11 research outputs found

    Hmx gene conservation identifies the evolutionary origin of vertebrate cranial ganglia

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    The evolutionary origin of vertebrates included innovations in sensory processing associated with the acquisition of a predatory lifestyle. Vertebrates perceive external stimuli through sensory systems serviced by cranial sensory ganglia (CSG) which develop from cranial placodes; however understanding the evolutionary origin of placodes and CSGs is hampered by the gulf between living lineages and difficulty in assigning homology between cell types and structures. Here we use the Hmx gene family to address this question. We show Hmx is a constitutive component of vertebrate CSG development and that Hmx in the tunicate Ciona is able to drive the differentiation program of Bipolar Tail Neurons (BTNs), cells previously thought neural crest homologs. Using Ciona and lamprey transgenesis we demonstrate that a unique, tandemly duplicated enhancer pair regulated Hmx in the stem-vertebrate lineage. Strikingly, we also show robust vertebrate Hmx enhancer function in Ciona, demonstrating that deep conservation of the upstream regulatory network spans the evolutionary origin of vertebrates. These experiments demonstrate regulatory and functional conservation between Ciona and vertebrate Hmx, and confirm BTNs as CSG homologs. Our analysis also identifies derived evolutionary changes, including a genetic basis for secondary simplicity in Ciona and unique regulatory complexity in vertebrates

    Hmx gene conservation identifies the evolutionary origin of vertebrate cranial ganglia

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    The evolutionary origin of vertebrates included innovations in sensory processing associated with the acquisition of a predatory lifestyle. Vertebrates perceive external stimuli through sensory systems serviced by cranial sensory ganglia (CSG) which develop from cranial placodes; however understanding the evolutionary origin of placodes and CSGs is hampered by the gulf between living lineages and difficulty in assigning homology between cell types and structures. Here we use the Hmx gene family to address this question. We show Hmx is a constitutive component of vertebrate CSG development and that Hmx in the tunicate Ciona is able to drive the differentiation program of Bipolar Tail Neurons (BTNs), cells previously thought neural crest homologs. Using Ciona and lamprey transgenesis we demonstrate that a unique, tandemly duplicated enhancer pair regulated Hmx in the stem-vertebrate lineage. Strikingly, we also show robust vertebrate Hmx enhancer function in Ciona, demonstrating that deep conservation of the upstream regulatory network spans the evolutionary origin of vertebrates. These experiments demonstrate regulatory and functional conservation between Ciona and vertebrate Hmx, and confirm BTNs as CSG homologs. Our analysis also identifies derived evolutionary changes, including a genetic basis for secondary simplicity in Ciona and unique regulatory complexity in vertebrates


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    A putative chordate luciferase from a cosmopolitan tunicate indicates convergent bioluminescence evolution across phyla

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    Pyrosomes are tunicates in the phylum Chordata, which also contains vertebrates. Their gigantic blooms play important ecological and biogeochemical roles in oceans. Pyrosoma, meaning “firebody”, derives from their brilliant bioluminescence. The biochemistry of this light production is unknown, but has been hypothesized to be bacterial in origin. We found that mixing coelenterazine—a eukaryote-specific luciferin—with Pyrosoma atlanticum homogenate produced light. To identify the bioluminescent machinery, we sequenced P. atlanticum transcriptomes and found a sequence match to a cnidarian luciferase (RLuc). We expressed this novel luciferase (PyroLuc) and, combined with coelenterazine, it produced light. A similar gene was recently predicted from a bioluminescent brittle star, indicating that RLuc-like luciferases may have evolved convergently from homologous dehalogenases across phyla (Cnidaria, Echinodermata, and Chordata). This report indicates that a widespread gene may be able to functionally converge, resulting in bioluminescence across animal phyla, and describes and characterizes the first putative chordate luciferase

    Evolution of the expression and regulation of the nuclear hormone receptor ERR gene family in the chordate lineage

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    The Estrogen Related Receptor (ERR) nuclear hormone receptor genes have a wide diversity of roles in vertebrate development. In embryos, ERR genes are expressed in several tissues, including the central and peripheral nervous systems. Here we seek to establish the evolutionary history of chordate ERR genes, their expression and their regulation. We examine ERR expression in mollusc, amphioxus and sea squirt embryos, finding the single ERR orthologue is expressed in the nervous system in all three, with muscle expression also found in the two chordates. We show that most jawed vertebrates and lampreys have four ERR paralogues, and that vertebrate ERR genes were ancestrally linked to Estrogen Receptor genes. One of the lamprey paralogues shares conserved expression domains with jawed vertebrate ERRÎł in the embryonic vestibuloacoustic ganglion, eye, brain and spinal cord. Hypothesising that conserved expression derives from conserved regulation, we identify a suite of pan-vertebrate conserved non-coding sequences in ERR introns. We use transgenesis in lamprey and chicken embryos to show that these sequences are regulatory and drive reporter gene expression in the nervous system. Our data suggest an ancient association between ERR and the nervous system, including expression in cells associated with photosensation and mechanosensation. This includes the origin in the vertebrate common ancestor of a suite of regulatory elements in the 3' introns that drove nervous system expression and have been conserved from this point onwards

    A genome database for a Japanese population of the larvacean Oikopleura dioica

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    The larvacean Oikopleura dioica is a planktonic chordate, and is tunicate that belongs to the closest relatives to vertebrates. Its simple and transparent body, invariant embryonic cell lineages, and short life cycle of five days make it a promising model organism for developmental biology research. The genome browser OikoBase was established in 2013 using Norwegian O. dioica. However, genome information for other populations is not available, even though many researchers have studied local populations. In the present study, we sequenced using Illumina and PacBio RSII technologies the genome of O. dioica from a southwestern Japanese population that was cultured in our laboratory for three years. The genome of Japanese O. dioica was assembled into 576 scaffold sequences with a total length and N50 length of 56.6 Mb and 1.5 Mb, respectively. A total of 18,743 gene models (transcript models) were predicted in the genome assembly, named as OSKA2016. In addition, 19,277 non-redundant transcripts were assembled using RNA-seq data. The OSKA2016 has global sequence similarity of only 86.5% when compared with the OikoBase, highlighting the sequence difference between the two far distant O. dioica populations on the globe. The genome assembly, transcript assembly, and transcript models were incorporated into ANISEED (https://www.aniseed.cnrs.fr/) for genome browsing and blast searches. Moreover, screening of the male-specific scaffolds revealed that over 2.6 Mb of sequence were included in the male-specific Yregion. The genome and transcriptome resources from two distinct populations will be useful datasets for developmental biology, evolutionary biology, and molecular ecology using this model organism

    Transcriptional regulation of the Ciona Gsx gene in the neural plate

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    Work by R. E. in the laboratory of H. Y. was supported by a European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) short term fellowship (ASTF 534–2014). Work by P. L. and E. F. was supported by CNRS and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-13-BSV2–0011-01,TED; ANR-08-BLAN-0067, Chor-Evo-Net). Work by R. E., A. P. and L. S. in the laboratory of A. S. was supported by SZN PhD fellowships. The group of D. E. K. F. is supported by the Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2016-351). Isolation of the Gsx containing cosmid was conducted in the laboratory of Peter Holland and supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (no. G09218).The ascidian neural plate consists of a defined number of identifiable cells organized in a grid of rows and columns, representing a useful model to investigate the molecular mechanisms controlling neural patterning in chordates. Distinct anterior brain lineages are specified via unique combinatorial inputs of signalling pathways with Nodal and Delta-Notch signals patterning along the medial-lateral axis and FGF/MEK/ERK signals patterning along the anterior-posterior axis of the neural plate. The Ciona Gsx gene is specifically expressed in the a9.33 cells in the row III/column 2 position of anterior brain lineages, characterised by a combinatorial input of Nodal-OFF, Notch-ON and FGF-ON. Here, we identify the minimal cis-regulatory element (CRE) of 376 bp, which can recapitulate the early activation of Gsx. We show that this minimal CRE responds in the same way as the endogenous Gsx gene to manipulation of FGF- and Notch-signalling pathways and to overexpression of Snail, a mediator of Nodal signals, and Six3/6, which is required to demarcate the anterior boundary of Gsx expression at the late neurula stage. We reveal that sequences proximal to the transcription start site include a temporal regulatory element required for the precise transcriptional onset of gene expression. We conclude that sufficient spatial and temporal information for Gsx expression is integrated in 376 bp of non-coding cis-regulatory sequences.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Amphioxus muscle transcriptomes reveal vertebrate-like myoblast fusion genes and a highly conserved role of insulin signalling in the metabolism of muscle

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    Madeleine E. Aase-Remedios and Clara Coll-Lladó were supported by funding from the University of St Andrews, School of Biology and additional support from St Leonards College (MEAR), the CORBEL grant European Research Infrastructure cluster project and European Assemble Plus (H2020-INFRAIA-1-2016-2017; grant no.730984). Transcriptome sequencing was done with an award under the BBSRC TGAC Capacity and Capability Challenge.Background:   The formation and functioning of muscles are fundamental aspects of animal biology, and the evolution of ‘muscle genes’ is central to our understanding of this tissue. Feeding-fasting-refeeding experiments have been widely used to assess muscle cellular and metabolic responses to nutrition. Though these studies have focused on vertebrate models and only a few invertebrate systems, they have found similar processes are involved in muscle degradation and maintenance. Motivation for these studies stems from interest in diseases whose pathologies involve muscle atrophy, a symptom also triggered by fasting, as well as commercial interest in the muscle mass of animals kept for consumption. Experimentally modelling atrophy by manipulating nutritional state causes muscle mass to be depleted during starvation and replenished with refeeding so that the genetic mechanisms controlling muscle growth and degradation can be understood. Results:  Using amphioxus, the earliest branching chordate lineage, we address the gap in previous work stemming from comparisons between distantly related vertebrate and invertebrate models. Our amphioxus feeding-fasting-refeeding muscle transcriptomes reveal a highly conserved myogenic program and that the pro-orthologues of many vertebrate myoblast fusion genes were present in the ancestral chordate, despite these invertebrate chordates having unfused mononucleate myocytes. We found that genes differentially expressed between fed and fasted amphioxus were orthologous to the genes that respond to nutritional state in vertebrates. This response is driven in a large part by the highly conserved IGF/Akt/FOXO pathway, where depleted nutrient levels result in activation of FOXO, a transcription factor with many autophagy-related gene targets. Conclusion:  Reconstruction of these gene networks and pathways in amphioxus muscle provides a key point of comparison between the distantly related groups assessed thus far, significantly refining the reconstruction of the ancestral state for chordate myoblast fusion genes and identifying the extensive role of duplicated genes in the IGF/Akt/FOXO pathway across animals. Our study elucidates the evolutionary trajectory of muscle genes as they relate to the increased complexity of vertebrate muscles and muscle development.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    ANISEED 2017: extending the integrated ascidian database to the exploration and evolutionary comparison of genome-scale datasets

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    International audienceANISEED (www.aniseed.cnrs.fr) is the main model organism database for tunicates, the sister-group of vertebrates. This release gives access to annotated genomes, gene expression patterns, and anatomical descriptions for nine ascidian species. It provides increased integration with external molecular and taxonomy databases, better support for epigenomics datasets, in particular RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and SELEX-seq, and features novel interactive interfaces for existing and novel datatypes. In particular, the cross-species navigation and comparison is enhanced through a novel taxonomy section describing each represented species and through the implementation of interactive phylogenetic gene trees for 60% of tunicate genes. The gene expression section displays the results of RNA-seq experiments for the three major model species of solitary ascidians. Gene expression is controlled by the binding of transcription factors to cis-regulatory sequences. A high-resolution description of the DNA-binding specificity for 131 Ciona robusta (formerly C. intestinalis type A) transcription factors by SELEX-seq is provided and used to map candidate binding sites across the Ciona robusta and Phallusia mammillata genomes. Finally, use of a WashU Epigenome browser enhances genome navigation, while a Genomicus server was set up to explore microsynteny relationships within tunicates and with vertebrates, Amphioxus, echinoderms and hemichordates

    Elucidating Mechanisms of Biofluorescence and Bioluminescence in Marine Organisms

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    Biofluorescence and bioluminescence are two methods of light emission that entail separate mechanisms of action but end at the same process: a colorful display that have tremendous ecological and behavioral benefits, whether it be used to communicate with conspecifics, camouflage into a multicolored background, attract unsuspecting prey, or alert others to a predator. In biofluorescence, higher-energy, shorter wavelength light is absorbed then re-emitted as lower-energy, longer-wavelength light. Bioluminescence on the other hand entails a chemical reaction in which a small molecule is oxidized by an enzyme, creating a high-energy intermediate that sheds the excess energy in the form of visible light. The research presented here will look at separate proteins to uncover their molecular interactions that lead to light generation. We combine transcriptomics, phylogenetics, and biochemical assays to unravel these mysteries. We have studied fluorescent fatty acid binding proteins to discover which residues are important for eel fluorescence (Chapter 2), as well as to reveal a new member of the group from the Muraenidae family (Chapter 3). Additionally, we confirmed that the pyrosome Pyrosoma atlanticum utilizes an endogenous luciferase that reacts with coelenterazine to luminesce (Chapter 5). Our results provide better insight into the two separates forms of light emission, provide new tools for biomedical research, and overturn old paradigms, all while contextualizing these new proteins in an evolutionary perspective