56 research outputs found

    Methods for three-dimensional Registration of Multimodal Abdominal Image Data

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    Multimodal image registration benefits the diagnosis, treatment planning and the performance of image-guided procedures in the liver, since it enables the fusion of complementary information provided by pre- and intrainterventional data about tumor localization and access. Although there exist various registration methods, approaches which are specifically optimized for the registration of multimodal abdominal scans are only scarcely available. The work presented in this thesis aims to tackle this problem by focusing on the development, optimization and evaluation of registration methods specifically for the registration of multimodal liver scans. The contributions to the research field of medical image registration include the development of a registration evaluation methodology that enables the comparison and optimization of linear and non-linear registration algorithms using a point-based accuracy measure. This methodology has been used to benchmark standard registration methods as well as novel approaches that were developed within the frame of this thesis. The results of the methodology showed that the employed similarity measure used during the registration has a major impact on the registration accuracy of the method. Due to this influence, two alternative similarity metrics bearing the potential to be used on multimodal image data are proposed and evaluated. The first metric relies on the use of gradient information in form of Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) whereas the second metric employs a siamese neural network to learn a similarity measure directly on the image data. The evaluation showed, that both metrics could compete with state of the art similarity measures in terms of registration accuracy. The HOG-metric offers the advantage that it does not require ground truth data to learn a similarity estimation, but instead it is applicable to various data sets with the sole requirement of distinct gradients. However, the Siamese metric is characterized by a higher robustness for large rotations than the HOG-metric. To train such a network, registered ground truth data is required which may be critical for multimodal image data. Yet, the results show that it is possible to apply models trained on registered synthetic data on real patient data. The last part of this thesis focuses on methods to learn an entire registration process using neural networks, thereby offering the advantage to replace the traditional, time-consuming iterative registration procedure. Within the frame of this thesis, the so-called VoxelMorph network which was originally proposed for monomodal, non-linear registration learning is extended for affine and multimodal registration learning tasks. This extension includes the consideration of an image mask during metric evaluation as well as loss functions for multimodal data, such as the pretrained Siamese metric and a loss relying on the comparison of deformation fields. Based on the developed registration evaluation methodology, the performance of the original network as well as the extended variants are evaluated for monomodal and multimodal registration tasks using multiple data sets. With the extended network variants, it is possible to learn an entire multimodal registration process for the correction of large image displacements. As for the Siamese metric, the results imply a general transferability of models trained with synthetic data to registration tasks including real patient data. Due to the lack of multimodal ground truth data, this transfer represents an important step towards making Deep Learning based registration procedures clinically usable

    Surrogate driven respiratory motion model derived from CBCT projection data

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    Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is the most common imaging method for Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT). However due to the slow rotating gantry, the image quality of CBCT can be adversely affected by respiratory motion, as it blurs the tumour and nearby organs at risk (OARs), which makes visualization of organ boundaries difficult, in particular for organs in the thoracic region. Currently one approach to tackle the problem of respiratory motion is the use of respiratory motion model to compensate for the motion during CBCT image reconstruction. The overall goal of this work is to estimate the 3D motion, including the breath-to-breath variability, on the day of treatment directly from the CBCT projection data, without requiring any external devices. The work presented here consist of two main parts: firstly, we introduce a novel data driven method based on Principal Component Analysis PCA, with the goal to extract a surrogate signal related to the internal anatomy from the CBCT projections. Secondly, using the extracted signals, we use surrogate-driven respiratory motion models to estimate the patient’s 3D respiratory motion. We utilized a recently developed generalized framework that unifies image registration and correspondence model fitting into a single optimization. This enables the model to be fitted directly to unsorted/unreconstructed data (CBCT projection data), thereby allowing an estimate of the patient’s respiratory motion on the day of treatment. To evaluate our methods, we have used an anthropomorphic software phantom combined with CBCT projection simulations. We have also tested the proposed method on clinical data with promising results obtained

    Apport de l'assistance par ordinateur lors de la pose d'endoprothèse aortique

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    The development of endovascular aortic procedures is growing. These mini-invasive techniques allow a reduction of surgical trauma, usually important in conventional open surgery. The technical limitations of endovascular repair are pushed to special aortic localizations which were in the past decade indication for open repair. Success and efficiency of such procedures are based on the development and the implementation of decision-making tools. This work aims to improve endovascular procedures thanks to a better utilization of pre and intraoperative imaging. This approach is in the line with the framework of computer-assisted surgery whose concepts are applied to vascular surgery. The optimization of endograft deployment is considered in three steps. The first part is dedicated to preoperative imaging analysis and shows the limits of the current sizing tools. The accuracy of a new measurement criterion is assessed (outer curvature length). The second part deals with intraoperative imaging and shows the contribution of augmented reality in endovascular aortic repair. In the last part, image guided surgery on soft tissues is addressed, especially the arterial deformations occurring during endovascular procedures which disprove rigid registration in fusion imaging. The use of finite element simulation to deal with this issue is presented. We report an original approach based on a predictive model of deformations using finite element simulation with geometrical and anatomo-mechanical patient specific parameters extracted from the preoperative CT-scan.Les techniques endovasculaires, particulièrement pour l’aorte, sont en plein essor en chirurgie vasculaire. Ces techniques mini-invasives permettent de diminuer l’agression chirurgicale habituellement importante lors de la chirurgie conventionnelle. Les limites techniques sont repoussées à certaines localisations de l’aorte qui étaient il y a encore peu de temps inaccessibles aux endoprothèses. Le succès et l’efficience de ces interventions reposent en partie sur l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre de nouveaux outils d'aide à la décision. Ce travail entend contribuer à l’amélioration des procédures interventionnelles aortiques grâce à une meilleure exploitation de l’imagerie pré et peropératoire. Cette démarche s’inscrit dans le cadre plus général des Gestes Médico-Chirurgicaux Assistés par Ordinateur, dont les concepts sont revisités pour les transposer au domaine de la chirurgie endovasculaire. Trois axes sont développés afin de sécuriser et optimiser la pose d'endoprothèse. Le premier est focalisé sur l’analyse préopératoire du scanner (sizing) et montre les limites des outils de mesure actuels et évalue la précision d’un nouveau critère de mesure des longueurs de l’aorte (courbure externe). Le deuxième axe se positionne sur le versant peropératoire et montre la contribution de la réalité augmentée dans la pose d’une endoprothèse aortique. Le troisième axe s’intéresse au problème plus général des interventions sur les tissus mous et particulièrement aux déformations artérielles qui surviennent au cours des procédures interventionnelles qui mettent en défaut le recalage rigide lors de la fusion d’images. Nous présentons une approche originale basée sur un modèle numérique de prédiction des déformations qui utilise la simulation par éléments finis en y intégrant des paramètres géométriques et anatomo-mécaniques spécifique-patient extraits du scanner préopératoire

    Translational Research of Audiovisual Biofeedback: An investigation of respiratory-guidance in lung and liver cancer patient radiation therapy

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    Through the act of breathing, thoracic and abdominal anatomy is in constant motion and is typically irregular. This irregular motion can exacerbate errors in radiation therapy, breathing guidance interventions operate to minimise these errors. However, much of the breathing guidance investigations have not directly quantified the impact of regular breathing on radiation therapy accuracy. The first aim of this thesis was to critically appraise the literature in terms of the use of breathing guidance interventions via systematic review. This review found that 21 of the 27 identified studies yielded significant improvements from the use of breathing guidance. None of the studies were randomised and no studies quantified the impact on 4DCT image quality. The second aim of this thesis was to quantify the impact of audiovisual biofeedback breathing guidance on 4DCT. This study utilised data from an MRI study to program the motion of a digital phantom prior to then simulating 4DCT imaging. Audiovisual biofeedback demonstrated to significantly improved 4DCT image quality over free breathing. The third aim of this thesis was to assess the impact of audiovisual biofeedback on liver cancer patient breathing over a course of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). The findings of this study demonstrated the effectiveness of audiovisual biofeedback in producing consistent interfraction respiratory motion over a course of SBRT. The fourth aim of this thesis was to design and implement a phase II clinical trial investigating the use and impact of audiovisual biofeedback in lung cancer radiation therapy. The findings of a retrospective analysis were utilised to design and determine the statistics of the most comprehensive breathing guidance study to date: a randomised, stratified, multi-site, phase II clinical trial.. The fifth aim of this thesis was to explore the next stages of audiovisual biofeedback in terms of translating evidence into broader clinical use through commercialisation. This aim was achieved by investigating the the product-market fit of the audiovisual biofeedback technology. The culmination of these findings demonstrates the clinical benefit of the audiovisual biofeedback respiratory guidance system and the possibility to make breathing guidance systems more widely available to patients

    The impact of AI on radiographic image reporting – perspectives of the UK reporting radiographer population

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    Background: It is predicted that medical imaging services will be greatly impacted by AI in the future. Developments in computer vision have allowed AI to be used for assisted reporting. Studies have investigated radiologists' opinions of AI for image interpretation (Huisman et al., 2019 a/b) but there remains a paucity of information in reporting radiographers' opinions on this topic.Method: A survey was developed by AI expert radiographers and promoted via LinkedIn/Twitter and professional networks for radiographers from all specialities in the UK. A sub analysis was performed for reporting radiographers only.Results: 411 responses were gathered to the full survey (Rainey et al., 2021) with 86 responses from reporting radiographers included in the data analysis. 10.5% of respondents were using AI tools? as part of their reporting role. 59.3% and 57% would not be confident in explaining an AI decision to other healthcare practitioners and 'patients and carers' respectively. 57% felt that an affirmation from AI would increase confidence in their diagnosis. Only 3.5% would not seek second opinion following disagreement from AI. A moderate level of trust in AI was reported: mean score = 5.28 (0 = no trust; 10 = absolute trust). 'Overall performance/accuracy of the system', 'visual explanation (heatmap/ROI)', 'Indication of the confidence of the system in its diagnosis' were suggested as measures to increase trust.Conclusion: AI may impact reporting professionals' confidence in their diagnoses. Respondents are not confident in explaining an AI decision to key stakeholders. UK radiographers do not yet fully trust AI. Improvements are suggested

    An evaluation of a training tool and study day in chest image interpretation

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    Background: With the use of expert consensus a digital tool was developed by the research team which proved useful when teaching radiographers how to interpret chest images. The training tool included A) a search strategy training tool and B) an educational tool to communicate the search strategies using eye tracking technology. This training tool has the potential to improve interpretation skills for other healthcare professionals.Methods: To investigate this, 31 healthcare professionals i.e. nurses and physiotherapists, were recruited and participants were randomised to receive access to the training tool (intervention group) or not to have access to the training tool (control group) for a period of 4-6 weeks. Participants were asked to interpret different sets of 20 chest images before and after the intervention period. A study day was then provided to all participants following which participants were again asked to interpret a different set of 20 chest images (n=1860). Each participant was asked to complete a questionnaire on their perceptions of the training provided. Results: Data analysis is in progress. 50% of participants did not have experience in image interpretation prior to the study. The study day and training tool were useful in improving image interpretation skills. Participants perception of the usefulness of the tool to aid image interpretation skills varied among respondents.Conclusion: This training tool has the potential to improve patient diagnosis and reduce healthcare costs

    Image-Guided Interventions Using Cone-Beam CT: Improving Image Quality with Motion Compensation and Task-Based Modeling

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    Cone-beam CT (CBCT) is an increasingly important modality for intraoperative 3D imaging in interventional radiology (IR). However, CBCT exhibits several factors that diminish image quality — notably, the major challenges of patient motion and detectability of low-contrast structures — which motivate the work undertaken in this thesis. A 3D–2D registration method is presented to compensate for rigid patient motion. The method is fiducial-free, works naturally within standard clinical workflow, and is applicable to image-guided interventions in locally rigid anatomy, such as the head and pelvis. A second method is presented to address the challenge of deformable motion, presenting a 3D autofocus concept that is purely image-based and does not require additional fiducials, tracking hardware, or prior images. The proposed method is intended to improve interventional CBCT in scenarios where patient motion may not be sufficiently managed by immobilization and breath-hold, such as the prostate, liver, and lungs. Furthermore, the work aims to improve the detectability of low-contrast structures by computing source–detector trajectories that are optimal to a particular imaging task. The approach is applicable to CBCT systems with the capability for general source–detector positioning, as with a robotic C-arm. A “task-driven” analytical framework is introduced, various objective functions and optimization methods are described, and the method is investigated via simulation and phantom experiments and translated to task-driven source–detector trajectories on a clinical robotic C-arm to demonstrate the potential for improved image quality in intraoperative CBCT. Overall, the work demonstrates how novel optimization-based imaging techniques can address major challenges to CBCT image quality

    Medical physics challenges in clinical MR-guided radiotherapy

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    The integration of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for guidance in external beam radiotherapy has faced significant research and development efforts in recent years. The current availability of linear accelerators with an embedded MRI unit, providing volumetric imaging at excellent soft tissue contrast, is expected to provide novel possibilities in the implementation of image-guided adaptive radiotherapy (IGART) protocols. This study reviews open medical physics issues in MR-guided radiotherapy (MRgRT) implementation, with a focus on current approaches and on the potential for innovation in IGART.Daily imaging in MRgRT provides the ability to visualize the static anatomy, to capture internal tumor motion and to extract quantitative image features for treatment verification and monitoring. Those capabilities enable the use of treatment adaptation, with potential benefits in terms of personalized medicine. The use of online MRI requires dedicated efforts to perform accurate dose measurements and calculations, due to the presence of magnetic fields. Likewise, MRgRT requires dedicated quality assurance (QA) protocols for safe clinical implementation.Reaction to anatomical changes in MRgRT, as visualized on daily images, demands for treatment adaptation concepts, with stringent requirements in terms of fast and accurate validation before the treatment fraction can be delivered. This entails specific challenges in terms of treatment workflow optimization, QA, and verification of the expected delivered dose while the patient is in treatment position. Those challenges require specialized medical physics developments towards the aim of fully exploiting MRI capabilities. Conversely, the use of MRgRT allows for higher confidence in tumor targeting and organs-at-risk (OAR) sparing.The systematic use of MRgRT brings the possibility of leveraging IGART methods for the optimization of tumor targeting and quantitative treatment verification. Although several challenges exist, the intrinsic benefits of MRgRT will provide a deeper understanding of dose delivery effects on an individual basis, with the potential for further treatment personalization

    CT Scanning

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    Since its introduction in 1972, X-ray computed tomography (CT) has evolved into an essential diagnostic imaging tool for a continually increasing variety of clinical applications. The goal of this book was not simply to summarize currently available CT imaging techniques but also to provide clinical perspectives, advances in hybrid technologies, new applications other than medicine and an outlook on future developments. Major experts in this growing field contributed to this book, which is geared to radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, engineers, and clinical and basic researchers. We believe that CT scanning is an effective and essential tools in treatment planning, basic understanding of physiology, and and tackling the ever-increasing challenge of diagnosis in our society
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