1,134 research outputs found

    Information Aided Navigation: A Review

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    The performance of inertial navigation systems is largely dependent on the stable flow of external measurements and information to guarantee continuous filter updates and bind the inertial solution drift. Platforms in different operational environments may be prevented at some point from receiving external measurements, thus exposing their navigation solution to drift. Over the years, a wide variety of works have been proposed to overcome this shortcoming, by exploiting knowledge of the system current conditions and turning it into an applicable source of information to update the navigation filter. This paper aims to provide an extensive survey of information aided navigation, broadly classified into direct, indirect, and model aiding. Each approach is described by the notable works that implemented its concept, use cases, relevant state updates, and their corresponding measurement models. By matching the appropriate constraint to a given scenario, one will be able to improve the navigation solution accuracy, compensate for the lost information, and uncover certain internal states, that would otherwise remain unobservable.Comment: 8 figures, 3 table

    Map matching by using inertial sensors: literature review

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    This literature review aims to clarify what is known about map matching by using inertial sensors and what are the requirements for map matching, inertial sensors, placement and possible complementary position technology. The target is to develop a wearable location system that can position itself within a complex construction environment automatically with the aid of an accurate building model. The wearable location system should work on a tablet computer which is running an augmented reality (AR) solution and is capable of track and visualize 3D-CAD models in real environment. The wearable location system is needed to support the system in initialization of the accurate camera pose calculation and automatically finding the right location in the 3D-CAD model. One type of sensor which does seem applicable to people tracking is inertial measurement unit (IMU). The IMU sensors in aerospace applications, based on laser based gyroscopes, are big but provide a very accurate position estimation with a limited drift. Small and light units such as those based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical (MEMS) sensors are becoming very popular, but they have a significant bias and therefore suffer from large drifts and require method for calibration like map matching. The system requires very little fixed infrastructure, the monetary cost is proportional to the number of users, rather than to the coverage area as is the case for traditional absolute indoor location systems.Siirretty Doriast

    Evaluating indoor positioning systems in a shopping mall : the lessons learned from the IPIN 2018 competition

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    The Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN) conference holds an annual competition in which indoor localization systems from different research groups worldwide are evaluated empirically. The objective of this competition is to establish a systematic evaluation methodology with rigorous metrics both for real-time (on-site) and post-processing (off-site) situations, in a realistic environment unfamiliar to the prototype developers. For the IPIN 2018 conference, this competition was held on September 22nd, 2018, in Atlantis, a large shopping mall in Nantes (France). Four competition tracks (two on-site and two off-site) were designed. They consisted of several 1 km routes traversing several floors of the mall. Along these paths, 180 points were topographically surveyed with a 10 cm accuracy, to serve as ground truth landmarks, combining theodolite measurements, differential global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and 3D scanner systems. 34 teams effectively competed. The accuracy score corresponds to the third quartile (75th percentile) of an error metric that combines the horizontal positioning error and the floor detection. The best results for the on-site tracks showed an accuracy score of 11.70 m (Track 1) and 5.50 m (Track 2), while the best results for the off-site tracks showed an accuracy score of 0.90 m (Track 3) and 1.30 m (Track 4). These results showed that it is possible to obtain high accuracy indoor positioning solutions in large, realistic environments using wearable light-weight sensors without deploying any beacon. This paper describes the organization work of the tracks, analyzes the methodology used to quantify the results, reviews the lessons learned from the competition and discusses its future

    Adaptive Cardinal Heading Aided for Low Cost Foot-Mounted Inertial Pedestrian Navigation

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    The use of a low-cost MEMS-based Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) provides a cost-effective approach for navigation purposes. Foot-mounted IMU is a popular option for indoor inertial pedestrian navigation, as a small and light MEMS-based inertial sensor can be tied to a pedestrian's foot or shoe. Without relying on GNSS or other external sensors to enhance navigation, the foot-mounted pedestrian navigation system can autonomously navigate, relying solely on the IMU. This is typically performed with the standard strapdown navigation algorithm in a Kalman filter, where Zero Velocity Updates (ZVU) are used together to restrict the error growth of the low-cost inertial sensors. ZVU is applied every time the user takes a step since there exists a zero velocity condition during stance phase. While velocity and correlated attitude errors can be estimated correctly using ZVUs, heading error is not because it is unobservable. In this paper, we extend our previous work to correct the heading error by aiding it using Multiple Polygon Areas (MPA) with adaptive weighting factor. We termed the approach as Adaptive Cardinal Heading Aided Inertial Navigation (A-CHAIN). We formulated an adaptive weighting factor applied to measurement noise to enhance measurement confidence. We then incorporated MPA heading into the algorithm, whereas multiple buildings with the same orientation are grouped together and assigned a specific heading information as a priori. Results shown that against the original CHAIN, the proposed Adaptive-CHAIN improved the position accuracy by more than five-fold

    A Survey of Positioning Systems Using Visible LED Lights

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.As Global Positioning System (GPS) cannot provide satisfying performance in indoor environments, indoor positioning technology, which utilizes indoor wireless signals instead of GPS signals, has grown rapidly in recent years. Meanwhile, visible light communication (VLC) using light devices such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) has been deemed to be a promising candidate in the heterogeneous wireless networks that may collaborate with radio frequencies (RF) wireless networks. In particular, light-fidelity has a great potential for deployment in future indoor environments because of its high throughput and security advantages. This paper provides a comprehensive study of a novel positioning technology based on visible white LED lights, which has attracted much attention from both academia and industry. The essential characteristics and principles of this system are deeply discussed, and relevant positioning algorithms and designs are classified and elaborated. This paper undertakes a thorough investigation into current LED-based indoor positioning systems and compares their performance through many aspects, such as test environment, accuracy, and cost. It presents indoor hybrid positioning systems among VLC and other systems (e.g., inertial sensors and RF systems). We also review and classify outdoor VLC positioning applications for the first time. Finally, this paper surveys major advances as well as open issues, challenges, and future research directions in VLC positioning systems.Peer reviewe

    Personal Navigation Based on Wireless Networks and Inertial Sensors

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    Tato práce se zaměřuje na vývoj navigačního algoritmu pro systémy vhodné k lokalizaci osob v budovách a městských prostorech. Vzhledem k požadovaným nízkým nákladům na výsledný navigační systém byla uvažována integrace levných inerciálních senzorů a určování vzdálenosti na základě měření v bezdrátových sítích. Dále bylo předpokládáno, že bezdrátová síť bude určena k jiným účelům (např: měření a regulace), než lokalizace, proto bylo použito měření síly bezdrátového signálu. Kvůli snížení značné nepřesnosti této metody, byla navrhnuta technika mapování ztrát v bezdrátovém kanálu. Nejprve jsou shrnuty různé modely senzorů a prostředí a ty nejvhodnější jsou poté vybrány. Jejich efektivní a nové využití v navigační úloze a vhodná fůze všech dostupných informací jsou hlavní cíle této práce.This thesis deals with navigation system based on wireless networks and inertial sensors. The work aims at a development of positioning algorithm suitable for low-cost indoor or urban pedestrian navigation application. The sensor fusion was applied to increase the localization accuracy. Due to required low application cost only low grade inertial sensors and wireless network based ranging were taken into account. The wireless network was assumed to be preinstalled due to other required functionality (for example: building control) therefore only received signal strength (RSS) range measurement technique was considered. Wireless channel loss mapping method was proposed to overcome the natural uncertainties and restrictions in the RSS range measurements. The available sensor and environment models are summarized first and the most appropriate ones are selected secondly. Their effective and novel application in the navigation task, and favorable fusion (Particle filtering) of all available information are the main objectives of this thesis.