1,031 research outputs found

    An Analysis of the Impact of Defense Acquisition Reforms and External Factors on Schedule Growth of Defense Weapon Systems

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    The growth in the acquisition cycle time of large defense systems from what was planned (i.e., schedule growth) creates several issues for defense acquisition managers and policy makers. These issues include increased likelihoods of cancellations, changes in requirements, and delays in the fielding of improved combat capabilities and replacements for legacy systems, which have resulted in further cost and schedule growth. As a result, Congress, the DoD, and the individual military services implemented several major reforms to address the cost and schedule growth of weapon systems. This research presents an empirical model of schedule growth to evaluate the impact of acquisition reform efforts, defense budget changes, unexpected inflation, and major contingency operations (war) on schedule growth of major weapon systems. A fixed-effects panel regression model was utilized to describe the schedule performance (using earned value data) of the major weapon system programs managed by the Army, Air Force, and Navy from 1980 to 2002. This research found that unexpected inflation results in increased schedule growth. In addition, the 2000 revision of the DoD 5000 series accounted for a reduction in schedule growth. The other examined acquisition reforms—the Packard Commission of 1986 and the 1993-1996 reform efforts [e.g., the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 and the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996]—were not correlated with schedule growth. This lack of a relationship suggests these reforms were not fully internalized into the Department of Defense’s acquisition process and appear to have not been successful at limiting schedule growth

    About multi-resolution techniques for large eddy simulation of reactive multi-phase flows

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    A numerical technique for mesh refinement in the HeaRT (Heat Release and Transfer) numerical code is presented. In the CFD framework, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach is gaining in importance as a tool for simulating turbulent combustion pro- cesses, also if this approach has an high computational cost due to the complexity of the turbulent modeling and the high number of grid points necessary to obtain a good numerical solution. In particular, when a numerical simulation of a big domain is performed with a structured grid, the number of grid points can increase so much that the simulation becomes impossible: this problem can be overcomed with a mesh refinement technique. Mesh refinement technique developed for HeaRT numerical code (a staggered finite difference code) is based on an high order reconstruction of the variables at the grid interfaces by means of a least square quasi-eno interpolation: numerical code is written in modern Fortran (2003 standard of newer) and is parallelized using domain decomposition and message passing interface (MPI) standard

    An Evaluation of Operation Street Sweeper - 2006

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    Operation Street Sweeper (OSS) was a multi-level, interagency collaboration with multiple purposes. According to OSS documents, Operation Street Sweeper goals included the following: (1) to reduce gang-related criminal and violent activity in Nampa and Caldwell, Idaho through aggressive, proactive, and coordinated street enforcement between the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and local law enforcement; (2) to deter criminal activity through high profile enforcement activity; (3) to develop and/or increase the number of positive community contacts; (4) to show the community and gang members that law enforcement is serious about reducing gang and violent crime in the area; and (5) to use the media to showcase a law enforcement effort to reduce gang violence and activity

    Behavior of confined granular beds under cyclic thermal loading

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    We investigate the mechanical behavior of a confined granular packing of irregular polyhedral particles under repeated heating and cooling cycles by means of numerical simulations with the Non-Smooth Contact Dynamics method. Assuming a homogeneous temperature distribution as well as constant temperature rate, we study the effect of the container shape, and coefficients of thermal expansions on the pressure buildup at the confining walls and the density evolution. We observe that small changes in the opening angle of the confinement can lead to a drastic peak pressure reduction. Furthermore, the displacement fields over several thermal cycles are obtained and we discover the formation of convection cells inside the granular material having the shape of a torus. The root mean square of the vorticity is then calculated from the displacement fields and a quadratic dependency on the ratio of thermal expansion coefficients is established

    Relevance of brands and beef quality differentials for the consumer at the time of purchase

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    The objective of this study was to identify the purchase habits and preferences of beef consumers, their level of knowledge on brands and products with quality differentials (certifications, packaging, premium lines), and the relevance of different attributes in the purchase decision, and to group consumers according to the profile of purchase decision. The methodology consisted of using an information-collecting instrument applied to 271 beef consumers. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical analyses, chi-square analysis, and correspondence analysis, relating socio-demographic profile of the respondents with the other variables collected. Chi-square and correspondence analyses showed that younger consumers with lower levels of income and education are influenced by posters and advertisements at the point of sale, unaware of differentiated and branded products, and that they do not choose branded beef at the time of purchase. Consumers over 60 years showed a more conservative purchase profile, with no influence. The most valued attributes are appearance, price, and type of cut, being brand and certifications little relevant as tools to help decide the product purchase

    Possible Clinical Failure of Artemether-Lumefantrine in an Italian Traveler with Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria.

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    Artemisinin-combination therapies (ACTs) are recommended for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in endemic areas with multidrug resistant Plasmodium falciparum. We report a case of possible artemether-lumefantrine clinical failure in an Italian traveler with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria imported from Democratic Republic of Congo

    Fifth Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey

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    The Fifth Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey was conducted December 5-13, 2019, and surveyed 1,000 adults over the age of 18 who currently live in Idaho. The sample is designed to be representative of the population of the state both geographically and demographically. This was a mixed-mode survey which contacted respondents on land line phones (33%), cell phones (33%), online (30%), and via text message (5%). The goal of using multiple means to contact respondents is to increase our coverage of the population to people who may not respond to traditional phone surveys. This survey focused on important issues facing Idaho including growth, education, taxes, and the environment. The survey has a simple random sampling margin of error of +/- 3.1% and was conducted by GS Strategies Group

    Growth in the Treasure Valley in 2020

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    The Sixth Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey was conducted November 29-December 3, 2020, and surveyed 1,000 adults over the age of 18 who currently live in Idaho. The Treasure Valley was oversampled to survey 750 residents of Ada (66%), Canyon (27%), Gem (4%), Boise (4%), and Owyhee (1%) counties. The results here focus on this Treasure Valley sample. The sample is designed to be representative of the population of the region both geographically and demographically. This was a mixed-mode survey which contacted by phone (58%), online (32%), and via text message (10%). The goal of using multiple means to contact respondents is to increase our coverage of the population to people who may not respond to traditional phone surveys. The survey has a simple random sampling margin of error of +/- 3.6% for the Treasure Valley, and was conducted by GS Strategy Group

    Studio delle vie di segnale coinvolte nello sviluppo di ipertensione polmonare da sovraccarico cronico di volume del ventricolo destro e valutazione degli effetti di un nuovo donatore di ossido nitrico.

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    Background. Il sovraccarico di volume cronico del ventricolo destro determina a lungo termine la comparsa di un quadro patologico di scompenso ventricolare destro e ipertensione arteriosa polmonare, una condizione emodinamica e fisiopatologica progressiva e complessa caratterizzata da una pressione arteriosa polmonare media a riposo superiore, o uguale, a 25 mmHg, un rimodellamento sostanziale della struttura dei vasi polmonari e un elevato grado di ipertrofia ventricolare destra. Gli esatti meccanismi molecolari coinvolti nell\u2019eziopatogenesi dell\u2019ipertensione arteriosa polmonare, nonch\ue9 nel rimodellamento ventricolare e vascolare da sovraccarico di volume cronico del ventricolo destro, sono tuttora poco chiari, motivo per cui questa condizione clinica continua a rimanere devastante, con sintomi progressivamente debilitanti ed alta mortalit\ue0 nella popolazione affetta. Obiettivi. Nella prima fase dello studio (fase di valutazione, osservazionale e descrittiva) sono state eseguite analisi istologiche, biochimiche e molecolari allo scopo di fornire una valutazione approfondita del modello sperimentale di ipertensione polmonare da sovraccarico cronico di volume del ventricolo destro, essenzialmente un modello di ipertensione arteriosa polmonare associata a cardiopatie congenite (sottogruppo 1.4.4). Nella seconda fase dello studio (fase di trattamento) sono stati valutati gli effetti della somministrazione in acuto di albumina nitrosilata, un nuovo agente donatore di ossido nitrico (NO-donor), sull\u2019ipertensione polmonare e sul rimodellamento del ventricolo destro. Metodi. 35 ratti maschi adulti Sprague-Dawley (15 nella prima fase, gruppo SHUNT, 20 nella seconda fase, gruppi SHUNT+HSA e SHUNT+S-NO-HSA) del peso di 400 \ub1 50 grammi, sono stati sottoposti ad intervento di creazione di una fistola aorto-cavale mentre ratti sham-operated (n=15) sono stati considerati come controlli nella prima fase dello studio. A distanza di 20 settimane dall\u2019operazione, sezioni di ventricolo destro e arteriole polmonari degli animali della prima fase sperimentale (n=5 per gruppo) sono state analizzate con tecniche istologiche, mentre lo stato di fosforilazione di ERK1/2, Akt e cTnI e i livelli di espressione/attivazione di eNOS e iNOS sono stati valutati mediante analisi Western blot su biopsie di ventricolo destro e polmone di tutti i ratti considerati in entrambe le fasi dello studio. L\u2019analisi HPLC ha infine consentito di determinare sugli stessi campioni i rapporti tra glutatione ossidato e ridotto (GSSG/GSH) e il contenuto dei fosfati ad alta energia. Risultati. L\u2019analisi Western blot eseguita su campioni di miocardio ventricolare destro a distanza di 20 settimane dall\u2019esecuzione dello shunt aorto-cavale, ha evidenziato un significativo incremento dei livelli di fosforilazione di ERK1/2 (p<0.001) e di cTnI (p<0.01), una significativa riduzione dello stato di fosforilazione di Akt (p<0.05) e una significativa down-regolazione dei livelli di espressione di iNOS (p<0.05) nel gruppo SHUNT rispetto al gruppo SHAM. I ratti del gruppo SHUNT+S-NO-HSA hanno invece mostrato una significativa riduzione dei livelli di fosforilazione di ERK1/2 (p<0.01) e di cTnI (p<0.01) nel ventricolo destro rispetto al gruppo di controllo SHUNT+HSA, mentre 6 risultano caratterizzati da una significativa up-regolazione dei livelli di espressione di iNOS (p<0.05) dopo 20 settimane di esposizione allo shunt aorto-cavale. I campioni di tessuto polmonare degli animali del gruppo SHUNT, analizzati mediante Western blot a distanza di 20 settimane dalla creazione della fistola aorto-cavale, hanno mostrato un significativo aumento dei livelli di fosforilazione di ERK1/2 (p<0.01) e dell\u2019espressione di iNOS (p<0.05) rispetto ai ratti sham-operated (SHAM), mentre il trattamento in acuto con albumina S-nitrosilata (gruppo SHUNT+S-NO-HSA) ha ulteriormente contribuito ad un sostanziale incremento dei livelli di espressione di iNOS (p<0.05) rispetto ai ratti di controllo (SHUNT+HSA). La persistenza dello shunt aorto-cavale per 20 settimane \ue8 risultata indurre un significativo incremento dei livelli di glutatione ossidato (%GSSG, p<0.05) nel ventricolo destro dei ratti SHUNT rispetto ai ratti di controllo SHAM, mentre nessuna variazione statisticamente significativa \ue8 stata evidenziata negli animali trattati con S-NO-HSA (SHUNT+S-NO-HSA) rispetto al gruppo di controllo (SHUNT+HSA) dopo 20 settimane di esposizione allo shunt aorto-cavale. Nel tessuto polmonare i livelli di GSSG sono risultati sostanzialmente aumentati (p<0.01) nel gruppo SHUNT rispetto al gruppo SHAM ma significativamente ridotti (p<0.01) in seguito alla somministrazione acuta di S-NO-HSA (gruppo SHUNT+S-NO-HSA) dopo 20 settimane di esposizione allo shunt aorto-cavale. La funzionalit\ue0 mitocondriale dei cardiomiociti ventricolari destri \ue8 risultata complessivamente compromessa (diminuzione di ATP, p<0.05) negli animali del gruppo SHUNT rispetto agli animali sham-operated (SHAM), dopo 20 settimane dall\u2019operazione, con una generale tendenza alla preservazione in seguito al trattamento con S-NO-HSA (gruppo SHUNT+S-NO-HSA) rispetto al gruppo di controllo (SHUNT+HSA). Variazioni significative dei livelli di AMP e ATP (p<0.05, p<0.01 rispettivamente) sono state evidenziate nel tessuto polmonare dei ratti SHUNT rispetto al gruppo SHAM in seguito alla persistenza della fistola aorto-cavale; lo stato energetico polmonare \ue8 risultato significativamente preservato (diminuzione AMP: p<0.05; aumento ATP: p<0.01) nel gruppo SHUNT+S-NO-HSA rispetto agli animali non trattati (SHUNT+HSA). Conclusioni. Il modello studiato di sovraccarico cronico di volume del ventricolo destro con progressivo sviluppo di ipertensione polmonare dimostra il coinvolgimento di vie di segnale attivate nella patogenesi dell\u2019insufficienza ventricolare destra con ipertensione del circolo arterioso polmonare e in particolare: -ERK 1/2 nell\u2019ipertrofia cardiaca e della componente vascolare polmonare; -Akt nella sopravvivenza cellulare; -cTnI nella regolazione della funzione contrattile dei cardiomiociti; -eNOS e iNOS nell\u2019omeostasi endoteliale e nella generazione di ossido nitrico. In questo contesto sperimentale, che riproduce condizioni cliniche specifiche, l\u2019utilizzo di un nuovo NO-donor quale la S-NO-HSA per via sistemica in acuto, risulta essere vantaggioso non solo per il profilo emodinamico e biochimico ma poich\ue9 attenua le alterazioni di mediatori coinvolti in vie biomolecolari di fondamentale importanza per le possibili implicazioni cliniche.Background. Chronic volume overload of right ventricle induces right ventricular failure and pulmonary arterial hypertension, a progressive and multifaceted disease process characterized by high morbidity and mortality, high mean pulmonary artery pressure at rest ( 6525 mmHg), pulmonary vascular remodeling and right ventricular hypertrophy. The exact molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of pulmonary arterial hypertension remain still unclear as those underlying the development of chronic volume overload-induced right ventricular and pulmonary vascular remodeling. Objectives. In the first part of the study (evaluation phase) the animal model of right ventricular chronic volume overload-induced pulmonary hypertension was assessed by histological, biochemical and molecular analysis. This model was essentially designed to reproduce a particular clinical condition such as pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with congenital heart diseases (clinical subset 1.4.4). In the second part (treatment phase) the effects of a new NO-donor\u2019s acute administration, S-nitroso-albumin, were evaluated in respect of pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular remodeling. Methods. Aorto-caval shunt was surgically created in 35 adult male Sprague-Dawley rats weighting 400 \ub1 50 g (first part, SHUNT group, n=15; second part, SHUNT+HSA and SHUNT+S-NO-HSA groups, n=10 each one). Sham-operated rats (n=15) were considered as controls only for the first part of the study (SHAM group). 20 weeks after surgery histological sections were obtained from right ventricles and small pulmonary arteries of SHAM and SHUNT animals (n=5 each group), stained in hematoxylin-eosin and finally analyzed. The phosphorylation status of ERK1/2, Akt and cTnI and protein expression/activation levels of eNOS and iNOS were evaluated by Western blot analysis in right ventricles and lungs of all rats in both phases of the study after 20 weeks from surgery. The same samples were used even to determine the ratios between oxidized and reduced glutathione (GSSG/GSH) and high energy phosphates content by HPLC analysis. Results. Western blot analysis on right ventricular myocardium has shown a significant increase of ERK1/2 and cTnI phosphorylation levels (p<0.001 and p<0.01, respectively), a decrease of Akt phosphorylation (p<0.05) and a significant downregulation of iNOS expression (p<0.05) in SHUNT group compared to the SHAM group, 20 weeks after the aorto-caval shunt. ERK1/2 and cTnI phosphorylation levels were significantly reduced in right ventricle of SHUNT+S-NO-HSA rats compared to the control group (SHUNT+HSA) (p<0.01), while the treatment significantly upregulated the expression of iNOS (p<0.05) after 20 weeks from surgery. As shown by Western blot analysis performed on lung tissue biopsies 20 weeks after the aorto-caval shunt, there was a significant increase of ERK1/2 phosphorylation levels and iNOS expression in SHUNT group compared to sham-operated rats (p<0.01 and p<0.05 respectively), while S-NO-HSA acute administration induced a further increase of iNOS expression in SHUNT+S-NO-HSA group compared to the control (p<0.05). Twenty week-aorto-caval shunt induced a significant increase of oxidixed glutathione levels in right ventricle of SHUNT rats compared to the control group (p<0.05), while no 8 changes were shown after S-NO-HSA treatment compared to the SHUNT+HSA group 20 weeks after surgery. Lung tissue levels of GSSG were significantly increased in SHUNT group (p<0.01) but substantially reduced after acute administration of S-NO-HSA (p<0.01) at 20 weeks from aorto-caval shunt. As shown by the significant decrease of ATP levels in rigth ventricle of SHUNT animals compared to the control group (p<0.05), mitochondrial function of right ventricular cardiomyocytes was substantially reduced after 20 weeks from aorto-caval shunt while seemed to be preserved by the treatment with S-NO-HSA compared to the untreated animals. Significant changes of AMP and ATP content were shown in lung tissue of SHUNT rats compared to the control group (p<0.05, p<0.01 respectively) 20 weeks after the aorto-caval shunt while acute administration of S-NO-HSA significantly preserved lung energy status compared to the untreated group (p<0.05 for the decrease of AMP; p<0.01 for the increase of ATP). Conclusions.This model of right ventricle chronic volume overload with progressive development of pulmonary hypertension showed the involvement of signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of right ventricular failure with pulmonary arterial hypertension, in particular: -ERK 1/2 in cardiac hypertrophy and pulmonary vascular remodelling; -Akt in cell survival; -cTnI in regulation of cardiomyocyte contractile function; -eNOS and iNOS in endothelial homeostasis and nitric oxide generation. In this experimental setting acute administration of a new NO-donor, such as S-NO-HSA, has been shown overall haemodynamic and biochemical effects and a reduction of the altered mediators involved in some pathways of pivotal role in the clinical field
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