2,889 research outputs found

    A magnetically isolated gate driver for high-speed voltage sharing in series-connected MOSFETs

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    A scalable resonant gate drive circuit is described, suitable for driving series-connected MOSFETs in high-voltage, high-speed inverter applications for resistive and capacitive loads. Galvanic isolation is provided by a loop of high voltage wire, which also serves as the resonant inductor in the circuit. Fast dynamic voltage sharing is achieved by delivering equal current to each gate. A prototype is built and tested, demonstrating a 75ns switching time at 5kV using 900V MOSFETs

    Design of a pulse power supply unit for micro-ECM

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    Electrochemical micro-machining (μECM) requires a particular pulse power supply unit (PSU) to be developed in order to achieve desired machining performance. This paper summarises the development of a pulse PSU meeting the requirements of μECM. The pulse power supply provides tens of nanosecond pulse duration, positive and negative bias voltages and a polarity switching functionality. It fulfils the needs for tool preparation with reversed pulsed ECM on the machine. Moreover, the PSU is equipped with an ultrafast overcurrent protection which prevents the tool electrode from being damaged in case of short circuits. The developed pulse PSU was used to fabricate micro-tools out of 170 μm WC-Co alloy shafts via micro-electrochemical turning and drill deep holes via μECM in a disk made of 18NiCr6. The electrolyte used for both processes was a mixture of sulphuric acid and NaNO3 aqueous solutions.The research reported in this paper is supported by the European Commission within the project “Minimizing Defects in Micro-Manufacturing Applications (MIDEMMA)” (FP7-2011-NMP-ICT-FoF-285614

    Statistical circuit simulations - from ‘atomistic’ compact models to statistical standard cell characterisation

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    This thesis describes the development and application of statistical circuit simulation methodologies to analyse digital circuits subject to intrinsic parameter fluctuations. The specific nature of intrinsic parameter fluctuations are discussed, and we explain the crucial importance to the semiconductor industry of developing design tools which accurately account for their effects. Current work in the area is reviewed, and three important factors are made clear: any statistical circuit simulation methodology must be based on physically correct, predictive models of device variability; the statistical compact models describing device operation must be characterised for accurate transient analysis of circuits; analysis must be carried out on realistic circuit components. Improving on previous efforts in the field, we posit a statistical circuit simulation methodology which accounts for all three of these factors. The established 3-D Glasgow atomistic simulator is employed to predict electrical characteristics for devices aimed at digital circuit applications, with gate lengths from 35 nm to 13 nm. Using these electrical characteristics, extraction of BSIM4 compact models is carried out and their accuracy in performing transient analysis using SPICE is validated against well characterised mixed-mode TCAD simulation results for 35 nm devices. Static d.c. simulations are performed to test the methodology, and a useful analytic model to predict hard logic fault limitations on CMOS supply voltage scaling is derived as part of this work. Using our toolset, the effect of statistical variability introduced by random discrete dopants on the dynamic behaviour of inverters is studied in detail. As devices scaled, dynamic noise margin variation of an inverter is increased and higher output load or input slew rate improves the noise margins and its variation. Intrinsic delay variation based on CV/I delay metric is also compared using ION and IEFF definitions where the best estimate is obtained when considering ION and input transition time variations. Critical delay distribution of a path is also investigated where it is shown non-Gaussian. Finally, the impact of the cell input slew rate definition on the accuracy of the inverter cell timing characterisation in NLDM format is investigated

    Series-Connection of Medium Voltage SIC Mosefets with Self-Powered Design

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    Modeling and Simulation of Negative Capacitance MOSFETs

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    The current and voltage characteristics of a MOSFET device are maily characterized by the source to channel barrier which is controlled by the gate voltage. The Boltazmann statistics which govern the number of carriers that are able to cross the barrier indicates that to increase the current by a decade, atleast 60 mV of rise in gate voltage is required. As a result of this limitation, the threshold voltage of modern MOSFETs cannot be less than about 0.3 V for an ION to IOFF ratio of 5 decades. This has put a fundamental bottleneck in voltage downscaling increasing the power consumption in modern IC based chips with billions of transistors. Sayeef Salahuddin and Supriyo Dutta proposed the idea of including ferroelectric in MOSFET gate stack which allows an internal voltage ampli�cation at the MOSFET channel which can be used to achieve a smaller subthreshold swing which would further reduce the power consumption of the devices. In this thesis we have undertaken a simulation based study of such devices to study how the inclusion of negative capacitance ferroelectrics leads changes in various device characteristics. Initially we have taken a compact modeling based approach to study device characteristics in latest industry standard FinFET devices. For this purpose we have used the BSIM-CMG Verilog A model and modi�ed the model appropriately to include the e�ect of negative capacitance ferroelectric in the gate stack. This simulation allowed us to observe that negative capacitance (NC) devices can indeed give a subthreshold swing lesser than 60 mV/dec. Further other interesting properties like negative output resistance and drain induced barrier rising are observed. Using the compact models developed above, we have analyzed some simple circuits with NC devices. Initially an inverter shows a hysteresis in the transfer characteristics. This can be attributed to negative di�erential resistance. Ring oscillator analysis shows that RO frequency for NC devices is lesser than that of regular devices due to enhanced gate capacitance and slower response of ferroelectrics. Scaling analysis has been performed to see the performance of NC devices in future technologies. For this we used TCAD analysis coupled with Landau Khalatnikov equation. This analysis shows that NC devices are more e�ective in suppressing short channel e�ects like DIBL and can hence be used for further downscaling of the devices. Finally we develop models to take into account the multidomain Landau equations for ferroelec- tric into account. We have performed such an analysis for a ferroelectric resistor series network. A similar analysis is performed for short channel double gate MOSFET without inter layer metal be- tween ferroelectric and the internal MOS device. This analysis showed that coupling factor between ferroelectric domains plays an important role in the device characteristics

    An enhanced single gate driven voltage-balanced SiC MOSFET stack topology suitable for high-voltage low-power applications

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    Abstract In the fabrication of some high‐voltage low‐power applications, low cost is much concerned, and thus using silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET stack consisting of series connected low‐voltage devices is preferred rather than using an expensive single high‐voltage device. Therefore, a cost‐efficient single gate driven voltage‐balanced SiC MOSFET stack topology is proposed in this paper, where only some passive components are equipped with the stack. With a concept of single gate driver, the gate driver design of an SiC MOSFET stack is simplified. With an automatic balancing circuit which operates well with the sequential lagging single gate driver, good voltage balancing of SiC MOSFETs in the stack is realized without causing much extra loss and no additional active control is required. The working principle is illustrated in detail and the parameter selection together with design consideration is presented. Next, this topology is compared with RCD snubber method and active delay adjusting method to better illustrate its advantages. Finally, in a typical high‐voltage low‐power application, auxiliary power supply, the simulation and experimental results further verify the effectiveness of the proposed topology

    Product assurance technology for procuring reliable, radiation-hard, custom LSI/VLSI electronics

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    Advanced measurement methods using microelectronic test chips are described. These chips are intended to be used in acquiring the data needed to qualify Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC's) for space use. Efforts were focused on developing the technology for obtaining custom IC's from CMOS/bulk silicon foundries. A series of test chips were developed: a parametric test strip, a fault chip, a set of reliability chips, and the CRRES (Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite) chip, a test circuit for monitoring space radiation effects. The technical accomplishments of the effort include: (1) development of a fault chip that contains a set of test structures used to evaluate the density of various process-induced defects; (2) development of new test structures and testing techniques for measuring gate-oxide capacitance, gate-overlap capacitance, and propagation delay; (3) development of a set of reliability chips that are used to evaluate failure mechanisms in CMOS/bulk: interconnect and contact electromigration and time-dependent dielectric breakdown; (4) development of MOSFET parameter extraction procedures for evaluating subthreshold characteristics; (5) evaluation of test chips and test strips on the second CRRES wafer run; (6) two dedicated fabrication runs for the CRRES chip flight parts; and (7) publication of two papers: one on the split-cross bridge resistor and another on asymmetrical SRAM (static random access memory) cells for single-event upset analysis

    High Frequency Devices and Circuit Modules for Biochemical Microsystems

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    This dissertation investigates high frequency devices and circuit modules for biochemical microsystems. These modules are designed towards replacing external bulky laboratory instruments and integrating with biochemical microsystems to generate and analyze signals in frequency and time domain. The first is a charge pump circuit with modified triple well diodes, which is used as an on-chip power supply. The second is an on-chip pulse generation circuit to generate high voltage short pulses. It includes a pulse-forming-line (PFL) based pulse generation circuit, a Marx generator and a Blumlein generator. The third is a six-port circuit based on four quadrature hybrids with 2.0~6.0 GHz operating frequency tuning range for analyzing signals in frequency domain on-chip. The fourth is a high-speed sample-and-hold circuit (SHC) with a 13.3 Gs/s sampling rate and ~11.5 GHz input bandwidth for analyzing signals in time domain on-chip. The fifth is a novel electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy with high-sensitivity and wide frequency tuning range

    Compact Modeling of Intrinsic Capacitances in Double-Gate Tunnel-FETs

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    La miniaturització dels MOSFET en els circuits integrats ha elevat la tecnologia microelectrònica. Aquesta tendència també augmenta el grau de complexitat d'aquests circuits i els seus components bàsics. En els MOSFET convencionals, el corrent es basa en l'emissió termoiònica de portadors de càrrega, que per això limita el pendent subumbral en aquests transistors a 60 mV / dec. Per tant, per superar aquest límit i continuar amb la miniaturització per mantenir el ritme de la llei de Moore, es requereixen estructures alternatives. Entre aquestes, el transistor d'efecte de camp per túnel (TFET) es considera un possible successor de l'MOSFET. A causa del seu mecanisme alternatiu de transport de corrent, conegut com a túnel de banda a banda (B2B), el pendent subumbral en TFET pot fer-se inferior al límit de 60 mV / dec. Per comprendre i estimar el comportament dels TFET, no només com un element únic sinó també a nivell de circuit, es requereix un model compacte d'aquest dispositiu. En aquesta tesi es presenta un model basat en càrrega per descriure el comportament capacitiu d'un TFET de doble porta (DG TFET). No obstant això, la simplicitat i la flexibilitat de el model permeten usar-lo per a un altre tipus d'estructures TFET, com els TFET planars o de nanofils d'una sola porta (SG TFETs). El model és verificat amb les simulacions TCAD, així com amb mesures experimentals de TFET fabricats. El model de capacitància també inclou l'efecte dels elements paràsits. A més, en el context d'aquest treball també s'investiga la influència dels contactes de barrera Schottky en el comportament capacitiu dels TFET. Aquest model finalment es combina amb un model DC compacte existent per formar un model TFET compacte complet. A continuació, el model compacte s'implementa per a simulacions transitòries de circuits oscil·ladors d'anell basats en TFET.La miniaturización de los MOSFET en los circuitos integrados ha elevado la tecnología microelectrónica. Esta tendencia también aumenta el grado de complejidad de estos circuitos y sus componentes básicos. En los MOSFET convencionales, la corriente se basa en la emisión termoiónica de portadores de carga, que por ello limita la pendiente subumbral en estos transistores a 60 mV/dec. Por tanto, para superar este límite y continuar con la miniaturización para mantener el ritmo de la ley de Moore, se requieren estructuras alternativas. Entre estas, el transistor de efecto de campo por túnel (TFET) se considera un posible sucesor del MOSFET. Debido a su mecanismo alternativo de transporte de corriente, conocido como túnel de banda a banda (B2B), la pendiente subumbral en TFET puede hacerse inferior al límite de 60 mV/dec. Para comprender y estimar el comportamiento de los TFET, no sólo como un elemento único sino también a nivel de circuito, se requiere un modelo compacto de este dispositivo. En esta tesis se presenta un modelo basado en carga para describir el comportamiento capacitivo de un TFET de doble puerta (DG TFET). Sin embargo, la simplicidad y la flexibilidad del modelo permiten usarlo para otro tipo de estructuras TFET, como los TFET planares o de nanohílos de una sola puerta (SG TFETs). El modelo es verificado con las simulaciones TCAD, así como con medidas experimentales de TFET fabricados. El modelo de capacitancia también incluye el efecto de los elementos parásitos. Además, en el contexto de este trabajo también se investiga la influencia de los contactos de barrera Schottky en el comportamiento capacitivo de los TFET. Este modelo finalmente se combina con un modelo DC compacto existente para formar un modelo TFET compacto completo. A continuación, el modelo compacto se implementa para simulaciones transitorias de circuitos osciladores de anillo basados en TFET.Miniaturization of the MOSFETs on the integrated circuits has elevated the microelectronic technology. This trend also increases the degree of complexity of these circuits and their building blocks. In conventional MOSFETs the current is based on the thermionic—emission of charge carrier, which therefore limits the subthreshold swing in these transistors to 60 mV/dec. Hence, to overcome this limit and continue with down scaling to keep pace with the Moor’s law, alternative structures are required. Among these, the tunnel—field—effect transistor (TFET) is considered as a potential successor of the MOSFET. Due to its alternative current transport mechanism, known as band—to—band (B2B) tunneling, the subthreshold swing in TFETs can overcome the 60 mV/dec limit. In order to comprehend and estimate the behavior of TFETs, not only as a single element but also on the circuit level, a compact model of this device is required. In this dissertation a charge –based model to describes the capacitive behavior of a double—gate (DG) TFET is presented. However, simplicity and flexibility of the model allow to use it for other type of TFET structures such as single—gate (SG) planar or nanowire TFETs. The model is verified with the TCAD simulations as well as the measurement data of fabricated TFETs. The capacitance model also includes the effect of the parasitic elements. Furthermore, in the context of this work also the influence of Schottky barrier contacts on the capacitive behavior of TFETs is investigated. This model is finally combined with an existing compact DC model to form a complete compact TFET model. The compact model is then implemented for transient simulations of TFET—based inverter and ring—oscillator circuits