1,289 research outputs found

    Two-way Integration of Service-Oriented Systems-of-Systems with the Web of Things

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    open5siThe Internet of Things (IoT) is nowadays affected by significant interoperability issues. One of the most popular countermeasures is the Web of Things (WoT), proposed recently in a consistent standardization effort. On the other hand, several IoT-oriented frameworks are already established in industrial scenarios and provide SOA-like features such as discovery and orchestration. In this paper, we study how to bridge these two worlds by proposing a tool that enables a two-way translation between a WoT ecosystem and a System-of-Systems composed of well-described Web services. We evaluate the efficiency and scalability of our solution over the Eclipse Arrowhead framework through a series of experiments that assess the scalability of our solution under realistic workloads.openIvan Dimitry Ribeiro Zyrianoff; Gigli L.; Montori F.; Kamienski C.; Di Felice M.Ivan Dimitry Ribeiro Zyrianoff; Gigli L.; Montori F.; Kamienski C.; Di Felice M

    Norm-based and commitment-driven agentification of the Internet of Things

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    There are no doubts that the Internet-of-Things (IoT) has conquered the ICT industry to the extent that many governments and organizations are already rolling out many anywhere,anytime online services that IoT sustains. However, like any emerging and disruptive technology, multiple obstacles are slowing down IoT practical adoption including the passive nature and privacy invasion of things. This paper examines how to empower things with necessary capabilities that would make them proactive and responsive. This means things can, for instance reach out to collaborative peers, (un)form dynamic communities when necessary, avoid malicious peers, and be “questioned” for their actions. To achieve such empowerment, this paper presents an approach for agentifying things using norms along with commitments that operationalize these norms. Both norms and commitments are specialized into social (i.e., application independent) and business (i.e., application dependent), respectively. Being proactive, things could violate commitments at run-time, which needs to be detected through monitoring. In this paper, thing agentification is illustrated with a case study about missing children and demonstrated with a testbed that uses different IoT-related technologies such as Eclipse Mosquitto broker and Message Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol. Some experiments conducted upon this testbed are also discussed

    IoT-Enabled Social Relationships Meet Artificial Social Intelligence

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    With the recent advances of the Internet of Things, and the increasing accessibility of ubiquitous computing resources and mobile devices, the prevalence of rich media contents, and the ensuing social, economic, and cultural changes, computing technology and applications have evolved quickly over the past decade. They now go beyond personal computing, facilitating collaboration and social interactions in general, causing a quick proliferation of social relationships among IoT entities. The increasing number of these relationships and their heterogeneous social features have led to computing and communication bottlenecks that prevent the IoT network from taking advantage of these relationships to improve the offered services and customize the delivered content, known as relationship explosion. On the other hand, the quick advances in artificial intelligence applications in social computing have led to the emerging of a promising research field known as Artificial Social Intelligence (ASI) that has the potential to tackle the social relationship explosion problem. This paper discusses the role of IoT in social relationships detection and management, the problem of social relationships explosion in IoT and reviews the proposed solutions using ASI, including social-oriented machine-learning and deep-learning techniques.Comment: Submitted to IEEE internet of things journa

    Liberalising Deployment of Internet of Things Devices and Services in Large Scale Environments

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    Inclusion Through the Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things Applications - From Research and Innovation to Market Deployment

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    The book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of Internet of Things from the research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies, nanoelectronics, cyber physical systems, architecture, interoperability and industrial applications. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC – Internet of Things European Research Cluster from technology to international cooperation and the global "state of play".The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European research Cluster on the Internet of Things Strategic Research Agenda and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, development and deployment of IoT at the global level. Internet of Things is creating a revolutionary new paradigm, with opportunities in every industry from Health Care, Pharmaceuticals, Food and Beverage, Agriculture, Computer, Electronics Telecommunications, Automotive, Aeronautics, Transportation Energy and Retail to apply the massive potential of the IoT to achieving real-world solutions. The beneficiaries will include as well semiconductor companies, device and product companies, infrastructure software companies, application software companies, consulting companies, telecommunication and cloud service providers. IoT will create new revenues annually for these stakeholders, and potentially create substantial market share shakeups due to increased technology competition. The IoT will fuel technology innovation by creating the means for machines to communicate many different types of information with one another while contributing in the increased value of information created by the number of interconnections among things and the transformation of the processed information into knowledge shared into the Internet of Everything. The success of IoT depends strongly on enabling technology development, market acceptance and standardization, which provides interoperability, compatibility, reliability, and effective operations on a global scale. The connected devices are part of ecosystems connecting people, processes, data, and things which are communicating in the cloud using the increased storage and computing power and pushing for standardization of communication and metadata. In this context security, privacy, safety, trust have to be address by the product manufacturers through the life cycle of their products from design to the support processes. The IoT developments address the whole IoT spectrum - from devices at the edge to cloud and datacentres on the backend and everything in between, through ecosystems are created by industry, research and application stakeholders that enable real-world use cases to accelerate the Internet of Things and establish open interoperability standards and common architectures for IoT solutions. Enabling technologies such as nanoelectronics, sensors/actuators, cyber-physical systems, intelligent device management, smart gateways, telematics, smart network infrastructure, cloud computing and software technologies will create new products, new services, new interfaces by creating smart environments and smart spaces with applications ranging from Smart Cities, smart transport, buildings, energy, grid, to smart health and life. Technical topics discussed in the book include: • Introduction• Internet of Things Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda• Internet of Things in the industrial context: Time for deployment.• Integration of heterogeneous smart objects, applications and services• Evolution from device to semantic and business interoperability• Software define and virtualization of network resources• Innovation through interoperability and standardisation when everything is connected anytime at anyplace• Dynamic context-aware scalable and trust-based IoT Security, Privacy framework• Federated Cloud service management and the Internet of Things• Internet of Things Application

    An Adaptive Mediation Framework for Workflow Management in the Internet of Things

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    Tärkavad värkvõrksüsteemid koosnevad arvukast hulgast heterogeensetest füüsilistest seadmetest, mis ühenduvad Internetiga. Need seadmed suudavad pidevalt ümbritseva keskkonnaga suhelda ja osana lõppkasutaja rakendusestest edendada valdkondi nagu tark kodu, e-tervis, logistika jne. Selleks, et integreerida füüsilisi seadmeid värkvõrgu haldussüssteemidega, on töövoo haldussüsteemid kerkinud esile sobiva lahendusena. Ent töövoo haldussüsteemide rakendamine värkvõrku toob kaasa reaalajas teenuste komponeerimise väljakutseid nagu pidev teenusavastus ja -käivitus. Lisaks kerkib küsimus, kuidas piiratud resurssidega värkvõrgu seadmeid töövoo haldussüsteemidega integreerida ning kuidas töövooge värkvõrgu seadmetel käivitada. Tööülesanded (nagu pidev seadmeavastus) võivad värkvõrgus osalevatele piiratud arvutusjõudluse ja akukestvusega seadmetele nagu nutitelefonid koormavaks osutuda. Siinkohal on võimalikuks lahenduseks töö delegeerimine pilve. Käesolev magistritöö esitleb kontekstipõhist raamistikku tööülesannete vahendamiseks värkvõrgurakendustes. Antud raamistikus modelleeritakse ning käitatakse tööülesandeid kasutades töövoogusid. Raamistiku prototüübiga läbi viidud uurimus näitas, et raamistik on võimeline tuvastama, millal seadme avastusülesannete pilve delegeerimine on kuluefektiivsem. Vahel aga pole töövoo käitamistarkvara paigaldamine värkvõrgu seadmetele soovitav, arvestades energiasäästlikkust ning käituskiirust. Käesolev töö võrdles kaht tüüpi töövookäitust: a) töövoo mudeli käitamine käitusmootoriga ning b) töövoo mudelist tõlgitud programmikoodi käitamine. Lähtudes katsetest päris seadmetega, võrreldi nimetatud kahte meetodit silmas pidades süsteemiressursside- ning energiakasutust.Emerging Internet of Things (IoT) systems consist of great numbers of heterogeneous physical entities that are interconnected via the Internet. These devices can continuously interact with the surrounding environment and be used for user applications that benefit human life in domains such as assisted living, e-health, transportation etc. In order to integrate the frontend physical things with IoT management systems, Workflow Management Systems (WfMS) have gained attention as a viable option. However, applying WfMS in IoT faces real-time service composition challenges such as continuous service discovery and invocation. Another question is how to integrate resource-contained IoT devices with the WfMS and execute workflows on the IoT devices. Tasks such as continuous device discovery can be taxing for IoT-involved devices with limited processing power and battery life such as smartphones. In order to overcome this, some tasks can be delegated to a utility Cloud instance. This thesis proposes a context-based framework for task mediation in Internet of Things applications. In the framework, tasks are modelled and executed as workflows. A case study carried out with a prototype of the framework showed that the proposed framework is able to decide when it is more cost-efficient to delegate discovery tasks to the cloud. However, sometimes embedding a workflow engine in an IoT device is not beneficial considering agility and energy conservation. This thesis compared two types of workflow execution: a) execution of workflow models using an embedded workflow engine and b) execution of program code translations based on the workflow models. Based on experiments with real devices, the two methods were compared in terms of system resource and energy usage

    Building the Hyperconnected Society- Internet of Things Research and Innovation Value Chains, Ecosystems and Markets

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    This book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of Internet of Things (IoT), ranging from research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies, nanoelectronics, cyber-physical systems, architecture, interoperability and industrial applications. All this is happening in a global context, building towards intelligent, interconnected decision making as an essential driver for new growth and co-competition across a wider set of markets. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC – Internet of Things European Research Cluster from research to technological innovation, validation and deployment.The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, innovation, development and deployment of IoT in future years. The concept of IoT could disrupt consumer and industrial product markets generating new revenues and serving as a growth driver for semiconductor, networking equipment, and service provider end-markets globally. This will create new application and product end-markets, change the value chain of companies that creates the IoT technology and deploy it in various end sectors, while impacting the business models of semiconductor, software, device, communication and service provider stakeholders. The proliferation of intelligent devices at the edge of the network with the introduction of embedded software and app-driven hardware into manufactured devices, and the ability, through embedded software/hardware developments, to monetize those device functions and features by offering novel solutions, could generate completely new types of revenue streams. Intelligent and IoT devices leverage software, software licensing, entitlement management, and Internet connectivity in ways that address many of the societal challenges that we will face in the next decade

    Exploiting social internet of things features in cognitive radio

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    Cognitive radio (CR) represents the proper technological solution in case of radio resources scarcity and availability of shared channels. For the deployment of CR solutions, it is important to implement proper sensing procedures, which are aimed at continuously surveying the status of the channels. However, accurate views of the resources status can be achieved only through the cooperation of many sensing devices. For these reasons, in this paper, we propose the utilization of the Social Internet of Things (SIoT) paradigm, according to which objects are capable of establishing social relationships in an autonomous way, with respect to the rules set by their owners. The resulting social network enables faster and trustworthy information/service discovery exploiting the social network of friend'' objects.We first describe the general approach according to which members of the SIoT collaborate to exchange channel status information. Then, we discuss the main features, i.e., the possibility to implement a distributed approach for a low-complexity cooperation and the scalability feature in heterogeneous networks. Simulations have also been run to show the advantages in terms of increased capacity and decreased interference probability