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    3D customized scaffolds for craniofacial tissue engineering were designed using advanced strategies and technologies. Specifically, reverse engineering, additive manufacturing, material selection, experimental and theoretical analyses were properly integrated. The focus was on: i) design strategies of 3D customized nanocomposite scaffolds for hard tissue regeneration; ii) an engineered design of 3D additive manufactured nanocomposite scaffolds with optimized properties; iii) an approach toward the design of 3D customized scaffolds for large cranial defects

    Crew Planning at Netherlands Railways: Improving Fairness, Attractiveness, and Efficiency

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    The development and improvement of decision support voor crew planning at Netherlands Railways (NS

    Design of static intercell interference coordination schemes for realistic lte-based cellular networks

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    Today, 3.5 and 4G systems including Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) support packet-based services and provide mobile broadband access for bandwidth-hungry applications. In this context of fast evolution, new and challenging technical issues must be e ectively addressed. The nal target is to achieve a signi cant step forward toward the improvement of the Quality of Experience (QoE). To that end, interference management has been recognized by the industry as a key enabler for cellular technologies based on OFDMA. Indeed, with a low frequency reuse factor, intercell interference (ICI) becomes a major concern since the Quality of Service (QoS) is not uniformly delivered across the network, it remarkably depends on user position. Hence, cell edge performance is an important issue in LTE and LTE-A. Intercell Interference Coordination (ICIC) encompasses strategies whose goal is to keep ICI at cell edges as low as possible. This alleviates the aforementioned situation. For this reason, the novelties presented in this Ph.D. thesis include not only developments of static ICIC mechanisms for data and control channels, but also e orts towards further improvements of the energy e ciency perspective. Based on a comprehensive review of the state of the art, a set of research opportunities were identi ed. To be precise, the need for exible performance evaluation methods and optimization frameworks for static ICIC strategies. These mechanisms are grouped in two families: the schemes that de ne constraints on the frequency domain and the ones that propose adjustments on the power levels. Thus, Soft- and Fractional Frequency Reuse (SFR and FFR, respectively) are identi ed as the base of the vast majority of static ICIC proposals. Consequently, during the rst part of this Ph.D. thesis, interesting insights into the operation of SFR and FFR were identi ed beyond well-known facts. These studies allow for the development of a novel statistical framework to evaluate the performance of these schemes in realistic deployments. As a result of the analysis, the poor performance of classic con gurations of SFR and FFR in real-world contexts is shown, and hence, the need for optimization is established. In addition, the importance of the interworking between static ICIC schemes and other network functionalities such as CSI feedback has also been identi ed. Therefore, novel CSI feedback schemes, suitable to operate in conjunction with SFR and FFR, have been developed. These mechanisms exploit the resource allocation pattern of these static ICIC techniques in order to improve the accuracy of the CSI feedback process. The second part is focused on the optimization of SFR and FFR. The use of multiobjective techniques is investigated as a tool to achieve e ective network-speci c optimization. The approach o ers interesting advantages. On the one hand, it allows for simultaneous optimization of several con icting criteria. On the other hand, the multiobjective nature results in outputs composed of several high quality (Pareto e cient) network con gurations, all of them featuring a near-optimal tradeo between the performance criteria. Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms allow employing complex mathematical structures without the need for relaxation, thus capturing accurately the system behavior in terms of ICI. The multiobjective optimization formulation of the problem aims at achieving e ective adjustment of the operational parameters of SFR and FFR both at cell level and network-wide. Moreover, the research was successfully extended to the control channels, both the PDCCH and ePDCCH. Finally, in an e ort to further improve the network energy e ciency (an aspect always considered throughout the thesis), the framework of Cell Switch O (CSO), having close connections with ICIC, is also introduced. By means of the proposed method, signi cant improvements with respect to traditional approaches, baseline con gurations, and previous proposals can be achieved. The gains are obtained in terms of energy consumption, network capacity, and cell edge performance.Actualmente los sistemas 3.5 y 4G tales como Long Term Evolution (LTE) y LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) soportan servicios basados en paquetes y proporcionan acceso de banda ancha m ovil para aplicaciones que requieren elevadas tasas de transmisi on. En este contexto de r apida evoluci on, aparecen nuevos retos t ecnicos que deben ser resueltos e cientemente. El objetivo ultimo es conseguir un salto cualitativo importante en la experiencia de usuario (QoE). Con tal n, un factor clave que ha sido reconocido en las redes celulares basadas en Orthogonal Frequency- Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) es la gesti on de interferencias. De hecho, la utilizaci on de un factor de reuso bajo permite una elevada e ciencia espectral pero a costa de una distribuci on de la calidad de servicio (QoS) que no es uniforme en la red, depende de la posici on del usuario. Por lo tanto, el rendimiento en los l mites de la celda se ve muy penalizado y es un problema importante a resolver en LTE y LTE-A. La coordinaci on de interferencias entre celdas (ICIC, del ingl es Intercell Interfe- rence Coordination) engloba las estrategias cuyo objetivo es mantener la interferencia intercelular (ICI) lo m as baja posible en los bordes de celda. Esto permite aliviar la situaci on antes mencionada. La contribuci on presentada en esta tesis doctoral incluye el dise~no de nuevos mecanismos de ICIC est atica para los canales de datos y control, as como tambi en mejoras desde el punto de vista de e ciencia energ etica. A partir de una revisi on completa del estado del arte, se identi caron una serie de retos abiertos que requer an esfuerzos de investigaci on. En concreto, la necesidad de m etodos de evaluaci on exibles y marcos de optimizaci on de las estrategias de ICIC est aticas. Estos mecanismos se agrupan en dos familias: los esquemas que de nen restricciones sobre el dominio de la frecuencia y los que proponen ajustes en los niveles de potencia. Es decir, la base de la gran mayor a de propuestas ICIC est aticas son la reutilizaci on de frecuencias de tipo soft y fraccional (SFR y FFR, respectivamente). De este modo, durante la primera parte de esta tesis doctoral, se han estudiado los aspectos m as importantes del funcionamiento de SFR y FFR, haciendo especial enfasis en las conclusiones que van m as all a de las bien conocidas. Ello ha permitido introducir un nuevo marco estad stico para evaluar el funcionamiento de estos sistemas en condiciones de despliegue reales. Como resultado de estos an alisis, se muestra el pobre desempe~no de SFR y FFR en despliegues reales cuando funcionan con sus con guraciones cl asicas y se establece la necesidad de optimizaci on. Tambi en se pone de mani esto la importancia del funcionamiento conjunto entre esquemas ICIC est aticos y otras funcionalidades de la red radio, tales como la informaci on que env an los usuarios sobre el estado de su canal downlink (feedback del CSI, del ingl es Channel State Information). De este modo, se han propuesto diferentes esquemas de feedback apropiados para trabajar conjuntamente con SFR y FFR. Estos mecanismos explotan el patr on de asignaci on de recursos que se utiliza en ICIC est atico para mejorar la precisi on del proceso. La segunda parte se centra en la optimizaci on de SFR y FFR. Se ha investigado el uso de t ecnicas multiobjetivo como herramienta para lograr una optimizaci on e caz, que es espec ca para cada red. El enfoque ofrece ventajas interesantes, por un lado, se permite la optimizaci on simult anea de varios criterios contradictorios. Por otro lado, la naturaleza multiobjetivo implica obtener como resultado con guraciones de red de elevada calidad (Pareto e cientes), todas ellas con un equilibrio casi- optimo entre las diferentes m etricas de rendimiento. Los algoritmos evolucionarios multiobjetivo permiten la utilizaci on de estructuras matem aticas complejas sin necesidad de relajar el problema, de este modo capturan adecuadamente su comportamiento en t erminos de ICI. La formulaci on multiobjetivo consigue un ajuste efectivo de los par ametros operacionales de SFR y FFR, tanto a nivel de celda como a nivel de red. Adem as, la investigaci on se extiende con resultados satisfactorios a los canales de control, PDCCH y ePDCCH. Finalmente, en un esfuerzo por mejorar la e ciencia energ etica de la red (un aspecto siempre considerado a lo largo de la tesis), se introduce en el an alisis global el apagado inteligente de celdas, estrategia con estrechos v nculos con ICIC. A trav es del m etodo propuesto, se obtienen mejoras signi cativas con respecto a los enfoques tradicionales y propuestas previas. Las ganancias se obtienen en t erminos de consumo energ etico, capacidad de la red, y rendimiento en el l mite de las celdas.Actualment els sistemes 3.5 i 4G tals com Long Term Evolution (LTE) i LTE- Advanced (LTE-A) suporten serveis basats en paquets i proporcionen acc es de banda ampla m obil per a aplicacions que requereixen elevades taxes de transmissi o. En aquest context de r apida evoluci o, apareixen nous reptes t ecnics que han de ser resolts e cientment. L'objectiu ultim es aconseguir un salt qualitatiu important en l'experi encia d'usuari (QoE). Amb tal , un factor clau que ha estat reconegut a les xarxes cel lulars basades en Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) es la gesti o d'interfer encies. De fet, la utilizaci o d'un factor de re us baix permet una elevada e ci encia espectral per o a costa d'una distribuci o de la qualitat de servei (QoS) que no es uniforme a la xarxa, dep en de la posici o de l'usuari. Per tant, el rendiment en els l mits de la cel la es veu molt penalitzat i es un problema important a resoldre en LTE i LTE-A. La coordinaci o d'interfer encies entre cel les (ICIC, de l'angl es Intercell Interfe- rence Coordination) engloba les estrat egies que tenen com a objectiu mantenir la interfer encia intercel lular (ICI) el m es baixa possible en les vores de la cel la. Aix o permet alleujar la situaci o abans esmentada. La contribuci o presentada en aquesta tesi doctoral inclou el disseny de nous mecanismes de ICIC est atica per als canals de dades i control, aix com tamb e millores des del punt de vista d'e ci encia energ etica. A partir d'una revisi o completa de l'estat de l'art, es van identi car una s erie de reptes oberts que requerien esfor cos de recerca. En concret, la necessitat de m etodes d'avaluaci o exibles i marcs d'optimitzaci o de les estrat egies de ICIC est atiques. Aquests mecanismes s'agrupen en dues fam lies: els esquemes que de neixen restriccions sobre el domini de la freq u encia i els que proposen ajustos en els nivells de pot encia. Es a dir, la base de la gran majoria de propostes ICIC est atiques s on la reutilitzaci o de freq u encies de tipus soft i fraccional (SFR i FFR, respectivament). D'aquesta manera, durant la primera part d'aquesta tesi doctoral, s'han estudiat els aspectes m es importants del funcionament de SFR i FFR, fent especial emfasi en les conclusions que van m es enll a de les ben conegudes. Aix o ha perm es introduir un nou marc estad stic per avaluar el funcionament d'aquests sistemes en condicions de desplegament reals. Com a resultat d'aquestes an alisis, es mostra el pobre acompliment de SFR i FFR en desplegaments reals quan funcionen amb les seves con guracions cl assiques i s'estableix la necessitat d'optimitzaci o. Tamb e es posa de manifest la import ancia del funcionament conjunt entre esquemes ICIC est atics i altres funcionalitats de la xarxa radio, tals com la informaci o que envien els usuaris sobre l'estat del seu canal downlink (feedback del CSI, de l'angl es Channel State Information). D'aquesta manera, s'han proposat diferents esquemes de feedback apropiats per treballar conjuntament amb SFR i FFR. Aquests mecanismes exploten el patr o d'assignaci o de recursos que s'utilitza en ICIC est atic per millorar la precisi o del proc es. La segona part se centra en l'optimitzaci o de SFR i FFR. S'ha investigat l' us de t ecniques multiobjectiu com a eina per aconseguir una optimitzaci o e ca c, que es espec ca per a cada xarxa. L'enfocament ofereix avantatges interessants, d'una banda, es permet l'optimitzaci o simult ania de diversos criteris contradictoris. D'altra banda, la naturalesa multiobjectiu implica obtenir com resultat con guracions de xarxa d'elevada qualitat (Pareto e cients), totes elles amb un equilibri gaireb e optim entre les diferents m etriques de rendiment. Els algorismes evolucionaris multiobjectiu permeten la utilitzaci o d'estructures matem atiques complexes sense necessitat de relaxar el problema, d'aquesta manera capturen adequadament el seu comportament en termes de ICI. La formulaci o multiobjectiu aconsegueix un ajust efectiu dels par ametres operacionals de SFR i FFR, tant a nivell de cel la com a nivell de xarxa. A m es, la recerca s'est en amb resultats satisfactoris als canals de control, PDCCH i ePDCCH. Finalment, en un esfor c per millorar l'e ci encia energ etica de la xarxa (un aspecte sempre considerat al llarg de la tesi), s'introdueix en l'an alisi global l'apagat intel ligent de cel les, estrat egia amb estrets vincles amb ICIC. Mitjan cant el m etode proposat, s'obtenen millores signi catives pel que fa als enfocaments tradicionals i propostes pr evies. Els guanys s'obtenen en termes de consum energ etic, capacitat de la xarxa, i rendiment en el l mit de les cel les

    Multi-objective Optimisation in Additive Manufacturing

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    Additive Manufacturing (AM) has demonstrated great potential to advance product design and manufacturing, and has showed higher flexibility than conventional manufacturing techniques for the production of small volume, complex and customised components. In an economy focused on the need to develop customised and hi-tech products, there is increasing interest in establishing AM technologies as a more efficient production approach for high value products such as aerospace and biomedical products. Nevertheless, the use of AM processes, for even small to medium volume production faces a number of issues in the current state of the technology. AM production is normally used for making parts with complex geometry which implicates the assessment of numerous processing options or choices; the wrong choice of process parameters can result in poor surface quality, onerous manufacturing time and energy waste, and thus increased production costs and resources. A few commonly used AM processes require the presence of cellular support structures for the production of overhanging parts. Depending on the object complexity their removal can be impossible or very time (and resources) consuming. Currently, there is a lack of tools to advise the AM operator on the optimal choice of process parameters. This prevents the diffusion of AM as an efficient production process for enterprises, and as affordable access to democratic product development for individual users. Research in literature has focused mainly on the optimisation of single criteria for AM production. An integrated predictive modelling and optimisation technique has not yet been well established for identifying an efficient process set up for complicated products which often involve critical building requirements. For instance, there are no robust methods for the optimal design of complex cellular support structures, and most of the software commercially available today does not provide adequate guidance on how to optimally orientate the part into the machine bed, or which particular combination of cellular structures need to be used as support. The choice of wrong support and orientation can degenerate into structure collapse during an AM process such as Selective Laser Melting (SLM), due to the high thermal stress in the junctions between fillets of different cells. Another issue of AM production is the limited parts’ surface quality typically generated by the discrete deposition and fusion of material. This research has focused on the formation of surface morphology of AM parts. Analysis of SLM parts showed that roughness measured was different from that predicted through a classic model based on pure geometrical consideration on the stair step profile. Experiments also revealed the presence of partially bonded particles on the surface; an explanation of this phenomenon has been proposed. Results have been integrated into a novel mathematical model for the prediction of surface roughness of SLM parts. The model formulated correctly describes the observed trend of the experimental data, and thus provides an accurate prediction of surface roughness. This thesis aims to deliver an effective computational methodology for the multi- objective optimisation of the main building conditions that affect process efficiency of AM production. For this purpose, mathematical models have been formulated for the determination of parts’ surface quality, manufacturing time and energy consumption, and for the design of optimal cellular support structures. All the predictive models have been used to evaluate multiple performance and costs objectives; all the objectives are typically contrasting; and all greatly affected by the part’s build orientation. A multi-objective optimisation technique has been developed to visualise and identify optimal trade-offs between all the contrastive objectives for the most efficient AM production. Hence, this thesis has delivered a decision support system to assist the operator in the "process planning" stage, in order to achieve optimal efficiency and sustainability in AM production through maximum material, time and energy savings.EADS Airbus, Great Western Researc

    Spatially optimised sustainable urban development

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    PhD ThesisTackling urbanisation and climate change requires more sustainable and resilient cities, which in turn will require planners to develop a portfolio of measures to manage climate risks such as flooding, meet energy and greenhouse gas reduction targets, and prioritise development on brownfield sites to preserve greenspace. However, the policies, strategies and measures put in place to meet such objectives can frequently conflict with each other or deliver unintended consequences, hampering long-term sustainability. For example, the densification of cities in order to reduce transport energy use can increase urban heat island effects and surface water flooding from extreme rainfall events. In order to make coherent decisions in the presence of such complex multi-dimensional spatial conflicts, urban planners require sophisticated planning tools to identify and manage potential trade-offs between the spatial strategies necessary to deliver sustainability. To achieve this aim, this research has developed a multi-objective spatial optimisation framework for the spatial planning of new residential development within cities. The implemented framework develops spatial strategies of required new residential development that minimize conflicts between multiple sustainability objectives as a result of planning policy and climate change related hazards. Five key sustainability objectives have been investigated, namely; (i) minimizing risk from heat waves, (ii) minimizing the risk from flood events, (iii) minimizing travel costs in order to reduce transport emissions, (iv) minimizing urban sprawl and (v) preventing development on existing greenspace. A review identified two optimisation algorithms as suitable for this task. Simulated Annealing (SA) is a traditional optimisation algorithm that uses a probabilistic approach to seek out a global optima by iteratively assessing a wide range of spatial configurations against the objectives under consideration. Gradual ‘cooling’, or reducing the probability of jumping to a different region of the objective space, helps the SA to converge on globally optimal spatial patterns. Genetic Algorithms (GA) evolve successive generations of solutions, by both recombining attributes and randomly mutating previous generations of solutions, to search for and converge towards superior spatial strategies. The framework works towards, and outputs, a series of Pareto-optimal spatial plans that outperform all other plans in at least one objective. This approach allows for a range of best trade-off plans for planners to choose from. ii Both SA and GA were evaluated for an initial case study in Middlesbrough, in the North East of England, and were able to identify strategies which significantly improve upon the local authority’s development plan. For example, the GA approach is able to identify a spatial strategy that reduces the travel to work distance between new development and the central business district by 77.5% whilst nullifying the flood risk to the new development. A comparison of the two optimisation approaches for the Middlesbrough case study revealed that the GA is the more effective approach. The GA is more able to escape local optima and on average outperforms the SA by 56% in in the Pareto fronts discovered whilst discovering double the number of multi-objective Pareto-optimal spatial plans. On the basis of the initial Middlesbrough case study the GA approach was applied to the significantly larger, and more computationally complex, problem of optimising spatial development plans for London in the UK – a total area of 1,572km2. The framework identified optimal strategies in less than 400 generations. The analysis showed, for example, strategies that provide the lowest heat risk (compared to the feasible spatial plans found) can be achieved whilst also using 85% brownfield land to locate new development. The framework was further extended to investigate the impact of different development and density regulations. This enabled the identification of optimised strategies, albeit at lower building density, that completely prevent any increase in urban sprawl whilst also improving the heat risk objective by 60% against a business as usual development strategy. Conversely by restricting development to brownfield the ability of the spatial plan to optimise future heat risk is reduced by 55.6% against the business as usual development strategy. The results of both case studies demonstrate the potential of spatial optimisation to provide planners with optimal spatial plans in the presence of conflicting sustainability objectives. The resulting diagnostic information provides an analytical appreciation of the sensitivity between conflicts and therefore the overall robustness of a plan to uncertainty. With the inclusion of further objectives, and qualitative information unsuitable for this type of analysis, spatial optimization can constitute a powerful decision support tool to help planners to identify spatial development strategies that satisfy multiple sustainability objectives and provide an evidence base for better decision making

    Técnicas de otimização na agricultura : o problema de rotação de culturas

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    Orientadores: Akebo Yamakami, Priscila Cristina Berbert RampazzoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Rotação de culturas é o futuro da agricultura sustentável. Diversidade na sequência de rotação melhora as propriedades físicas e químicas do solo sem demandar todas as exaustivas práticas convencionais de manejo do solo ou grandes quantidades de insumos agrícolas. Cultivar plantas de cobertura ao longo da rotação também desempenha um papel fundamental no controle de pestes e ervas daninhas, melhora a fertilidade do solo e reduz os processos erosivos. Embora esta pesquisa concentre-se na promoção de práticas agrícolas mais sustentáveis, as propriedades rurais precisam ser lucrativas e resilientes para prosperar num futuro incerto. Então, o planejamento das rotações de culturas precisa equilibrar os cenários econômicos potenciais e a conservação ambiental, sendo que as técnicas de otimização conseguem realizar este balanço naturalmente. Após considerar o fluxo de nutrientes nos campos cultiváveis e muitas vantagens do cultivo das plantas de rotação, foram propostos novos modelos para o Problema de Rotação de Culturas (PRC). A pesquisa prosseguiu com a avaliação das técnicas de otimização disponíveis para o PRC e com a proposta de novos métodos. Das abordagens clássicas, foram analizados métodos de otimização multiobjetivo, tais como o método da soma ponderada e as técnicas de escalarização. Em busca de métodos mais eficientes, os algoritmos evolutivos (AE), que são baseados na evolução biológica, tais como herança genética e mutação, são alternativas interessantes. Foram desenvolvidos algoritmos genéticos para otimização mono-objetivo e para otimização multi-objetivo. Após a realização de diversos testes utilizando dados reais do PRC, os resultados encontrados confirmam que os algoritmos propostos têm desempenho satisfatório. Esta pesquisa contribuiu para os campos da Agricultura, com os modelos propostos para o PRC, e da Otimização, com o desenvolvimento de algoritmos evolutivosAbstract: Crop rotation is the future of sustainable agriculture. Diversity in the cropping sequence can improve soil physical and chemical properties without demanding all the conventional tillage practices or large amounts of agricultural chemicals. Growing cover crops along the rotation also plays a fundamental role in controlling pests and weeds, improving soil fertility and reducing erosion. Although we have focused on bringing about more sustainable agrarian practices, farms ought to be profitable and resilient to thrive in an uncertain future. Therefore, planning crop rotations needs to balance the potential economic scenarios and the environmental conservation, which optimization techniques can manage this balance naturally. Our main effort in this research is to develop the crop rotation¿s concepts in the optimization perspective. After carefully considering the nutrient flow in agricultural fields and many advantages of seeding cover crops, we have proposed new models for the Crop Rotation Problem (CRP). Our research proceeds with evaluating optimization techniques for the CRP and proposing new alternatives. From classical methodologies, we have analyzed multiobjective optimization methods such as the weighted sum and the achievement scalarizing function technique. Looking for more efficient methods, evolutionary algorithms (EAs), which are based on biological evolution, such as genetic inheritance and mutation, are interesting alternatives. We have developed a mono-objective genetic algorithm and a multiobjective one. After running several tests using real data of the CRP, the achieved results confirm that the proposed algorithms have satisfactory performance. This research contributed to the fields of Agriculture, with the proposed models of CRP and Optimization, with the development of evolutionary algorithmsMestradoAutomaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétrica88882.329362/2019-01CAPE

    Planning the petrochemical industry in Kuwait using economic and safety objectives

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    Kuwait, one of the major oil producing countries in the Middle East, is in the process of globalizing its operation in petroleum and petrochemical production. Kuwaiti officials have expressedin terest in acceleratingd evelopmento f the country's relatively small petrochemical industry. The development is to produce new valuable chemicals from the available basic feedstock chemicals. Two of the important planning objectives for a petrochemical industry are the economic gain and the industrial safety involved in the development. For the economic evaluation of the industry, and for the proposed final product chemicals in the development, a long-range plan is needed to identify trends in chemical prices. The chemical prices are related to the oil price, which is considered an important motivator for the whole petrochemical industry. Price trend modelling is performed to be able to forecast these prices for the planning horizon. Safety, as the second objective, is considered in this study as the risk of chemical plant accidents. Risk, when used as an objective fimction, has to have a simple quantitative form to be easily evaluated for a large number of possible plants in the petrochemical network. The simple quantitative form adopted is a risk index that enables the number of people affected by accidents resulting in chemical releases to be estimated. The two objectives, when combined with constraints describing the desired or the possible structure of the industry, will form an optimization model. For this study, the petrochemical planning model consists of a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model to select the best routes from the basic feedstocks available in Kuwait to the desired final products with multiple objective functions. The economic and risk objectives usually have conflicting needs. The presence of several conflicting objectives is typical when planning. In many cases, where optimization techniques are utilized, the multiple objectives are simply aggregated into one single objective function. Optimization is then conducted to get one optimal result. However, many results are obtained for different aggregations of the objectives and eventually a set of solutions is obtained. Other tools, such as strategic tools, are used to select the best solution from the set. This study, which is concerned with economic and risk objectives, leads to the identification of important factors that affect the petrochemical industry. Moreover, the procedure, of modelling and model solution, can be used to simplify the decisionmaking for complex or large systems such as the petrochemical industry. It presents the use of simple multiple objective optimization tools within a petrochemical planning tool formulated as a mixed integer linear programming model. Such a tool is particularly useful when the decision-making task must be discussed and approved by officials who often have little experience with optimization theories


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    The last couple of decades have witnessed a level of fast-paced development of new ideas, products, manufacturing technologies, manufacturing practices, customer expectations, knowledge transition, and civilization movements, as it has never before. In today\u27s manufacturing world, change became an intrinsic characteristic that is addressed everywhere. How to deal with change, how to manage it, how to bind to it, how to steer it, and how to create a value out of it, were the key drivers that brought this research to existence. Change-Ready Manufacturing Planning and Control (CMPC) systems are presented as the first answer. CMPC characteristics, change drivers, and some principles of Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) are interwoven to present a blueprint of a new framework and mind-set in the manufacturing planning and control field, CMPC systems. In order to step further and make the internals of CMPC systems/components change-ready, an enabling modeling approach was needed. Progressive Modeling (PM), a forward-looking multi-disciplinary modeling approach, is developed in order to modernize the modeling process of today\u27s complex industrial problems and create pragmatic solutions for them. It is designed to be pragmatic, highly sophisticated, and revolves around many seminal principles that either innovated or imported from many disciplines: Systems Analysis and Design, Software Engineering, Advanced Optimization Algorisms, Business Concepts, Manufacturing Strategies, Operations Management, and others. Problems are systemized, analyzed, componentized; their logic and their solution approaches are redefined to make them progressive (ready to change, adapt, and develop further). Many innovations have been developed in order to enrich the modeling process and make it a well-assorted toolkit able to address today\u27s tougher, larger, and more complex industrial problems. PM brings so many novel gadgets in its toolbox: function templates, advanced notation, cascaded mathematical models, mathematical statements, society of decision structures, couplers--just to name a few. In this research, PM has been applied to three different applications: a couple of variants of Aggregate Production Planning (APP) Problem and the novel Reconfiguration and Operations Planning (ROP) problem. The latest is pioneering in both the Reconfigurable Manufacturing and the Operations Management fields. All the developed models, algorithms, and results reveal that the new analytical and computational power gained by PM development and demonstrate its ability to create a new generation of unmatched large scale and scope system problems and their integrated solutions. PM has the potential to be instrumental toolkit in the development of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems. In terms of other potential applications domain, PM is about to spark a new paradigm in addressing large-scale system problems of many engineering and scientific fields in a highly pragmatic way without losing the scientific rigor

    Facility Layout Planning and Job Shop Scheduling – A survey

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