73,665 research outputs found

    Model Checking a Temporal Logic via Program Verification

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    openThe thesis explores the possibility of viewing Model Checking as an instance of program verification in order to allow for the reuse of the vast theory and toolset of Abstract Interpretation in the setting of Model Checking. Model Checking is a formal verification technique used to analyse the correctness of software systems, based on a representation of the system as a formal model, such as a finite-state machine or a transition system, and on a representation of the properties it must satisfy as temporal logic formulae. On the other hand, Abstract Interpretation is a program analysis method, based on the idea of extracting properties of programs by (over-)approximating their semantics over a so-called abstract domain, typically a complete lattice, whose elements represent program properties. The thesis focuses on ACTL, the universal fragment of the temporal logic CTL, which can describe properties of executions which are universally quantified. It shows how properties expressed in ACTL can be mapped into programs written in a suitable programming language, whose semantics consists of counterexamples to the validity of the formula. Then such a program is analysed by Abstract Interpretation over some abstract domain, exploiting the idea of local completeness as put forward in some recent work, combining lower- and under-approximations.The thesis explores the possibility of viewing Model Checking as an instance of program verification in order to allow for the reuse of the vast theory and toolset of Abstract Interpretation in the setting of Model Checking. Model Checking is a formal verification technique used to analyse the correctness of software systems, based on a representation of the system as a formal model, such as a finite-state machine or a transition system, and on a representation of the properties it must satisfy as temporal logic formulae. On the other hand, Abstract Interpretation is a program analysis method, based on the idea of extracting properties of programs by (over-)approximating their semantics over a so-called abstract domain, typically a complete lattice, whose elements represent program properties. The thesis focuses on ACTL, the universal fragment of the temporal logic CTL, which can describe properties of executions which are universally quantified. It shows how properties expressed in ACTL can be mapped into programs written in a suitable programming language, whose semantics consists of counterexamples to the validity of the formula. Then such a program is analysed by Abstract Interpretation over some abstract domain, exploiting the idea of local completeness as put forward in some recent work, combining lower- and under-approximations

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationTrusted computing base (TCB) of a computer system comprises components that must be trusted in order to support its security policy. Research communities have identified the well-known minimal TCB principle, namely, the TCB of a system should be as small as possible, so that it can be thoroughly examined and verified. This dissertation is an experiment showing how small the TCB for an isolation service is based on software fault isolation (SFI) for small multitasking embedded systems. The TCB achieved by this dissertation includes just the formal definitions of isolation properties, instruction semantics, program logic, and a proof assistant, besides hardware. There is not a compiler, an assembler, a verifier, a rewriter, or an operating system in the TCB. To the best of my knowledge, this is the smallest TCB that has ever been shown for guaranteeing nontrivial properties of real binary programs on real hardware. This is accomplished by combining SFI techniques and high-confidence formal verification. An SFI implementation inserts dynamic checks before dangerous operations, and these checks provide necessary invariants needed by the formal verification to prove theorems about the isolation properties of ARM binary programs. The high-confidence assurance of the formal verification comes from two facts. First, the verification is based on an existing realistic semantics of the ARM ISA that is independently developed by Cambridge researchers. Second, the verification is conducted in a higher-order proof assistant-the HOL theorem prover, which mechanically checks every verification step by rigorous logic. In addition, the entire verification process, including both specification generation and verification, is automatic. To support proof automation, a novel program logic has been designed, and an automatic reasoning framework for verifying shallow safety properties has been developed. The program logic integrates Hoare-style reasoning and Floyd's inductive assertion reasoning together in a small set of definitions, which overcomes shortcomings of Hoare logic and facilitates proof automation. All inference rules of the logic are proven based on the instruction semantics and the logic definitions. The framework leverages abstract interpretation to automatically find function specifications required by the program logic. The results of the abstract interpretation are used to construct the function specifications automatically, and the specifications are proven without human interaction by utilizing intermediate theorems generated during the abstract interpretation. All these work in concert to create the very small TCB

    Abstract Interpretation-based verification/certification in the ciaoPP system

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    CiaoPP is the abstract interpretation-based preprocessor of the Ciao multi-paradigm (Constraint) Logic Programming system. It uses modular, incremental abstract interpretation as a fundamental tool to obtain information about programs. In CiaoPP, the semantic approximations thus produced have been applied to perform high- and low-level optimizations during program compilation, including transformations such as múltiple abstract specialization, parallelization, partial evaluation, resource usage control, and program verification. More recently, novel and promising applications of such semantic approximations are being applied in the more general context of program development such as program verification. In this work, we describe our extensión of the system to incorpórate Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC), a novel approach to mobile code safety. ACC follows the standard strategy of associating safety certificates to programs, originally proposed in Proof Carrying- Code. A distinguishing feature of ACC is that we use an abstraction (or abstract model) of the program computed by standard static analyzers as a certifícate. The validity of the abstraction on the consumer side is checked in a single-pass by a very efficient and specialized abstractinterpreter. We have implemented and benchmarked ACC within CiaoPP. The experimental results show that the checking phase is indeed faster than the proof generation phase, and that the sizes of certificates are reasonable. Moreover, the preprocessor is based on compile-time (and run-time) tools for the certification of CLP programs with resource consumption assurances

    Analysis and Transformation Tools for Constrained Horn Clause Verification

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    Several techniques and tools have been developed for verification of properties expressed as Horn clauses with constraints over a background theory (CHC). Current CHC verification tools implement intricate algorithms and are often limited to certain subclasses of CHC problems. Our aim in this work is to investigate the use of a combination of off-the-shelf techniques from the literature in analysis and transformation of Constraint Logic Programs (CLPs) to solve challenging CHC verification problems. We find that many problems can be solved using a combination of tools based on well-known techniques from abstract interpretation, semantics-preserving transformations, program specialisation and query-answer transformations. This gives insights into the design of automatic, more general CHC verification tools based on a library of components.Comment: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Convex polyhedral abstractions, specialisation and property-based predicate splitting in Horn clause verification

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    We present an approach to constrained Horn clause (CHC) verification combining three techniques: abstract interpretation over a domain of convex polyhedra, specialisation of the constraints in CHCs using abstract interpretation of query-answer transformed clauses, and refinement by splitting predicates. The purpose of the work is to investigate how analysis and transformation tools developed for constraint logic programs (CLP) can be applied to the Horn clause verification problem. Abstract interpretation over convex polyhedra is capable of deriving sophisticated invariants and when used in conjunction with specialisation for propagating constraints it can frequently solve challenging verification problems. This is a contribution in itself, but refinement is needed when it fails, and the question of how to refine convex polyhedral analyses has not been studied much. We present a refinement technique based on interpolants derived from a counterexample trace; these are used to drive a property-based specialisation that splits predicates, leading in turn to more precise convex polyhedral analyses. The process of specialisation, analysis and splitting can be repeated, in a manner similar to the CEGAR and iterative specialisation approaches.Comment: In Proceedings HCVS 2014, arXiv:1412.082

    Abstract Diagnosis for Timed Concurrent Constraint programs

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    The Timed Concurrent Constraint Language (tccp in short) is a concurrent logic language based on the simple but powerful concurrent constraint paradigm of Saraswat. In this paradigm, the notion of store-as-value is replaced by the notion of store-as-constraint, which introduces some differences w.r.t. other approaches to concurrency. In this paper, we provide a general framework for the debugging of tccp programs. To this end, we first present a new compact, bottom-up semantics for the language that is well suited for debugging and verification purposes in the context of reactive systems. We also provide an abstract semantics that allows us to effectively implement debugging algorithms based on abstract interpretation. Given a tccp program and a behavior specification, our debugging approach automatically detects whether the program satisfies the specification. This differs from other semiautomatic approaches to debugging and avoids the need to provide symptoms in advance. We show the efficacy of our approach by introducing two illustrative examples. We choose a specific abstract domain and show how we can detect that a program is erroneous.Comment: 16 page

    Abstract Certification of Java Programs in Rewriting Logic

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    In this thesis we propose an abstraction based certification technique for Java programs which is based on rewriting logic, a very general logical and semantic framework efficiently implemented in the functional programming language Maude. We focus on safety properties, i.e. properties of a system that are defined in terms of certain events not happening, which we characterize as unreachability problems in rewriting logic. The safety policy is expressed in the style of JML, a standard property specification language for Java modules. In order to provide a decision procedure, we enforce finite-state models of programs by using abstract interpretation. Starting from a specification of the Java semantics written in Maude, we develop an abstraction based, finite-state operational semantics also written in Maude which is appropriate for program verification. As a by-product of the verification based on abstraction, a dependable safety certificate is delivered which consists of a set of rewriting proofs that can be easily checked by the code consumer by using a standard rewriting logic engine. The abstraction based proof-carrying code technique, called JavaPCC, has been implemented and successfully tested on several examples, which demonstrate the feasibility of our approach. We analyse local properties of Java methods: i.e. properties of methods regarding their parameters and results. We also study global confidentiality properties of complete Java classes, by initially considering non--interference and, then, erasure with and without non--interference. Non--interference is a semantic program property that assigns confidentiality levels to data objects and prevents illicit information flows from occurring from high to low security levels. In this thesis, we present a novel security model for global non--interference which approximates non--interference as a safety property.Alba Castro, MF. (2011). Abstract Certification of Java Programs in Rewriting Logic [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/13617Palanci

    An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Diagnosis and Verification of Timed Concurrent Constraint Languages

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    In this thesis, we propose a semantic framework for tccp based on abstract interpretation with the main purpose of formally verifying and debugging tccp programs. A key point for the efficacy of the resulting methodologies is the adequacy of the concrete semantics. Thus, in this thesis, much effort has been devoted to the development of a suitable small-step denotational semantics for the tccp language to start with. Our denotational semantics models precisely the small-step behavior of tccp and is suitable to be used within the abstract interpretation framework. Namely, it is defined in a compositional and bottom-up way, it is as condensed as possible (it does not contain redundant elements), and it is goal-independent (its calculus does not depend on the semantic evaluation of a specific initial agent). Another contribution of this thesis is the definition (by abstraction of our small-step denotational semantics) of a big-step denotational semantics that abstracts away from the information about the evolution of the state and keeps only the the first and the last (if it exists) state. We show that this big-step semantics is essentially equivalent to the input-output semantics. In order to fulfill our goal of formally validate tccp programs, we build different approximations of our small-step denotational semantics by using standard abstract interpretation techniques. In this way we obtain debugging and verification tools which are correct by construction. More specifically, we propose two abstract semantics that are used to formally debug tccp programs. The first one approximates the information content of tccp behavioral traces, while the second one approximates our small-step semantics with temporal logic formulas. By applying abstract diagnosis with these abstract semantics we obtain two fully-automatic verification methods for tccp

    A program analysis framework for tccp based on abstract interpretation

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    [EN] The timed concurrent constraint language (tccp) is a timed extension of the concurrent constraint paradigm. tccp was defined to model reactive systems, where infinite behaviors arise naturally. In previous works, a semantic framework and abstract diagnosis method for the language have been defined. On the basis of that semantic framework, this paper proposes an abstract semantics that, together with a widening operator, is suitable for the definition of different analyses for tccp programs. The abstract semantics is correct and can be represented as a finite graph where each node represents a hypothetical (abstract) computational step of the program. The widening operator allows us to guarantee the convergence of the abstract fixpoint computation.This author has been supported by the Andalusian Excellence Project P11-TIC-7659. This work has been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish MINECO under grants TIN 2015-69175-C4-1-R and TIN 2013-45732-C4-1-P and by Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEOII/2015/013Comini, M.; Gallardo, M.; Titolo, L.; Villanueva, A. (2017). A program analysis framework for tccp based on abstract interpretation. Formal Aspects of Computing. 29(3):531-557. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00165-016-0409-8S531557293Alpuente M, Gallardo MM, Pimentel E, Villanueva A (2006) A semantic framework for the abstract model checking of tccp programs. Theor Comput Scie 346(1): 58–95Bagnara R, Hill PM., Ricci E, Zaffanella E (2005) Precise widening operators for convex polyhedra. Sci Comput Program 58(1–2):28–56Cousot P, Cousot R (1977) Abstract interpretation: a unified lattice model for static analysis of programs by construction or approximation of fixpoints. In: Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN symposium on principles of programming languages, Los Angeles, California, January 17–19. ACM Press, New York, pp 238–252Clarke EM, Grumberg O, Jha S, Lu Y, Veith H (2000) Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement. In: CAV, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1855. Springer, pp 154–169Comini M, Gallardo MM, Titolo L, Villanueva A (2015) Abstract Analysis of Universal Properties for tccp. In: Falaschi M (ed) Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 25th International Symposium, LOPSTR 2015. Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9527. Springer, pp 163–178Comini M, Titolo L, Villanueva A (2011) Abstract diagnosis for timed concurrent constraint programs. Theory Pract Logic Programm 11(4-5):487–502Comini M, Titolo L, Villanueva A (2013) A condensed goal-independent bottom-up fixpoint modeling the behavior of tccp. Technical report, DSIC, Universitat Politècnica de València. http://riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/34328de Boer FS, Gabbrielli M, Meo MC (2000) A timed concurrent constraint language. Inf Comput 161(1): 45–83Falaschi M, Gabbrielli M, Marriott K, Palamidessi C (1993) Compositional analysis for concurrent constraint programming. In: Proceedings of the eighth annual IEEE symposium on logic in computer science, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp 210–221Falaschi M, Olarte C, Palamidessi C (2015) Abstract interpretation of temporal concurrent constraint programs. Theory and Pract Logic Program (TPLP) 15(3): 312–357Falaschi M, Villanueva A (2006) Automatic verification of timed concurrent constraint programs. Theory Pract Logic Program 6(3): 265–300Gallardo MM, Merino P, Pimentel E (2002) Refinement of LTL formulas for abstract model checking. In: Static analysis, 9th international symposium, SAS 2002, Madrid, Spain, September 17–20, 2002, Proceedings, pp 395–410Saraswat VA (1993) Concurrent constraint programming. The MIT Press, CambridgeSaraswat VA, Rinard M, Panangaden P (1991) The semantic foundations of concurrent constraint programming. In: Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on principles of programming languages. ACM, New York, pp 333–352Zaffanella E, Giacobazzi R, Levi G (1997) Abstracting synchronization in concurrent constraint programming. J Funct Logic Program (6

    Abstract interpretation of symbolic execution with explicit state updates

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    Systems for deductive software verification model the semantics of their target programming language with full precision. On the other hand, abstraction based approaches work with approximations of the semantics in order to be fully automatic. In this paper we aim at providing a uniform framework for both fully precise and approximate reasoning about programs. We present a sound dynamic logic calculus that integrates abstraction in the sense of abstract interpretation theory. In the second part of the paper, we apply the approach to the analysis of secure information flow
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