23 research outputs found

    Minimización del makespan para el problema de máquinas paralelas no relacionadas con tiempos de setup dependientes de la secuencia mediante un algoritmo híbrido VNS/ACO*

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    This paper proposes a hybrid heuristic that combines Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) with Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) to solve the scheduling problem of nonrelated parallel machines with sequence dependent setup times in order to minimize the makespan. The Variable Neighborhood Search is proposed to solve the scheduling problem with a descending scheme in a first phase, with an ACO algorithm, which successively reorder the jobs in the machine with the largest makespan in a second phase. An experimental study was performed using test problems from the literature showing that the second phase of the algorithm improves the solution obtained in the first phase. The results obtained are also compared with other methods in the literature proving to be a competitive method.Se propone una heurística híbrida combinando Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) y Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) para resolver el problema de programación de máquinas paralelas no relacionadas con tiempos de preparación dependientes de la secuencia con el objetivo de minimizar el makespan. La búsqueda en entornos variables se propone con un esquema descendente resolviendo en una primera etapa el problema de programación de los trabajos a las máquinas, y luego, en una segunda etapa, un algoritmo ACO, reordena sucesivamente los trabajos en la máquina de mayor makespan. Se realizan pruebas experimentales sobre un conjunto de problemas de prueba de la literatura, mostrando que al aplicar la segunda etapa de la metaheurística propuesta se mejoran las soluciones obtenidas en la primera etapa del algoritmo y que al comparar los resultados obtenidos con otros métodos de la literatura resulta ser un método competitivo.&nbsp

    Multi-Period Cell Loading and Job Sequencing in a Cellular Manufacturing System

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    In this paper, a multi-period cell loading problem is addressed, where the objectives are to minimise the number of tardy jobs (nT) in a multi-period planning horizon and optimise the scheduling of tardy jobs. Three cell loading and job scheduling strategies are proposed and tested with two newly developed mixed integer programming models. Additionally, three types of due dates (tight, medium and loose) and three different demand levels were considered. Finally, two tardy job assignment methods were proposed to observe the impact on nT. Case problems were solved based on minimising nT, Tmax and total tardiness (TT) objectives and cost sensitivity analysis was performed. Results indicated that, the first strategy, (early start allowance and tardy job assignment after each period) performed better in terms of nT. For the secondary objectives, tradeoffs were observed among different strategies depending on the type of due date, demand level and tardy job assignment method

    High-Performance Computing for Scheduling Decision Support: A Parallel Depth-First Search Heuristic

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    Many academic disciplines - including information systems, computer science, and operations management - face scheduling problems as important decision making tasks. Since many scheduling problems are NP-hard in the strong sense, there is a need for developing solution heuristics. For scheduling problems with setup times on unrelated parallel machines, there is limited research on solution methods and to the best of our knowledge, parallel computer architectures have not yet been taken advantage of. We address this gap by proposing and implementing a new solution heuristic and by testing different parallelization strategies. In our computational experiments, we show that our heuristic calculates near-optimal solutions even for large instances and that computing time can be reduced substantially by our parallelization approach

    An Improved Tabu Search Algorithm Based on Grid Search Used in the Antenna Parameters Optimization

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    In the mobile system covering big areas, many small cells are often used. And the base antenna’s azimuth angle, vertical down angle, and transmit power are the most important parameters to affect the coverage of an antenna. This paper makes mathematical model and analyzes different algorithm’s performance in model. Finally we propose an improved Tabu search algorithm based on grid search, to get the best parameters of antennas, which can maximize the coverage area and minimize the interference

    Job Shop Scheduling with Routing Flexibility and Sequence-Dependent Setup Times

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    This paper presents a meta-heuristic algorithm for solving a job shop scheduling problem involving both sequence dependent setup-times and the possibility of selecting alternative routes among the available machines. The proposed strategy is a variant of the Iterative Flattening Search (IFS ) schema. This work provides three separate results: (1) a constraint-based solving procedure that extends an existing approach for classical Job Shop Scheduling; (2) a new variable and value ordering heuristic based on temporal flexibility that take into account both sequence dependent setup-times and flexibility in machine selection; (3) an original relaxation strategy based on the idea of randomly breaking the execution orders of the activities on the machines with a activity selection criteria based on their proximity to the solution\u27s critical path. The efficacy of the overall heuristic optimization algorithm is demonstrated on a new benchmark set which is an extension of a well-known and difficult benchmark for the Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem

    MILP model for the planning of a computerized numerical control lathes machining plant

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    This work introduces the formulation and application of a MILP model to solve the problem of planning the weekly production of a machining plant using numerical control lathes to manufacture spare parts for agricultural machines. The machining plant works under a Flexible Job Shop system and it has reduced workforce with different skills to operate the various high-complexity lathes and to carry out setup operations in each machine. The developed model is based on a basic formulation for the classic problem and we introduce some flexible adjustment for the various situations that may arise from different scheduling problems. The model is applied to various scenarios; and we include a discussion of the improvements brought about by the analysis.Fil: Kañevsky, Federico. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe; ArgentinaFil: Franco, Maria Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química; ArgentinaFil: Galli, Maria Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño; Argentin

    Guided genetic algorithm for solving unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources

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    This paper solved the unrelated parallel machine scheduling with additional resources (UPMR) problem. The processing time and the number of required resources for each job rely on the machine that does the processing. Each job j needed units of resources (rjm) during its time of processing on a machine m. These additional resources are limited, and this made the UPMR a difficult problem to solve. In this study, the maximum completion time of jobs makespan must be minimized. Here, we proposed genetic algorithm (GA) to solve the UPMR problem because of the robustness and the success of GA in solving many optimization problems. An enhancement of GA was also proposed in this work. Generally, the experiment involves tuning the parameters of GA. Additionally, an appropriate selection of GA operators was also experimented. The guide genetic algorithm (GGA) is not used to solve the unspecified dynamic UPMR. Besides, the utilization of parameters tuning and operators gave a balance between exploration and exploitation and thus help the search escape the local optimum. Results show that the GGA outperforms the simple genetic algorithm (SGA), but it still didn't match the results in the literature. On the other hand, GGA significantly outperforms all methods in terms of CPU time

    Review on unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources

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    This study deals with an unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources (UPMR). That is one of the important sub-problems in the scheduling. UPMR consists of scheduling a set of jobs on unrelated machines. In addition to that, a number of one or more additional resources are needed. UPMR is very important and its importance comes from the wealth of applications; they are applicable to engineering and scientific situations and manufacturing systems such as industrial robots, nurses, machine operators, bus drivers, tools, assembly plant machines, fixtures, pallets, electricity, mechanics, dies, automated guided vehicles, fuel, and more. The importance also comes from the concern about the limitation of resources that are dedicated for the production process. Therefore, researchers and decision makers are still working on UPMR problem to get an optimum schedule for all instances which have not been obtained to this day. The optimum schedule is able to increase the profits and decrease the costs whilst satisfying the customers’ needs. This research aims to review and discuss studies related to unrelated parallel machines and additional resources. Overall, the review demonstrates the criticality of resolving the UPMR problem. Metaheuristic techniques exhibit significant effectiveness in generating results and surpassing other algorithms. Nevertheless, continued improvement is essential to satisfy the evolving requirements of UPMR, which are subject to operational changes based on customer demand