11 research outputs found

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 9. Number 3.

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    Discrete Event Systems: Models and Applications; Proceedings of an IIASA Conference, Sopron, Hungary, August 3-7, 1987

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    Work in discrete event systems has just begun. There is a great deal of activity now, and much enthusiasm. There is considerable diversity reflecting differences in the intellectual formation of workers in the field and in the applications that guide their effort. This diversity is manifested in a proliferation of DEM formalisms. Some of the formalisms are essentially different. Some of the "new" formalisms are reinventions of existing formalisms presented in new terms. These "duplications" reveal both the new domains of intended application as well as the difficulty in keeping up with work that is published in journals on computer science, communications, signal processing, automatic control, and mathematical systems theory - to name the main disciplines with active research programs in discrete event systems. The first eight papers deal with models at the logical level, the next four are at the temporal level and the last six are at the stochastic level. Of these eighteen papers, three focus on manufacturing, four on communication networks, one on digital signal processing, the remaining ten papers address methodological issues ranging from simulation to computational complexity of some synthesis problems. The authors have made good efforts to make their contributions self-contained and to provide a representative bibliography. The volume should therefore be both accessible and useful to those who are just getting interested in discrete event systems

    Quantum Proofs

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    Quantum information and computation provide a fascinating twist on the notion of proofs in computational complexity theory. For instance, one may consider a quantum computational analogue of the complexity class \class{NP}, known as QMA, in which a quantum state plays the role of a proof (also called a certificate or witness), and is checked by a polynomial-time quantum computation. For some problems, the fact that a quantum proof state could be a superposition over exponentially many classical states appears to offer computational advantages over classical proof strings. In the interactive proof system setting, one may consider a verifier and one or more provers that exchange and process quantum information rather than classical information during an interaction for a given input string, giving rise to quantum complexity classes such as QIP, QSZK, and QMIP* that represent natural quantum analogues of IP, SZK, and MIP. While quantum interactive proof systems inherit some properties from their classical counterparts, they also possess distinct and uniquely quantum features that lead to an interesting landscape of complexity classes based on variants of this model. In this survey we provide an overview of many of the known results concerning quantum proofs, computational models based on this concept, and properties of the complexity classes they define. In particular, we discuss non-interactive proofs and the complexity class QMA, single-prover quantum interactive proof systems and the complexity class QIP, statistical zero-knowledge quantum interactive proof systems and the complexity class \class{QSZK}, and multiprover interactive proof systems and the complexity classes QMIP, QMIP*, and MIP*.Comment: Survey published by NOW publisher

    35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2018, February 28-March 3, 2018, Caen, France

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    Modeling and checking Real-Time system designs

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    Real-time systems are found in an increasing variety of application fields. Usually, they are embedded systems controlling devices that may risk lives or damage properties: they are safety critical systems. Hard Real-Time requirements (late means wrong) make the development of such kind of systems a formidable and daunting task. The need to predict temporal behavior of critical real-time systems has encouraged the development of an useful collection of models, results and tools for analyzing schedulability of applications (e.g., [log]). However, there is no general analytical support for verifying other kind of high level timing requirements on complex software architectures. On the other hand, the verification of specifications and designs of real-time systems has been considered an interesting application field for automatic analysis techniques such as model-checking. Unfortunately, there is a natural trade-off between sophistication of supported features and the practicality of formal analysis. To cope with the challenges of formal analysis real-time system designs we focus on three aspects that, we believe, are fundamental to get practical tools: model-generation, modelreduction and model-checking. Then, firstly, we extend our ideas presented in [30] and develop an automatic approach to model and verify designs of real-time systems for complex timing requirements based on scheduling theory and timed automata theory [7] (a wellknown and studied formalism to model and verify timed systems). That is, to enhance practicality of formal analysis, we focus our analysis on designs adhering to Fixed-Priority scheduling. In essence, we exploit known scheduling theory to automatically derive simple and compositional formal models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first proposal to integrate scheduling theory into the framework of automatic formal verification. To model such systems, we present I/O Timed Components, a notion and discipline to build non-blocking live timed systems. I/O Timed Components, which are build on top of Timed Automata, provide other important methodological advantages like influence detection or compositional reasoning. Secondly, we provide a battery of automatic and rather generic abstraction techniques that, given a requirement to be analyzed, reduces the model while preserving the relevant behaviors to check it. Thus, we do not feed the verification tools with the whole model as previous formal approaches. To provide arguments about the correctness of those abstractions, we present a notion of Continuous Observational Bismulation that is weaker than strong timed bisimulation yet preserving many well-known logics for timed systems like TCTL [3]. Finally, since we choose timed automata as formal kernel, we adapt and apply their deeply studied and developed analysis theory, as well as their practical tools. Moreover, we also describe from scratch an algorithm to model-check duration properties, a feature that is not addressed by available tools. That algorithm extends the one presented in [28].Fil:Braberman, Víctor Adrián. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    Resilience-Building Technologies: State of Knowledge -- ReSIST NoE Deliverable D12

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    This document is the first product of work package WP2, "Resilience-building and -scaling technologies", in the programme of jointly executed research (JER) of the ReSIST Network of Excellenc