132,012 research outputs found

    Radio Sources in the NCP Region Observed with the 21 Centimeter Array

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    We present a catalog of 624 radio sources detected around the North Celestial Pole (NCP) with the 21 Centimeter Array (21CMA), a radio interferometer dedicated to the statistical measurement of the epoch of reionization (EoR). The data are taken from a 12 h observation made on 2013 April 13, with a frequency coverage from 75 to 175 MHz and an angular resolution of ~ 4 arcmin. The catalog includes flux densities at eight sub-bands across the 21CMA bandwidth and provides the in-band spectral indices for the detected sources. To reduce the complexity of interferometric imaging from the so-called "w" term and ionospheric effects, the present analysis are restricted to the east-west baselines within 1500 m only. The 624 radio sources are found within 5 degrees around the NCP down to ~ 0.1 Jy. Our source counts are compared, and also exhibit a good agreement, with deep low-frequency observations made recently with the GMRT and MWA. In particular, for fainter radio sources below ~ 1 Jy, we find a flattening trend of source counts towards lower frequencies. While the thermal noise (~0.4 mJy) is well controlled to below the confusion limit, the dynamical range (~10^4) and sensitivity of current 21CMA imaging is largely limited by calibration and deconvolution errors, especially the grating lobes of very bright sources, such as 3C061.1, in the NCP field which result from the regular spacings of the 21CMA. We note that particular attention should be paid to the extended sources, and their modeling and removals may constitute a large technical challenge for current EoR experiments. Our analysis may serve as a useful guide to design of next generation low-frequency interferometers like the Square Kilometre Array.Comment: 16 pages, 21 figures, 7 tables, 1 machine readable table, accepted for publication in Ap

    AMI-LA Observations of the SuperCLASS Super-cluster

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    We present a deep survey of the SuperCLASS super-cluster - a region of sky known to contain five Abell clusters at redshift z0.2z\sim0.2 - performed using the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) Large Array (LA) at 15.5 ~GHz. Our survey covers an area of approximately 0.9 square degrees. We achieve a nominal sensitivity of 32.0 μ32.0~\muJy beam1^{-1} toward the field centre, finding 80 sources above a 5σ5\sigma threshold. We derive the radio colour-colour distribution for sources common to three surveys that cover the field and identify three sources with strongly curved spectra - a high-frequency-peaked source and two GHz-peaked-spectrum sources. The differential source count (i) agrees well with previous deep radio source count, (ii) exhibits no evidence of an emerging population of star-forming galaxies, down to a limit of 0.24 ~mJy, and (iii) disagrees with some models of the 15 ~GHz source population. However, our source count is in agreement with recent work that provides an analytical correction to the source count from the SKADS Simulated Sky, supporting the suggestion that this discrepancy is caused by an abundance of flat-spectrum galaxy cores as-yet not included in source population models.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The relationship between substructure in 2D X-ray surface brightness images and weak lensing mass maps of galaxy clusters: A simulation study

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    In this paper, we undertake a study to determine what insight can be reliably gleaned from the comparison of the X-ray and the weak lensing mass maps of galaxy clusters. We do this by investigating the 2D substructure within three high-resolution cosmological simulations of galaxy clusters. Our main results focus on non-radiative gas dynamics, but we also consider the effects of radiative cooling at high redshift. For our analysis, we use a novel approach, based on unsharp-masking, to identify substructures in 2D surface mass density and X-ray surface brightness maps. At full resolution (~ 15 h^-1 kpc), this technique is capable of identifying almost all self-bound dark matter subhaloes with M>10^12 h^-1 M_sun. We also report a correlation between the mass of a subhalo and the area of its corresponding 2D detection; such a correlation, once calibrated, could provide a useful estimator for substructure mass. Comparing our 2D mass and X-ray substructures, we find a surprising number of cases where the matching fails: around one third of galaxy-sized substructures have no X-ray counterpart. Some interesting cases are also found at larger masses, in particular the cores of merging clusters where the situation can be complex. Finally, we degrade our mass maps to what is currently achievable with weak-lensing observations (~100 h^-1 kpc at z=0.2). While the completeness mass limit increases by around an order of magnitude, a mass-area correlation remains. Our paper clearly demonstrates that the next generation of lensing surveys should start to reveal a wealth of information on cluster substructure. (Abridged)Comment: 30 pages, 27 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. High resolution version available at http://www.physics.ox.ac.uk/users/powell/clustersubs_highres.pd

    Catalog Extraction in SZ Cluster Surveys: a matched filter approach

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    We present a method based on matched multifrequency filters for extracting cluster catalogs from Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) surveys. We evaluate its performance in terms of completeness, contamination rate and photometric recovery for three representative types of SZ survey: a high resolution single frequency radio survey (AMI), a high resolution ground-based multiband survey (SPT), and the Planck all-sky survey. These surveys are not purely flux limited, and they loose completeness significantly before their point-source detection thresholds. Contamination remains relatively low at <5% (less than 30%) for a detection threshold set at S/N=5 (S/N=3). We identify photometric recovery as an important source of catalog uncertainty: dispersion in recovered flux from multiband surveys is larger than the intrinsic scatter in the Y-M relation predicted from hydrodynamical simulations, while photometry in the single frequency survey is seriously compromised by confusion with primary cosmic microwave background anisotropy. The latter effect implies that follow-up observations in other wavebands (e.g., 90 GHz, X-ray) of single frequency surveys will be required. Cluster morphology can cause a bias in the recovered Y-M relation, but has little effect on the scatter; the bias would be removed during calibration of the relation. Point source confusion only slightly decreases multiband survey completeness; single frequency survey completeness could be significantly reduced by radio point source confusion, but this remains highly uncertain because we do not know the radio counts at the relevant flux levels.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, replaced to match version accepted for publication in A&

    Virtual Rephotography: Novel View Prediction Error for 3D Reconstruction

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    The ultimate goal of many image-based modeling systems is to render photo-realistic novel views of a scene without visible artifacts. Existing evaluation metrics and benchmarks focus mainly on the geometric accuracy of the reconstructed model, which is, however, a poor predictor of visual accuracy. Furthermore, using only geometric accuracy by itself does not allow evaluating systems that either lack a geometric scene representation or utilize coarse proxy geometry. Examples include light field or image-based rendering systems. We propose a unified evaluation approach based on novel view prediction error that is able to analyze the visual quality of any method that can render novel views from input images. One of the key advantages of this approach is that it does not require ground truth geometry. This dramatically simplifies the creation of test datasets and benchmarks. It also allows us to evaluate the quality of an unknown scene during the acquisition and reconstruction process, which is useful for acquisition planning. We evaluate our approach on a range of methods including standard geometry-plus-texture pipelines as well as image-based rendering techniques, compare it to existing geometry-based benchmarks, and demonstrate its utility for a range of use cases.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, paper was submitted to ACM Transactions on Graphics for revie

    VLA 1.4 GHz Catalogs of the Abell 370 and Abell 2390 Cluster Fields

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    We present 1.4 GHz catalogs for the cluster fields Abell 370 and Abell 2390 observed with the Very Large Array. These are two of the deepest radio images of cluster fields ever taken. The Abell 370 image covers an area of 40'x40' with a synthesized beam of ~1.7" and a noise level of ~5.7 uJy near field center. The Abell 2390 image covers an area of 34'x34' with a synthesized beam of ~1.4" and a noise level of ~5.6 uJy near field center. We catalog 200 redshifts for the Abell 370 field. We construct differential number counts for the central regions (radius < 16') of both clusters. We find that the faint (S_1.4GHz < 3 mJy) counts of Abell 370 are roughly consistent with the highest blank field number counts, while the faint number counts of Abell 2390 are roughly consistent with the lowest blank field number counts. Our analyses indicate that the number counts are primarily from field radio galaxies. We suggest that the disagreement of our counts can be largely attributed to cosmic variance.Comment: 13 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ

    High-Redshift Metals. II. Probing Reionization Galaxies with Low-Ionization Absorption Lines at Redshift Six

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    We present a survey for low-ionization metal absorption line systems towards 17 QSOs at redshifts z_em=5.8-6.4. Nine of our objects were observed at high resolution with either Keck/HIRES or Magellan/MIKE, and the remainder at moderate resolution with Keck/ESI. The survey spans 5.3 < z_abs < 6.4 and has a pathlength interval \Delta X=39.5, or \Delta z=8.0. In total we detect ten systems, five of which are new discoveries. The line-of-sight number density is consistent with the combined number density at z~3 of DLAs and sub-DLAs, which comprise the main population of low-ionization systems at lower redshifts. This apparent lack of evolution may occur because low ionization systems are hosted by lower-mass halos at higher redshifts, or because the mean cross section of low-ionization gas at a given halo mass increases with redshift due to the higher densities and lower ionizing background. The roughly constant number density notably contrasts with the sharp decline at z > 5.3 in the number density of highly-ionized systems traced by C IV. The low-ionization systems at z~6 span a similar range of velocity widths as lower-redshift sub-DLAs but have significantly weaker lines at a given width. This implies that the mass-metallicity relation of the host galaxies evolves towards lower metallicities at higher redshifts. These systems lack strong Si IV and C IV, which are common among lower-redshift DLAs and sub-DLAs. This is consistent, however, with a similar decrease in the metallicity of the low- and high-ionization phases, and does not necessarily indicate a lack of nearby, highly-ionized gas. The high number density of low-ionization systems at z~6 suggests that we may be detecting galaxies below the current limits of i-dropout and Ly-alpha emission galaxy surveys. These systems may therefore be the first direct probes of the `typical' galaxies responsible for hydrogen reionization.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Ap

    High-Resolution Shape Completion Using Deep Neural Networks for Global Structure and Local Geometry Inference

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    We propose a data-driven method for recovering miss-ing parts of 3D shapes. Our method is based on a new deep learning architecture consisting of two sub-networks: a global structure inference network and a local geometry refinement network. The global structure inference network incorporates a long short-term memorized context fusion module (LSTM-CF) that infers the global structure of the shape based on multi-view depth information provided as part of the input. It also includes a 3D fully convolutional (3DFCN) module that further enriches the global structure representation according to volumetric information in the input. Under the guidance of the global structure network, the local geometry refinement network takes as input lo-cal 3D patches around missing regions, and progressively produces a high-resolution, complete surface through a volumetric encoder-decoder architecture. Our method jointly trains the global structure inference and local geometry refinement networks in an end-to-end manner. We perform qualitative and quantitative evaluations on six object categories, demonstrating that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art work on shape completion.Comment: 8 pages paper, 11 pages supplementary material, ICCV spotlight pape