3,248 research outputs found

    Optimal Parameter Exploration for Online Change-Point Detection in Activity Monitoring Using Genetic Algorithms

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    In recent years, smart phones with inbuilt sensors have become popular devices to facilitate activity recognition. The sensors capture a large amount of data, containing meaningful events, in a short period of time. The change points in this data are used to specify transitions to distinct events and can be used in various scenarios such as identifying change in a patient’s vital signs in the medical domain or requesting activity labels for generating real-world labeled activity datasets. Our work focuses on change-point detection to identify a transition from one activity to another. Within this paper, we extend our previous work on multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (MEWMA) algorithm by using a genetic algorithm (GA) to identify the optimal set of parameters for online change-point detection. The proposed technique finds the maximum accuracy and F_measure by optimizing the different parameters of the MEWMA, which subsequently identifies the exact location of the change point from an existing activity to a new one. Optimal parameter selection facilitates an algorithm to detect accurate change points and minimize false alarms. Results have been evaluated based on two real datasets of accelerometer data collected from a set of different activities from two users, with a high degree of accuracy from 99.4% to 99.8% and F_measure of up to 66.7%

    Quantifying User Reputation Scores, Data Trustworthiness, and User Incentives in Mobile Crowd-Sensing

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    Ubiquity of mobile devices with rich sensory capabilities has given rise to the mobile crowd-sensing (MCS) concept, in which a central authority (the platform) and its participants (mobile users) work collaboratively to acquire sensory data over a wide geographic area. Recent research in MCS highlights the following facts: 1) a utility metric can be defined for both the platform and the users, quantifying the value received by either side; 2) incentivizing the users to participate is a non-trivial challenge; 3) correctness and truthfulness of the acquired data must be verified, because the users might provide incorrect or inaccurate data, whether due to malicious intent or malfunctioning devices; and 4) an intricate relationship exists among platform utility, user utility, user reputation, and data trustworthiness, suggesting a co-quantification of these inter-related metrics. In this paper, we study two existing approaches that quantify crowd-sensed data trustworthiness, based on statistical and vote-based user reputation scores. We introduce a new metric - collaborative reputation scores - to expand this definition. Our simulation results show that collaborative reputation scores can provide an effective alternative to the previously proposed metrics and are able to extend crowd sensing to applications that are driven by a centralized as well as decentralized control

    From MANET to people-centric networking: Milestones and open research challenges

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    In this paper, we discuss the state of the art of (mobile) multi-hop ad hoc networking with the aim to present the current status of the research activities and identify the consolidated research areas, with limited research opportunities, and the hot and emerging research areas for which further research is required. We start by briefly discussing the MANET paradigm, and why the research on MANET protocols is now a cold research topic. Then we analyze the active research areas. Specifically, after discussing the wireless-network technologies, we analyze four successful ad hoc networking paradigms, mesh networks, opportunistic networks, vehicular networks, and sensor networks that emerged from the MANET world. We also present an emerging research direction in the multi-hop ad hoc networking field: people centric networking, triggered by the increasing penetration of the smartphones in everyday life, which is generating a people-centric revolution in computing and communications

    From Personalized Medicine to Population Health: A Survey of mHealth Sensing Techniques

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    Mobile Sensing Apps have been widely used as a practical approach to collect behavioral and health-related information from individuals and provide timely intervention to promote health and well-beings, such as mental health and chronic cares. As the objectives of mobile sensing could be either \emph{(a) personalized medicine for individuals} or \emph{(b) public health for populations}, in this work we review the design of these mobile sensing apps, and propose to categorize the design of these apps/systems in two paradigms -- \emph{(i) Personal Sensing} and \emph{(ii) Crowd Sensing} paradigms. While both sensing paradigms might incorporate with common ubiquitous sensing technologies, such as wearable sensors, mobility monitoring, mobile data offloading, and/or cloud-based data analytics to collect and process sensing data from individuals, we present a novel taxonomy system with two major components that can specify and classify apps/systems from aspects of the life-cycle of mHealth Sensing: \emph{(1) Sensing Task Creation \& Participation}, \emph{(2) Health Surveillance \& Data Collection}, and \emph{(3) Data Analysis \& Knowledge Discovery}. With respect to different goals of the two paradigms, this work systematically reviews this field, and summarizes the design of typical apps/systems in the view of the configurations and interactions between these two components. In addition to summarization, the proposed taxonomy system also helps figure out the potential directions of mobile sensing for health from both personalized medicines and population health perspectives.Comment: Submitted to a journal for revie

    Crowdsensing-driven route optimisation algorithms for smart urban mobility

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    Urban rörlighet anses ofta vara en av de främsta möjliggörarna för en hållbar statsutveckling. Idag skulle det dock kräva ett betydande skifte mot renare och effektivare stadstransporter vilket skulle stödja ökad social och ekonomisk koncentration av resurser i städerna. En viktig prioritet för städer runt om i världen är att stödja medborgarnas rörlighet inom stadsmiljöer medan samtidigt minska trafikstockningar, olyckor och föroreningar. Att utveckla en effektivare och grönare (eller med ett ord; smartare) stadsrörlighet är en av de svåraste problemen att bemöta för stora metropoler. I denna avhandling närmar vi oss problemet från det snabba utvecklingsperspektivet av ITlandskapet i städer vilket möjliggör byggandet av rörlighetslösningar utan stora stora investeringar eller sofistikerad sensortenkik. I synnerhet föreslår vi utnyttjandet av den mobila rörlighetsavkännings, eng. Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS), paradigmen i vilken befolkningen exploaterar sin mobilkommunikation och/eller mobilasensorer med syftet att frivilligt samla, distribuera, lokalt processera och analysera geospecifik information. Rörlighetavkänningssdata (t.ex. händelser, trafikintensitet, buller och luftföroreningar etc.) inhämtad från frivilliga i befolkningen kan ge värdefull information om aktuella rörelsesförhållanden i stad vilka, med adekvata databehandlingsalgoriter, kan användas för att planera människors rörelseflöden inom stadsmiljön. Såtillvida kombineras i denna avhandling två mycket lovande smarta rörlighetsmöjliggörare, eng. Smart Mobility Enablers, nämligen MCS och rese/ruttplanering. Vi kan därmed till viss utsträckning sammanföra forskningsutmaningar från dessa två delar. Vi väljer att separera våra forskningsmål i två delar, dvs forskningssteg: (1) arkitektoniska utmaningar vid design av MCS-system och (2) algoritmiska utmaningar för tillämpningar av MCS-driven ruttplanering. Vi ämnar att visa en logisk forskningsprogression över tiden, med avstamp i mänskligt dirigerade rörelseavkänningssystem som MCS och ett avslut i automatiserade ruttoptimeringsalgoritmer skräddarsydda för specifika MCS-applikationer. Även om vi förlitar oss på heuristiska lösningar och algoritmer för NP-svåra ruttproblem förlitar vi oss på äkta applikationer med syftet att visa på fördelarna med algoritm- och infrastrukturförslagen.La movilidad urbana es considerada una de las principales desencadenantes de un desarrollo urbano sostenible. Sin embargo, hoy en día se requiere una transición hacia un transporte urbano más limpio y más eficiente que soporte una concentración de recursos sociales y económicos cada vez mayor en las ciudades. Una de las principales prioridades para las ciudades de todo el mundo es facilitar la movilidad de los ciudadanos dentro de los entornos urbanos, al mismo tiempo que se reduce la congestión, los accidentes y la contaminación. Sin embargo, desarrollar una movilidad urbana más eficiente y más verde (o en una palabra, más inteligente) es uno de los temas más difíciles de afrontar para las grandes áreas metropolitanas. En esta tesis, abordamos este problema desde la perspectiva de un panorama TIC en rápida evolución que nos permite construir movilidad sin la necesidad de grandes inversiones ni sofisticadas tecnologías de sensores. En particular, proponemos aprovechar el paradigma Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS) en el que los ciudadanos utilizan sus teléfonos móviles y dispositivos, para nosotros recopilar, procesar y analizar localmente información georreferenciada, distribuida voluntariamente. Los datos de movilidad recopilados de ciudadanos que voluntariamente quieren compartirlos (por ejemplo, eventos, intensidad del tráfico, ruido y contaminación del aire, etc.) pueden proporcionar información valiosa sobre las condiciones de movilidad actuales en la ciudad, que con el algoritmo de procesamiento de datos adecuado, pueden utilizarse para enrutar y gestionar el flujo de gente en entornos urbanos. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis combinamos dos prometedoras fuentes de movilidad inteligente: MCS y la planificación de viajes/rutas, uniendo en cierta medida los distintos desafíos de investigación. Hemos dividido nuestros objetivos de investigación en dos etapas: (1) Desafíos arquitectónicos en el diseño de sistemas MCS y (2) Desafíos algorítmicos en la planificación de rutas aprovechando la información del MCS. Nuestro objetivo es demostrar una progresión lógica de la investigación a lo largo del tiempo, comenzando desde los fundamentos de los sistemas de detección centrados en personas, como el MCS, hasta los algoritmos de optimización de rutas diseñados específicamente para la aplicación de estos. Si bien nos centramos en algoritmos y heurísticas para resolver problemas de enrutamiento de clase NP-hard, utilizamos ejemplos de aplicaciones en el mundo real para mostrar las ventajas de los algoritmos e infraestructuras propuestas

    A Survey on Mobile Crowdsensing Systems: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities

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    Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) has gained significant attention in recent years and has become an appealing paradigm for urban sensing. For data collection, MCS systems rely on contribution from mobile devices of a large number of participants or a crowd. Smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices are deployed widely and already equipped with a rich set of sensors, making them an excellent source of information. Mobility and intelligence of humans guarantee higher coverage and better context awareness if compared to traditional sensor networks. At the same time, individuals may be reluctant to share data for privacy concerns. For this reason, MCS frameworks are specifically designed to include incentive mechanisms and address privacy concerns. Despite the growing interest in the research community, MCS solutions need a deeper investigation and categorization on many aspects that span from sensing and communication to system management and data storage. In this paper, we take the research on MCS a step further by presenting a survey on existing works in the domain and propose a detailed taxonomy to shed light on the current landscape and classify applications, methodologies, and architectures. Our objective is not only to analyze and consolidate past research but also to outline potential future research directions and synergies with other research areas

    Studying user behavior through a participatory sensing framework in an urban context

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Geographic Information SystemsThe widespread use of mobile devices has given birth to participatory sensing, a data collection approach leveraging the sheer number of device users, their mobility, intelligence and device’s increasingly powerful computing and sensing capabilities. As a result, participatory sensing is able to collect various types of information at a high spatial and temporal resolution and it has many applications ranging from measuring cellular signal strength or road condition monitoring to observing the distribution of birds. However, in order to achieve better results from participatory sensing, some issues needed to be dealt with. On a high level, this thesis addressed two issues: (1) the design and development of a participatory sensing framework that allows users to flexibly create campaigns and at the same time collect different types of data and (2) the study of different aspects of the user behaviors in the context of participatory sensing. In particular, the first contribution of the thesis is the design and development of Citizense, a participatory sensing framework that facilitates flexible deployments of participatory sensing campaigns while at the same time providing intuitive interfaces for users to create sensing campaigns and collect a variety of data types. During the real-world deployments of Citizense, it has shown its effectiveness in collecting different types of urban information and subsequently received appreciation from different stakeholders. The second contribution of the thesis is the in-depth study of user behavior under the presence of different monetary incentive mechanisms and the analysis of the spatial and temporal user behavior when participants are simultaneously exposed to a large number of participatory sensing campaigns. Concerning the monetary incentive, it is observed that participants prefer fixed micro-payment to other mechanisms (i.e., lottery, variable micro-payment); their participation was increased significantly when they were given this incentive. When taking part in the participatory sensing process, participants exhibit certain spatial and temporal behaviors. They tend to primarily contribute in their free time during the working week, although the decision to respond and complete a particular participatory sensing campaign seems to be correlated to the campaign’s geographical context and/or the recency of the participants’ activities. Participants can be divided into two groups according to their behaviors: a smaller group of active participants who frequently perform participatory sensing activities and a larger group of regular participants who exhibit more intermittent behaviors

    Optimal Order Assignment with Minimum Wage Consideration (OOAMWC)

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    While the application of crowdsourcing has increased over the years, the technology experiences various issues during implementation. Examples of some of the issues that affect crowdsourcing include task assignment, profit maximizations, as well as time window issues. In some instances addressing some of the issues results in the other issues being overlooked. An example is when assigning tasks to workers, the profits of the workers might not be considered and this ends up affecting the profit maximization aspect. Various algorithms have been proposed to address the task assignment, profit maximizations, and time window issues. However, these algorithms address the issues individually and this results in the occurrence of the other noted issues. Therefore, this calls for the definition of a solution to address the task assignment issue while taking into consideration the time window issue and the minimum wage constraint. Additionally, the solution should address the profit maximization of not only the workers but also the platform and the clients of the platform. To evaluate the efficiency of the proposed solution, a comparison with the different implemented solutions to address individual issues is recommended. Comparing such solutions can provide insight into the efficiency of the proposed approach when addressing multiple issues affecting crowdsourcing