27 research outputs found

    Establishing Parameters for Comparative Analysis of V2V Communication in VANET

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    26-29In vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs), information dissemination plays vital role in establishing the cooperation among the vehicles. This cooperation and information exchange is needed for proper performance of safety and other VANET applications. Broadcasting is the most suitable method for information dissemination over the network. The simplicity of the broadcast mechanism in such a highly dense and mobile network leads to network contention, broadcast storm and network partition problem. To keep all nodes updated and gather neighbourhood information broadcasting protocol use beacon messages. A non-trivial scientific contribution is required in broadcasting techniques to cater to the need of a network. In this paper, we establish a system model and parameters responsible for efficient information dissemination for VANETs. We implemented three major techniques for information dissemination which are, simple flooding, counter-based and probability-based techniques. These three techniques are simulated with established parameters. The work also analysed the impact of beaconing in the network. The simulation is carried out on Veins framework and the results are then analysed on the basis of established parameters. The analysis of result shows that an integrated approach will suit the needs whereas the use of independent techniques might not yield the result which we expect. The paper concludes by outlining the future research directions in information dissemination in VANET

    EBP: An Efficient Broadcast Protocol for Warning Message Dissemination in VANETs

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) enable vehicle-to-vehicle communications to share relevant road information with various applications. Road safety is one of the main objectives of VANETs that has attracted great interest from researchers. Other so-called comfort applications have also been studied which can improve driving experience and passenger safety. In all these applications, sharing of warning messages can help drivers minimize accidents and congestions, and plan better itinerary during the congestion situations or the anticipation of potential and highly hazardous events. In this paper, we present an efficient broadcast protocol (EBP) for broadcasting warning messages in VANETs. As an improved strategy for alert data dissemination, EBP can be applied in whatever the nature of the risk, with a particular focus on mobile dangers. We first conduct an in-depth analysis and evaluation, under different conditions, of the existing approaches and mechanisms used for information dissemination in VANETs. Then, we point out their drawbacks and design the EBP to avoid these drawbacks. As a result, the EBP is an improved, well-justified and more effective protocol. We validate it by simulation experiments under various scenarios

    Energy Efficient and Guaranteed Packet Delivery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    For Ad-hoc network routing protocols, high delivery ratio with low energy consumption is one of design challenges. This paper identifies the limitations of ad hoc routing scheme, in terms of guaranteed delivery with low energy consumption. Accordingly, this paper describe a scheme, in which data is forwarded along a pre-established lone path to save energy, and a high delivery ratio is completed by path repair whenever a break is detected. This paper propose a humble, quick, local path repairing method, whereby a malicious node can be tracked by low energy. This paper implement encoding and compression technique scheme and compare its performance with those of pure lone path without repair and multi-path routing schemes

    A Redundancy based Protocol for Safety Message Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    International audienceThe diversity of applications types in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) has spawned a large variety of messages that need to be disseminated in vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication mode. The most critical messages are those dedicated for safety applications such as accident warning, road hazardous warning, signal violation warning, etc. The dissemination of this sort of messages is a challenging task in VANETs since they should be efficiently transmitted i.e. by achieving high packet delivery within a certain time limit and an acceptable overhead. In this work, we propose a robust and an original data dissemination protocol called Redundancy-based Protocol (RBP). Contrary to most of the density based protocols, the protocol is beaconless. It takes into account the surrounding vehicle density during the broadcasting process through a specific metric, named “packet redundancy ratio”, calculated locally at each vehicle. Based on this metric, each vehicle is able to dynamically determine the probability of rebroadcast in order to mitigate the broadcast storm problem. The simulation results prove that the proposed protocol outperforms the slotted 1- persistence scheme in terms of packet drop ratio, and network load while still maintaining a low End-to-End delay and high packet reachability. This scheme is suitable for safety applications, as well as for further kinds of application by saving the network capacity consumption

    Traffic congestion prevention system

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    Transport is one of the key elements in the development of any country; it can be a powerful catalyst for economic growth. However, the infrastructure does not give enough to the huge number of vehicles which produces several problems, particularly in terms of road safety, and loss of time and pollution. One of the most significant problems is congestion, this is a major handicap for the road transport system. An alternative would be to use new technologies in the field of communication to send traffic information such as treacherous road conditions and accident sites by communicating, for a more efficient use of existing infrastructure.  In this paper, we present a CPS system, which can help drivers in order to have a better trip. For this raison we find the optimal way to reduce travel time and fuel consumption. This system based on our recent work [1]. It´s new approach aims to avoid congestion and queues, hat assure more efficient and optimal use of the existing road infrastructure. For that we concentrate by analyzing the useful and reliable traffic information collected in real time. The system is simulated in several conditions, Experimental result show that our approach is very effective. In the future work, we try to improve our system by adding more complexity in our system

    Establishing Parameters for Comparative Analysis of V2V Communication in VANET

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    In vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs), information dissemination plays vital role in establishing the cooperation among the vehicles. This cooperation and information exchange is needed for proper performance of safety and other VANET applications. Broadcasting is the most suitable method for information dissemination over the network. The simplicity of the broadcast mechanism in such a highly dense and mobile network leads to network contention, broadcast storm and network partition problem. To keep all nodes updated and gather neighbourhood information broadcasting protocol use beacon messages. A non-trivial scientific contribution is required in broadcasting techniques to cater to the need of a network. In this paper, we establish a system model and parameters responsible for efficient information dissemination for VANETs. We implemented three major techniques for information dissemination which are, simple flooding, counter-based and probability-based techniques. These three techniques are simulated with established parameters. The work also analysed the impact of beaconing in the network. The simulation is carried out on Veins framework and the results are then analysed on the basis of established parameters. The analysis of result shows that an integrated approach will suit the needs whereas the use of independent techniques might not yield the result which we expect. The paper concludes by outlining the future research directions in information dissemination in VANET

    Improving the Channel Utilization of Basic Safety Message in VANETs with Superposition Coded Modulation

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    In this paper, we propose a broadcast scheme to effectively utilize the scarce and shared wireless medium for vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). By using superposition coded modulation (SCM), information elements that comprise basic safety messages (BSMs) were delivered with different service qualities determined by real-time traffic situations. The optimal power allocation strategy and achievable performance gain of the proposed method were first theoretically analyzed. To apply the proposed method into practice, the hierarchical quadrature amplitude modulation technology was then employed to implement the proposed SCM-based broadcast scheme for VANETs. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method in real-time traffic environments, a joint traffic-communication simulation was further conducted. Results agree that the proposed method extends the coverage of the BSM broadcast while maintaining an acceptable communication reliability to meet the requirement of driving safety

    Design and performance evaluation of smart dissemination of emergence messages in vehicular ad-hoc networks

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    The growing demand to improve road safety and optimize road traffic has generated great interest in vehicular ad-hoc network (VANETs). Serious traffic accidents can cause financial losses, physical disability, and even death. However, if drivers were informed about the danger in advance through a warning message, this would give drivers enough time to react appropriately to the situation. There are many approaches that can prevent car accidents, and VANETs have been conceived as an excellent solution to improve road safety, through the use of a variety of applications enabled by vehicle communications. The key objective of this research is to achieve information dissemination from a vehicle to other vehicles around that migth be interested in receiving the content. We focus on the network layer and application layer protocols, which are discussed and developed as a protocol over the respective access technologies. We primarily present the research results of our proposals, and also provide a comprehensive review of existing challenges and solutions in data dissemination in VANETs. Our proposals include the design of three dissemination protocols compatible with the IEEE 802.11p standards for road safety applications. These dissemination protocols can be differentiated by their application trigger condition and the broadcast scheme. All three dissemination protocols have been implemented in the simulator VEINS to perform several large-scale experiments. The results of the experiments have shown that all three dissemination protocols are able to cope with an increasing number of vehicles in large scale scenarios without sufering a noticeable loss in performance. Finally, we have investigated solutions to increase the driver's privacy because VANETs can also introduce some location privacy risk by periodically broadcast beacon messages that include the vehicle's position. We evaluate the performance of the privacy schemes, described the experiments and discussed the results.La creixent demanda per millorar la seguretat viària i optimitzar el trànsit viari ha generat gran interès en les xarxes vehiculars ad-hoc (VANETs). Els accidents de trànsit greus poden causar pèrdues financeres, discapacitat física i fins i tot la mort. No obstant això, si els conductors van ser informats per endavant sobre el perill a través d’un missatge d’advertència, això donaria als conductors el temps suficient per reaccionar de manera apropiada a la situació. Hi ha molts enfocaments que poden prevenir accidents automobilístics, i les VANETs s’han concebut com una excel·lent solució per millorar la seguretat viària, a través de l’ús d’una varietat d’aplicacions habilitades per les comunicacions vehiculars. L’objectiu principal d’aquesta investigació és aconseguir la disseminació de la informació des d’un vehicle a altres vehicles que estiguin interessats en rebre el contingut. Ens enfoquem en la capa de xarxa i els protocols de capa d’aplicació, que es discuteixen i desenvolupen com un protocol sobre les respectives tecnologies d'accés. Principalment vam presentar els resultats d’investigació de les nostres propostes, i també provem una revisió exhaustiva dels desafiaments i solucions existents en la disseminació de dades en les VANETs. Les nostres propostes inclouen el disseny de tres protocols de disseminació compatibles amb els estàndards IEEE 802.11p per a aplicacions de seguretat viària. Aquests protocols de disseminació es poden diferenciar per la condició d’activació de l’aplicació i l’esquema de difusió. Els tres protocols de disseminació s’han implementat en el simulador VEINS per a realitzar diversos experiments a gran escala. Els resultats dels experiments han demostrat que els tres protocols de disseminació són capaços de fer front a un nombre creixent de vehicles en escenaris de gran escala sense patir una pèrdua notable en el rendiment. Finalment, hem investigat solucions per augmentar la privacitat del conductor perquè les VANETs també poden introduir algun risc de privacitat de la ubicació mitjanant missatges beacon emesos periòdicament que inclouen la posició dels vehicles. Avaluem l’acompliment dels esquemes de privacitat, descrivim els experiments i discutim els resultats.Postprint (published version