398 research outputs found

    Single beacon underwater navigation method in the presence of unknown effective sound velocity, clock drift and inaccurate beacon position

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    Existing single beacon navigation systems commonly require precise known Effective Sound Velocity (ESV) and beacon position, as well as clock synchronization between the beacon and the hydrophone. However, these conditions are often difficult to guarantee in practical applications. Unknown clock drift, inaccurate ESV and beacon position will affect the range measurement precision, and consequently induce large localization errors. To eliminate the influence of above mentioned factors on the positioning accuracy, this paper proposes a new method of single beacon navigation. It treats clock drift, ESV and beacon position as unknown system parameters, and estimates them by the Expectation Maximization (EM) method. The advantages of new method are verified by field data. Numerical examples indicate that the method has better navigation performance than existing state-of-the-art methods in the presence of unknown clock-drift, ESV and beacon position setting error

    Single beacon underwater navigation method in the presence of unknown effective sound velocity, clock drift and inaccurate beacon position

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    969-977Existing single beacon navigation systems commonly require precise known Effective Sound Velocity (ESV) and beacon position, as well as clock synchronization between the beacon and the hydrophone. However, these conditions are often difficult to guarantee in practical applications. Unknown clock drift, inaccurate ESV and beacon position will affect the range measurement precision, and consequently induce large localization errors. To eliminate the influence of above mentioned factors on the positioning accuracy, this paper proposes a new method of single beacon navigation. It treats clock drift, ESV and beacon position as unknown system parameters, and estimates them by the Expectation Maximization (EM) method. The advantages of new method are verified by field data. Numerical examples indicate that the method has better navigation performance than existing state-of-the-art methods in the presence of unknown clock-drift, ESV and beacon position setting error

    Contributions to automated realtime underwater navigation

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February 2012This dissertation presents three separate–but related–contributions to the art of underwater navigation. These methods may be used in postprocessing with a human in the loop, but the overarching goal is to enhance vehicle autonomy, so the emphasis is on automated approaches that can be used in realtime. The three research threads are: i) in situ navigation sensor alignment, ii) dead reckoning through the water column, and iii) model-driven delayed measurement fusion. Contributions to each of these areas have been demonstrated in simulation, with laboratory data, or in the field–some have been demonstrated in all three arenas. The solution to the in situ navigation sensor alignment problem is an asymptotically stable adaptive identifier formulated using rotors in Geometric Algebra. This identifier is applied to precisely estimate the unknown alignment between a gyrocompass and Doppler velocity log, with the goal of improving realtime dead reckoning navigation. Laboratory and field results show the identifier performs comparably to previously reported methods using rotation matrices, providing an alignment estimate that reduces the position residuals between dead reckoning and an external acoustic positioning system. The Geometric Algebra formulation also encourages a straightforward interpretation of the identifier as a proportional feedback regulator on the observable output error. Future applications of the identifier may include alignment between inertial, visual, and acoustic sensors. The ability to link the Global Positioning System at the surface to precision dead reckoning near the seafloor might enable new kinds of missions for autonomous underwater vehicles. This research introduces a method for dead reckoning through the water column using water current profile data collected by an onboard acoustic Doppler current profiler. Overlapping relative current profiles provide information to simultaneously estimate the vehicle velocity and local ocean current–the vehicle velocity is then integrated to estimate position. The method is applied to field data using online bin average, weighted least squares, and recursive least squares implementations. This demonstrates an autonomous navigation link between the surface and the seafloor without any dependence on a ship or external acoustic tracking systems. Finally, in many state estimation applications, delayed measurements present an interesting challenge. Underwater navigation is a particularly compelling case because of the relatively long delays inherent in all available position measurements. This research develops a flexible, model-driven approach to delayed measurement fusion in realtime Kalman filters. Using a priori estimates of delayed measurements as augmented states minimizes the computational cost of the delay treatment. Managing the augmented states with time-varying conditional process and measurement models ensures the approach works within the proven Kalman filter framework–without altering the filter structure or requiring any ad-hoc adjustments. The end result is a mathematically principled treatment of the delay that leads to more consistent estimates with lower error and uncertainty. Field results from dead reckoning aided by acoustic positioning systems demonstrate the applicability of this approach to real-world problems in underwater navigation.I have been financially supported by: the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship administered by the American Society for Engineering Education, the Edwin A. Link Foundation Ocean Engineering and Instrumentation Fellowship, and WHOI Academic Programs office


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    The work in this thesis concerns with the development of a novel multisensor data fusion (MSDF) technique, which combines synergistically Kalman filtering, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm approaches, aimed to enhance the accuracy of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) navigation system, formed by an integration of global positioning system and inertial navigation system (GPS/INS). The Kalman filter has been a popular method for integrating the data produced by the GPS and INS to provide optimal estimates of AUVs position and attitude. In this thesis, a sequential use of a linear Kalman filter and extended Kalman filter is proposed. The former is used to fuse the data from a variety of INS sensors whose output is used as an input to the later where integration with GPS data takes place. The use of an adaptation scheme based on fuzzy logic approaches to cope with the divergence problem caused by the insufficiently known a priori filter statistics is also explored. The choice of fuzzy membership functions for the adaptation scheme is first carried out using a heuristic approach. Single objective and multiobjective genetic algorithm techniques are then used to optimize the parameters of the membership functions with respect to a certain performance criteria in order to improve the overall accuracy of the integrated navigation system. Results are presented that show that the proposed algorithms can provide a significant improvement in the overall navigation performance of an autonomous underwater vehicle navigation. The proposed technique is known to be the first method used in relation to AUV navigation technology and is thus considered as a major contribution thereof.J&S Marine Ltd., Qinetiq, Subsea 7 and South West Water PL

    Acoustic underwater target tracking methods using autonomous vehicles

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    Marine ecological research related to the increasing importance which the fisheries sector has reached so far, new methods and tools to study the biological components of our oceans are needed. The capacity to measure different population and environmental parameters of marine species allows a greater knowledge of the human impact, improving exploitation strategies of these resources. For example, the displacement capacity and mobility patterns are crucial to obtain the required knowledge for a sustainable management of fisheries. However, underwater localisation is one of the main problems which must be addressed in subsea exploration, where no Global Positioning System (GPS) is available. In addition to the traditional underwater localisation systems, such as Long BaseLine (LBL) or Ultra-Short BaseLine (USBL), new methods have been developed to increase navigation performance, flexibility, and to reduce deployment costs. For example, the Range-Only and Single-Beacon (ROSB) is based on an autonomous vehicle which localises and tracks different underwater targets using slant range measurements conducted by acoustic modems. In a moving target tracking scenario, the ROSB target tracking method can be seen as a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) problem. Using Bayes' rule, the probability distribution function of the HMM states can be solved by using different filtering methods. Accordingly, this thesis presents different strategies to improve the ROSB localisation and tracking methods for static and moving targets. Determining the optimal parameters to minimize acoustic energy use and search time, and to maximize the localisation accuracy and precision, is therefore one of the discussed aspects of ROSB. Thus, we present and compare different methods under different scenarios, both evaluated in simulations and field tests. The main mathematical notation and performance of each algorithm are presented, where the best practice has been derived. From a methodology point of view, this work advances the understanding of accuracy that can be achieved by using ROSB target tracking methods with autonomous vehicles. Moreover, whereas most of the work conducted during the last years has been focused on target tracking using acoustic modems, here we also present a novel method called the Area-Only Target Tracking (AOTT). This method works with commercially available acoustic tags, thereby reducing the costs and complexity over other tracking systems. These tags do not have bidirectional communication capabilities, and therefore, the ROSB techniques are not applicable. However, this method can be used to track small targets such as jellyfish due to the reduced tag's size. The methodology behind the area-only technique is shown, and results from the first field tests conducted in Monterey Bay area, California, are also presented.La biologia marina junt amb la importància que ha adquirit el sector pesquer, fa que es requereixin noves eines per a l’estudi dels nostres oceans. La capacitat de mesurar diferents poblacions i paràmetres ambientals d’espècies marines permet millorar el coneixement de l’impacte que l’ésser humà té sobre elles, millorant-ne els mètodes d’explotació. Per exemple, la capacitat de desplaçament i els patrons de moviment són crucials per obtenir el coneixement necessari per a una explotació sostenible de les pescaries involucrades. No obstant, la localització submarina és un dels principals problemes que s’ha de resoldre en l’explotació dels recursos submarins, on el sistema de posició global (GPS) no es pot utilitzar. A part dels mètodes tradicionals de posicionament submarí, com per exemple el Long Base-Line (LBL) o el Ultra-Short Base-Line (USBL), nous mètodes han estat desenvolupats per tal de millorar la navegació, la flexibilitat, i per reduir els costos de desplegament. Per exemple, el Range-Only and Single-Beacon (ROSB) utilitza un vehicle autònom per a localitzar i seguir diferents objectius submarins mitjançant mesures de rang realitzades a partir de mòdems acústics. En un escenari on l’objectiu a seguir és mòbil, el mètode ROSB de seguiment pot ser vist com a un problema de Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Aleshores, utilitzant la regla de Bayes, la funció de distribució de probabilitat dels estats del HMM pot ser solucionat utilitzant diferents mètodes de filtratge. Per tant, s’estudien diferents estratègies per millorar el sistema de localització i seguiment basat en ROSB, tant per objectius estàtics com mòbils. En aquesta tesis, presentem i comparem diferents mètodes utilitzant diferents escenaris, els quals s’han avaluat tant en simulacions com en proves de camp reals. A més, es presenten les principals notacions matemàtiques de cada algoritme i les millors pràctiques a utilitzar. Per tant, des d’un punt de vista metodològic, aquest treball fa un pas endavant en el coneixement de l’exactitud que es pot assolir utilitzant els mètodes de localització i seguiment d’espècies mitjançant algoritmes ROSB i vehicles autònoms. A més a més, mentre molts dels treballs realitzant durant els últims anys es centren en l’ús de mòdems acústics per al seguiment d’objectius submarins, en aquesta tesis es presenta un innovador mètode anomenat Area-Only Target Tracking (AOTT). Aquest sistema utilitza petites etiquetes acústiques comercials (tag), la qual cosa, redueix el cost i la complexitat en comparació amb els altres mètodes. Addicionalment, gràcies a l’ús d’aquests tags de dimensions reduïdes, aquest sistema permet seguir espècies marines com les meduses. La metodologia utilitzada per el mètode AOTT es mostra en aquesta tesis, on també es presenten els primers experiments realitzats a la badia de Monterey a Califòrnia

    Cooperative AUV Navigation using a Single Maneuvering Surface Craft

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    In this paper we describe the experimental implementation of an online algorithm for cooperative localization of submerged autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) supported by an autonomous surface craft. Maintaining accurate localization of an AUV is difficult because electronic signals, such as GPS, are highly attenuated by water. The usual solution to the problem is to utilize expensive navigation sensors to slow the rate of dead-reckoning divergence. We investigate an alternative approach that utilizes the position information of a surface vehicle to bound the error and uncertainty of the on-board position estimates of a low-cost AUV. This approach uses the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) acoustic modem to exchange vehicle location estimates while simultaneously estimating inter-vehicle range. A study of the system observability is presented so as to motivate both the choice of filtering approach and surface vehicle path planning. The first contribution of this paper is to the presentation of an experiment in which an extended Kalman filter (EKF) implementation of the concept ran online on-board an OceanServer Iver2 AUV while supported by an autonomous surface vehicle moving adaptively. The second contribution of this paper is to provide a quantitative performance comparison of three estimators: particle filtering (PF), non-linear least-squares optimization (NLS), and the EKF for a mission using three autonomous surface craft (two operating in the AUV role). Our results indicate that the PF and NLS estimators outperform the EKF, with NLS providing the best performance.United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N000140711102)United States. Office of Naval Research. Multidisciplinary University Research InitiativeSingapore. National Research FoundationSingapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology. Center for Environmental Sensing and Monitorin

    Cooperative localization for autonomous underwater vehicles

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February 2009Self-localization of an underwater vehicle is particularly challenging due to the absence of Global Positioning System (GPS) reception or features at known positions that could otherwise have been used for position computation. Thus Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) applications typically require the pre-deployment of a set of beacons. This thesis examines the scenario in which the members of a group of AUVs exchange navigation information with one another so as to improve their individual position estimates. We describe how the underwater environment poses unique challenges to vehicle navigation not encountered in other environments in which robots operate and how cooperation can improve the performance of self-localization. As intra-vehicle communication is crucial to cooperation, we also address the constraints of the communication channel and the effect that these constraints have on the design of cooperation strategies. The classical approaches to underwater self-localization of a single vehicle, as well as more recently developed techniques are presented. We then examine how methods used for cooperating land-vehicles can be transferred to the underwater domain. An algorithm for distributed self-localization, which is designed to take the specific characteristics of the environment into account, is proposed. We also address how correlated position estimates of cooperating vehicles can lead to overconfidence in individual position estimates. Finally, key to any successful cooperative navigation strategy is the incorporation of the relative positioning between vehicles. The performance of localization algorithms with different geometries is analyzed and a distributed algorithm for the dynamic positioning of vehicles, which serve as dedicated navigation beacons for a fleet of AUVs, is proposed.This work was funded by Office of Naval Research grants N00014-97-1-0202, N00014-05-1-0255, N00014-02-C-0210, N00014-07-1-1102 and the ASAP MURI program led by Naomi Leonard of Princeton University

    Cooperative localisation in underwater robotic swarms for ocean bottom seismic imaging.

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    Spatial information must be collected alongside the data modality of interest in wide variety of sub-sea applications, such as deep sea exploration, environmental monitoring, geological and ecological research, and samples collection. Ocean-bottom seismic surveys are vital for oil and gas exploration, and for productivity enhancement of an existing production facility. Ocean-bottom seismic sensors are deployed on the seabed to acquire those surveys. Node deployment methods used in industry today are costly, time-consuming and unusable in deep oceans. This study proposes the autonomous deployment of ocean-bottom seismic nodes, implemented by a swarm of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs). In autonomous deployment of ocean-bottom seismic nodes, a swarm of sensor-equipped AUVs are deployed to achieve ocean-bottom seismic imaging through collaboration and communication. However, the severely limited bandwidth of underwater acoustic communications and the high cost of maritime assets limit the number of AUVs that can be deployed for experiments. A holistic fuzzy-based localisation framework for large underwater robotic swarms (i.e. with hundreds of AUVs) to dynamically fuse multiple position estimates of an autonomous underwater vehicle is proposed. Simplicity, exibility and scalability are the main three advantages inherent in the proposed localisation framework, when compared to other traditional and commonly adopted underwater localisation methods, such as the Extended Kalman Filter. The proposed fuzzy-based localisation algorithm improves the entire swarm mean localisation error and standard deviation (by 16.53% and 35.17% respectively) at a swarm size of 150 AUVs when compared to the Extended Kalman Filter based localisation with round-robin scheduling. The proposed fuzzy based localisation method requires fuzzy rules and fuzzy set parameters tuning, if the deployment scenario is changed. Therefore a cooperative localisation scheme that relies on a scalar localisation confidence value is proposed. A swarm subset is navigationally aided by ultra-short baseline and a swarm subset (i.e. navigation beacons) is configured to broadcast navigation aids (i.e. range-only), once their confidence values are higher than a predetermined confidence threshold. The confidence value and navigation beacons subset size are two key parameters for the proposed algorithm, so that they are optimised using the evolutionary multi-objective optimisation algorithm NSGA-II to enhance its localisation performance. Confidence value-based localisation is proposed to control the cooperation dynamics among the swarm agents, in terms of aiding acoustic exteroceptive sensors. Given the error characteristics of a commercially available ultra-short baseline system and the covariance matrix of a trilaterated underwater vehicle position, dead reckoning navigation - aided by Extended Kalman Filter-based acoustic exteroceptive sensors - is performed and controlled by the vehicle's confidence value. The proposed confidence-based localisation algorithm has significantly improved the entire swarm mean localisation error when compared to the fuzzy-based and round-robin Extended Kalman Filter-based localisation methods (by 67.10% and 59.28% respectively, at a swarm size of 150 AUVs). The proposed fuzzy-based and confidence-based localisation algorithms for cooperative underwater robotic swarms are validated on a co-simulation platform. A physics-based co-simulation platform that considers an environment's hydrodynamics, industrial grade inertial measurement unit and underwater acoustic communications characteristics is implemented for validation and optimisation purposes

    Model-based Cooperative Acoustic Navigation and Parameter Identification for Underactuated Underwater Vehicles

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    This thesis reports novel theoretical and experimental results addressing two increasingly important problems in underwater robotics: model-based cooperative acoustic navigation for underwater vehicles (UVs) lacking a Doppler velocity log (DVL) and dynamic-model parameter estimation for underactuated UVs, such as the now-ubiquitous class of torpedo-shaped UVs. This thesis reports an extension of a method to identify simultaneously UV dynamical plant model parameters (parameters for critical terms such as mass, added mass, hydrodynamic drag, and buoyancy) and control-actuator parameters (control-surface models and thruster model) in 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) to tolerate simulated sensor measurement noise representative of representative of real-world sensor data, as well as extensive numerical simulations to evaluate the sensitivity of the approach to sensor noise. The current state-of-the-art in one-way travel time (OWTT) combined acoustic communication and navigation (cooperative acoustic navigation) is to utilize purely kinematic, constant-velocity plant process models together with an on-board bottom-lock DVL to provide frequent, high-accuracy velocity corrections. However, DVLs are expensive, power consumers, physically large, and limited to acoustic bottom-lock range, which restricts their use to O(10-100m) above the sea floor or beneath surface ice. Simulation and experimental results reported herein indicate the submerged UV position estimate from cooperative acoustic navigation with a kinematic model is poor and even unstable in the absence of DVL velocity observations. These simulation and experimental results also show that cooperative acoustic navigation with a dynamic plant model performs well without a DVL and outperforms DVL-based dead reckoning, at least in the situation presented herein where the magnitude of the ambient water-current velocity is small. The performance of the UV dynamic model, i.e., its ability to predict the vehicle's state, depends primarily on the accuracy of the model structure and model parameters. Accurate estimates of these parameters are also required for model-based control, fault detection, and simulation of UV. While the general form of dynamical plant models for UVs is well understood, accurate values for dynamic-model parameters are impossible to determine analytically, are not provided by UV manufacturers, and can only be determined experimentally. Moreover, oceanographic UVs are subject to frequent changes in physical configuration, including changes in ballasting and trim, on-board equipment, and instrumentation (both external and internal), which may significantly affect the vehicle dynamics. Plant-model parameter estimation is generally more difficult for underactuated, torpedo-shaped UVs than for fully actuated UVs with thrusters because: 1) the reduced actuation available on underactuated UV limits the plant excitation that can be induced from the control inputs, and 2) torpedo-shaped vehicles are often actuated with control surfaces (e.g., fins, wings, rudders, etc), which are difficult to characterize independently of the plant model parameters. For these reasons, we seek an approach to parameter estimation for underactuated UVs in 6 DOF that simultaneously estimates plant and actuator parameters and can be performed routinely in the field with minimal time and effort by the vehicle operator. The goals of this thesis are to advance the state-of-the-art of (1) model-based state estimation for cooperative acoustic navigation of UVs and (2) dynamic plant-model parameter identification for underactuated UVs. The first goal is addressed with the evaluation of a dynamic UV plant model in cooperative acoustic navigation and a comparative analysis of the dynamic UV model and kinematic UV model without a DVL. The second goal is addressed in a collaborative effort comprising: (1) the development of the nullspace-based least squares (NBLS) algorithm for underactuated UV plant-parameter and actuator-parameter estimation in 6 DOF, and (2) the extension of an AID algorithm, and corresponding stability proof, to estimate simultaneously plant-model and actuator parameters for underactuated UVs with diagonal mass and drag matrices in 6 DOF with realistic sensor measurement noise. These capabilities were verified by in situ vehicle experiments with the JHU Iver3 AUV and by simulation studies