harmony and cooperation between PRS and the community. These strategies have successfully promoted a spirit of togetherness and consistent collaboration. In conclusion, PRS’s approach demonstrates the potential of integrative community-based strategies to address diverse problems across sectors such as economy, agriculture, education, and culture. By leveraging social capital, PRS has created a sustainable model of community empowerment that can serve as a blueprint for similar initiatives

    Developing a Contextual Learning Model in Islamic Education to Improve Applicable Knowledge and Foster Knowledge-Based Virtues

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    This study addresses the prevalent reliance on theoretical-abstract learning in Islamic religious education, which often emphasizes theories, symbols, textual materials, and memorized facts. Recognizing the need for a more practical approach, our research aims to develop a contextual learning design specifically focused on prayer in Islamic religious education. The goal is to enhance both knowledge acquisition and the cultivation of charitable virtues. Utilizing a combined quantitative and qualitative research approach, we employed research and development (R&D) methods. Data collection involved participatory observation, documentation studies, and questionnaires. The findings reveal that the contextual learning model significantly improves students' theoretical understanding and practical application of prayer. Results show enhanced academic achievements and the integration of prayer values into students' daily lives. The contextual learning model presents a more realistic, concrete, engaging, and meaningful approach to prayer instruction, fostering active student participation and the application of learned material in real-life scenarios. This study underscores the potential of contextual learning in transforming Islamic religious education, making it more effective and relevant for students

    Innovative Change Strategies for Excellence in Islamic Education: Insights from Indonesia and Thailand

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    This article delves into the pivotal role of institutional management in facilitating changes crucial for the advancement of Islamic educational institutions amidst escalating global competition. The purpose of the study is to examine how Indonesian Islamic High School IIHS in Indonesia and Bamrung Muslimin High School (BMHS) in Thailand transformed into internationally renowned centers of excellence. Employing a multi-site qualitative approach involving in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation, the study utilizes Miles, Huberman, and Saldana's interactive analytical method. The research underscores three pivotal stages of change management—selection, trajectory, and implementation—that significantly enhance the schools' competitiveness in terms of student performance, faculty, curriculum, and overall quality. The study highlights the imperative of adeptly managing change as a linchpin for these institutions' innovative adaptation, thereby bolstering their capacity to navigate the evolving landscape of national and global educational competition. Ultimately, this study underscores the critical importance of strategic change management in fostering innovation and competitiveness within Islamic education, offering insights into navigating contemporary challenges

    Fostering Emotional and Moral Development in Islamic Boarding Schools: The Impact of Talaqqî and Ḥalaqa Traditions

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    The article scrutinizes the teacher-student respected relationship within the talaqqȋ and ḥalaqa traditions of Salafis Boarding Schools. The purpose of the study is to explore the psychological dimensions of this relationship, specifically recognized in Acehnese society as “Ta'zhim keu Guree” (respect to the teacher) as the main âdâb (virtues) within this bond, focusing on the principle of respect. This study employed a participatory action research methodology, using in-depth interviews and participant observation as the primary research instruments, conducted at the Dayah Nurul Hikam Al-Waliyah in Kota Langsa, Aceh Province. The study found that the teacher-student relationship within the talaqqȋ and ḥalaqa tradition acts as a dynamic channel for fostering emotional well-being and psychological growth among students. The respectful bond emerging from this relationship nurtures well-rounded individuals committed to intellectual and moral growth. Ẩdâb, as an Islamic cornerstone, epitomizes respect, humility, and gratitude, bolstering emotional well-being and ethics. The findings suggest that these traditions can be a valuable model for educational institutions aiming to promote emotional well-being, psychological growth, moral ethics, and alignment with Islamic teachings. Additionally, âdâb is highlighted as a valuable tool for promoting positive social change in communities

    Evaluating the Integration of Islamic Values in Primary Education: A Logic Model Approach

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    This study examined the acquisition of Islamic values in an Islamic primary school using a logic model-based evaluative approach to assess input, output, and outcome dimensions. The research aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of educational practices in promoting Islamic values among students. Data were gathered through interviews, observation, and documentation, and were analyzed through iterative stages of collection, reduction, display, and conclusion. Findings indicate that the structural input for Islamic values learning involves coordinated efforts among various school departments. The school's cultural climate excels in academic, communal, security, and institutional areas. The output is reflected in diverse activities such as morning murâja’ah sessions, Quran reading and writing guidance using the Ummi method, congregational prayers, and rituals like Clean Friday and Blessed Friday. These activities lead to outcomes that foster individual piety, integrity, discipline, honesty, responsibility, creativity, and social consciousness among students. The study underscores the importance of instilling Islamic values from an early age, highlighting its potential to foster lifelong adherence to these principles. In conclusion, the research affirms the efficacy of these educational practices in transmitting Islamic values, emphasizing the pivotal role of primary education in cultivating a deep-rooted commitment to these values for the future


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