102 research outputs found

    Computational physics of the mind

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    In the XIX century and earlier such physicists as Newton, Mayer, Hooke, Helmholtz and Mach were actively engaged in the research on psychophysics, trying to relate psychological sensations to intensities of physical stimuli. Computational physics allows to simulate complex neural processes giving a chance to answer not only the original psychophysical questions but also to create models of mind. In this paper several approaches relevant to modeling of mind are outlined. Since direct modeling of the brain functions is rather limited due to the complexity of such models a number of approximations is introduced. The path from the brain, or computational neurosciences, to the mind, or cognitive sciences, is sketched, with emphasis on higher cognitive functions such as memory and consciousness. No fundamental problems in understanding of the mind seem to arise. From computational point of view realistic models require massively parallel architectures

    Artistic rendering of the visual cortex

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    In this paper we explain the processing in the first layers of the visual cortex by simple, complex and endstopped cells, plus grouping cells for line, edge, keypoint and saliency detection. Three visualisations are presented: (a) an integrated scheme that shows activities of simple, complex and end-stopped cells, (b) artistic combinations of selected activity maps that give an impression of global image structure and/or local detail, and (c) NPR on the basis of a 2D brightness model. The cortical image representations offer many possibilities for non-photorealistic rendering

    A Biologically Plausible Computational Theory for Value Integration and Action Selection in Decisions with Competing Alternatives

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    Decision making is a vital component of human and animal behavior that involves selecting between alternative options and generating actions to implement the choices. Although decisions can be as simple as choosing a goal and then pursuing it, humans and animals usually have to make decisions in dynamic environments where the value and the availability of an option change unpredictably with time and previous actions. A predator chasing multiple prey exemplifies how goals can dynamically change and compete during ongoing actions. Classical psychological theories posit that decision making takes place within frontal areas and is a separate process from perception and action. However, recent findings argue for additional mechanisms and suggest the decisions between actions often emerge through a continuous competition within the same brain regions that plan and guide action execution. According to these findings, the sensorimotor system generates concurrent action-plans for competing goals and uses online information to bias the competition until a single goal is pursued. This information is diverse, relating to both the dynamic value of the goal and the cost of acting, creating a challenging problem in integrating information across these diverse variables in real time. We introduce a computational framework for dynamically integrating value information from disparate sources in decision tasks with competing actions. We evaluated the framework in a series of oculomotor and reaching decision tasks and found that it captures many features of choice/motor behavior, as well as its neural underpinnings that previously have eluded a common explanation

    Face recognition by cortical multi-scale line and edge representations

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    Empirical studies concerning face recognition suggest that faces may be stored in memory by a few canonical representations. Models of visual perception are based on image representations in cortical area V1 and beyond, which contain many cell layers for feature extraction. Simple, complex and end-stopped cells provide input for line, edge and keypoint detection. Detected events provide a rich, multi-scale object representation, and this representation can be stored in memory in order to identify objects. In this paper, the above context is applied to face recognition. The multi-scale line/edge representation is explored in conjunction with keypoint-based saliency maps for Focus-of-Attention. Recognition rates of up to 96% were achieved by combining frontal and 3/4 views, and recognition was quite robust against partial occlusions

    The Dynamic Brain: From Spiking Neurons to Neural Masses and Cortical Fields

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    The cortex is a complex system, characterized by its dynamics and architecture, which underlie many functions such as action, perception, learning, language, and cognition. Its structural architecture has been studied for more than a hundred years; however, its dynamics have been addressed much less thoroughly. In this paper, we review and integrate, in a unifying framework, a variety of computational approaches that have been used to characterize the dynamics of the cortex, as evidenced at different levels of measurement. Computational models at different space–time scales help us understand the fundamental mechanisms that underpin neural processes and relate these processes to neuroscience data. Modeling at the single neuron level is necessary because this is the level at which information is exchanged between the computing elements of the brain; the neurons. Mesoscopic models tell us how neural elements interact to yield emergent behavior at the level of microcolumns and cortical columns. Macroscopic models can inform us about whole brain dynamics and interactions between large-scale neural systems such as cortical regions, the thalamus, and brain stem. Each level of description relates uniquely to neuroscience data, from single-unit recordings, through local field potentials to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalogram (EEG), and magnetoencephalogram (MEG). Models of the cortex can establish which types of large-scale neuronal networks can perform computations and characterize their emergent properties. Mean-field and related formulations of dynamics also play an essential and complementary role as forward models that can be inverted given empirical data. This makes dynamic models critical in integrating theory and experiments. We argue that elaborating principled and informed models is a prerequisite for grounding empirical neuroscience in a cogent theoretical framework, commensurate with the achievements in the physical sciences

    Action in Mind: Neural Models for Action and Intention Perception

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    To notice, recognize, and ultimately perceive the others’ actions and to discern the intention behind those observed actions is an essential skill for social communications and improves markedly the chances of survival. Encountering dangerous behavior, for instance, from a person or an animal requires an immediate and suitable reaction. In addition, as social creatures, we need to perceive, interpret, and judge correctly the other individual’s actions as a fundamental skill for our social life. In other words, our survival and success in adaptive social behavior and nonverbal communication depends heavily on our ability to thrive in complex social situations. However, it has been shown that humans spontaneously can decode animacy and social interactions even from strongly impoverished stimuli and this is a fundamental part of human experience that develops early in infancy and is shared with other primates. In addition, it is well established that perceptual and motor representations of actions are tightly coupled and both share common mechanisms. This coupling between action perception and action execution plays a critical role in action understanding as postulated in various studies and they are potentially important for our social cognition. This interaction likely is mediated by action-selective neurons in the superior temporal sulcus (STS), premotor and parietal cortex. STS and TPJ have been identified also as coarse neural substrate for the processing of social interactions stimuli. Despite this localization, the underlying exact neural circuits of this processing remain unclear. The aim of this thesis is to understand the neural mechanisms behind the action perception coupling and to investigate further how human brain perceive different classes of social interactions. To achieve this goal, first we introduce a neural model that provides a unifying account for multiple experiments on the interaction between action execution and action perception. The model reproduces correctly the interactions between action observation and execution in several experiments and provides a link towards electrophysiological detailed models of relevant circuits. This model might thus provide a starting point for the detailed quantitative investigation how motor plans interact with perceptual action representations at the level of single-cell mechanisms. Second we present a simple neural model that reproduces some of the key observations in psychophysical experiments about the perception of animacy and social interactions from stimuli. Even in its simple form the model proves that animacy and social interaction judgments partly might be derived by very elementary operations in hierarchical neural vision systems, without a need of sophisticated or accurate probabilistic inference

    A Bayesian inference theory of attention: neuroscience and algorithms

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    The past four decades of research in visual neuroscience has generated a large and disparate body of literature on the role of attention [Itti et al., 2005]. Although several models have been developed to describe specific properties of attention, a theoretical framework that explains the computational role of attention and is consistent with all known effects is still needed. Recently, several authors have suggested that visual perception can be interpreted as a Bayesian inference process [Rao et al., 2002, Knill and Richards, 1996, Lee and Mumford, 2003]. Within this framework, topdown priors via cortical feedback help disambiguate noisy bottom-up sensory input signals. Building on earlier work by Rao [2005], we show that this Bayesian inference proposal can be extended to explain the role and predict the main properties of attention: namely to facilitate the recognition of objects in clutter. Visual recognition proceeds by estimating the posterior probabilities for objects and their locations within an image via an exchange of messages between ventral and parietal areas of the visual cortex. Within this framework, spatial attention is used to reduce the uncertainty in feature information; feature-based attention is used to reduce the uncertainty in location information. In conjunction, they are used to recognize objects in clutter. Here, we find that several key attentional phenomena such such as pop-out, multiplicative modulation and change in contrast response emerge naturally as a property of the network. We explain the idea in three stages. We start with developing a simplified model of attention in the brain identifying the primary areas involved and their interconnections. Secondly, we propose a Bayesian network where each node has direct neural correlates within our simplified biological model. Finally, we elucidate the properties of the resulting model, showing that the predictions are consistent with physiological and behavioral evidence

    Changes of Mind in an Attractor Network of Decision-Making

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    Attractor networks successfully account for psychophysical and neurophysiological data in various decision-making tasks. Especially their ability to model persistent activity, a property of many neurons involved in decision-making, distinguishes them from other approaches. Stable decision attractors are, however, counterintuitive to changes of mind. Here we demonstrate that a biophysically-realistic attractor network with spiking neurons, in its itinerant transients towards the choice attractors, can replicate changes of mind observed recently during a two-alternative random-dot motion (RDM) task. Based on the assumption that the brain continues to evaluate available evidence after the initiation of a decision, the network predicts neural activity during changes of mind and accurately simulates reaction times, performance and percentage of changes dependent on difficulty. Moreover, the model suggests a low decision threshold and high incoming activity that drives the brain region involved in the decision-making process into a dynamical regime close to a bifurcation, which up to now lacked evidence for physiological relevance. Thereby, we further affirmed the general conformance of attractor networks with higher level neural processes and offer experimental predictions to distinguish nonlinear attractor from linear diffusion models

    The Timing of Vision – How Neural Processing Links to Different Temporal Dynamics

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    In this review, we describe our recent attempts to model the neural correlates of visual perception with biologically inspired networks of spiking neurons, emphasizing the dynamical aspects. Experimental evidence suggests distinct processing modes depending on the type of task the visual system is engaged in. A first mode, crucial for object recognition, deals with rapidly extracting the glimpse of a visual scene in the first 100 ms after its presentation. The promptness of this process points to mainly feedforward processing, which relies on latency coding, and may be shaped by spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP). Our simulations confirm the plausibility and efficiency of such a scheme. A second mode can be engaged whenever one needs to perform finer perceptual discrimination through evidence accumulation on the order of 400 ms and above. Here, our simulations, together with theoretical considerations, show how predominantly local recurrent connections and long neural time-constants enable the integration and build-up of firing rates on this timescale. In particular, we review how a non-linear model with attractor states induced by strong recurrent connectivity provides straightforward explanations for several recent experimental observations. A third mode, involving additional top-down attentional signals, is relevant for more complex visual scene processing. In the model, as in the brain, these top-down attentional signals shape visual processing by biasing the competition between different pools of neurons. The winning pools may not only have a higher firing rate, but also more synchronous oscillatory activity. This fourth mode, oscillatory activity, leads to faster reaction times and enhanced information transfers in the model. This has indeed been observed experimentally. Moreover, oscillatory activity can format spike times and encode information in the spike phases with respect to the oscillatory cycle. This phenomenon is referred to as “phase-of-firing coding,” and experimental evidence for it is accumulating in the visual system. Simulations show that this code can again be efficiently decoded by STDP. Future work should focus on continuous natural vision, bio-inspired hardware vision systems, and novel experimental paradigms to further distinguish current modeling approaches
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