717 research outputs found


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    Although historical pigments are seldom found in the modern artist’s palette, their characterization is a critical aspect of designing effective conservation and restoration protocols, establishing provenance, and detecting forgeries. Ideal characterization methods are nondestructive, noninvasive, and able to distinguish between pure and mixed pigment samples. Spectroscopic techniques are commonly used to identify pigment composition because of their non-ionizing nature, rapid acquisition times, and safety. Unfortunately, the majority of these methods have difficulty distinguishing between pigments with similar chemical and physical properties. Recent advancements in instrument technology have increased the broader availability of terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) and low-frequency Raman spectroscopy (LFRS). In this work, the capabilities of THz-TDS and LFRS for identification and characterization of historic and modern pigments were evaluated. These experimental studies were supported with solid-state density functional theory (ss-DFT) simulations of the pigment structures and vibrations to gain insight into the molecular and intermolecular origins of the observed spectral features. These results demonstrate the powerful combination of low-frequency (≤ 200 cm-1) vibrational spectroscopic methods and computational techniques for the identification and characterization of pigments and establish the compelling abilities of THz-TDS and LFRS as new tools for characterization of pigment components in artworks and artifacts

    Non-destructive Detection of Food Adulteration to Guarantee Human Health and Safety

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    The primary objective of this review is to critique the basic concepts of non-destructive detection of food adulteration and fraud which collectively represent a tremendous annual financial loss worldwide and a major cause of human disease. The review covers the principles of the analytical instrumentation used for the non-destructive detection of food adulteration. Examples of practical applications of these methods for the control of food adulteration are provided and a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of instrumental methods in food technology are critiqued.Целью данного обзора является критическое рассмотрение основных понятий неразрушающего выявления фальсификации и подделки продуктов питания, которые в целом вызывают огромные ежегодные финансовые убытки во всем мире и являются одной из основных причин заболеваний человечества. Материалы и методы. Литература, указанная в данном обзоре, была получена в результате поиска библиографической информации в CAB abstracts, AGRICOLA, SciFinder Scholar, Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), OECD / EEA database по инструментам, которые используются для экологической политики и управления природными ресурсами, и Web of Science.Результаты и обсуждение. Фальсификация пищевых продуктов означает преднамеренное, обманное добавление посторонних, нестандартных или дешевых ингредиентов в продукты, или разбавление или удаление некоторых ценных ингредиентов с целью увеличения прибыли. В современных условиях производители стремятся увеличить выпуск своей продукции зачастую путем изготовления и продажи некачественных и фальсифицированных продуктов.“Неразрушающее выявление фальсификации пищевых продуктов” означает анализ образца и его существенных признаков без изменения физических и химических свойств образца. Повышение качества и безопасности пищевых продуктов путем разработки научных методов обнаружения фальсификации является главным условием для поддержания здоровья потребителей. Точная объективная оценка качества и выявление фальсификации пищевых продуктов представляется важнейшей целью пищевой промышленности. В связи с совершенствованием технологии фальсификации продуктов важно быть в курсе современных, самых точных методов контроля их фальсификации. С этой целью данный обзор рассматривает основные понятия выявления фальсификации продуктов питания, принципы устройств и возможные практические применения современных методов неразрушающего выявления фальсификации продуктов питания; сравнительный анализ преимуществ и недостатков инструментальных методов, используемых в пищевых технологиях. Каждый из рассмотренных методов обсуждается с точки зрения возможных различных консистенций продуктов – газов (свободного пространства вокруг продукта), свободно текущих жидкостей (соков), мутных и вязких жидкостей (меда как продукта растительного происхождения, растительных масел) и интактных продуктов (фруктов и овощей).Выводы. Результаты, освещенные в обзоре, рекомендуется использовать при контроле качества и безопасности пищевых продуктов.Метою даного огляду є критичний розгляд основних понять неруйнівного виявлення фальсифікації і підробки продуктів харчування, які в цілому викликають величезні щорічні фінансові збитки у всьому світі і є однією з основних причин захворювань людства. Матеріали і методи. Література, зазначена в даному огляді, була отримана в результаті пошуку бібліографічної інформації в in CAB abstracts, AGRICOLA, SciFinder Scholar, Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), OECD/EEA database щодо інструментів, які використовуються для екологічної політики та управління природними ресурсами, та Web of Science. Результати та обговорення. Фальсифікація харчових продуктів означає умисне, облудне додавання сторонніх, нестандартних або дешевих інгредієнтів в продукти, або розбавлення чи видалення деяких цінних інгредієнтів з метою збільшення прибутків. У сучасних умовах виробники прагнуть збільшити випуск своєї продукції найчастіше шляхом виготовлення та продажу неякісних та фальсифікованих продуктів. “Неруйнівне виявлення фальсифікації харчових продуктів” означає аналіз зразка і його істотних ознак без зміни фізичних і хімічних властивостей зразка. Підвищення якості та безпеки харчових продуктів шляхом розробки наукових методів виявлення фальсифікації є головною умовою для підтримки здоров’я споживачів. Точна об’єктивна оцінка якості і виявлення фальсифікації харчових продуктів представляється найважливішою метою харчової промисловості. У зв’язку з удосконаленням технології фальсифікації продуктів важливо бути в курсі сучасних, найбільш точних методів контролю їх фальсифікації. З цією метою даний огляд розглядає основні поняття виявлення фальсифікації продуктів харчування, принципи пристроїв і можливі практичні застосування сучасних методів неруйнівного виявлення фальсифікації продуктів харчування; порівняльний аналіз переваг і недоліків інструментальних методів, що застосовуються в харчових технологіях. Кожен з розглянутих методів обговорюється з точки зору можливих різних консистенцій продуктів - газів (вільного простору навколо продукту), вільно текучих рідин (соків), каламутних та в'язких рідин (меду як продукту рослинного походження, рослинних масел) і інтактних продуктів (фруктів і овочів). Висновки. Результати, висвітлені в огляді, рекомендується використовувати під час контролю якості та безпеки харчових продуктів

    Study of propagation and detection methods of terahertz radiation for spectroscopy and imaging

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    The applications of terahertz (THz, 1 THz is 1012 cycles per second or 300 pm in wavelength) radiation are rapidly expanding. In particular, THz imaging is emerging as a powerful technique to spatially map a wide variety of objects with spectral features which are present for many materials in THz region. Objects buried within dielectric structures can also be imaged due to the transparency of most dielectrics in this regime. Unfortunately, the image quality in such applications is inherently influenced by the scattering introduced by the sample inhomogeneities and by the presence of barriers that reduces both the transmitted power and the spatial resolution in particular frequency components. For continued development in THz radiation imaging, a comprehensive understanding of the role of these factors on THz radiation propagation and detection is vital. This dissertation focuses on the various aspects like scattering, attenuation, frequency filtering and waveguide propagation of THz radiation and its subsequent application to a stand-off THz interferometric imager under development. Using THz Time Domain spectroscopic set-up, the effect of scattering, guided THz propagation with loss and dispersion profile of hollow-core waveguides and various filtering structures are investigated. Interferometric detection scheme and subsequent agent identification is studied in detail using extensive simulation and modeling of various imaging system parameters

    Sensors for product characterization and quality of specialty crops—A review

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    This review covers developments in non-invasive techniques for quality analysis and inspection of specialty crops, mainly fresh fruits and vegetables, over the past decade up to the year 2010. Presented and discussed in this review are advanced sensing technologies including computer vision, spectroscopy, X-rays, magnetic resonance, mechanical contact, chemical sensing, wireless sensor networks and radiofrequency identification sensors. The current status of different sensing systems is described in the context of commercial application. The review also discusses future research needs and potentials of these sensing technologies. Emphases are placed on those technologies that have been proven effective or have shown great potential for agro-food applications. Despite significant progress in the development of non-invasive techniques for quality assessment of fruits and vegetables, the pace for adoption of these technologies by the specialty crop industry has been slow

    The 2017 Terahertz Science and Technology Roadmap

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    Science and technologies based on terahertz frequency electromagnetic radiation (100GHz-30THz) have developed rapidly over the last 30 years. For most of the 20th century, terahertz radiation, then referred to as sub-millimeter wave or far-infrared radiation, was mainly utilized by astronomers and some spectroscopists. Following the development of laser based terahertz time-domain spectroscopy in the 1980s and 1990s the field of THz science and technology expanded rapidly, to the extent that it now touches many areas from fundamental science to “real world” applications. For example THz radiation is being used to optimize materials for new solar cells, and may also be a key technology for the next generation of airport security scanners. While the field was emerging it was possible to keep track of all new developments, however now the field has grown so much that it is increasingly difficult to follow the diverse range of new discoveries and applications that are appearing. At this point in time, when the field of THz science and technology is moving from an emerging to a more established and interdisciplinary field, it is apt to present a roadmap to help identify the breadth and future directions of the field. The aim of this roadmap is to present a snapshot of the present state of THz science and technology in 2016, and provide an opinion on the challenges and opportunities that the future holds. To be able to achieve this aim, we have invited a group of international experts to write 17 sections that cover most of the key areas of THz Science and Technology. We hope that The 2016 Roadmap on THz Science and Technology will prove to be a useful resource by providing a wide ranging introduction to the capabilities of THz radiation for those outside or just entering the field as well as providing perspective and breadth for those who are well established. We also feel that this review should serve as a useful guide for government and funding agencies

    Ultrafast Laser-Based Spectroscopy and Sensing: Applications in LIBS, CARS, and THz Spectroscopy

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    Ultrafast pulsed lasers find application in a range of spectroscopy and sensing techniques including laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), coherent Raman spectroscopy, and terahertz (THz) spectroscopy. Whether based on absorption or emission processes, the characteristics of these techniques are heavily influenced by the use of ultrafast pulses in the signal generation process. Depending on the energy of the pulses used, the essential laser interaction process can primarily involve lattice vibrations, molecular rotations, or a combination of excited states produced by laser heating. While some of these techniques are currently confined to sensing at close ranges, others can be implemented for remote spectroscopic sensing owing principally to the laser pulse duration. We present a review of ultrafast laser-based spectroscopy techniques and discuss the use of these techniques to current and potential chemical and environmental sensing applications

    Evaluation of Non-Covalent Interaction Models in Molecular Crystals Using Terahertz Spectroscopy

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    Density functional theory (DFT) is a powerful tool that can be used to evaluate the low-frequency vibrational spectra of solid-state crystalline materials. Since THz spectroscopy is sensitive to both the intermolecular and intramolecular forces that govern the formation of crystalline materials, it is an ideal tool to investigate the accuracy of calculated DFT crystal structures and their vibrational spectra. When using solid-state DFT, non-covalent dispersion interactions are not fully treated in typical approaches. In order to account for these interactions, the addition of dispersion force correction terms are necessary. A number of methods exist to correct for this deficiency of DFT, and this work investigates the use of semi-empirical London dispersion force correction models. Through the investigation of several small organic molecules, amino acids and related compounds, the standard implementation (referred to as DFT-D) is examined, and the need to alter this standard approach has been identified. Modifications of the scaling factor and atomic parameters within this method have led to more accurate simulations, termed the DFT-DX model. In addition to this work on improving London dispersion force corrections, solid-state DFT calculations with these enhancements can be used to predict the crystal structures of previously unknown or difficult to synthesize materials, such as amino acid hydrates, and achieve detailed information about the internal and external forces in molecular crystals

    Infrared: A Key Technology for Security Systems

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    Infrared science and technology has been, since the first applications, mainly dedicated to security and surveillance especially in military field, besides specialized techniques in thermal imaging for medical diagnostic and building structures and recently in energy savings and aerospace context. Till recently the security applications were mainly based on thermal imaging as surveillance and warning military systems. In all these applications the advent of room temperature, more reliable due to the coolers avoidance, low cost, and, overall, completely integrable with Silicon technology FPAs, especially designed and tailored for specific applications, smart sensors, has really been impacted with revolutionary and new ideas and system concepts in all the infrared fields, especially for security applications. Lastly, the advent of reliable Infrared Solid State Laser Sources, operating up to the Long Infrared Wavelength Band and the new emerging techniques in Far Infrared Submillimeter Terahertz Bands, has opened wide and new areas for developing new, advanced security systems. A review of all the items with evidence of the weak and the strong points of each item, especially considering possible future developments, will be reported and discussed

    Explosive Detection Equipment and Technology for Border Security

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    This report contains a brief survey of Explosives Detection Technology,as it is applied for inspection of goods and passengers at borders, and explains the role of European legislation and the European Commission¿s research programs in this field. It describes the techniques of trace and bulk explosives detection that are in use, the latest techniques that are in development and the characteristics of explosives that are, or might be, used to provide a signature for exploitation in detection technology. References to academic reviews are included for those wishing to study the subject in greater depth. Some additional details are given concerning plastic and liquid explosives, which are a threat of particular current importance. The report also contains a brief account of relevant European trade, safety and security legislation, a description of recent policy initiatives and tables of related European Commission funded research projects. Contact details of commercial companies selling explosive detection products are also provided.JRC.G.6-Sensors, radar technologies and cybersecurit

    State-of-the-art terahertz sensing for food and water security – a comprehensive review

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    Background: Recently, there has been a dramatic change in the field of terahertz (THz) technology. The recent advancements in the THz radiation sector considering generation, manipulation and detection have brought revolution in this field, which enable the integration of THz sensing systems into real-world. The THz technology presents detection techniques and various issues, while providing significant opportunities for sensing food and water contamination detection. Scope and approach: Many researchers around the world have exploited the potential of invaluable new applications of THz sensing ranging from surveillance, healthcare and recently for food and water contamination detection. The microbial pollution in water and food is one the crucial issues with regard to the sanitary state for drinking water and daily consumption of food. To address this risk, the detection of microbial contamination is of utmost importance, since the consumption of insanitary or unhygienic food can lead to catastrophic illness. Key findings and conclusions: This paper presents a first-time review of the open literature covering the advances in the THz sensing for microbiological contamination of food and water, in addition to state-of-the-art in network architectures, applications and recent industrial developments. With unique superiority, the THz non-destructive detection technology in food inspection and water contamination detection is emerging as a new area of study. With the great progress, some important challenges and future research directions are presented within the field