108 research outputs found

    Optical techniques for 3D surface reconstruction in computer-assisted laparoscopic surgery

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    One of the main challenges for computer-assisted surgery (CAS) is to determine the intra-opera- tive morphology and motion of soft-tissues. This information is prerequisite to the registration of multi-modal patient-specific data for enhancing the surgeon’s navigation capabilites by observ- ing beyond exposed tissue surfaces and for providing intelligent control of robotic-assisted in- struments. In minimally invasive surgery (MIS), optical techniques are an increasingly attractive approach for in vivo 3D reconstruction of the soft-tissue surface geometry. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art methods for optical intra-operative 3D reconstruction in laparoscopic surgery and discusses the technical challenges and future perspectives towards clinical translation. With the recent paradigm shift of surgical practice towards MIS and new developments in 3D opti- cal imaging, this is a timely discussion about technologies that could facilitate complex CAS procedures in dynamic and deformable anatomical regions

    Autonomous Tissue Scanning under Free-Form Motion for Intraoperative Tissue Characterisation

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    In Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS), tissue scanning with imaging probes is required for subsurface visualisation to characterise the state of the tissue. However, scanning of large tissue surfaces in the presence of deformation is a challenging task for the surgeon. Recently, robot-assisted local tissue scanning has been investigated for motion stabilisation of imaging probes to facilitate the capturing of good quality images and reduce the surgeon's cognitive load. Nonetheless, these approaches require the tissue surface to be static or deform with periodic motion. To eliminate these assumptions, we propose a visual servoing framework for autonomous tissue scanning, able to deal with free-form tissue deformation. The 3D structure of the surgical scene is recovered and a feature-based method is proposed to estimate the motion of the tissue in real-time. A desired scanning trajectory is manually defined on a reference frame and continuously updated using projective geometry to follow the tissue motion and control the movement of the robotic arm. The advantage of the proposed method is that it does not require the learning of the tissue motion prior to scanning and can deal with free-form deformation. We deployed this framework on the da Vinci surgical robot using the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) for Ultrasound tissue scanning. Since the framework does not rely on information from the Ultrasound data, it can be easily extended to other probe-based imaging modalities.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, ICRA 202

    Tracking and Mapping in Medical Computer Vision: A Review

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    As computer vision algorithms are becoming more capable, their applications in clinical systems will become more pervasive. These applications include diagnostics such as colonoscopy and bronchoscopy, guiding biopsies and minimally invasive interventions and surgery, automating instrument motion and providing image guidance using pre-operative scans. Many of these applications depend on the specific visual nature of medical scenes and require designing and applying algorithms to perform in this environment. In this review, we provide an update to the field of camera-based tracking and scene mapping in surgery and diagnostics in medical computer vision. We begin with describing our review process, which results in a final list of 515 papers that we cover. We then give a high-level summary of the state of the art and provide relevant background for those who need tracking and mapping for their clinical applications. We then review datasets provided in the field and the clinical needs therein. Then, we delve in depth into the algorithmic side, and summarize recent developments, which should be especially useful for algorithm designers and to those looking to understand the capability of off-the-shelf methods. We focus on algorithms for deformable environments while also reviewing the essential building blocks in rigid tracking and mapping since there is a large amount of crossover in methods. Finally, we discuss the current state of the tracking and mapping methods along with needs for future algorithms, needs for quantification, and the viability of clinical applications in the field. We conclude that new methods need to be designed or combined to support clinical applications in deformable environments, and more focus needs to be put into collecting datasets for training and evaluation.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figure

    Simulation Guidée par l’Image pour la Réalité Augmentée durant la Chirurgie Hépatique

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    The main objective of this thesis is to provide surgeons with tools for pre and intra-operative decision support during minimally invasive hepaticsurgery. These interventions are usually based on laparoscopic techniques or, more recently, flexible endoscopy. During such operations, the surgeon tries to remove a significant number of liver tumors while preserving the functional role of the liver. This involves defining an optimal hepatectomy, i.e. ensuring that the volume of post-operative liver is at least at 55% of the original liver and the preserving at hepatic vasculature. Although intervention planning can now be considered on the basis of preoperative patient-specific, significant movements of the liver and its deformations during surgery data make this very difficult to use planning in practice. The work proposed in this thesis aims to provide augmented reality tools to be used in intra-operative conditions in order to visualize the position of tumors and hepatic vascular networks at any time.L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de fournir aux chirurgiens des outils d’aide à la décision pré et per-opératoire lors d’interventions minimalement invasives en chirurgie hépatique. Ces interventions reposent en général sur des techniques de laparoscopie ou plus récemment d’endoscopie flexible. Lors de telles interventions, le chirurgien cherche à retirer un nombre souvent important de tumeurs hépatiques, tout en préservant le rôle fonctionnel du foie. Cela implique de définir une hépatectomie optimale, c’est à dire garantissant un volume du foie post-opératoire d’au moins 55% du foie initial et préservant au mieux la vascularisation hépatique. Bien qu’une planification de l’intervention puisse actuellement s’envisager sur la base de données pré-opératoire spécifiques au patient, les mouvements importants du foie et ses déformations lors de l’intervention rendent cette planification très difficile à exploiter en pratique. Les travaux proposés dans cette thèse visent à fournir des outils de réalité augmentée utilisables en conditions per-opératoires et permettant de visualiser à chaque instant la position des tumeurs et réseaux vasculaires hépatiques

    Online tracking and retargeting with applications to optical biopsy in gastrointestinal endoscopic examinations

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    With recent advances in biophotonics, techniques such as narrow band imaging, confocal laser endomicroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and optical coherence tomography, can be combined with normal white-light endoscopes to provide in vivo microscopic tissue characterisation, potentially avoiding the need for offline histological analysis. Despite the advantages of these techniques to provide online optical biopsy in situ, it is challenging for gastroenterologists to retarget the optical biopsy sites during endoscopic examinations. This is because optical biopsy does not leave any mark on the tissue. Furthermore, typical endoscopic cameras only have a limited field-of-view and the biopsy sites often enter or exit the camera view as the endoscope moves. In this paper, a framework for online tracking and retargeting is proposed based on the concept of tracking-by-detection. An online detection cascade is proposed where a random binary descriptor using Haar-like features is included as a random forest classifier. For robust retargeting, we have also proposed a RANSAC-based location verification component that incorporates shape context. The proposed detection cascade can be readily integrated with other temporal trackers. Detailed performance evaluation on in vivo gastrointestinal video sequences demonstrates the performance advantage of the proposed method over the current state-of-the-art

    Visual Tracking in Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Intra-operative imaging and robotics are some of the technologies driving forward better and more effective minimally invasive surgical procedures. To advance surgical practice and capabilities further, one of the key requirements for computationally enhanced interventions is to know how instruments and tissues move during the operation. While endoscopic video captures motion, the complex appearance dynamic effects of surgical scenes are challenging for computer vision algorithms to handle with robustness. Tackling both tissue and instrument motion estimation, this thesis proposes a combined non-rigid surface deformation estimation method to track tissue surfaces robustly and in conditions with poor illumination. For instrument tracking, a keypoint based 2D tracker that relies on the Generalized Hough Transform is developed to initialize a 3D tracker in order to robustly track surgical instruments through long sequences that contain complex motions. To handle appearance changes and occlusion a patch-based adaptive weighting with segmentation and scale tracking framework is developed. It takes a tracking-by-detection approach and a segmentation model is used to assigns weights to template patches in order to suppress back- ground information. The performance of the method is thoroughly evaluated showing that without any offline-training, the tracker works well even in complex environments. Finally, the thesis proposes a novel 2D articulated instrument pose estimation framework, which includes detection-regression fully convolutional network and a multiple instrument parsing component. The framework achieves compelling performance and illustrates interesting properties includ- ing transfer between different instrument types and between ex vivo and in vivo data. In summary, the thesis advances the state-of-the art in visual tracking for surgical applications for both tissue and instrument motion estimation. It contributes to developing the technological capability of full surgical scene understanding from endoscopic video

    Coronary Artery Segmentation and Motion Modelling

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    Conventional coronary artery bypass surgery requires invasive sternotomy and the use of a cardiopulmonary bypass, which leads to long recovery period and has high infectious potential. Totally endoscopic coronary artery bypass (TECAB) surgery based on image guided robotic surgical approaches have been developed to allow the clinicians to conduct the bypass surgery off-pump with only three pin holes incisions in the chest cavity, through which two robotic arms and one stereo endoscopic camera are inserted. However, the restricted field of view of the stereo endoscopic images leads to possible vessel misidentification and coronary artery mis-localization. This results in 20-30% conversion rates from TECAB surgery to the conventional approach. We have constructed patient-specific 3D + time coronary artery and left ventricle motion models from preoperative 4D Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) scans. Through temporally and spatially aligning this model with the intraoperative endoscopic views of the patient's beating heart, this work assists the surgeon to identify and locate the correct coronaries during the TECAB precedures. Thus this work has the prospect of reducing the conversion rate from TECAB to conventional coronary bypass procedures. This thesis mainly focus on designing segmentation and motion tracking methods of the coronary arteries in order to build pre-operative patient-specific motion models. Various vessel centreline extraction and lumen segmentation algorithms are presented, including intensity based approaches, geometric model matching method and morphology-based method. A probabilistic atlas of the coronary arteries is formed from a group of subjects to facilitate the vascular segmentation and registration procedures. Non-rigid registration framework based on a free-form deformation model and multi-level multi-channel large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping are proposed to track the coronary motion. The methods are applied to 4D CTA images acquired from various groups of patients and quantitatively evaluated

    Vision-based retargeting for endoscopic navigation

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    Endoscopy is a standard procedure for visualising the human gastrointestinal tract. With the advances in biophotonics, imaging techniques such as narrow band imaging, confocal laser endomicroscopy, and optical coherence tomography can be combined with normal endoscopy for assisting the early diagnosis of diseases, such as cancer. In the past decade, optical biopsy has emerged to be an effective tool for tissue analysis, allowing in vivo and in situ assessment of pathological sites with real-time feature-enhanced microscopic images. However, the non-invasive nature of optical biopsy leads to an intra-examination retargeting problem, which is associated with the difficulty of re-localising a biopsied site consistently throughout the whole examination. In addition to intra-examination retargeting, retargeting of a pathological site is even more challenging across examinations, due to tissue deformation and changing tissue morphologies and appearances. The purpose of this thesis is to address both the intra- and inter-examination retargeting problems associated with optical biopsy. We propose a novel vision-based framework for intra-examination retargeting. The proposed framework is based on combining visual tracking and detection with online learning of the appearance of the biopsied site. Furthermore, a novel cascaded detection approach based on random forests and structured support vector machines is developed to achieve efficient retargeting. To cater for reliable inter-examination retargeting, the solution provided in this thesis is achieved by solving an image retrieval problem, for which an online scene association approach is proposed to summarise an endoscopic video collected in the first examination into distinctive scenes. A hashing-based approach is then used to learn the intrinsic representations of these scenes, such that retargeting can be achieved in subsequent examinations by retrieving the relevant images using the learnt representations. For performance evaluation of the proposed frameworks, extensive phantom, ex vivo and in vivo experiments have been conducted, with results demonstrating the robustness and potential clinical values of the methods proposed.Open Acces

    Medical SLAM in an autonomous robotic system

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    One of the main challenges for computer-assisted surgery (CAS) is to determine the intra-operative morphology and motion of soft-tissues. This information is prerequisite to the registration of multi-modal patient-specific data for enhancing the surgeon’s navigation capabilities by observing beyond exposed tissue surfaces and for providing intelligent control of robotic-assisted instruments. In minimally invasive surgery (MIS), optical techniques are an increasingly attractive approach for in vivo 3D reconstruction of the soft-tissue surface geometry. This thesis addresses the ambitious goal of achieving surgical autonomy, through the study of the anatomical environment by Initially studying the technology present and what is needed to analyze the scene: vision sensors. A novel endoscope for autonomous surgical task execution is presented in the first part of this thesis. Which combines a standard stereo camera with a depth sensor. This solution introduces several key advantages, such as the possibility of reconstructing the 3D at a greater distance than traditional endoscopes. Then the problem of hand-eye calibration is tackled, which unites the vision system and the robot in a single reference system. Increasing the accuracy in the surgical work plan. In the second part of the thesis the problem of the 3D reconstruction and the algorithms currently in use were addressed. In MIS, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) can be used to localize the pose of the endoscopic camera and build ta 3D model of the tissue surface. Another key element for MIS is to have real-time knowledge of the pose of surgical tools with respect to the surgical camera and underlying anatomy. Starting from the ORB-SLAM algorithm we have modified the architecture to make it usable in an anatomical environment by adding the registration of the pre-operative information of the intervention to the map obtained from the SLAM. Once it has been proven that the slam algorithm is usable in an anatomical environment, it has been improved by adding semantic segmentation to be able to distinguish dynamic features from static ones. All the results in this thesis are validated on training setups, which mimics some of the challenges of real surgery and on setups that simulate the human body within Autonomous Robotic Surgery (ARS) and Smart Autonomous Robotic Assistant Surgeon (SARAS) projects
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