2,741 research outputs found

    Quality attribute trade-offs in the embedded systems industry: An exploratory case study

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    The embedded systems domain has grown exponentially over the past years. The industry is forced by the market to rapidly improve and release new products to beat the competition. Frenetic development rhythms thus shape this domain and give rise to several new challenges for software design and development. One of them is dealing with trade-offs between run-time and design-time quality attributes. To study practices, processes and tools concerning the management of run-time and design-time quality attributes as well as the trade-offs among them from the perspective of embedded systems software engineers. An exploratory case study with two qualitative data collection steps, namely interviews and a focus group, involving six different companies from the embedded systems domain with a total of twenty participants. The interviewed subjects showed a preference for run-time over design-time qualities. Trade-offs between design-time and run-time qualities are very common, but they are often implicit, due to the lack of adequate monitoring tools and practices. Practitioners prefer to deal with trade-offs in the most lightweight way possible, by applying ad-hoc practices, thus avoiding any overhead incurred. Finally, practitioners have elaborated on how they envision the ideal tool support for dealing with trade-offs. Although it is notoriously difficult to deal with trade-offs, constantly monitoring the quality attributes of interest with automated tools is key in making explicit and prudent trade-offs and mitigating the risk of incurring technical debt

    Development of a framework to understand the factors that influence software productivity in agile teams

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    Productivity improvement in the software industry is one of the major challenges facing many software development companies in this century. Most companies have adopted agile methodologies in order to profit from the benefits claimed for them. Agile methodologies are characterised by frequent software delivery, short feedback loops, quicker response to change, and problem identification earlier in the development process. The agile approach has been recognised as paving a way for companies to acquire higher software productivity, delivering good-quality and cost-effective software, enabling software development companies to respond to business challenges with their demands for high quality, high performance and high development speed in delivering the final product. For companies that adopt agile methodologies, understanding the factors that influence their teams’ software development productivity is a challenging task for management and practitioners today. In this research, an analysis is presented that identifies productivity factors that affect agile teams. It is a study of agile methods to identify common agile practices and/or values that have impact on productivity, and describes suitable metrics that could be used to measure agile team productivity. A qualitative research approach was used, and the case study was chosen as the research strategy. Two South African companies that are located in two different provinces and that adopted agile methodologies in their software development, were selected for the case studies. Qualitative content analysis was used in the research to permit subjective interpretation of factors that influence agile team productivity, and to analyse to what extent these factors affected productivity. This research has shown that an understanding of the factors that influence an agile team’s productivity gives significant insight into the way agile teams work, motivates team members to work together, and leads to uniform metrics in tracking each team’s progress. The study indicates that tracking an agile team’s work and providing adequate tools needed to execute their tasks results in improving agile team productivity. It should be recognised that using metrics to measure performance in agile teams is helpful in creating a team’s culture and trust. In this study, it was found that the factors identified in both literature and case studies affected productivity in the two companies under study, both positively and negatively. The study also found that applying the correct metrics in assessing, analysing and reviewing an agile team’s performance is important when monitoring productivity. Successful software delivery is only possible if individuals are committed to their work, are provided with the necessary tools and have access to a stable working environment. In addition, individual factors such as knowledge, skills, abilities, personalities and experience should be considered when forming agile teams. Consideration of these factors will result in grouping people that are able to work together and achieve a common goal, which is important in improving productivity. A conceptual framework for agile team productivity was proposed. The discussion of the findings is presented in more detail in this research.School of ComputingM.Sc. (Computing

    ICSEA 2021: the sixteenth international conference on software engineering advances

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    The Sixteenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2021), held on October 3 - 7, 2021 in Barcelona, Spain, continued a series of events covering a broad spectrum of software-related topics. The conference covered fundamentals on designing, implementing, testing, validating and maintaining various kinds of software. The tracks treated the topics from theory to practice, in terms of methodologies, design, implementation, testing, use cases, tools, and lessons learnt. The conference topics covered classical and advanced methodologies, open source, agile software, as well as software deployment and software economics and education. The conference had the following tracks: Advances in fundamentals for software development Advanced mechanisms for software development Advanced design tools for developing software Software engineering for service computing (SOA and Cloud) Advanced facilities for accessing software Software performance Software security, privacy, safeness Advances in software testing Specialized software advanced applications Web Accessibility Open source software Agile and Lean approaches in software engineering Software deployment and maintenance Software engineering techniques, metrics, and formalisms Software economics, adoption, and education Business technology Improving productivity in research on software engineering Trends and achievements Similar to the previous edition, this event continued to be very competitive in its selection process and very well perceived by the international software engineering community. As such, it is attracting excellent contributions and active participation from all over the world. We were very pleased to receive a large amount of top quality contributions. We take here the opportunity to warmly thank all the members of the ICSEA 2021 technical program committee as well as the numerous reviewers. The creation of such a broad and high quality conference program would not have been possible without their involvement. We also kindly thank all the authors that dedicated much of their time and efforts to contribute to the ICSEA 2021. We truly believe that thanks to all these efforts, the final conference program consists of top quality contributions. This event could also not have been a reality without the support of many individuals, organizations and sponsors. We also gratefully thank the members of the ICSEA 2021 organizing committee for their help in handling the logistics and for their work that is making this professional meeting a success. We hope the ICSEA 2021 was a successful international forum for the exchange of ideas and results between academia and industry and to promote further progress in software engineering research

    Energy applications: Enabling energy services

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    The energy services industry is not only misunderstood due to its diversity of value propositions, it has also been largely ignored as a major short term means of tackling climate change, ensuring energy supply security, and mitigating against rising energy costs (the three typical national energy policy goals frequently quoted around the world). Private sector business models have not been sufficiently identified, designed, incorporated, and evolved to meet the enormous opportunity that exists. The motivation for this thesis is therefore to design a highly effective business model that will make rapid inroads into the energy services industry, based on a deep understanding of its history, inherent market failures and institutional barriers, and critical success factors. This study set out to establish the range of existing business models in the energy services sector, and to explain the current and likely future market trajectories of its component parts, being, the energy efficiency, renewable microgeneration, carbon management, and smart energy management sub-industries, by conducting a literature review of thirteen high profile studies and interviewing multiple participants across the industry. The thesis also undertakes a thorough data analysis of the UK energy services market, quantifying its investment potential up until 2020 by developing individual growth models for each sub-industry. Five broad categories of energy services business models were identified including Utility Service Companies, Original Equipment Manufacturers, Energy Service Providers, Energy Service Companies, and Integrated Developers, which can be further broken down, proving that supply side fragmentation is severe. The data analysis concluded that an immediate total addressable market of £106.8 billion exists for a well constructed business which adequately combines the skills needed to operate across the four energy services sub-industries. The structure, resources, and value proposition of this business are set out in the enclosed business plan for a new company called Energy Applications

    Accountants\u27 index. Thirty-second supplement, January-December 1983, volume 1: A-L

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    New trends for conducting hazard & operability (HAZOP) studies in continuous chemical processes

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    Identifying hazards is fundamental for ensuring the safe design and operation of a system in process plants and other facilities. Several techniques are available to identify hazardous situations, all of which require their rigorous, thorough, and systematic application by a multi-disciplinary team of experts. Success rests upon first identifying and subsequently analyzing possible scenarios that can cause accidents with different degrees of severity. While hazard identification may be the most important stage for risk management, it depends on subjectivity issues (e.g., human observation, good judgment and intuition, creativity, expertise, knowledge) which introduce bias. Without a structured identification system, hazards can be overlooked, thus entailing incomplete risk-evaluations and potential loss. The present Thesis is focused on developing both managerial and technical aspects intended to standardize one of the most used techniques for hazard identification; viz. HAZard & Operability (HAZOP) study. These criteria have been carefully implemented not only to ensure that most of the hazardous scenarios will be identified, but also that US OSHA PSM Rule, EPA RMP, and Seveso Directive requirements will be accomplished. Chapter I pioneers the main research topic; from introducing the process safety concept up to the evidence of more detailed information is required from related regulations. A review of regulations (i.e., US, Europe legislation) focused on Hazard Identification has been conducted, highlighting, there is an absence of specific criteria for performing techniques intended to identify what can go wrong. Chapter II introduces the risk management system required to analyze the risk from chemical process facilities, and justifies that hazard identification stage is the Process Safety foundation. Hereafter, an overview of the key Process Hazard Analyzes (PHA) has been conducted, and the specific HAZOP weaknesses and strengths have been highlighted to establish the first steps to focus on. Chapter III establishes the scope, the purpose and the specific objectives that the research covers. It answers the following questions on the spot: why the present research is performed, which elements are included, and what has been considered for acquiring the final conclusions of the manuscript. Chapter IV gathers HAZOP-related literature from books, guidelines, standards, major journals, and conference proceedings with the purpose of classifying the research conducted over the years and finally define the HAZOP state-of-the-art. Additionally, and according to the information collected, the current HAZOP limitations have been emphasized, and thus, the research needs that should be considered for the HAZOP improvement and advance. Chapter V analyzes the data collected while preparing, organizing, executing and writing HAZOPs in five petroleum-refining processes. A statistical analysis has been performed to extract guidance and conclusions to support the established criteria to conduct effectively HAZOP studies. Chapter VI establishes the whole set of actions that have to be taken into account for ensuring a wellplanned and executed HAZOP study. Both technical and management issues are addressed, criteria supported after considering the previous chapters of the manuscript. Chapter VI itself is the result of the present research, and could be used as a guideline not only for team leaders, but also for any related party interested on performing HAZOPs in continuous chemical processes. Chapter VII states the final conclusions of the research. The interested parties should be released about the hazard identification related-gaps present in current process safety regulations; which are the key limitations of the HAZOP study, and finally, which are the criteria to cover the research needs that have been found Annex I proposes the key tools (tables, figures and checklists "ready-to use'') to be used for conducting HAZOPs in continuous chemical processes. The information layout is structured according to the proposed HAZOP Management System. This information is intended to provide concise and structured documentation to be used as a reference book when conducting HAZOPs. Annex II is intended to overview the most relevant petroleum refining processes by highlighting key factors to take into account in the point of view of process safety and hazard identification, i.e. HAZOP. In this sense, key health and safety information of specific petroleum refining units is provided as a valuable guidance during brainstorming sessions. Annex III illustrates the complete set of data collected during the field work of the present research, and also analyzed in Chapter V of the manuscript. Additionally, it depicts a statistical summary of the key variables treated during the analysis. Finally, the Nomenclature, References, and Abbreviations & Acronyms used and cited during the manuscript have been listed. Additionally, a Glossary of key terms related to the Process Safety field has been illustrated.La present Tesis doctoral té com a objectiu estandarditzar l'aplicació d'una de les tècniques més utilitzades a la industria de procés per a la identificació de perills; l'anomenat HAZard & OPerability (HAZOP) study, específicament a processos complexes, com per exemple, unitat de refineria del petroli.El capítol I defineix el concepte de Seguretat de Processos, i progressivament analitza les diferents regulacions relacionades amb la temàtica, detallant específicament les mancances i buits d'informació que actualment hi ha presents a la primera etapa de la gestió del risc en industries de procés: la identificació de perills.El capítol II defineix el sistema de gestió del risc tecnològic que aplica a les industries de procés, i es justifica que l'etapa d'identificació de perills és el pilar de tot el sistema. Finalment, es mencionen algunes de les tècniques d'identificació més utilitzades, els anomenats Process Hazard Analysis (PHA), i es detallen les seves mancances i fortaleses, característiques que han acabat definint la temàtica específica de la Tesis. Concretament, es dóna èmfasis a la tècnica anomenada HAZard & OPerability (HAZOP) study, objecte principal de la recerca.El capítol III defineix l'abast, el propòsit i els objectius específics de la recerca. La intenció d'aquest capítol és donar resposta a les següents qüestions: el perquè de la recerca, quins elements han estat inclosos i què s'ha considerat per tal d'assolir les conclusions de la Tesis.El capítol IV descriu l'estat de l'art de la literatura relacionada amb el HAZOP. Aquesta revisió no només permet classificar les diferents línies de recerca relacionades amb el HAZOP, sinó que també permet assolir un coneixement profund de les diferents particularitats de la pròpia tècnica. El capítol finalitza amb un conjunt de mancances tant de gestió com tècniques, així com les necessitats de recerca que poden millorar l'organització i execució dels HAZOPs.El capítol V analitza la informació que ha estat recopilada durant la fase experimental de la tesis. Les dades procedeixen de la participació en cinc estudis HAZOP aplicats a la industria de refineria del petroli.En aquest sentit, el capítol V desenvolupa una anàlisi estadística d'aquestes dades per extreure'n conclusions quant a la preparació, organització i execució dels HAZOPs.El capítol VI estableix el conjunt d'accions que s'ha de tenir en compte per tal d'assegurar que un estudi HAZOP estigui ben organitzat i executat (la metodologia). Es defineix un Sistema de Gestió del HAZOP, i a partir de les seves fases, es desenvolupa una metodologia que pretén donar suport a tots aquells punts febles que han estat identificats en els capítols anteriors. Aquesta metodologia té la intenció de donar suport i guia no només als líders del HAZOP, sinó també a qualsevol part interessada en aquesta temàtica.El capítol VII descriu les conclusions de la recerca. En primera instància s'enumeren les mancances quant a la definició de criteris a seguir de diferents regulacions que apliquen a la Seguretat de Processos.Seguidament, es mencionen les limitacions de la pròpia tècnica HAZOP, i finalment, es descriuen quins són els criteris establerts per donar solució a totes aquestes febleses que han estat identificades.L'Annex I és una recopilació de diferents criteris que han estat desenvolupats al llarg de l'escrit en forma de taules i figures. Aquestes han estat ordenades cronològicament d'acord amb les diferents fases que defineixen el Sistema de Gestió HAZOP. L'annex I es pot utilitzar com a una referència concisa i pràctica, preparada i pensada per ésser utilitzada directament a camp, amb la intenció de donar suport a les parts interessades en liderar estudis HAZOP.L'annex II recopila informació relacionada amb aspectes clau de seguretat i medi ambient en diferents unitats de refineria. Aquest informació és un suport per tal de motivar el "brainstorming" dels diferents membres que conformen l'equip HAZOP.L'Annex III recopila les dades de les diferents variables que han estat considerades a la fase experimental de la recerca, juntament amb un conjunt de figures que mostren la seva estadística bàsica

    System-of-Systems Considerations in the Notional Development of a Metropolitan Aerial Transportation System

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    There are substantial future challenges related to sustaining and improving efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly transportation options for urban regions. Over the past several decades there has been a worldwide trend towards increasing urbanization of society. Accompanying this urbanization are increasing surface transportation infrastructure costs and, despite public infrastructure investments, increasing surface transportation "gridlock." In addition to this global urbanization trend, there has been a substantial increase in concern regarding energy sustainability, fossil fuel emissions, and the potential implications of global climate change. A recently completed study investigated the feasibility of an aviation solution for future urban transportation (refs. 1, 2). Such an aerial transportation system could ideally address some of the above noted concerns related to urbanization, transportation gridlock, and fossil fuel emissions (ref. 3). A metro/regional aerial transportation system could also provide enhanced transportation flexibility to accommodate extraordinary events such as surface (rail/road) transportation network disruptions and emergency/disaster relief responses

    Renewable Energy Communities and Public Private Partnership: the case of Montevarchi

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    Il presente elaborato tratta il tema del Partenariato Pubblico Privato applicato alle Comunità Energetiche Rinnovabili (CER) nel panorama italiano. A seguito dell'individuazione del progetto di CER nel Comune di Montevarchi (AR), interamente sviluppato in regime di PPP e coerente con il D.Lgs 199/2021, che da attuazione alla Direttiva RED II dell'Unione Europea, e allo studio della letteratura in merito alle CER, è stato possibile rispondere alla domanda di ricerca, ovvero se effettivamente il PPP è la migliore alternativa per implementare un CER nel Comune di Montevarchi, considerando gli interessi degli stakeholder promotori. Quindi è stata svolta la Multi-Actor-multi Criteria Analysis, che attraverso interviste semi-strutturate e questionari sottoposti al Sindaco del Comune e al privato proponente, è stato possibile valutare, relativamente ad altre modalità implementate da altre CER nel territorio italiano, che il PPP rappresenta la migliore alternativa che si propone di soddisfare maggiormente gli interessi delle parti. Fatti salvo i limiti che derivano principalmente che l'iniziativa è ancora in stato iniziale e l'incertezza normativa che caratterizza queste realtà innovative, la metodologia utilizzata viene proposta per future iniziative di CER in modo da coinvolgere il maggior numero di stakeholder già dalle fasi iniziali dell'iniziativa, oltre che sensibilizzare contestualmente i futuri utenti al tema dell'energia rinnovabile e condivisa, elemento senza il quale queste non potrebbero emergere ed operare.This thesis deals with the theme of the Public Private Partnership applied to the Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) in the Italian panorama. Following the identification of the CER project in the Municipality of Montevarchi (AR), entirely developed under the PPP regime and consistent with Legislative Decree 199/2021, which implements the European Union's RED II Directive, and the study of the literature on RECs, it was possible to answer the research question, as that whether the PPP is actually the best alternative to implement a REC in the Municipality of Montevarchi, considering the interests of the promoting stakeholders. Then the Multi-Actor-multi Criteria Analysis was carried out, which through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires submitted to the Mayor of the Municipality and to the private proponent, it was possible to evaluate, in relation to other methods implemented by other RECs in the Italian territory, that the PPP represents the best alternative that aims to better satisfy the interests of the parties. Without prejudice to the limitations that mainly derive from the fact that the initiative is still in an initial stage and the regulatory uncertainty that characterizes these innovative realities, the methodology used is proposed for future REC initiatives in order to involve the largest number of stakeholders right from the initial stages of the initiative, as well as simultaneously sensitizing future users to the theme of renewable and shared energy, an element without which they could not emerge and operate

    Accountants\u27 index. Thirty-second supplement, January-December 1983, volume 2: M-Z

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