24,686 research outputs found

    3D particle tracking velocimetry using dynamic discrete tomography

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    Particle tracking velocimetry in 3D is becoming an increasingly important imaging tool in the study of fluid dynamics, combustion as well as plasmas. We introduce a dynamic discrete tomography algorithm for reconstructing particle trajectories from projections. The algorithm is efficient for data from two projection directions and exact in the sense that it finds a solution consistent with the experimental data. Non-uniqueness of solutions can be detected and solutions can be tracked individually

    Geometric reconstruction methods for electron tomography

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    Electron tomography is becoming an increasingly important tool in materials science for studying the three-dimensional morphologies and chemical compositions of nanostructures. The image quality obtained by many current algorithms is seriously affected by the problems of missing wedge artefacts and nonlinear projection intensities due to diffraction effects. The former refers to the fact that data cannot be acquired over the full 180180^\circ tilt range; the latter implies that for some orientations, crystalline structures can show strong contrast changes. To overcome these problems we introduce and discuss several algorithms from the mathematical fields of geometric and discrete tomography. The algorithms incorporate geometric prior knowledge (mainly convexity and homogeneity), which also in principle considerably reduces the number of tilt angles required. Results are discussed for the reconstruction of an InAs nanowire

    Latest developments in 3D analysis of geomaterials by Morpho+

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    At the Centre for X-ray Tomography of the Ghent University (Belgium) (www.ugct.ugent.be) besides hardware development for high-resolution X-ray CT scanners, a lot of progress is being made in the field of 3D analysis of the scanned samples. Morpho+ is a flexible 3D analysis software which provides the necessary petrophysical parameters of the scanned samples in 3D. Although Morpho+ was originally designed to provide any kind of 3D parameter, it contains some specific features especially designed for the analysis of geomaterial properties like porosity, partial porosity, pore-size distribution, grain size, grain orientation and surface determination. Additionally, the results of the 3D analysis can be visualized which enables to understand and interpret the analysis results in a straightforward way. The complementarities between high-quality X-ray CT images and flexible 3D software are opening up new gateways in the study of geomaterials

    Wavelet-based denoising for 3D OCT images

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    Optical coherence tomography produces high resolution medical images based on spatial and temporal coherence of the optical waves backscattered from the scanned tissue. However, the same coherence introduces speckle noise as well; this degrades the quality of acquired images. In this paper we propose a technique for noise reduction of 3D OCT images, where the 3D volume is considered as a sequence of 2D images, i.e., 2D slices in depth-lateral projection plane. In the proposed method we first perform recursive temporal filtering through the estimated motion trajectory between the 2D slices using noise-robust motion estimation/compensation scheme previously proposed for video denoising. The temporal filtering scheme reduces the noise level and adapts the motion compensation on it. Subsequently, we apply a spatial filter for speckle reduction in order to remove the remainder of noise in the 2D slices. In this scheme the spatial (2D) speckle-nature of noise in OCT is modeled and used for spatially adaptive denoising. Both the temporal and the spatial filter are wavelet-based techniques, where for the temporal filter two resolution scales are used and for the spatial one four resolution scales. The evaluation of the proposed denoising approach is done on demodulated 3D OCT images on different sources and of different resolution. For optimizing the parameters for best denoising performance fantom OCT images were used. The denoising performance of the proposed method was measured in terms of SNR, edge sharpness preservation and contrast-to-noise ratio. A comparison was made to the state-of-the-art methods for noise reduction in 2D OCT images, where the proposed approach showed to be advantageous in terms of both objective and subjective quality measures

    Computer-aided diagnosis of lung nodule using gradient tree boosting and Bayesian optimization

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    We aimed to evaluate computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) system for lung nodule classification focusing on (i) usefulness of gradient tree boosting (XGBoost) and (ii) effectiveness of parameter optimization using Bayesian optimization (Tree Parzen Estimator, TPE) and random search. 99 lung nodules (62 lung cancers and 37 benign lung nodules) were included from public databases of CT images. A variant of local binary pattern was used for calculating feature vectors. Support vector machine (SVM) or XGBoost was trained using the feature vectors and their labels. TPE or random search was used for parameter optimization of SVM and XGBoost. Leave-one-out cross-validation was used for optimizing and evaluating the performance of our CADx system. Performance was evaluated using area under the curve (AUC) of receiver operating characteristic analysis. AUC was calculated 10 times, and its average was obtained. The best averaged AUC of SVM and XGBoost were 0.850 and 0.896, respectively; both were obtained using TPE. XGBoost was generally superior to SVM. Optimal parameters for achieving high AUC were obtained with fewer numbers of trials when using TPE, compared with random search. In conclusion, XGBoost was better than SVM for classifying lung nodules. TPE was more efficient than random search for parameter optimization.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    Inversion using a new low-dimensional representation of complex binary geological media based on a deep neural network

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    Efficient and high-fidelity prior sampling and inversion for complex geological media is still a largely unsolved challenge. Here, we use a deep neural network of the variational autoencoder type to construct a parametric low-dimensional base model parameterization of complex binary geological media. For inversion purposes, it has the attractive feature that random draws from an uncorrelated standard normal distribution yield model realizations with spatial characteristics that are in agreement with the training set. In comparison with the most commonly used parametric representations in probabilistic inversion, we find that our dimensionality reduction (DR) approach outperforms principle component analysis (PCA), optimization-PCA (OPCA) and discrete cosine transform (DCT) DR techniques for unconditional geostatistical simulation of a channelized prior model. For the considered examples, important compression ratios (200 - 500) are achieved. Given that the construction of our parameterization requires a training set of several tens of thousands of prior model realizations, our DR approach is more suited for probabilistic (or deterministic) inversion than for unconditional (or point-conditioned) geostatistical simulation. Probabilistic inversions of 2D steady-state and 3D transient hydraulic tomography data are used to demonstrate the DR-based inversion. For the 2D case study, the performance is superior compared to current state-of-the-art multiple-point statistics inversion by sequential geostatistical resampling (SGR). Inversion results for the 3D application are also encouraging