50 research outputs found

    Geometric sensitivity of beacon placement using airborne mobile anchors

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    Locating fixed sensing devices with a mobile anchor is attractive for covering larger deployment areas. However, the performance sensitivity to the geometric arrangement of anchor beacon positions remains unexplored. Therefore, localization using new RSSI-based localization algorithm, which uses a volumetric probability distribution function is proposed to find the most likely position of a node by information fusion from several mobile beacon radio packets to reduce error over deterministic approaches. This paper presents the guidelines of beacon selection that leads to design the most suitable trajectory, as a trade-off between the energy costs of travelling and transmitting the beacons versus the localization accuracy

    Comparative node selection-based localization technique for wireless sensor networks: A bilateration approach

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    Wireless sensor networks find extensive applications, such as environmental and smart city monitoring, structural health, and target location. To be useful, most sensor data must be localized. We propose a node localization technique based on bilateration comparison (BACL) for dense networks, which considers two reference nodes to determine the unknown position of a third node. The mirror positions resulted from bilateration are resolved by comparing their coordinates with the coordinates of the reference nodes. Additionally, we use network clustering to further refine the location of the nodes. We show that BACL has several advantages over Energy Aware Co-operative Localization (EACL) and Underwater Recursive Position Estimation (URPE): (1) BACL uses bilateration (needs only two reference nodes) instead of trilateration (that needs three reference nodes), (2) BACL needs reference (anchor) nodes only on the field periphery, and (3) BACL needs substantially less communication and computation. Through simulation, we show that BACL localization accuracy, as root mean square error, improves by 53% that of URPE and by 40% that of EACL. We also explore the BACL localization error when the anchor nodes are placed on one or multiple sides of a rectangular field, as a trade-off between localization accuracy and network deployment effort. Best accuracy is achieved using anchors on all field sides, but we show that localization refinement using node clustering and anchor nodes only on one side of the field has comparable localization accuracy with anchor nodes on two sides but without clustering

    A Hybrid Localization Approach in Wireless Sensor Networks by Resolving Flip Ambiguity

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    Localization has received considerable attention because many wireless sensor network applications require accurate knowledge of the locations of the sensors in the network. In the process the location calculation is achieved by either distance measurements or angle-of‐arrival measurement. However, the former technique suffers from flip ambiguity due to either the presence of insufficient reference points or uncertainties in the inter‐nodal distance measurements in a triangular network structure. A recently proposed quadrilateral structure (an extended complex version of a trilateration structure) can resolve flip ambiguity of a node in dense deployments under restricted orientations for anchors. However, the technique leaves open issues to consider imprecise inter‐nodal distances between all pairs of nodes as complexity increases due to measurement uncertainties in determining the locations. Moreover, both the structures (trilateral and quadrilateral) completely fail to resolve flip ambiguity in sparse node deployments as sufficient nodes are not available in order to determine the signs in calculated angles. On the other hand, AOA can provide the sign of the angles but requires expensive hardware calibration to provide a high‐level of accuracy in the measured angles. Therefore, there is a need of a localization technique that is cheaper, less complex, and robust by considering measurement uncertainties between all pair of nodes and more importantly, involves fewer reference nodes. The primary contributions of this thesis include a hybrid technique that uses low‐accuracy (cheap) AOA measurements along with erroneous distance measurements between each pair of nodes in a much simpler triangular network that corresponds to a sparse deployment. In our initial phase we develop mathematical models involving only two reference nodes that are able to resolve flip ambiguity a unknown node with a high probability of success even with an RMS error as high as 150 in the line‐of‐bearing estimate, which avoids the need for calibration in many practical situations. In later phases, we modelled our hybrid localization technique to accommodate imprecise inter‐nodal measurements between all pairs of nodes. In the final phase, we intend our localization technique to solve ambiguity in extremely sparse scenarios with non‐closed network structure that are yet to be solved by existing localizations approaches. Resolution of flip ambiguity is useful, not only to develop lower‐complexity localization techniques, but also for many lower‐layer network functionalities such as geographic routing, topology control, coverage and tracking, and controlled mobility when a large number of these nodes have to be deployed

    Localization and security algorithms for wireless sensor networks and the usage of signals of opportunity

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    In this dissertation we consider the problem of localization of wireless devices in environments and applications where GPS (Global Positioning System) is not a viable option. The _x000C_rst part of the dissertation studies a novel positioning system based on narrowband radio frequency (RF) signals of opportunity, and develops near optimum estimation algorithms for localization of a mobile receiver. It is assumed that a reference receiver (RR) with known position is available to aid with the positioning of the mobile receiver (MR). The new positioning system is reminiscent of GPS and involves two similar estimation problems. The _x000C_rst is localization using estimates of time-di_x000B_erence of arrival (TDOA). The second is TDOA estimation based on the received narrowband signals at the RR and the MR. In both cases near optimum estimation algorithms are developed in the sense of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) under some mild assumptions, and both algorithms compute approximate MLEs in the form of a weighted least-squares (WLS) solution. The proposed positioning system is illustrated with simulation studies based on FM radio signals. The numerical results show that the position errors are comparable to those of other positioning systems, including GPS. Next, we present a novel algorithm for localization of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) called distributed randomized gradient descent (DRGD), and prove that in the case of noise-free distance measurements, the algorithm converges and provides the true location of the nodes. For noisy distance measurements, the convergence properties of DRGD are discussed and an error bound on the location estimation error is obtained. In contrast to several recently proposed methods, DRGD does not require that blind nodes be contained in the convex hull of the anchor nodes, and can accurately localize the network with only a few anchors. Performance of DRGD is evaluated through extensive simulations and compared with three other algorithms, namely the relaxation-based second order cone programming (SOCP), the simulated annealing (SA), and the semi-de_x000C_nite programing (SDP) procedures. Similar to DRGD, SOCP and SA are distributed algorithms, whereas SDP is centralized. The results show that DRGD successfully localizes the nodes in all the cases, whereas in many cases SOCP and SA fail. We also present a modi_x000C_cation of DRGD for mobile WSNs and demonstrate the e_x000E_cacy of DRGD for localization of mobile networks with several simulation results. We then extend this method for secure localization in the presence of outlier distance measurements or distance spoo_x000C_ng attacks. In this case we present a centralized algorithm to estimate the position of the nodes in WSNs, where outlier distance measurements may be present

    Array processing techniques for direction of arrival estimation, communications, and localization in vehicular and wireless sensor networks

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2018.Técnicas de processamentos de sinais para comunicações sem fio tem sido um tópico de interesse para pesquisas há mais de três décadas. De acordo com o padrão Release 9 desenvolvido pelo consorcio 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) sistemas utilizando múltiplas antenas foram adotados na quarta geração (4G) dos sistemas de comunicação sem fio, também conhecida em inglês como Long Term Evolution (LTE). Para a quinta geração (5G) dos sistemas de comunicação sem fio centenas de antenas devem ser incorporadas aos equipamentos, na arquitetura conhecida em inglês como massive multi-user Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO). A presença de múltiplas antenas provê benefícios como o ganho do arranjo, ganho de diversidade, ganho espacial e redução de interferência. Além disso, arranjos de antenas possibilitam a filtragem espacial e a estimação de parâmetros, ambos podem ser usados para se resolver problemas que antes não eram vistos pelo prisma de processamento de sinais. O objetivo dessa tese é superar a lacuna entre a teoria de processamento de sinais e as aplicações da mesma em problemas reais. Tradicionalmente, técnicas de processamento de sinais assumem a existência de um arranjo de antenas ideal. Portanto, para que tais técnicas sejam exploradas em aplicações reais, um conjunto robusto de métodos para interpolação do arranjo é fundamental. Estes métodos são desenvolvidos nesta tese. Além disso problemas no campo de redes de sensores e redes veiculares são tratados nesta tese utilizando-se uma perspectiva de processamento de sinais. Nessa tesa métodos inovadores de interpolação de arranjos são apresentados e sua performance é testada utilizando-se cenários reais. Conceitos de processamento de sinais são implementados no contexto de redes de sensores. Esses conceitos possibilitam um nível de sincronização suficiente para a aplicação de sistemas de múltiplas antenas distribuídos, o que resulta em uma rede com maior vida útil e melhor performance. Métodos de processamento de sinais em arranjos são propostos para resolver o problema de localização baseada em sinais de rádio em redes veiculares, com aplicações em segurança de estradas e proteção de pedestres. Esta tese foi escrita em língua inglesa, um sumário em língua portuguesa é apresentado ao final da mesma.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).Array signal processing in wireless communication has been a topic of interest in research for over three decades. In the fourth generation (4G) of the wireless communication systems, also known as Long Term Evolution (LTE), multi antenna systems have been adopted according to the Release 9 of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). For the fifth generation (5G) of the wireless communication systems, hundreds of antennas should be incorporated to the devices in a massive multi-user Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) architecture. The presence of multiple antennas provides array gain, diversity gain, spatial gain, and interference reduction. Furthermore, arrays enable spatial filtering and parameter estimation, which can be used to help solve problems that could not previously be addressed from a signal processing perspective. The aim of this thesis is to bridge some gaps between signal processing theory and real world applications. Array processing techniques traditionally assume an ideal array. Therefore, in order to exploit such techniques, a robust set of methods for array interpolation are fundamental and are developed in this work. Problems in the field of wireless sensor networks and vehicular networks are also addressed from an array signal processing perspective. In this dissertation, novel methods for array interpolation are presented and their performance in real world scenarios is evaluated. Signal processing concepts are implemented in the context of a wireless sensor network. These concepts provide a level of synchronization sufficient for distributed multi antenna communication to be applied, resulting in improved lifetime and improved overall network behaviour. Array signal processing methods are proposed to solve the problem of radio based localization in vehicular network scenarios with applications in road safety and pedestrian protection

    Hybrid and Cooperative Positioning Solutions for Wireless Networks

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    In this thesis, some hybrid and cooperative solutions are proposed and analyzed to locate the user in challenged scenarios, with the aim to overcome the limits of positioning systems based on single technology. The proposed approaches add hybrid and cooperative features to some conventional position estimation techniques like Kalman filter and particle filter, and fuse information from different radio frequency technologies. The concept of cooperative positioning is enhanced with hybrid technologies, in order to further increase the positioning accuracy and availability. In particular, wireless sensor networks and radio frequency identification technology are used together to enhance the collected data with position information. Terrestrial ranging techniques (i.e., ultra-wide band technology) are employed to assist the satellite-based localization in urban canyons and indoors. Moreover, some advanced positioning algorithms, such as energy efficient, cognitive tracking and non-line-of-sight identification, are studied to satisfy the different positioning requirements in harsh indoor environments. The proposed hybrid and cooperative solutions are tested and verified by first Monte Carlo simulations then real experiments. The obtained results demonstrate that the proposed solutions can increase the robustness (positioning accuracy and availability) of the current localization system