116 research outputs found

    Hyperspectral Imagery Target Detection Using Improved Anomaly Detection and Signature Matching Methods

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    This research extends the field of hyperspectral target detection by developing autonomous anomaly detection and signature matching methodologies that reduce false alarms relative to existing benchmark detectors, and are practical for use in an operational environment. The proposed anomaly detection methodology adapts multivariate outlier detection algorithms for use with hyperspectral datasets containing tens of thousands of non-homogeneous, high-dimensional spectral signatures. In so doing, the limitations of existing, non-robust, anomaly detectors are identified, an autonomous clustering methodology is developed to divide an image into homogeneous background materials, and competing multivariate outlier detection methods are evaluated for their ability to uncover hyperspectral anomalies. To arrive at a final detection algorithm, robust parameter design methods are employed to determine parameter settings that achieve good detection performance over a range of hyperspectral images and targets, thereby removing the burden of these decisions from the user. The final anomaly detection algorithm is tested against existing local and global anomaly detectors, and is shown to achieve superior detection accuracy when applied to a diverse set of hyperspectral images. The proposed signature matching methodology employs image-based atmospheric correction techniques in an automated process to transform a target reflectance signature library into a set of image signatures. This set of signatures is combined with an existing linear filter to form a target detector that is shown to perform as well or better relative to detectors that rely on complicated, information-intensive, atmospheric correction schemes. The performance of the proposed methodology is assessed using a range of target materials in both woodland and desert hyperspectral scenes

    Hybrid bootstrap-based approach with binary artificial bee colony and particle swarm optimization in Taguchi's T-Method

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    Taguchi's T-Method is one of the Mahalanobis Taguchi System (MTS)-ruled prediction techniques that has been established specifically but not limited to small, multivariate sample data. When evaluating data using a system such as the Taguchi's T-Method, bias issues often appear due to inconsistencies induced by model complexity, variations between parameters that are not thoroughly configured, and generalization aspects. In Taguchi's T-Method, the unit space determination is too reliant on the characteristics of the dependent variables with no appropriate procedures designed. Similarly, the least square-proportional coefficient is well known not to be robust to the effect of the outliers, which indirectly affects the accuracy of the weightage of SNR that relies on the model-fit accuracy. The small effect of the outliers in the data analysis may influence the overall performance of the predictive model unless more development is incorporated into the current framework. In this research, the mechanism of improved unit space determination was explicitly designed by implementing the minimum-based error with the leave-one-out method, which was further enhanced by embedding strategies that aim to minimize the impact of variance within each parameter estimator using the leave-one-out bootstrap (LOOB) and 0.632 estimates approaches. The complexity aspect of the prediction model was further enhanced by removing features that did not provide valuable information on the overall prediction. In order to accomplish this, a matrix called Orthogonal Array (OA) was used within the existing Taguchi's T-Method. However, OA's fixed-scheme matrix, as well as its drawback in coping with the high-dimensionality factor, leads to a sub- optimal solution. On the other hand, the usage of SNR, decibel (dB) as its objective function proved to be a reliable measure. The architecture of a Hybrid Binary Artificial Bee Colony and Particle Swarm Optimization (Hybrid Binary ABC-PSO), including the Binary Bitwise ABC (BitABC) and Probability Binary PSO (PBPSO), has been developed as a novel search engine that helps to cater the limitation of OA. The SNR (dB) and mean absolute error (MAE) were the main part of the performance measure used in this research. The generalization aspect was a fundamental addition incorporated into this research to control the effect of overfitting in the analysis. The proposed enhanced parameter estimators with feature selection optimization in this analysis had been tested on 10 case studies and had improved predictive accuracy by an average of 46.21% depending on the cases. The average standard deviation of MAE, which describes the variability impact of the optimized method in all 10 case studies, displayed an improved trend relative to the Taguchi’s T-Method. The need for standardization and a robust approach to outliers is recommended for future research. This study proved that the developed architecture of Hybrid Binary ABC-PSO with Bootstrap and minimum-based error using leave-one-out as the proposed parameter estimators enhanced techniques in the methodology of Taguchi's T-Method by effectively improving its prediction accuracy

    Wind Turbine Fault Detection: an Unsupervised vs Semi-Supervised Approach

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    The need for renewable energy has been growing in recent years for the reasons we all know, wind power is no exception. Wind turbines are complex and expensive structures and the need for maintenance exists. Conditioning Monitoring Systems that make use of supervised machine learning techniques have been recently studied and the results are quite promising. Though, such systems still require the physical presence of professionals but with the advantage of gaining insight of the operating state of the machine in use, to decide upon maintenance interventions beforehand. The wind turbine failure is not an abrupt process but a gradual one. The main goal of this dissertation is: to compare semi-supervised methods to at tack the problem of automatic recognition of anomalies in wind turbines; to develop an approach combining the Mahalanobis Taguchi System (MTS) with two popular fuzzy partitional clustering algorithms like the fuzzy c-means and archetypal analysis, for the purpose of anomaly detection; and finally to develop an experimental protocol to com paratively study the two types of algorithms. In this work, the algorithms Local Outlier Factor (LOF), Connectivity-based Outlier Factor (COF), Cluster-based Local Outlier Factor (CBLOF), Histogram-based Outlier Score (HBOS), k-nearest-neighbours (k-NN), Subspace Outlier Detection (SOD), Fuzzy c-means (FCM), Archetypal Analysis (AA) and Local Minimum Spanning Tree (LoMST) were explored. The data used consisted of SCADA data sets regarding turbine sensorial data, 8 to tal, from a wind farm in the North of Portugal. Each data set comprises between 1070 and 1096 data cases and characterized by 5 features, for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013. The analysis of the results using 7 different validity measures show that, the CBLOF al gorithm got the best results in the semi-supervised approach while LoMST won in the unsupervised scenario. The extension of both FCM and AA got promissing results.A necessidade de produzir energia renovável tem vindo a crescer nos últimos anos pelas razões que todos sabemos, a energia eólica não é excepção. As turbinas eólicas são es truturas complexas e caras e a necessidade de manutenção existe. Sistemas de Condição Monitorizada utilizando técnicas de aprendizagem supervisionada têm vindo a ser estu dados recentemente e os resultados são bastante promissores. No entanto, estes sistemas ainda exigem a presença física de profissionais, mas com a vantagem de obter informa ções sobre o estado operacional da máquina em uso, para decidir sobre intervenções de manutenção antemão. O principal objetivo desta dissertação é: comparar métodos semi-supervisionados para atacar o problema de reconhecimento automático de anomalias em turbinas eólicas; desenvolver um método que combina o Mahalanobis Taguchi System (MTS) com dois mé todos de agrupamento difuso bem conhecidos como fuzzy c-means e archetypal analysis, no âmbito de deteção de anomalias; e finalmente desenvolver um protocolo experimental onde é possível o estudo comparativo entre os dois diferentes tipos de algoritmos. Neste trabalho, os algoritmos Local Outlier Factor (LOF), Connectivity-based Outlier Factor (COF), Cluster-based Local Outlier Factor (CBLOF), Histogram-based Outlier Score (HBOS), k-nearest-neighbours (k-NN), Subspace Outlier Detection (SOD), Fuzzy c-means (FCM), Archetypal Analysis (AA) and Local Minimum Spanning Tree (LoMST) foram explorados. Os conjuntos de dados utilizados provêm do sistema SCADA, referentes a dados sen soriais de turbinas, 8 no total, com origem num parque eólico no Norte de Portugal. Cada um está compreendendido entre 1070 e 1096 observações e caracterizados por 5 caracte rísticas, para os anos 2011, 2012 e 2013. A ánalise dos resultados através de 7 métricas de validação diferentes mostraram que, o algoritmo CBLOF obteve os melhores resultados na abordagem semi-supervisionada enquanto que o LoMST ganhou na abordagem não supervisionada. A extensão do FCM e do AA originou resultados promissores

    Probabilistic RGB-D Odometry based on Points, Lines and Planes Under Depth Uncertainty

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    This work proposes a robust visual odometry method for structured environments that combines point features with line and plane segments, extracted through an RGB-D camera. Noisy depth maps are processed by a probabilistic depth fusion framework based on Mixtures of Gaussians to denoise and derive the depth uncertainty, which is then propagated throughout the visual odometry pipeline. Probabilistic 3D plane and line fitting solutions are used to model the uncertainties of the feature parameters and pose is estimated by combining the three types of primitives based on their uncertainties. Performance evaluation on RGB-D sequences collected in this work and two public RGB-D datasets: TUM and ICL-NUIM show the benefit of using the proposed depth fusion framework and combining the three feature-types, particularly in scenes with low-textured surfaces, dynamic objects and missing depth measurements.Comment: Major update: more results, depth filter released as opensource, 34 page

    A methodology to predict community college STEM student retention and completion

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    Numerous government reports point to the multifaceted issues facing the country\u27s capacity to increase the number of STEM majors, while also diversifying the workforce. Community colleges are uniquely positioned as integral partners in the higher education ecosystem. These institutions serve as an access point to opportunity for many students, especially underrepresented minorities and women. Community colleges should serve as a major pathway to students pursuing STEM degrees; however student retention and completion rates are dismally low. Therefore, there is a need to predict STEM student success and provide interventions when factors indicate potential failure. This enables educational institutions to better advise and support students in a more intentional and efficient manner. The objective of this research was to develop a model for predicting success. The methodology uses the Mahalanobis Taguchi System as a novel approach to pattern recognition and gives insight into the ability of MTS to predict outcomes based on student demographic data and academic performance. The method accurately predicts institution-specific risk factors that can be used to better retain STEM students. The research indicates the importance of using community college student data to target this distinctive student population that has demonstrated risk factors outside of the previously reported factors in prior research. This methodology shows promise as a mechanism to close the achievement gap and maximize the power of open-access community college pathways for STEM majors --Abstract, page iv

    Phase change of iron ore reduction process using EFB as reducing agent at 900-1200°C

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    Treatment of low grade iron ore involved reduction of oxygen in iron oxide by using reductant such as carbon monoxide or hydrogen gas. Presently, carboneous materials such as coke/coal are widely used as a source to provide reducing gas, but some problem arises from this material as the gas can harm the environments. Therefore, empty fruit bunch biomass from oil palm becomes an alternative to replace the usage of coke/coal as their major composition is carbon and hydrogen. The idea of replacing coke with biomass will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide release as biomass is a carbon neutral and renewable source, and at the same time abundance of waste from oil palm industries can be overcome. Therefore, the aim of this research is to upgrade the low grade iron with reducibility more than 50% being used in iron and steel making. In this research, low grade iron ore are mixed together with EFB then is making into composite pellet before being reduced at certain parameter chosen. The variables involved in this research is composition EFB (10%, 30% and 50%), temperature (1000°C, 1100°C and 1200°C) and reduction time is fixed with 30 minutes. From the experiment conducted, the highest reducibility achieved is 76.37% at temperature 1200°C. While XRD analysis shows the existence of metallic iron phase started to form at 1000°C with composition of 30% of EFB. Meanwhile, from magnetization test show that at 1200°C the highest magnetic susceptibility is achieved as the dominance phase at 1200°C is metallic phase. Therefore it is an interesting alternative to replace coke with biomass for reducing agent in upgrading low grade iron into workable ore

    Development of a machine learning based methodology for bridge health monitoring

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsIn recent years the scientific community has been developing new techniques in structural health monitoring (SHM) to identify the damages in civil structures specially in bridges. The bridge health monitoring (BHM) systems serve to reduce overall life-cycle maintenance costs for bridges, as their main objective is to prevent catastrophic failures and damages. In the BHM using dynamic data, there are several problems related to the post-processing of the vibration signals such as: (i) when the modal-based dynamic features like natural frequencies, modes shape and damping are used, they present a limitation in relation to damage location, since they are based on a global response of the structure; (ii) presence of noise in the measurement of vibration responses; (iii) inadequate use of existing algorithms for damage feature extraction because of neglecting the non-linearity and non-stationarity of the recorded signals; (iv) environmental and operational conditions can also generate false damage detections in bridges; (v) the drawbacks of traditional algorithms for processing large amounts of data obtained from the BHM. This thesis proposes new vibration-based parameters and methods with focus on damage detection, localization and quantification, considering a mixed robust methodology that includes signal processing and machine learning methods to solve the identified problems. The increasing volume of bridge monitoring data makes it interesting to study the ability of advanced tools and systems to extract useful information from dynamic and static variables. In the field of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), powerful algorithms have been developed to face problems where the amount of data is much larger (big data). The possibilities of ML techniques (unsupervised algorithms) were analyzed here in bridges taking into account both operational and environmental conditions. A critical literature review was performed and a deep study of the accuracy and performance of a set of algorithms for detecting damage in three real bridges and one numerical model. In the literature review inherent to the vibration-based damage detection, several state-of-the-art methods have been studied that do not consider the nature of the data and the characteristics of the applied excitation (possible non-linearity, non-stationarity, presence or absence of environmental and/or operational effects) and the noise level of the sensors. Besides, most research uses modal-based damage characteristics that have some limitations. A poor data normalization is performed by the majority of methods and both operational and environmental variability is not properly accounted for. Likewise, the huge amount of data recorded requires automatic procedures with proven capacity to reduce the possibility of false alarms. On the other hand, many investigations have limitations since only numerical or laboratory cases are studied. Therefore, a methodology is proposed by the combination of several algorithms to avoid them. The conclusions show a robust methodology based on ML algorithms capable to detect, localize and quantify damage. It allows the engineers to verify bridges and anticipate significant structural damage when occurs. Moreover, the proposed non-modal parameters show their feasibility as damage features using ambient and forced vibrations. Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) in conjunction with Marginal Hilbert Spectrum and Instantaneous Phase Difference shows a great capability to analyze the nonlinear and nonstationary response signals for damage identification under operational conditions. The proposed strategy combines algorithms for signal processing (ICEEMDAN and HHT) and ML (k-means) to conduct damage detection and localization in bridges by using the traffic-induced vibration data in real-time operation.En los últimos años la comunidad científica ha desarrollado nuevas técnicas en monitoreo de salud estructural (SHM) para identificar los daños en estructuras civiles especialmente en puentes. Los sistemas de monitoreo de puentes (BHM) sirven para reducir los costos generales de mantenimiento del ciclo de vida, ya que su principal objetivo es prevenir daños y fallas catastróficas. En el BHM que utiliza datos dinámicos, existen varios problemas relacionados con el procesamiento posterior de las señales de vibración, tales como: (i) cuando se utilizan características dinámicas modales como frecuencias naturales, formas de modos y amortiguamiento, presentan una limitación en relación con la localización del daño, ya que se basan en una respuesta global de la estructura; (ii) presencia de ruido en la medición de las respuestas de vibración; (iii) uso inadecuado de los algoritmos existentes para la extracción de características de daño debido a la no linealidad y la no estacionariedad de las señales registradas; (iv) las condiciones ambientales y operativas también pueden generar falsas detecciones de daños en los puentes; (v) los inconvenientes de los algoritmos tradicionales para procesar grandes cantidades de datos obtenidos del BHM. Esta tesis propone nuevos parámetros y métodos basados en vibraciones con enfoque en la detección, localización y cuantificación de daños, considerando una metodología robusta que incluye métodos de procesamiento de señales y aprendizaje automático. El creciente volumen de datos de monitoreo de puentes hace que sea interesante estudiar la capacidad de herramientas y sistemas avanzados para extraer información útil de variables dinámicas y estáticas. En el campo del Machine Learning (ML) y la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) se han desarrollado potentes algoritmos para afrontar problemas donde la cantidad de datos es mucho mayor (big data). Aquí se analizaron las posibilidades de las técnicas ML (algoritmos no supervisados) teniendo en cuenta tanto las condiciones operativas como ambientales. Se realizó una revisión crítica de la literatura y se llevó a cabo un estudio profundo de la precisión y el rendimiento de un conjunto de algoritmos para la detección de daños en tres puentes reales y un modelo numérico. En la revisión de literatura se han estudiado varios métodos que no consideran la naturaleza de los datos y las características de la excitación aplicada (posible no linealidad, no estacionariedad, presencia o ausencia de efectos ambientales y/u operativos) y el nivel de ruido de los sensores. Además, la mayoría de las investigaciones utilizan características de daño modales que tienen algunas limitaciones. Estos métodos realizan una normalización deficiente de los datos y no se tiene en cuenta la variabilidad operativa y ambiental. Asimismo, la gran cantidad de datos registrados requiere de procedimientos automáticos para reducir la posibilidad de falsas alarmas. Por otro lado, muchas investigaciones tienen limitaciones ya que solo se estudian casos numéricos o de laboratorio. Por ello, se propone una metodología mediante la combinación de varios algoritmos. Las conclusiones muestran una metodología robusta basada en algoritmos de ML capaces de detectar, localizar y cuantificar daños. Permite a los ingenieros verificar puentes y anticipar daños estructurales. Además, los parámetros no modales propuestos muestran su viabilidad como características de daño utilizando vibraciones ambientales y forzadas. La Transformada de Hilbert-Huang (HHT) junto con el Espectro Marginal de Hilbert y la Diferencia de Fase Instantánea muestran una gran capacidad para analizar las señales de respuesta no lineales y no estacionarias para la identificación de daños en condiciones operativas. La estrategia propuesta combina algoritmos para el procesamiento de señales (ICEEMDAN y HHT) y ML (k-means) para detectar y localizar daños en puentes mediante el uso de datos de vibraciones inducidas por el tráfico en tiempo real.Postprint (published version


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    The paradigm of model evaluation is challenged by compensations between various forms of errors and uncertainties that are inherent to the model development process due to, for instance, imprecise model input parameters, scarcity of experimental data and lack of knowledge regarding an accurate mathematical representation of the system. When calibrating model input parameters based on fidelity to experiments, such compensations lead to non-unique solutions. In turn, the existence of non-unique solutions makes the selection and use of one `best\u27 numerical model risky. Therefore, it becomes necessary to evaluate model performance based not only on the fidelity of the predictions to experiments but also the model\u27s ability to satisfy fidelity threshold requirements in the face of uncertainties. The level of inherent uncertainty need not be known a priori as the model\u27s predictions can be evaluated for increasing levels of uncertainty, and a model form can be sought that yields the highest probability of satisfying a given fidelity threshold. By implementing these concepts, this manuscript presents a probabilistic formulation of a robust-satisfying approach, along with its associated metric. This new formulation evaluates the performance of a model form based on the probability that the model predictions match experimental data within a predefined fidelity threshold when subject to uncertainty in their input parameters. This approach can be used to evaluate the robustness and fidelity of a numerical model as part of a model validation campaign, or to compare multiple candidate model forms as part of a model selection campaign. In this thesis, the conceptual framework and mathematical formulation of this new probabilistic treatment of robust-satisfying approach is presented. The feasibility and application of this new approach is demonstrated on a structural steel frame with uncertain connection parameters, which has undergone static loading conditions