123 research outputs found

    VocVille - A Casual Social Game for Learning Vocabulary

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    The document introduces VocVille, a causal online game for learning vocabularies. This application is created for the author's diploma thesis of his career as a Computervisualist (computer vision) for the University of Koblenz-Landau, which he terminated as an exchange student at the University of Cádiz, in which he developed this diploma thesis

    COEL: A Web-based Chemistry Simulation Framework

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    The chemical reaction network (CRN) is a widely used formalism to describe macroscopic behavior of chemical systems. Available tools for CRN modelling and simulation require local access, installation, and often involve local file storage, which is susceptible to loss, lacks searchable structure, and does not support concurrency. Furthermore, simulations are often single-threaded, and user interfaces are non-trivial to use. Therefore there are significant hurdles to conducting efficient and collaborative chemical research. In this paper, we introduce a new enterprise chemistry simulation framework, COEL, which addresses these issues. COEL is the first web-based framework of its kind. A visually pleasing and intuitive user interface, simulations that run on a large computational grid, reliable database storage, and transactional services make COEL ideal for collaborative research and education. COEL's most prominent features include ODE-based simulations of chemical reaction networks and multicompartment reaction networks, with rich options for user interactions with those networks. COEL provides DNA-strand displacement transformations and visualization (and is to our knowledge the first CRN framework to do so), GA optimization of rate constants, expression validation, an application-wide plotting engine, and SBML/Octave/Matlab export. We also present an overview of the underlying software and technologies employed and describe the main architectural decisions driving our development. COEL is available at http://coel-sim.org for selected research teams only. We plan to provide a part of COEL's functionality to the general public in the near future.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    S2ST: A Relational RDF Database Management System

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    The explosive growth of RDF data on the Semantic Web drives the need for novel database systems that can efficiently store and query large RDF datasets. To achieve good performance and scalability of query processing, most existing RDF storage systems use a relational database management system as a backend to manage RDF data. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of a Relational RDF Database Management System. Our main research contributions are: (1) We propose a formal model of a Relational RDF Database Management System (RRDBMS), (2) We propose generic algorithms for schema, data and query mapping, (3) We implement the first and only RRDBMS, S2ST, that supports multiple relational database management systems, user-customizable schema mapping, schema-independent data mapping, and semantics-preserving query translation

    Developing Distributed System with Service Resource Oriented Architecture

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     Service oriented architecture (SOA) is a design paradigm in software engineering for an enterprise scale which built in a distributed system environment. This paradigm aims at abstracting of application functionality as a service through a protocol in web service technology, namely simple object access protocol (SOAP). However, SOAP have static characteristic and oriented by the service methode, so have restrictiveness on creating and accessing for big numbers of service. For this reason, this reasearch aims at combining SOA with resource oriented architecture (ROA) that is oriented by the service resource use representational state transfer (REST) protocol in order to expand scalability of service. This combination is namely service resource oriented architecture (SROA). SROA can optimize distributing of applications and integrating of services where is implemented to develop the project management software. To realize this model, the software is developed according with framework of Agile model driven development (AMDD) to reduce complexities on the whole stage processing of software development

    Knowledge Graph Implementation of Archival Descriptions Through CIDOC-CRM

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    Archives have well-established description standards, namely the ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF) with a hierarchical structure adapted to the nature of archival assets. However, as archives connect to a growing diversity of data, they aim to make their representations more apt to the so-called linked data cloud. The corresponding move from hierarchical, ISAD-conforming descriptions to graph counterparts requires state-of-the-art technologies, data models and vocabularies. Our approach addresses this problem from two perspectives. The first concerns the data model and description vocabularies, as we adopt and build upon the CIDOC-CRM standard. The second is the choice of technologies to support a knowledge graph, including a graph database and an Object Graph Mapping library. The case study is the Portuguese National Archives, Torre do Tombo, and the overall goal is to build a CIDOC-CRM-compliant system for document description and retrieval, to be used by professionals and the public. The early stages described here include the design of the core data model for archival records represented as the ArchOnto ontology and its embodiment in the ArchGraph knowledge graph. The goal of a semantic archival information system will be pursued in the migration of existing records to the richer representation and the development of applications supported on the graph

    Monikieliohjelmointi Web-sovelluskehityksessä

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    Different programming languages are used to solve different problem domains. Front-end code standards and best practices are used to separate presentation, content and behavior. Architectural approaches like three-tier client-server architecture present user interface, business logic and data access as independent modules to develop and maintain. The idea of polyglot programming is to combine and utilize the best solutions from different programming languages and paradigms. Therefore, polyglot programming has the potential to improve web development in various areas. Web development has always been polyglot. Polyglot system has two essential aspects, the platform used for the integration and the programming languages supported. The recent rise of non-Java programming languages running on the Java Virtual Machine has created a favorable environment for polyglot programming. The possibility to use more expressive and succinct programming languages with existing solutions has proven to be essential in web development. An example web project was implemented to study the observations in practice. The project was implemented in both Java and Groovy as a server-side web application and also with Vert.x and AngularJS as a client-side single-page application. Also an additional Groovy implementation with Java legacy domain model was implemented to study programming language interoperability on the Java Virtual Machine. The results were evaluated against related work consisting two project implementations and three case study projects presented also in the context of polyglot programming in web development. Polyglot programming can enhance web development, because different programming languages and frameworks promise an increase in productivity, reduced amount of code and improved code quality that together promote better maintainability. Although polyglot programming has a steep learning curve that affects on required knowledge, maintainability, and tool support.Erilaisia ongelma-alueita pyritään ratkaisemaan käyttäen eri ohjelmointikieliä. Esimerkiksi Frontend-ohjelmointikäytäntöjä noudattamalla voidaan erottaa esitys-, sisältö ja toimintalogiikka toisistaan. Lisäksi arkkitehtuuriratkaisut, kuten kolmikerrosarkkitehtuuri, jakavat käyttöliittymän, toimintalogiikan ja tietovarastojen käytön itsenäisiksi, mahdollisesti toisistaan erillään kehitettäviksi ja ylläpidettäviksi moduuleiksi. Monikieliohjelmoinnin ideana on yhdistää ja hyödyntää ohjelmointikielten ja ohjelmointiparadigmojen parhaat ratkaisut. Tästä syystä monikieliohjelmointi voi mahdollisesti parantaa Web-sovelluskehitystä useilla eri osa-alueilla. Monikielisyys on aina ollut osa Web-sovelluskehitystä. Monikielisessä järjestelmässä on kaksi olennaista ominaisuutta, käytettävissä oleva sovelluskehitysalusta sekä käytettävissä olevat ohjelmointikielet. Viimeaikainen kehitys ohjelmointikielissä Java-virtuaalikoneella on luonut suotuisan ympäristön monikieliohjelmoinnille. Mahdollisuus käyttää kuvaavampia ja ytimekkäämpiä ohjelmointikieliä olemassa olevien ratkaisujen tukena on osoittautunut tärkeäksi. Työn yhteydessä toteutettua esimerkkiprojektia käytettiin tarkastelemaan tehtyjä havaintoja käytännössä. Projekti toteutettiin sekä Java- että Groovy-ohjelmointikielellä palvelinpuolen Web-sovelluksena sekä Vert.x ja AngularJS Web-sovelluskehyksiä hyödyntäen asiakaspuolen yhden sivun Web-sovelluksena. Lisäksi ohjelmointikielten yhteentoimivuutta tutkittiin tekemällä Groovy-ohjelmointikielellä toteutus, joka hyödynsi valmista Java-toteutuksen toimialueen mallinnusta. Monikieliohjelmointi voi tehdä Web-sovelluskehityksestä kannattavampaa. Eri ohjelmointikielet ja ohjelmistokehykset lupaavat lisätä tuottavuutta, vähentää tarvittavan koodin määrää, sekä parantaa koodin laatua, parantaen näin samalla ylläpidettävyyttä. On kuitenkin tärkeää huomata se, että monikieliohjelmointi kasvattaa tarvittavan tiedon määrä, mikä vaikuttaa suoraan ylläpidettävyyteen sekä tarvittavaan työkalutukeen

    Selecting an open-source framework: a practical case based on software development for sensory analysis

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    The use of frameworks based on Free Open-Source Software (FOSS) has become a viable alternative in the software development process, when compared with Proprietary Software or Closed Source Software. Given that the quality of Open-Source Software (OSS) products varies widely, the careful evaluation of such frameworks, according to a set of requirements, is an important step in the software development process. This work presents the evaluation of some open-source frameworks in order to find the most suitable one for developing a Decision Support System (DSS) to use in Sensory Analysis. This DSS is being designed to support the evaluation of Tasting Panels in sectors where Sensory Analysis is used to assess products’ quality. The methodology used, based on content analysis in Online Collaborative Spaces, proved to be appropriate to achieve the objectives of this study and therefore, can be extended to select OSS in other areas. Thus, the result of this work is valuable not only for researchers on trends in the OSS area, but also for software developers that intend to implement DSS using FOSS