206 research outputs found

    Active Sensing for Dynamic, Non-holonomic, Robust Visual Servoing

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    We consider the problem of visually servoing a legged vehicle with unicycle-like nonholonomic constraints subject to second-order fore-aft dynamics in its horizontal plane. We target applications to rugged environments characterized by complex terrain likely to perturb significantly the robot’s nominal dynamics. At the same time, it is crucial that the camera avoid “obstacle” poses where absolute localization would be compromised by even partial loss of landmark visibility. Hence, we seek a controller whose robustness against disturbances and obstacle avoidance capabilities can be assured by a strict global Lyapunov function. Since the nonholonomic constraints preclude smooth point stabilizability we introduce an extra degree of sensory freedom, affixing the camera to an actuated panning axis mounted on the robot’s back. Smooth stabilizability to the robot-orientation-indifferent goal cycle no longer precluded, we construct a controller and strict global Lyapunov function with the desired properties. We implement several versions of the scheme on a RHex robot maneuvering over slippery ground and document its successful empirical performance. For more information: Kod*La

    Design and modeling of a stair climber smart mobile robot (MSRox)

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    Vision-based trajectory tracking algorithm with obstacle avoidance for a wheeled mobile robot

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    Wheeled mobile robots are becoming increasingly important in industry as means of transportation, inspection, and operation because of their efficiency and flexibility. The design of efficient algorithms for autonomous or quasi-autonomous mobile robots navigation in dynamic environments is a challenging problem that has been the focus of many researchers dining the past few decades. Computer vision, maybe, is not the most successful sensing modality used in mobile robotics until now (sonar and infra-red sensors for example being preferred), but it is the sensor which is able to give the information ’’what” and ’’where” most completely for the objects a robot is likely to encounter. In this thesis, we deal with using vision system to navigate the mobile robot to track a reference trajectory and using a sensor-based obstacle avoidance method to pass by the objects located on the trajectory. A tracking control algorithm is also described in this thesis. Finally, The experimental results are presented to verify the tracking and control algorithms

    Vision-based methods for state estimation and control of robotic systems with application to mobile and surgical robots

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    For autonomous systems that need to perceive the surrounding environment for the accomplishment of a given task, vision is a highly informative exteroceptive sensory source. When gathering information from the available sensors, in fact, the richness of visual data allows to provide a complete description of the environment, collecting geometrical and semantic information (e.g., object pose, distances, shapes, colors, lights). The huge amount of collected data allows to consider both methods exploiting the totality of the data (dense approaches), or a reduced set obtained from feature extraction procedures (sparse approaches). This manuscript presents dense and sparse vision-based methods for control and sensing of robotic systems. First, a safe navigation scheme for mobile robots, moving in unknown environments populated by obstacles, is presented. For this task, dense visual information is used to perceive the environment (i.e., detect ground plane and obstacles) and, in combination with other sensory sources, provide an estimation of the robot motion with a linear observer. On the other hand, sparse visual data are extrapolated in terms of geometric primitives, in order to implement a visual servoing control scheme satisfying proper navigation behaviours. This controller relies on visual estimated information and is designed in order to guarantee safety during navigation. In addition, redundant structures are taken into account to re-arrange the internal configuration of the robot and reduce its encumbrance when the workspace is highly cluttered. Vision-based estimation methods are relevant also in other contexts. In the field of surgical robotics, having reliable data about unmeasurable quantities is of great importance and critical at the same time. In this manuscript, we present a Kalman-based observer to estimate the 3D pose of a suturing needle held by a surgical manipulator for robot-assisted suturing. The method exploits images acquired by the endoscope of the robot platform to extrapolate relevant geometrical information and get projected measurements of the tool pose. This method has also been validated with a novel simulator designed for the da Vinci robotic platform, with the purpose to ease interfacing and employment in ideal conditions for testing and validation. The Kalman-based observers mentioned above are classical passive estimators, whose system inputs used to produce the proper estimation are theoretically arbitrary. This does not provide any possibility to actively adapt input trajectories in order to optimize specific requirements on the performance of the estimation. For this purpose, active estimation paradigm is introduced and some related strategies are presented. More specifically, a novel active sensing algorithm employing visual dense information is described for a typical Structure-from-Motion (SfM) problem. The algorithm generates an optimal estimation of a scene observed by a moving camera, while minimizing the maximum uncertainty of the estimation. This approach can be applied to any robotic platforms and has been validated with a manipulator arm equipped with a monocular camera

    From Active Perception to Active Cooperation Fundamental Processes of Intelligent Behavior

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    In the ten years since we put forward the idea of active perception (Bajcsy 1985, Bajcsy 1988) we have found that cooperative processes of various kinds and at various levels are often called for. In this paper we suggest that a proper understanding of cooperative processes will lead to a foundation for intelligent behavior and demonstrate the feasibility of this approach for some of the difficult and open problems in the understanding of intelligent behaviors

    Biomimetic visual navigation in a corridor: to centre or not to centre?

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    International audienceAs a first step toward an Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) for Micro-Air Vehicle (MAV) obstacle avoidance, we introduce a vision based autopilot (LORA: Lateral Optic flow Regulation Autopilot), which is able to make a hovercraft automatically follow a wall or centre between the two walls of a corridor. A hovercraft is endowed with natural stabilization in pitch and roll while keeping two translational degrees of freedom (X and Y) and one rotational degree of freedom (yaw Ψ). We show the feasibility of an OF regulator that maintains the lateral Optic Flow (OF) on one wall equal to an OF set-point. The OF sensors used are Elementary Motion Detectors (EMDs), whose working was directly inspired by the housefly motion detecting neurons. The properties of these neurons were previously analysed at our laboratory by performing electrophysiological recordings while applying optical microstimuli to single photoreceptor cells of the compound eye. The simulation results show that depending on the OF set-point, the hovercraft either centres along the midline of the corridor or follows one of the two walls, even with local lack of optical texture on one wall, such as caused, for instance, by an open door or a T-junction. All these navigational tasks are performed with one and the same feedback loop, which consists of a lateral OF regulation loop that permits relatively high-speed navigation (1m/s, i.e 3 body-lengths per second). The passive visual sensors and the simple processing system are suitable for use with MAVs with an avionic payload of only a few grams. The goal is to achieve MAV automatic guidance or to relieve a remote operator from guiding it in challenging environments such as urban canyons or indoor environments
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