40 research outputs found

    Polska adaptacja Kwestionariusza Presence Igroup

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    Poczucie bycia obecnym to kluczowy konstrukt w badaniach nad wirtualnymi środowiskami, a w szczególności nad wirtualną rzeczywistością – najpopularniejszym typem takich środowisk. Poczucie bycia obecnym ma wpływ na efektywność symulacji. W celu stworzenia polskiej wersji Kwestionariusza Presence Igroup (IPQ-PL) oryginalne narzędzie zostało przetłumaczone i użyte w badaniu ankietowym (n = 245) testującym strukturę i związki z innymi konstruktami. Wyniki wskazują, że IPQ-PL można uznać za trafne narzędzie do pomiaru poczucia bycia obecnym i wykorzystywać w badaniach na polskich próbach.Presence, defined as a psychological state of "being there", is experienced during an interaction with Immersive Virtual Environments, particularly with Virtual Reality – the most popular type of such environment. Measuring presence is crucial because its level determines the effectiveness of virtual environments. The authors conducted a translation and a study (n = 245) that aimed to provide a Polish version of the Igroup Presence Questionnaire (IPQ-PL). The structure of the questionnaire and relations with other constructs were tested. The results indicate that IPQ-PL may be considered a valid tool for measuring presence and may be used in studies conducted on Polish samples

    Assessing presence in virtual environments: adaptation of the psychometric properties of the presence questionnaire to the portuguese populations

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    Virtual Reality applications have the goal of transporting their users to a given virtual environment (VE). Thus, Presence is a consensual metric for evaluating the VEs’ effectiveness. The present study adapts the Presence Questionnaire (PQ) for the Portuguese-speaking population, maintaining the validity of the contents and concepts, to ascertain the psychometric properties of the instrument.The adaptation to Portuguese was achieved through the standard adaptation process of translation and back-translation process. The sample consisted of 451 individuals (268 males and 183 females). Factor reliability ranged from 0.63 to 0.86. Confirmatory factor analysis produced a theoretical model of 21 items distributed among seven factors, where the covariance between some residual item errors was established. The fit indices obtained were x2/df = 2.077, GFI = 0.936, CFI = 0.937, RMSEA = 0.049, P [RMSEA ≤ 0.05], MECVI = 1.070. Results obtained allowed us to consider that the adapted Portuguese version of the PQ, with 21 items, forms a robust and valid questionnaire whose use is recommended to evaluate Presence in virtual reality research programmes, provided that they use samples of the Portuguese language (Europe).This work is financed by the ERDF – European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation – COMPETE 2020 Programme and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028618 entitled PERFECT – Perceptual Equivalence in virtual Reality For auth- EntiC Training.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using virtual environments in contingent valuation to elicit willingness to pay for an oil spill combat program

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    Oil spill threats off the Portuguese coast are real, though they have not recently occurred. In particular,areas such as the Arrábida Natural Park are highly vulnerable due to development pressures. A contingent valuation survey is used to elicit willingness to pay (WTP) for an oil spill combat program in the area. While from a methodological perspective, (preliminary) results suggest that WTPs are not sensitive to the way information is conveyed when simulating the spill (low vs.high-immersive virtual environment),inferring about the WTPs across heterogeneous agents for reducing the damages caused is valuable information for policy purposes

    C Company: time to wake up for safety: an investigation into the influence of virtual reality safety training on the safety of its workers

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    The evolution of the programs and methodologies used in safety training has allowed Organization workers to improve their information, knowledge, and safety behaviours. Attention to the costs that work accidents entail for Organizations has helped them to perceive safety as a central issue and the need to reduce work accidents. The present investigation was carried out in partnership with the C Company and aims to determine whether safety training in Virtual Reality has a positive influence on safety behaviours, knowledge and attitudes, when compared to a methodology that uses written narrative. We also tried to understand if this relationship was moderated by the safety climate of C Company workers. To this end, an experimental study was carried out, with 61 workers from the stores, in which the experimental group, of 30 participants, experienced a safety training session in Virtual Reality, while the control group, with 31 participants, had safety training in written narrative. Afterwards, the participants had to answer a questionnaire and a retention test with 8 questions applied in two situations, immediately after the training and two weeks after the training. The results did not reveal differences between the two groups for the variables, not confirming the hypotheses under study. The moderating effect of the safety climate was not demonstrated. Believing in the possibility of these results being different from those obtained, suggestions are made for future investigations to overcome the limitations found.A evolução dos programas e metodologias utilizadas nas formações em segurança têm permitido aos trabalhadores das Organizações uma melhoria na informação, nos conhecimentos e nos seus comportamentos de segurança. A atenção aos custos que os acidentes de trabalho acarretam para as Organizações ajudou-as a perceber a Segurança como uma questão central e a necessidade de reduzir os acidentes de trabalho. A presente investigação foi realizada em parceria com a Empresa C e visa determinar se a formação em segurança em Realidade Virtual tem uma influência positiva nos comportamentos, conhecimentos e atitudes de segurança, quando comparada com uma metodologia que utiliza narrativa escrita. Procurou-se perceber, também, se esta relação era moderada pelo clima de segurança dos trabalhadores da Empresa C. Para tal, realizou-se um estudo experimental, com 61 trabalhadores das lojas da Empresa C, em que o grupo experimental, de 30 participantes, experienciou uma sessão de formação em segurança em Realidade Virtual, enquanto que o grupo de controlo, com 31 participantes, teve a formação em narrativa escrita. Após a mesma, os participantes tiveram de responder a um questionário e a um teste de retenção com 8 perguntas aplicado em dois momentos, imediatamente a seguir à formação e duas semanas após a mesma. Os resultados não revelaram diferenças entre os dois grupos para as variáveis, não confirmando as hipóteses em estudo. O efeito moderador do clima de segurança também não foi evidenciado. Acreditando na possibilidade destes resultados serem distintos dos obtidos, são apresentadas sugestões para futuras investigações a fim de ultrapassar as limitações encontradas

    Pinpointing change in virtual reality assisted treatment for violent offenders: a pilot study of Virtual Reality Aggression Prevention Training (VRAPT)

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    Preventing relapse into violence and its destructive consequences among persistent re-offenders is a primary concern in forensic settings. The Risk-Need-Responsivity framework models the best current practice for offender treatment, focused on building skills and changing pro-criminal cognitions. However, treatment effects are often modest, and the forensic context can obstruct the delivery of interventions. Developing treatments for offenders should focus on the best method of delivery to make “what works work.” Virtual reality (VR)-assisted treatments such as Virtual Reality Aggression Prevention Training (VRAPT) are a new and innovative approach to offender treatment. This pilot study followed 14 male violent offenders who participated in VRAPT in a Swedish prison context and measured changes from pre-treatment to post-treatment and 3-month follow-up in targeted aggression, emotion regulation, and anger. It also investigated potential impact factors (pro-criminal cognitions, externalizing behaviors, psychosocial background, and childhood adverse experiences). In Bayesian linear mixed effects models, participants showed a high probability of change from pre-treatment to post-treatment and to follow-up on all outcome measures. All outcome measures demonstrated a low probability of change from post-treatment to follow-up. Analysis of reliable change showed that participants’ results ranged from recovery to deterioration. We discuss the implications of the study for VRAPT’s impact on the target group, those who might benefit from the approach, and suggested foci for future studies in the field of VR-assisted offender treatment. The study was preregistered at the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number registry (https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN14916410)

    Conceptual Framework for Designing Virtual Field Trip Games

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    This thesis aimed to provide designing models to explore an alternative solution for a field trip when it becomes impossible for several reasons such as the limitation of cost and time. Virtual field trip games are relatively new means to create virtual field trips in game environments through adding game aspects to learning aspects to enhance the learning experience. The simple combining of game and learning aspects will not guarantee the desired effect of virtual field trips. Theoretical and logical connections should be established to form interweave between both aspects. This thesis proposes a designing framework by establishing three links between game design aspects and learning aspects. The three links are constructed by modelling: the experiential learning theory (ELT), the gameplay, and the game world. ELT modelling quantifies the theory into the internal economy mechanic and balances the levels of game task difficulty with the player’s ability through game machinations, game modelling links the learning process to gameplay, and world modelling connects field environment to game environment. The internal economy mechanic and its components (resources, internal mechanic, feedback loop), formulating equations to define generic player’s interactions and identify indicators to capture evidence of achievements via a mathematical (evaluation) model. The game modelling includes skill models to design two important high-order skills (decision-making and teamwork) and connects them to the evaluation model. The game world is modelled through defining its variables and relationships’ rules to connect both environments (game and field) expanding the evaluation model. The framework is supported by essential learning theories (ELT, task-based learning, some aspects of social learning) and pedagogical aspects (assessment, feedback, field-based structure, high-order skills) and connected to the key game elements (interaction, multimodal presentation, control of choice…etc) of field-based learning along with suitable game mechanics. The two research studies that were conducted as part of this thesis found that the designing framework is useful, usable, and provides connections between learning and game aspects and the designed VFTG based on the framework improved learning performance along with providing motivation and presence. This suggests the effectiveness of the framework

    Impactos da idade na percepção de realismo em um simulador de direção utilizando questionário de presença

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    O nível de realismo em simuladores de direção pode influenciar diretamente nos resultados obtidos em pesquisas utilizando esse equipamento. Dessa forma, o objetivo principal desse estudo foi avaliar o impacto da idade na percepção de realismo em uma pesquisa em simulador de direção utilizando um Questionário de Presença. Os dados utilizados no presente trabalho foram obtidos a partir da amostra de um estudo de validação comportamental do simulador do Laboratório de Sistemas de Transportes (LASTRAN) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Os voluntários do estudo de validação possuíam idades entre 20 e 56 anos e para a presente pesquisa foram separados em dois grupos. (i) 20 a 29 anos e (ii) 30 anos ou mais. Os resultados apontaram uma correlação positiva entre o aumento da idade e maior sensação de presença. Além disso, observou-se que o grupo que experimentou maior sensação de presença se comportou de maneira mais próxima ao mundo real, dirigindo no simulador com velocidades mais próximas às velocidades desenvolvidas no veículo instrumentado.The level of realism in driving simulators can directly influence the results obtained in research using this equipment. Thus, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of age on the perception of realism in a driving simulator survey using a Presence Questionnaire. The data used in the present work were obtained from the sample of a behavioral validation study of the Transport Systems Laboratory (LASTRAN), at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) simulator. The volunteers in the validation study were aged between 20 and 56 years old and have been separated into two groups for the present research: (i) 20 to 29 years and (ii) 30 years or more. The results showed a positive correlation between increasing age and a greater sense of presence. In addition, it’s been observed that the group that experienced the higher sense of presence behaved more closely to the real world, driving in the simulator at speeds closer to the speeds developed in the instrumented vehicle

    O Metaverso na divulgação da ciência em saúde respiratória e promoção de dinâminas de socialização inovadoras.

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    O ConectAR é uma rede de pessoas com doenças respiratórias crónicas (DRC) e os seus cuidadores envolvidos em investigação em saúde. Até onde sabemos, não existem ambientes de metaverso em português que promovam literacia em saúde, comunicação e apoio à participação de doentes e do público em investigação em saúde. O objetivo principal do presente trabalho é desenvolver um ambiente de metaverso para a comunicação científica e consciencialização em saúde respiratória, com base nas necessidades e perspetivas de pessoas com DRC, cuidadores e investigadores, membros da rede ConectAR. Adotamos a metodologia 'Design-Based Research' (DBR) para o desenvolvimento de um ambiente de metaverso inovador e o seu posterior teste com os três perfis de utilizadores que compõem a comunidade do ConectAR: doentes, cuidadores e investigadores. A metodologia DBR permite uma abordagem iterativa e colaborativa, garantindo que o ambiente corresponda às necessidades e expectativas destses utilizadores. Definimos as 'personas' e os requisitos do ambiente virtual. Em seguida, analisamos as motivações e cenários de uso, definimos parâmetros de interatividade e imersão para envolver melhor os utilizadores, selecionamos o inventário de conteúdo e estabelecemos um mapeamento de referências visuais para nos orientar no processo criativo. Fizemos um levantamento das plataformas de metaverso que correspondessem aos objetivos de socialização, disseminação de conteúdo educacional e apoio à participação de doentes e do público em investigação em saúde. Utilizamos as aplicações Unity e Blender para a criação do ambiente virtual. Escolhemos a plataforma de metaverso Spatial por ter a vantagem de ser acessível por meio de diversos dispositivos e de forma gratuita. Com base nos interesses e perspetivas de pessoas com DRC, cuidadores, investigadores e profissionais de saúde que fazem parte da rede ConectAR, construímos um ambiente de metaverso com cinco espaços intersectados, cada um oferecendo diferentes conteúdos informativos e educacionais por meio de diversas experiências visuais e sonoras. Para criar uma experiência agradável e imersiva, buscamos inspiração em parques naturais com conexão com a arte e utilizamos recursos de interação multimodal. Os resultados preliminares dos testes realizados demonstraram que o ambiente de metaverso desenvolvido é amigável e proporciona uma experiência agradável aos utilizadores. Os conteúdos apresentados foram considerados claros e relevantes pelos participantes, que relataram uma imersão satisfatória nas diferentes experiências visuais e sonoras oferecidas pelo ambiente. Desenvolvemos um ambiente de metaverso focado na socialização, disseminação de conteúdo educacional e apoio à participação de pacientes e do público em pesquisas de saúde. O 'design' do ambiente transporta as pessoas das suas vidas quotidianas para um espaço idílico, visando proporcionar uma experiência que combina aspetos funcionais com estética experiencial.ConectAR is a network of patients with chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) and their caregivers involved in health research. To our knowledge, there are no Portuguese metaverse environments that promote health education, communication, and support for patient and public participation in health research. Our aim was to develop such a virtual environment based on the needs and perspectives of patients, caregivers, and researchers. To achieve this, we adopted the Design-Based Research (DBR) methodology for the development of an innovative metaverse environment and its subsequent testing with the three user profiles that make up the ConectAR community: patients, caregivers, and researchers. The DBR methodology allowed for an iterative and collaborative approach, ensuring that the environment met the needs and expectations of these users. We defined the personas and requirements of the virtual environment. We then analyzed the motivations and usage scenarios, defined parameters of interactivity and immersion to better engage users, selected the content inventory, and established a visual reference mapping to guide us in the creative process. Furthermore, we chose the Spatial metaverse platform and utilized Unity and Blender applications for the creation of the virtual environment. Based on the interests and perspectives of CRD patients, caregivers, researchers, and healthcare professionals who are part of the ConectAR network, we built a metaverse environment with five interconnected spaces, each offering different informative and educational content through various visual and auditory experiences. To create a pleasant and immersive experience, we drew inspiration from natural parks with an artistic connection and incorporated multimodal interaction features. We developed a metaverse environment focused on socialization, dissemination of educational content, and support for patient and public participation in health research. This platform is accessible through various devices, free of charge. The design of the environment transports individuals from their everyday lives to an idyllic space, aiming to provide an experience that combines functional aspects with experiential aesthetics. Preliminary results from the conducted tests demonstrated that the developed metaverse environment is user-friendly and provides an enjoyable experience. The presented content was considered clear and relevant by the participants, who reported a satisfactory immersion in the different visual and auditory experiences offered by the environment

    Estudo da utilização de vídeos 360º na experiência turística

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    O turismo tem-se vindo a alterar consideravelmente em paralelo com a evolução das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC). Estas alterações verificam-se fundamentais quer para a forma como é disponibilizada e acedida a informação, como para o modo como se passou a poder adquirir e usufruir de produtos/serviços turísticos. A introdução de novas ferramentas tecnológicas para a promoção turística, das quais se destacam o vídeo a 360º e a Realidade Virtual (RV), são uma realidade cada vez mais atual. A sua aliança permite ao utilizador centrar-se na ação, visualizando todo o cenário de uma forma mais imersiva, através do uso de equipamento de RV. Esta investigação foca-se na sua combinação. Neste sentido, são revistas três situações: a visualização de dois vídeos a 360º sobre dois locais turísticos distintos, sendo um deles apresentado com equipamento de RV e outro sem; e posteriormente, uma visita física a esses mesmos locais. Através da comparação destas 3 situações, pretendeu-se: determinar o impacto da "faixa etária" e do "nível de escolaridade" (variáveis independentes) para a Sensação de Presença (SP) dos participantes nas Experiências Virtuais (EV's); por outro lado, procurou-se descobrir se estas variáveis interferem na perceção dos participantes acerca do Ambiente Virtual (AV), no que diz respeito às noções de "expectativa/realidade" e de "semelhança" entre o AV mais imersivo e a realidade do local. Desta forma, pretendeu-se concluir se a visualização de vídeo a 360º aliado à RV pode constituir uma mais valia para a promoção de destinos turísticos em Portugal.Esta investigação levou a cabo uma análise qualitativa, com recolha de dados por questionário. Concluiu-se que, para o AV menos imersivo, no qual não foi usado equipamento de RV, a idade não surtiu um impacto significativo para a SP dos participantes, ao contrário do nível de escolaridade, que, quanto maior, maior a SP relatada pelos participantes. No caso do AV mais imersivo, em que houve recurso a equipamento de RV, ambas as variáveis demonstraram influenciar significativamente a SP dos utilizadores. Constatou-se também que tanto a "idade" como o "nível de escolaridade" tiveram influência nas noções de "expectativa/realidade" e de "semelhança", aquando da comparação entre o AV e o primeiro local. Contudo, ao contrário do expectável, para a comparação entre o AV e o segundo local, não se verificou interferência de nenhuma das variáveis. Por último, foi ainda possível apurar a preferência dos utilizadores, independentemente da faixa etária e do nível de escolaridade, para o uso de equipamento de RV na visualização de vídeo a 360º.Tourism has been considerably changing in parallel with the Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) evolution. These changes are fundamental for the way information is available and accessed, as well for the way touristic products/services can be purchased and experienced. The introduction of new technological tools in tourism promotion, highlighting 360º video and Virtual Reality (VR), are an increasingly current reality. Its alliance allows the user to be in the center of the action, visualizing the whole scenario in a more immersive way, through VR equipment. This investigation focus on their combination. In this regard, three situations are reviewed: two 360º video visualization about two different touristic places, one with VR equipment and the another without it; and then, a physical visit to those places. By comparing these three situations, it was intended to: determine the impact of "age" and "education level" (independent variables) for participants' sense of presence (SP) on Virtual Experiences (VE); on the other hand, it was sought to find out if these variables affect the users' perception of the virtual environment, concerning to "expectancy/reality" and "similarity" between more immersive virtual environment and the actual place. Thereby, it was intended to conclude if 360º video combined to VR can be an advantage for the promotion of touristic destinations in Portugal.This research undertook a qualitative analysis, with data collection by questionnaire. It was concluded that, for the less immersive virtual environment, in which VR equipment was not used, "age" did not have a significant impact for participants' SP, contrary to "education level", that the higher is, the greater is the participants' SP. For the more immersive virtual environment, in which VR equipment was used, both variables proved to have significant influence on participants' SP. It was also found that both "age" and "education level" had influence on "similarity" and "expectancy/reality" concepts, concerning the comparison between VE and participants' visit to the first place. However, contrary to what was expected, for the comparison between VE and participants' visit to the second place, there was no interference of any of the variables. Finally, it was also possible to determine users' preference, regardless age and education level, for the use of VR equipment for 360º video visualization