748 research outputs found

    A Survey on Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation Protocols forWireless Sensor Networks

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    The data aggregation is a widely used mechanism in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to increase lifetime of a sensor node, send robust information by avoiding redundant data transmission to the base station. The privacy preserving data aggregation is a challenge in wireless communication medium as it could be eavesdropped; however it enhances the security without compromising energy efficiency. Thus the privacy protecting data aggregation protocols aims to prevent the disclosure of individual data though an adversary intercept a link or compromise a node’s data. We present a study of different privacy preserving data aggregation techniques used in WSNs to enhance energy and security based on the types of nodes in the network, topology and encryptions used for data aggregation.</p

    Quality-of-service in wireless sensor networks: state-of-the-art and future directions

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are one of today’s most prominent instantiations of the ubiquituous computing paradigm. In order to achieve high levels of integration, WSNs need to be conceived considering requirements beyond the mere system’s functionality. While Quality-of-Service (QoS) is traditionally associated with bit/data rate, network throughput, message delay and bit/packet error rate, we believe that this concept is too strict, in the sense that these properties alone do not reflect the overall quality-ofservice provided to the user/application. Other non-functional properties such as scalability, security or energy sustainability must also be considered in the system design. This paper identifies the most important non-functional properties that affect the overall quality of the service provided to the users, outlining their relevance, state-of-the-art and future research directions

    Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

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    Many wireless sensor network (WSN) applications require privacy-preserving aggregation of sensor data during transmission from the source nodes to the sink node. In this paper, we explore several existing privacy-preserving data aggregation (PPDA) protocols for WSNs in order to provide some insights on their current status. For this, we evaluate the PPDA protocols on the basis of such metrics as communication and computation costs in order to demonstrate their potential for supporting privacy-preserving data aggregation in WSNs. In addition, based on the existing research, we enumerate some important future research directions in the field of privacy-preserving data aggregation for WSNs

    Efficient and Error-bounded Spatiotemporal Quantile Monitoring in Edge Computing Environments

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    Underlying many types of data analytics, a spatiotemporal quantile monitoring (SQM) query continuously returns the quantiles of a dataset observed in a spatiotemporal range. In this paper, we study SQM in an Internet of Things (IoT) based edge computing environment, where concurrent SQM queries share the same infrastructure asynchronously. To minimize query latency while providing result accuracy guarantees, we design a processing framework that virtualizes edge-resident data sketches for quantile computing. In the framework, a coordinator edge node manages edge sketches and synchronizes edge sketch processing and query executions. The co-ordinator also controls the processed data fractions of edge sketches, which helps to achieve the optimal latency with error-bounded results for each single query. To support concurrent queries, we employ a grid to decompose queries into subqueries and process them efficiently using shared edge sketches. We also devise a relaxation algorithm to converge to optimal latencies for those subqueries whose result errors are still bounded. We evaluate our proposals using two high-speed streaming datasets in a simulated IoT setting with edge nodes. The results show that our proposals achieve efficient, scalable, and error-bounded SQM

    Location based services in wireless ad hoc networks

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    In this dissertation, we investigate location based services in wireless ad hoc networks from four different aspects - i) location privacy in wireless sensor networks (privacy), ii) end-to-end secure communication in randomly deployed wireless sensor networks (security), iii) quality versus latency trade-off in content retrieval under ad hoc node mobility (performance) and iv) location clustering based Sybil attack detection in vehicular ad hoc networks (trust). The first contribution of this dissertation is in addressing location privacy in wireless sensor networks. We propose a non-cooperative sensor localization algorithm showing how an external entity can stealthily invade into the location privacy of sensors in a network. We then design a location privacy preserving tracking algorithm for defending against such adversarial localization attacks. Next we investigate secure end-to-end communication in randomly deployed wireless sensor networks. Here, due to lack of control on sensors\u27 locations post deployment, pre-fixing pairwise keys between sensors is not feasible especially under larger scale random deployments. Towards this premise, we propose differentiated key pre-distribution for secure end-to-end secure communication, and show how it improves existing routing algorithms. Our next contribution is in addressing quality versus latency trade-off in content retrieval under ad hoc node mobility. We propose a two-tiered architecture for efficient content retrieval in such environment. Finally we investigate Sybil attack detection in vehicular ad hoc networks. A Sybil attacker can create and use multiple counterfeit identities risking trust of a vehicular ad hoc network, and then easily escape the location of the attack avoiding detection. We propose a location based clustering of nodes leveraging vehicle platoon dispersion for detection of Sybil attacks in vehicular ad hoc networks --Abstract, page iii

    Building efficient wireless infrastructures for pervasive computing environments

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    Pervasive computing is an emerging concept that thoroughly brings computing devices and the consequent technology into people\u27s daily life and activities. Most of these computing devices are very small, sometimes even invisible , and often embedded into the objects surrounding people. In addition, these devices usually are not isolated, but networked with each other through wireless channels so that people can easily control and access them. In the architecture of pervasive computing systems, these small and networked computing devices form a wireless infrastructure layer to support various functionalities in the upper application layer.;In practical applications, the wireless infrastructure often plays a role of data provider in a query/reply model, i.e., applications issue a query requesting certain data and the underlying wireless infrastructure is responsible for replying to the query. This dissertation has focused on the most critical issue of efficiency in designing such a wireless infrastructure. In particular, our problem resides in two domains depending on different definitions of efficiency. The first definition is time efficiency, i.e., how quickly a query can be replied. Many applications, especially real-time applications, require prompt response to a query as the consequent operations may be affected by the prior delay. The second definition is energy efficiency which is extremely important for the pervasive computing devices powered by batteries. Above all, our design goal is to reply to a query from applications quickly and with low energy cost.;This dissertation has investigated two representative wireless infrastructures, sensor networks and RFID systems, both of which can serve applications with useful information about the environments. We have comprehensively explored various important and representative problems from both algorithmic and experimental perspectives including efficient network architecture design and efficient protocols for basic queries and complicated data mining queries. The major design challenges of achieving efficiency are the massive amount of data involved in a query and the extremely limited resources and capability each small device possesses. We have proposed novel and efficient solutions with intensive evaluation. Compared to the prior work, this dissertation has identified a few important new problems and the proposed solutions significantly improve the performance in terms of time efficiency and energy efficiency. Our work also provides referrable insights and appropriate methodology to other similar problems in the research community

    A Comprehensive Approach to WSN-Based ITS Applications: A Survey

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    In order to perform sensing tasks, most current Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) rely on expensive sensors, which offer only limited functionality. A more recent trend consists of using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) for such purpose, which reduces the required investment and enables the development of new collaborative and intelligent applications that further contribute to improve both driving safety and traffic efficiency. This paper surveys the application of WSNs to such ITS scenarios, tackling the main issues that may arise when developing these systems. The paper is divided into sections which address different matters including vehicle detection and classification as well as the selection of appropriate communication protocols, network architecture, topology and some important design parameters. In addition, in line with the multiplicity of different technologies that take part in ITS, it does not consider WSNs just as stand-alone systems, but also as key components of heterogeneous systems cooperating along with other technologies employed in vehicular scenarios

    A comprehensive survey of wireless body area networks on PHY, MAC, and network layers solutions

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    Recent advances in microelectronics and integrated circuits, system-on-chip design, wireless communication and intelligent low-power sensors have allowed the realization of a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). A WBAN is a collection of low-power, miniaturized, invasive/non-invasive lightweight wireless sensor nodes that monitor the human body functions and the surrounding environment. In addition, it supports a number of innovative and interesting applications such as ubiquitous healthcare, entertainment, interactive gaming, and military applications. In this paper, the fundamental mechanisms of WBAN including architecture and topology, wireless implant communication, low-power Medium Access Control (MAC) and routing protocols are reviewed. A comprehensive study of the proposed technologies for WBAN at Physical (PHY), MAC, and Network layers is presented and many useful solutions are discussed for each layer. Finally, numerous WBAN applications are highlighted
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