14 research outputs found


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    Beasiswa merupakan dukungan biaya yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa untuk mengikuti dan/atau menyelesaikan pendidikan tinggi berdasarkan pertimbangan utama prestasi atau keterbatasan ekononomi. Proses seleksi penentuan penerima beasiswa masih mengunakan skala prioritas sesuai buku pedoman umum beasiswa dan bantuan biaya pendidikan peningkatan prestasi akademik agar mendapatkan calon penerima beasiswa. Metode Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) dan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) dapat digunakan untuk pendukung keputusan. Implementasi Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) digunakan untuk mencari alternatif dari sejumlah alternatif dengan kriteria-kriteria tertentu. selanjutnya dilakukan dengan mencari bobot untuk setiap attribute kemudian menghasilkan perangkingan untuk menentukan nilai alternatif terbaik dengan menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). Dengan menggunakan sistem pendukung penerima beasiswa dapat membantu proses seleksi beasiswa dengan kriteria yang disyaratkan antara lain IPK, Prestasi mahasiswa, Jumlah anggota keluarga, Pendapatan Orang Tua, Status Pengajuan Beasiswa, dan Semester. Berdasarkan ujicoba sistem pendukung keputusan seleksi Beasiswa Bantuan Biaya Pendidikan PPA (BBP-PPA) yang dibuat dengan metode manual memiliki hubungan mendekati sempurna dari nilai koefisien korelasi Spearman yang diperoleh. Berdasarkan ujicoba tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara sistem yang dibuat dengan metode manual dalam proses seleksi calon penerima beasiswa. Kata Kunci: MADM, SAW, Beasiswa, Seleksi, Spearman. Scholarships are given financial support to students to follow and / or complete higher education based on the considerations or limitations ekononomi major achievement. The selection process of determining recipients still using a scale of priority according to the general guidelines book tuition assistance scholarships and academic achievement in order to get the scholarship recipients. Methods Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) and Simple Additive weighting method (SAW) can be used for decision support. Implementation of Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) is used to look for alternatives from a number of alternatives with certain criteria. then performed by searching the weights for each attribute and then generate rangkings to determine the best alternative by using Simple Additive weighting method (SAW). By using the support system the grantee can help the scholarship selection process with the required criteria include GPA, student achievement, number of family members, income Parent, Filing Status Scholarship, and Semester. Based on the test selection decision support system Education Costs Scholarship Assistance PPA (BBP-PPA) made with the manual method has a near-perfect correlation of Spearman correlation coefficient values were obtained. Based on these trials can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between the system created by manual methods in the selection process of the applicants. Keywords : MADM , SAW , Scholarships, Selection , Spearman

    MCDM approach for weighted ranking of candidates in e-voting

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    The aim of the study is the application of multi-criteria evaluation methods for ranking of candidates in e-voting. Due to the potential to enhance the electoral efficiency in e-voting multiple criteria, such as personality traits, activity and reputation in social media, opinion followers on election area and so on for the selection of qualified personnel can be considered. In this case, the number of criteria excesses in the decision-making stage directed us to the use of a multi-criteria decision making model (MCDM). This paper proposes MCDM for weighted ranking of candidates in e-voting. Criteria for the candidates’ ranking and selection are determined and each voter uses the linguistic scales for the ranking of each candidate. Candidates’ ranking is evaluated according to all criteria. In a numerical study, it is provided the candidates’ evaluation on the base of selected criteria and ranked according to the importance of criteria. To assess the importance of the criteria and to evaluate the suitability of the candidates for each of the criteria, the voters use linguistic variables. In practice, the proposed model can use different evaluation scales for the selection of candidates in e-voting. The proposed model allows selecting a candidate with the competencies based on the criteria set out in the e-voting process and making more effective decisions


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    Decision-making processes increasingly use models based on various methods to ensure professional analysis and evaluation of the considered alternatives. However, the abundance of these methods makes it difficult to choose the proper method to solve a given problem. Also, it is worth noting whether different results can be obtained using different methods within a single decision problem. In this paper, we used three selected Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods called COMET, TOPSIS, and SPOTIS in order to examine how the obtained rankings vary. The selection of material suppliers was taken into consideration. The equal weights, entropy and standard deviation methods were used to determine the weights for criteria. Final preferences values were then compared with the WS similarity coefficient and weighted Spearman correlation coefficient to check the similarity of the received rankings. It was noticed that in the given problem, all of the methods provide highly correlated results, and the obtained positional rankings are not significantly different. However, practical conclusions indicate the need to look for improved solutions in the correct and accurate assessment of suppliers in a given period


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    The social and economic impacts caused by floods in urban areas are diverse and increase as the land becomes gradually impervious. Due to the increasing urbanization of cities, it is necessary to implement a better planning process and optimize the urban spaces management and occupation. Thus, the government needs to gather reliable and useful data for the decision-making process. Therefore, the GIS plays an important role among urban planning instruments. Given the current situation in Campina Grande County, Paraiba State, Brazil - an area continually facing disturbances caused by occasional and concentrated rainfalls - the current study aims to map the areas seen as the most susceptible to floods, by using a MCDA GIS-based model (Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis). There are five quantitative criteria considered in the analysis: slope, altitude, roads with drainage infrastructure, distance from water bodies and land use. It is a pixel by pixel analysis based on predetermined assumptions. Fuzzy functions were developed and overlay operations were performed. The results were consistent with historical records and with previous studies about the county, thus adding reliability to the model, which can be considered a potential management instrument for the case study area, as well as for cities facing similar issues

    The Application of a Decision-making Approach Based on Fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS for Selecting a Strategic Supplier

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    Supplier selection becomes very important when used in the context of strategic partnerships because of the long-term orientation of the relationship. This paper describes the application of a decision-making approach for selecting a strategic partner (supplier). The approach starts with defining a set of criteria that fits the company's condition. In the next steps, a combination of fuzzy-ANP and TOPSIS methods is used to determine the weight for each criterion and rank all the alternatives. The application of the approach in an Indonesian manufacturing company showed that the three factors that got the highest weight were “geographical location”, “current operating performance”, and “reliability”. Geographical location got the highest weight because it affects many other factors such as reaction to changes in demand, after-sales service, and delivery lead-time. Application of the approach helps decision-makers to gain effectiveness and efficiency in the decision-making process because it facilitates them to express their group's collective preferences while also providing opportunities for members to express their individual preferences. Future research can be directed at combining qualitative and quantitative criteria to develop the best criteria and methods for the selection of the best suppliers based on fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS

    The Application of a Decision-making Approach based on Fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS for Selecting a Strategic Supplier

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    Supplier selection becomes very important when used in the context of strategic partnerships because of the long-term orientation of the relationship. This paper describes the application of a decision-making approach for selecting a strategic partner (supplier). The approach starts with defining a set of criteria that fits the company's condition. In the next steps, a combination of fuzzy-ANP and TOPSIS methods is used to determine the weight for each criterion and rank all the alternatives. The application of the approach in an Indonesian manufacturing company showed that the three factors that got the highest weight were "geographical location", "current operating performance", and "reliability". Geographical location got the highest weight because it affects many other factors such as reaction to changes in demand, after-sales service, and delivery lead-time.  Application of the approach helps decision-makers to gain effectiveness and efficiency in the decision-making process because it facilitates them to express their group's collective preferences  while also providing opportunities for members to express their individual preferences. Future research can be directed at combining qualitative and quantitative criteria to develop the best criteria and methods for the selection of the best suppliers based on fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS

    Using data envelopment analysis to defuzzify a group of dependent fuzzy numbers

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    The defuzzification process converts fuzzy numbers to crisp ones and is an important stage in the implementation of fuzzy systems. In many actual applications, relationships among data indicate their mathematical dependence on one another. Hence, this study proposes a new method based on the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model to defuzzify a group of dependent fuzzy numbers. It also aims to obtain the crisp points that satisfy the characteristics of these data as a group by approximating the optimal solutions within the production possibility set of the DEA model.The proposed method partitions the fuzzy numbers, and the relationships among these numbers are observed as constraints. Finally, the usefulness of this new method is illustrated in a real-world problem

    Defuzzification of groups of fuzzy numbers using data envelopment analysis

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    Defuzzification is a critical process in the implementation of fuzzy systems that converts fuzzy numbers to crisp representations. Few researchers have focused on cases where the crisp outputs must satisfy a set of relationships dictated in the original crisp data. This phenomenon indicates that these crisp outputs are mathematically dependent on one another. Furthermore, these fuzzy numbers may exist as a group of fuzzy numbers. Therefore, the primary aim of this thesis is to develop a method to defuzzify groups of fuzzy numbers based on Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes (CCR)-Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model by modifying the Center of Gravity (COG) method as the objective function. The constraints represent the relationships and some additional restrictions on the allowable crisp outputs with their dependency property. This leads to the creation of crisp values with preserved relationships and/or properties as in the original crisp data. Comparing with Linear Programming (LP) based model, the proposed CCR-DEA model is more efficient, and also able to defuzzify non-linear fuzzy numbers with accurate solutions. Moreover, the crisp outputs obtained by the proposed method are the nearest points to the fuzzy numbers in case of crisp independent outputs, and best nearest points to the fuzzy numbers in case of dependent crisp outputs. As a conclusion, the proposed CCR-DEA defuzzification method can create either dependent crisp outputs with preserved relationship or independent crisp outputs without any relationship. Besides, the proposed method is a general method to defuzzify groups or individuals fuzzy numbers under the assumption of convexity with linear and non-linear membership functions or relationships

    The Application of a Decision - making Approach based on Fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS for Selecting a Strategic Supplier

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