26 research outputs found

    Out-of-core implementation of the parallel multilevel fast multipole algorithm

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    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2013.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2013.Includes bibliographical references leaves 35-36.We developed an out-of-core (OC) implementation of the parallel multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) to solve electromagnetic problems with reduced memory. The main purpose of the OC method is to reduce in-core memory (primary storage) by using mass storage (secondary storage) units. Depending on the OC implementation, the in-core data may be left in one piece or divided into partitions. If the latter, the partitions are written out into mass storage unit(s) and read into in-core memory when required. In this way, memory reduction is achieved. However, the proposed method causes time delays because reading and writing large data using massive storage units is a long procedure. In our case, repetitive access to data partitions from the mass storage increases the total time of the iterative solution part of MLFMA. Such time delays can be minimized by selecting the right data type and optimizing the sizes of the data partitions. We run the optimization tests on different types of mass storage devices, such as hard disks and solid state drives. This thesis explores OC implementation of the parallel MLFMA. To be more precise, it presents the results of optimization tests done on different partition sizes and shows how computation time is minimized despite the time delays. This thesis also presents full-wave solutions of scattering problems including hundreds of millions of unknowns by employing an OC-implemented parallel MLFMA.Karaosmanoğlu, BarışcanM.S

    Effective preconditioners for iterative solutions of large-scale surface-integral-equation problems

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    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent University, 2010.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Bilkent University, 2010.Includes bibliographical references leaves 171-187.A popular method to study electromagnetic scattering and radiation of threedimensional electromagnetics problems is to solve discretized surface integral equations, which give rise to dense linear systems. Iterative solution of such linear systems using Krylov subspace iterative methods and the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) has been a very attractive approach for large problems because of the reduced complexity of the solution. This scheme works well, however, only if the number of iterations required for convergence of the iterative solver is not too high. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many practical problems. In particular, discretizations of open-surface problems and complex real-life targets yield ill-conditioned linear systems. The iterative solutions of such problems are not tractable without preconditioners, which can be roughly defined as easily invertible approximations of the system matrices. In this dissertation, we present our efforts to design effective preconditioners for large-scale surface-integral-equation problems. We first address incomplete LU (ILU) preconditioning, which is the most commonly used and well-established preconditioning method. We show how to use these preconditioners in a blackbox form and safe manner. Despite their important advantages, ILU preconditioners are inherently sequential. Hence, for parallel solutions, a sparseapproximate-inverse (SAI) preconditioner has been developed. We propose a novel load-balancing scheme for SAI, which is crucial for parallel scalability. Then, we improve the performance of the SAI preconditioner by using it for the iterative solution of the near-field matrix system, which is used to precondition the dense linear system in an inner-outer solution scheme. The last preconditioner we develop for perfectly-electric-conductor (PEC) problems uses the same inner-outer solution scheme, but employs an approximate version of MLFMA for inner solutions. In this way, we succeed to solve many complex real-life problems including helicopters and metamaterial structures with moderate iteration counts and short solution times. Finally, we consider preconditioning of linear systems obtained from the discretization of dielectric problems. Unlike the PEC case, those linear systems are in a partitioned structure. We exploit the partitioned structure for preconditioning by employing Schur complement reduction. In this way, we develop effective preconditioners, which render the solution of difficult real-life problems solvable, such as dielectric photonic crystals.Malas, TahirPh.D

    A Parallel 3D Spatial Spectral Volume Integral Equation Method for Electromagnetic Scattering from Finite Scatterers

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    Parallel computing for the three-dimensional spatial spectral volume integral equation method is presented for the computation of electromagnetic scattering by finite dielectric scatterers in a layered medium. The first part exploits the Gabor-frame expansion to compute the Gabor coefficients of scatterers in a parellel manner. The second part concerns the decomposition and restructuring of the matrix-vector product of this spatial spectral volume integral equation into (partially) independent components to enable parallel computing. Both capitalize on the hardware to reduce the computation time by shared-memory parallelism. Numerical experiments in the form of solving electrically large scattering problems, namely volumes up to 1300 cubic wavelengths, in combination with a large number of finite scatterers show a significant reduction in wall-clock time owing to parallel computing, while maintaining accuracy.Parallel computing for the three-dimensional spatial spectral volume integral equation method is presented for the computation of electromagnetic scattering by finite dielectric scatterers in a layered medium. The first part exploits the Gabor-frame expansion to compute the Gabor coefficients of scatterers in a parellel manner. The second part concerns the decomposition and restructuring of the matrix-vector product of this spatial spectral volume integral equation into (partially) independent components to enable parallel computing. Both capitalize on the hardware to reduce the computation time by shared-memory parallelism. Numerical experiments in the form of solving electrically large scattering problems, namely volumes up to 1300 cubic wavelengths, in combination with a large number of finite scatterers show a significant reduction in wall-clock time owing to parallel computing, while maintaining accuracy

    International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering

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    When Courant prepared the text of his 1942 address to the American Mathematical Society for publication, he added a two-page Appendix to illustrate how the variational methods first described by Lord Rayleigh could be put to wider use in potential theory. Choosing piecewise-linear approximants on a set of triangles which he called elements, he dashed off a couple of two-dimensional examples and the finite element method was born. … Finite element activity in electrical engineering began in earnest about 1968-1969. A paper on waveguide analysis was published in Alta Frequenza in early 1969, giving the details of a finite element formulation of the classical hollow waveguide problem. It was followed by a rapid succession of papers on magnetic fields in saturable materials, dielectric loaded waveguides, and other well-known boundary value problems of electromagnetics. … In the decade of the eighties, finite element methods spread quickly. In several technical areas, they assumed a dominant role in field problems. P.P. Silvester, San Miniato (PI), Italy, 1992 Early in the nineties the International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering started. This volume contains the history of the Workshop and the Proceedings of the 13th edition, Florence (Italy), 2016 . The 14th Workshop will be in Cartagena (Colombia), 2018

    Analysis of electromagnetic scattering from anisotropic impedance boundaries

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    Analysis of electromagnetic scattering from complex surfaces is an often encountered problem in electrical engineering. Solving such problems is usually difficult, and generally numerical solution methods are needed. Impedance boundary condition (IBC) can often be used to simplify the original scattering problem, if only the fields outside the scatterers are of interest. In this thesis the focus of the research has been on the analysis of scattering from anisotropic impedance surfaces. The research was divided into two parts. The first part concentrates on the theoretical analysis of scattering using complex boundary conditions. The Perfectly Anisotropic Boundary (PAB) is defined and a possible realization for it is introduced. Similarly, a realization for the previously introduced Generalized Soft-and-Hard Surface (GSHS) is introduced. The scattering properties of these boundaries are studied, especially regarding the polarization transforming properties. The second part of the research concentrates on the numerical analysis of scattering from anisotropic impedance boundaries. Surface integral equation formulations for the Soft-and-Hard Surface and a specific IBC surface are presented and the scattering properties of these surfaces are studied. The second part of the research also necessitated the study of the accurate numerical integration techniques, and new results regarding these are given. In scattering computations the number of unknowns often grows beyond practical limits due to the electrically large size and the complex nature of the studied objects. Thus, more efficient computational methods are needed. The Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm (MLFMA) is a very popular such method. In latter part of the thesis a novel and efficient way to compute the translator operator in MLFMA is introduced

    Different Approaches of Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Phenomena in Shaded Pole Motor with Application of Finite Elements Method

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    In this paper is used Finite Element Method-FEM for analysis of electromagnetic quantities of small micro motor – single phase shaded pole motor-SPSPM. FEM is widely used numerical method for solving nonlinear partial differential equations with variable coefficients. For that purpose motor model is developed with exact geometry and material’s characteristics. Two different approaches are applied in FEM analysis of electromagnetic phenomena inside the motor: magneto-static where all electromagnetic quantities are analysed in exact moment of time meaning frequency f=0 Hz and timeharmonic magnetic approach where the magnetic field inside the machine is time varying, meaning frequency f=50 Hz. Obtained results are presented and compared with available analytical result

    Efficient simulation of 3D electromagnetic scattering problems using boundary integral equations

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