365 research outputs found

    QoS multicast tree construction in IP/DWDM optical internet by bio-inspired algorithms

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    Copyright @ Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.In this paper, two bio-inspired Quality of Service (QoS) multicast algorithms are proposed in IP over dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) optical Internet. Given a QoS multicast request and the delay interval required by the application, both algorithms are able to find a flexible QoS-based cost suboptimal routing tree. They first construct the multicast trees based on ant colony optimization and artificial immune algorithm, respectively. Then a dedicated wavelength assignment algorithm is proposed to assign wavelengths to the trees aiming to minimize the delay of the wavelength conversion. In both algorithms, multicast routing and wavelength assignment are integrated into a single process. Therefore, they can find the multicast trees on which the least wavelength conversion delay is achieved. Load balance is also considered in both algorithms. Simulation results show that these two bio-inspired algorithms can construct high performance QoS routing trees for multicast applications in IP/DWDM optical Internet.This work was supported in part ny the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/1, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant no. 60673159 and 70671020, the National High-Tech Reasearch and Development Plan of China under Grant no. 2007AA041201, and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education under Grant no. 20070145017

    Genetic local search for multicast routing with pre-processing by logarithmic simulated annealing

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    Over the past few years, several local search algorithms have been proposed for various problems related to multicast routing in the off-line mode. We describe a population-based search algorithm for cost minimisation of multicast routing. The algorithm utilises the partially mixed crossover operation (PMX) under the elitist model: for each element of the current population, the local search is based upon the results of a landscape analysis that is executed only once in a pre-processing step; the best solution found so far is always part of the population. The aim of the landscape analysis is to estimate the depth of the deepest local minima in the landscape generated by the routing tasks and the objective function. The analysis employs simulated annealing with a logarithmic cooling schedule (logarithmic simulated annealing—LSA). The local search then performs alternating sequences of descending and ascending steps for each individual of the population, where the length of a sequence with uniform direction is controlled by the estimated value of the maximum depth of local minima. We present results from computational experiments on three different routing tasks, and we provide experimental evidence that our genetic local search procedure that combines LSA and PMX performs better than algorithms using either LSA or PMX only

    Deliverable DJRA1.2. Solutions and protocols proposal for the network control, management and monitoring in a virtualized network context

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    This deliverable presents several research proposals for the FEDERICA network, in different subjects, such as monitoring, routing, signalling, resource discovery, and isolation. For each topic one or more possible solutions are elaborated, explaining the background, functioning and the implications of the proposed solutions.This deliverable goes further on the research aspects within FEDERICA. First of all the architecture of the control plane for the FEDERICA infrastructure will be defined. Several possibilities could be implemented, using the basic FEDERICA infrastructure as a starting point. The focus on this document is the intra-domain aspects of the control plane and their properties. Also some inter-domain aspects are addressed. The main objective of this deliverable is to lay great stress on creating and implementing the prototype/tool for the FEDERICA slice-oriented control system using the appropriate framework. This deliverable goes deeply into the definition of the containers between entities and their syntax, preparing this tool for the future implementation of any kind of algorithm related to the control plane, for both to apply UPB policies or to configure it by hand. We opt for an open solution despite the real time limitations that we could have (for instance, opening web services connexions or applying fast recovering mechanisms). The application being developed is the central element in the control plane, and additional features must be added to this application. This control plane, from the functionality point of view, is composed by several procedures that provide a reliable application and that include some mechanisms or algorithms to be able to discover and assign resources to the user. To achieve this, several topics must be researched in order to propose new protocols for the virtual infrastructure. The topics and necessary features covered in this document include resource discovery, resource allocation, signalling, routing, isolation and monitoring. All these topics must be researched in order to find a good solution for the FEDERICA network. Some of these algorithms have started to be analyzed and will be expanded in the next deliverable. Current standardization and existing solutions have been investigated in order to find a good solution for FEDERICA. Resource discovery is an important issue within the FEDERICA network, as manual resource discovery is no option, due to scalability requirement. Furthermore, no standardization exists, so knowledge must be obtained from related work. Ideally, the proposed solutions for these topics should not only be adequate specifically for this infrastructure, but could also be applied to other virtualized networks.Postprint (published version

    Traffic Control in Packet Switched Networks

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    This thesis examines traffic control options available in two existing routing solutions in packet-switched networks. The first solution is the shortest path hop-by-hop routing deployed with the OSPF or IS-IS routing protocol and the IP forwarding protocol. This is the initially deployed and still the most popular routing solution in the Internet. The second solution is explicit routing implemented with the RSVP-TE or CR-LDP signalling protocol and the MPLS forwarding protocol. This is the latest solution to have become widely deployed in the Internet. The thesis analyses the limitations of the two routing solutions as tools for traffic control and yields new insights that can guide the analysis and design of protocols involved in the process. A set of recommendations for modifications of the existing protocols is provided which would allow for a range of new traffic control approaches to be deployed in packet-switched networks. For future routing solutions which comply with the proposed recommendations two new algorithms are presented in the thesis. They are called the Link Mask Topology (LMT) algorithm, and the Link Cost Topology (LCT) algorithm. The two algorithms define a set of routing topologies and assign network traffic to routes available in these topologies aiming to simultaneously achieve high network throughput and fair resource allocation. While there are similarities in the operation of the two algorithms, their applicability is different as they allocate resources to multiple paths between two network nodes which are available in the defined routing topologies according to a different rule set. The LMT algorithm directs traffic sent between any pair of network nodes to a single route. The LCT algorithm directs traffic sent between a pair of network nodes to a number of routes. The performance of the two proposed algorithms is evaluated in the thesis with calculations comparing them to the shortest path routing algorithm in a number of test cases. The test results demonstrate the potentials of the two proposed algorithms in improving the performance of networks which employ shortest path routing

    Joint route selection and split level management for 5G C-RAN

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    This work tackles the problem faced by network/infrastructure providers of jointly selecting routing and functional split level to satisfy requests from virtual mobile network operators (vMNOs). We build a novel system model that brings together all the involved elements and features, embracing split levels defined by the 3GPP and packet switch fronthaul network. To our best knowledge, this is the first work that provides a solution for multiple vMNO requests considering the two aforementioned sub-problems (i.e. split selection and routing). We use the model defined to formulate an optimization problem, which is characterized by the exponential size of its search space. We propose two heuristic approaches to address this problem: (1) a greedy scheme, and (2) an evolutionary algorithm, which is also improved with a specialized initialization. We conduct extensive experiments to assess the performance and behavior of the proposed methods, over varying network instances. When possible, we also perform comparisons with respect to the optimal solution and a well-known commercial solver. Our results indicate that the proposed techniques represent appropriate trade-offs between solution quality and execution time, and can serve complementary goals: the quality of the results yielded by our evolutionary method are better, but at the cost of longer execution times; in contrast, our greedy algorithm offers a reasonably appropriate performance, with an execution time that is notably lower. Our experiments show that it is possible to produce near-optimal results to the above complex problem through computationally efficient algorithmic solutions.This paper has been partially supported by the Secretary of Public Education of Mexico (SEP) and Cinvestav through research grant 262, and the National Council of Research and Technology (CONACYT) through grant ERANetLACFONCICYT No. 272278. Luis Diez and Ramon Agüero acknowledge the funding by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, MINECO-FEDER) by means of the project FIERCE: Future Internet Enabled Resilient smart CitiEs (RTI2018-093475-AI00)

    Design and provisioning of WDM networks for traffic grooming

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    Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is the most viable technique for utilizing the enormous amounts of bandwidth inherently available in optical fibers. However, the bandwidth offered by a single wavelength in WDM networks is on the order of tens of Gigabits per second, while most of the applications\u27 bandwidth requirements are still subwavelength. Therefore, cost-effective design and provisioning of WDM networks require that traffic from different sessions share bandwidth of a single wavelength by employing electronic multiplexing at higher layers. This is known as traffic grooming. Optical networks supporting traffic grooming are usually designed in a way such that the cost of the higher layer equipment used to support a given traffic matrix is reduced. In this thesis, we propose a number of optimal and heuristic solutions for the design and provisioning of optical networks for traffic grooming with an objective of network cost reduction. In doing so, we address several practical issues. Specifically, we address the design and provisioning of WDM networks on unidirectional and bidirectional rings for arbitrary unicast traffic grooming, and on mesh topologies for arbitrary multipoint traffic grooming. In multipoint traffic grooming, we address both multicast and many-to-one traffic grooming problems. We provide a unified frame work for optimal and approximate network dimensioning and channel provisioning for the generic multicast traffic grooming problem, as well as some variants of the problem. For many-to-one traffic grooming we propose optimal as well as heuristic solutions. Optimal formulations which are inherently non-linear are mapped to an optimal linear formulation. In the heuristic solutions, we employ different problem specific search strategies to explore the solution space. We provide a number of experimental results to show the efficacy of our proposed techniques for the traffic grooming problem in WDM networks

    A new connectivity strategy for wireless mesh networks using dynamic spectrum access

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    The introduction of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) marked an important juncture in the evolution of wireless networks. DSA is a spectrum assignment paradigm where devices are able to make real-time adjustment to their spectrum usage and adapt to changes in their spectral environment to meet performance objectives. DSA allows spectrum to be used more efficiently and may be considered as a viable approach to the ever increasing demand for spectrum in urban areas and the need for coverage extension to unconnected communities. While DSA can be applied to any spectrum band, the initial focus has been in the Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) band traditionally used for television broadcast because the band is lightly occupied and also happens to be ideal spectrum for sparsely populated rural areas. Wireless access in general is said to offer the most hope in extending connectivity to rural and unconnected peri-urban communities. Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) in particular offer several attractive characteristics such as multi-hopping, ad-hoc networking, capabilities of self-organising and self-healing, hence the focus on WMNs. Motivated by the desire to leverage DSA for mesh networking, this research revisits the aspect of connectivity in WMNs with DSA. The advantages of DSA when combined with mesh networking not only build on the benefits, but also creates additional challenges. The study seeks to address the connectivity challenge across three key dimensions, namely network formation, link metric and multi-link utilisation. To start with, one of the conundrums faced in WMNs with DSA is that the current 802.11s mesh standard provides limited support for DSA, while DSA related standards such as 802.22 provide limited support for mesh networking. This gap in standardisation complicates the integration of DSA in WMNs as several issues are left outside the scope of the applicable standard. This dissertation highlights the inadequacy of the current MAC protocol in ensuring TVWS regulation compliance in multi-hop environments and proposes a logical link MAC sub-layer procedure to fill the gap. A network is considered compliant in this context if each node operates on a channel that it is allowed to use as determined for example, by the spectrum database. Using a combination of prototypical experiments, simulation and numerical analysis, it is shown that the proposed protocol ensures network formation is accomplished in a manner that is compliant with TVWS regulation. Having tackled the compliance problem at the mesh formation level, the next logical step was to explore performance improvement avenues. Considering the importance of routing in WMNs, the study evaluates link characterisation to determine suitable metric for routing purposes. Along this dimension, the research makes two main contributions. Firstly, A-link-metric (Augmented Link Metric) approach for WMN with DSA is proposed. A-link-metric reinforces existing metrics to factor in characteristics of a DSA channel, which is essential to improve the routing protocol's ranking of links for optimal path selection. Secondly, in response to the question of “which one is the suitable metric?”, the Dynamic Path Metric Selection (DPMeS) concept is introduced. The principal idea is to mechanise the routing protocol such that it assesses the network via a distributed probing mechanism and dynamically binds the routing metric. Using DPMeS, a routing metric is selected to match the network type and prevailing conditions, which is vital as each routing metric thrives or recedes in performance depending on the scenario. DPMeS is aimed at unifying the years worth of prior studies on routing metrics in WMNs. Simulation results indicate that A-link-metric achieves up to 83.4 % and 34.6 % performance improvement in terms of throughput and end-to-end delay respectively compared to the corresponding base metric (i.e. non-augmented variant). With DPMeS, the routing protocol is expected to yield better performance consistently compared to the fixed metric approach whose performance fluctuates amid changes in network setup and conditions. By and large, DSA-enabled WMN nodes will require access to some fixed spectrum to fall back on when opportunistic spectrum is unavailable. In the absence of fully functional integrated-chip cognitive radios to enable DSA, the immediate feasible solution for the interim is single hardware platforms fitted with multiple transceivers. This configuration results in multi-band multi-radio node capability that lends itself to a variety of link options in terms of transmit/receive radio functionality. The dissertation reports on the experimental performance evaluation of radios operating in the 5 GHz and UHF-TVWS bands for hybrid back-haul links. It is found that individual radios perform differently depending on the operating parameter settings, namely channel, channel-width and transmission power subject to prevailing environmental (both spectral and topographical) conditions. When aggregated, if the radios' data-rates are approximately equal, there is a throughput and round-trip time performance improvement of 44.5 - 61.8 % and 7.5 - 41.9 % respectively. For hybrid links comprising radios with significantly unequal data-rates, this study proposes an adaptive round-robin (ARR) based algorithm for efficient multilink utilisation. Numerical analysis indicate that ARR provides 75 % throughput improvement. These results indicate that network optimisation overall requires both time and frequency division duplexing. Based on the experimental test results, this dissertation presents a three-layered routing framework for multi-link utilisation. The top layer represents the nodes' logical interface to the WMN while the bottom layer corresponds to the underlying physical wireless network interface cards (WNIC). The middle layer is an abstract and reductive representation of the possible and available transmission, and reception options between node pairs, which depends on the number and type of WNICs. Drawing on the experimental results and insight gained, the study builds criteria towards a mechanism for auto selection of the optimal link option. Overall, this study is anticipated to serve as a springboard to stimulate the adoption and integration of DSA in WMNs, and further development in multi-link utilisation strategies to increase capacity. Ultimately, it is hoped that this contribution will collectively contribute effort towards attaining the global goal of extending connectivity to the unconnected

    Advanced techniques for multicast service provision in core transport networks

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    Although the network-based multicast service is the optimal way to support of a large variety of popular applications such as high-definition television (HDTV), videoon- demand (VoD), virtual private LAN service (VPLS), grid computing, optical storage area networks (O-SAN), video conferencing, e-learning, massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG), networked virtual reality, etc., there are a number of technological and operational reasons that prevents a wider deployment. This PhD work addresses this problem in the context of core transport network, by proposing and analyzing new cost-effective and scalable techniques to support multicast both at the Optical layer and at the Network layer (MPLS-IP networks). In the Optical layer, in particular in Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) Optical Circuit Switched networks, current multicast-capable OXC node designs are of a great complexity and have high attenuation levels, mainly because of the required signal splitting operation plus the traversal of a complex switching stage. This makes multi-point support rarely included in commercial OXC nodes. Inspired in previous works in the literature, we propose a novel architecture that combines the best of splitting and tap-and-continue (TaC), called 2-STC (2-split-tap-and-continue) in the framework of integrated optics. A 2-STC OXC node is a flexible design capable of tapping and splitting over up to two outgoing links in order to obtain lower end-to-end latency than in TaC and an improved power budget distribution over split-and-delivery (SaD) designs. Another advantage of this architecture is its simplicity and the reduced number of components required, scaling well even for implementations of the node with many input/output ports. Extensive simulations show that the binary split (2-split) is quite enough for most real-life core network topologies scenarios, since the average node degree is usually between 3 and 4. A variant of this design, called 2-STCg, for making the node capable of optical traffic grooming (i.e. accommodation of low-speed demands into wavelength-links) is also presented. At the Network layer, one of the main reasons that hinder multicast deployment is the high amount of forwarding state information required in core routers, especially when a large number of medium/small-sized multicast demands arrive to the core network, because the state data that needs to be kept at intermediate core routers grows proportionally to the number of multicast demands. In this scenario, we study the aggregation of multicast demands into shared distribution trees, providing a set of techniques to observe the trade-off between bandwidth and state information. This study is made in the context of MPLS VPN-based networks, with the aggregation of multicast VPNs in different real network scenarios and using novel heuristics for aggregation. Still, the main problem of aggregation is the high percentage of wasted bandwidth that depends mainly on the amount of shared trees used. On the other hand, recent works have brought back Bloom filters as an alternative for multicast forwarding. In this approach the packet header contains a Bloom filter that is evaluated at each hop for matching with the corresponding outgoing link ID. Although this approach is claimed to be stateless, it presents serious drawbacks due to false positives, namely important forwarding anomalies (duplicated flows, packet storms and loops) and the header overhead. In order to solve these drawbacks we propose D-MPSS (Depth-Wise Multi-Protocol Stateless Switching). This technique makes use of a stack of Bloom filters instead of a single one for all the path/tree, each one including only the links of a given depth of the tree. Analytical studies and simulations show that our approach reduces the forwarding anomalies present in similar state-of-the-art techniques, achieving in most network scenarios a forwarding efficiency (useful traffic) greater than 95%. Finally, we study the possibility of using tree aggregation and Bloom filters together, and propose a set of techniques grouped as H-ABF techniques (hybrid aggregation - Bloom filter-based forwarding), which improve D-MPSS and other previously proposed techniques, practically eliminating the forwarding loops and increasing the forwarding efficiency up to more than 99% in most network scenarios. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aunque el servicio de multidifusión (multicast) basado en redes es la mejor manera de dar soporte a una gran variedad de aplicaciones populares como la televisión de alta definición (HDTV), el video bajo demanda (VoD), el servicio de LAN privadas virtuales (VPLS), la computación grid, las redes de área de almacenamiento óptico (O-SAN), la videoconferencia, la educación a distancia, los juegos masivos de rol en línea de múltiples jugadores (MMORPG), la realidad virtual en red, etc., hay varias razones tecnológicas y operacionales que le impiden un mayor despliegue. Esta tesis doctoral aborda este problema en el contexto de las redes troncales de transporte, proponiendo y analizando técnicas de bajo coste y escalables para dar soporte al multicast tanto para la capa óptica como para la capa de red (redes MPLS-IP). En la capa óptica, en particular en las redes ópticas conmutadas por circuitos con multiplexación de longitud de onda (WDM), los diseños de nodos OXC con capacidades multicast muestran una gran complejidad y altos niveles de atenuación, principalmente debido a la necesaria operación de división de la señal, además del paso de ella a través de una compleja fase de conmutación. Esto hace que el soporte multi-punto sea raramente incluido en los nodos OXC comerciales. Inspirados en trabajos previos de la literatura, proponemos una novedosa arquitectura que combina lo mejor de dividir (splitting) y tap-y-continuar (TaC), llamado 2-STC (2-split-tapand- continue) en el marco de trabajo de la óptica integrada. Un nodo OXC 2-STC es un diseño flexible capaz de hacer tapping (tomar una pequeña muestra de la señal) y dividir la señal hacia un máximo de dos enlaces de salida, con el fin de obtener una menor latencia terminal-a-terminal que en TaC y una mejorada distribución de la disponibilidad de potencia por encima de los diseños split-and-delivery (SaD). Otra ventaja de esta arquitectura es su simplicidad y el número reducido de componentes requerido, escalando bien para las implementaciones del nodo con muchos puertos de entrada/salida. Extensas simulaciones muestran que la división binaria (2-split) es prácticamente suficiente para la mayoría de las topologías de redes de transporte en la vida real, debido a que el grado promedio de los nodos es usualmente 3 y 4. Una variante de este diseño, llamada 2-STCg, para hacer el nodo capaz de realizar grooming (es decir, la capacidad de acomodar demandas de menor velocidad en longitudes de onda - enlaces) de tráfico óptico, es también presentada. En la capa de red, una de las principales razones que obstaculizan el despliegue del multicast es la gran cantidad de información del estado de reenvío requerida en los enrutadores de la red de transporte, especialmente cuando un gran número de demandas multicast de tamaño mediano/pequeño llegan a la red de transporte, ya que los datos de estado a ser almacenados en los enrutadores crecen proporcionalmente con el número de demandas multicast. En este escenario, estudiamos la agregación de demandas multicast en árboles de distribución, proporcionando un conjunto de técnicas para observar el equilibrio entre el ancho de banda y la información de estado. Este estudio está hecho en el contexto de las redes basadas en redes privadas virtuales (VPN) MPLS, con la agregación de VPNs multicast en distintos escenarios de redes reales y utilizando nuevos heurísticos para la agregación. Aún así, el principal problema de la agregación es el alto porcentaje de ancho de banda desperdiciado que depende principalmente de la cantidad de árboles compartidos usados. Por otro lado, trabajos recientes han vuelto a traer a los filtros de Bloom como una alternativa para realizar el reenvío multicast. En esta aproximación la cabecera del paquete contiene un filtro de Bloom que es evaluado en cada salto para emparejarlo con el identificador del enlace de salida correspondiente. Aunque se afirma que esta solución no utiliza información de estado, presenta serias desventajas debido a los falsos positivos, esto es, anomalías de reenvío importantes (flujos duplicados, tormentas de paquetes y bucles) y gasto de ancho de banda por la cabecera de los paquetes. Para poder resolver estos problemas proponemos D-MPSS (Depth- Wise Multi-Protocol Stateless Switching). Esta técnica hace uso de una pila de filtros de Bloom en lugar de uno sólo para todo el camino/árbol, incluyendo cada uno sólo los enlaces de una determinada profundidad del árbol. Estudios analíticos y simulaciones demuestran que nuestra propuesta reduce los anomalías de reenvío presentes en otras técnicas similares del estado del arte, alcanzando en la mayoría de escenarios reales una eficiencia de reenvío (tráfico útil) mayor que 95%. Finalmente, estudiamos la posibilidad de usar agregación de árboles y filtros de Bloom juntos, y proponemos un conjunto de técnicas agrupadas como técnicas HABF (hybrid aggregation - Bloom filter-based forwarding), que mejoran D-MPSS y las otras técnicas propuestas previamente, eliminando prácticamente los bucles e incrementando la eficiencia de reenvío hasta más de un 99% en la mayoría de los escenarios de redes

    Cost-Effective and Optimized Optical Networks Based on Point to Multipoint Transceivers

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    The rapid increase in internet traffic due to widespread internet access and technological advancements such as 5G, cloud omputing, Internet of Things (IoT), and virtual reality has created a complex environment for network operators and internet service providers. To ensure profitability and improve user experience, these entities need to implement long-term strategies that optimize network planning, cost, and efficiency. These strategies should consider market demands, evolving technologies, and prioritize resource utilization, customer expansion, service quality, and cost reduction. The thesis mainly focuses on network design and optimization. It begins with a concise introduction to optical transport network elements and the primary motivations for networking. The use of dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) systems is described, along with the conventional network problems associated with routing and wavelength assignment, as well as routing and spectrum assignment. The thesis also includes a brief discussion on the power consumption of the Internet, with a particular focus on routers as power-hungry network components. Next, the thesis delves into the digital subcarrier multiplexing point-to-multipoint (P2MP) transceiver, explaining its architecture and function. Several optimization frameworks based on integer linear Programming (ILP) are proposed to effectively deploy P2MP transceivers in both filtered and filterless scenarios. Different protection scenarios are also explored. Furthermore, the thesis investigates a comprehensive multi-period planning scenarios that take into account evolving traffic and transceiver technology. The results demonstrate that P2MP transceivers can reduce transceiver costs by up to 35% compared to traditional point-to-point transceivers. Finally, the thesis presents a comprehensive and optimized physical design for horseshoe networks, integrating the utilization of P2MP transceivers and a filterless architecture. This design approach offers a simplified and cost-effective solution while leveraging the savingsoffered by P2MP technology