235 research outputs found

    Initial detailed routing algorithms

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    In this work, we present a study of the problem of routing in the context of the VLSI physical synthesis flow. We study the fundamental routing algorithms such as maze routing, A*, and Steiner tree-based algorithms, as well as some global routing algorithms, namely FastRoute 4.0 and BoxRouter 2.0. We dissect some of the major state of the art initial detailed routing tools, such as RegularRoute, TritonRoute, SmartDR and Dr.CU 2.0. We also propose an initial detailed routing flow, and present an implementation of the proposed routing flow, with a track assignment technique that models the problem as an instance of the maximum independent weighted set (MWIS) and utilizes integer linear programming (ILP) as a solver. The implementation of the proposed initial detailed routing flow also includes an implementation of multiple-source and multiple-target A* for terminal andnet connection with adjustable rules and weights. Finally, we also present a study of the results obtained by the implementation of the proposed initial detailed routing flow and a comparison with the ISPD 2019 contest winners, considering the ISPD 2019 and benchmark suite and evaluation tools.Neste trabalho, apresentamos um estudo do problema de roteamento no contexto do fluxo de síntese física de circuitos integrados VLSI. Nós estudamos algoritmos de roteamento fundamentais como roteamento de labirinto, A* e baseados em árvores de Steiner, além de alguns algoritmos de roteamento global como FastRoute 4.0 e BoxRouter 2.0. Nós dissecamos alguns dos principais trabalhos de roteamento detalhado inicial do estado da arte, como RegularRoute, TritonRoute, SmartDR e Dr.CU 2.0. Também propomos um fluxo de roteamento detalhado inicial, e apresentamos uma implementação do fluxo de roteametno proposto, com uma técnica de assinalamento de trilhas que modela o problema como uma instância do problema do conjunto independente de peso máximo e usa programação linear inteira como um resolvedor. A implementação do fluxo de rotemaento detalhado inicial proposto também inclui uma implementação de um A* com múltiplas fontes e múltiplos destinos para conexão de terminais e redes, com regras e pesos ajustáveis. Por fim, nós apresentamos um estudo dos resultados obtidos pela implementação do fluxo de roteamento detalhado inicial proposto e comparamos com os vencedores do ISPD 2019 contest considerando a suíte de teste e ferramentas de avaliação do ISPD 2019

    Design of OpenCL-compatible multithreaded hardware accelerators with dynamic support for embedded FPGAs

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    ARTICo3 is an architecture that permits to dynamically set an arbitrary number of reconfigurable hardware accelerators, each containing a given number of threads fixed at design time according to High Level Synthesis constraints. However, the replication of these modules can be decided at runtime to accelerate kernels by increasing the overall number of threads, add modular redundancy to increase fault tolerance, or any combination of the previous. An execution scheduler is used at kernel invocation to deliver the appropriate data transfers, optimizing memory transactions, and sequencing or parallelizing execution according to the configuration specified by the resource manager of the architecture. The model of computation is compatible with the OpenCL kernel execution model, and memory transfers and architecture are arranged to match the same optimization criteria as for kernel execution in GPU architectures but, differently to other approaches, with dynamic hardware execution support. In this paper, a novel design methodology for multithreaded hardware accelerators is presented. The proposed framework provides OpenCL compatibility by implementing a memory model based on shared memory between host and compute device, which removes the overhead imposed by data transferences at global memory level, and local memories inside each accelerator, i.e. compute unit, which are connected to global memory through optimized DMA links. These local memories provide unified access, i.e. a continuous memory map, from the host side, but are divided in a configurable number of independent banks (to increase available ports) from the processing elements side to fully exploit data-level parallelism. Experimental results show OpenCL model compliance using multithreaded hardware accelerators and enhanced dynamic adaptation capabilities

    An integrated soft- and hard-programmable multithreaded architecture

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    Contributions to the deadlock problem in multithreaded software applications observed as Resource Allocation Systems

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    Desde el punto de vista de la competencia por recursos compartidos sucesivamente reutilizables, se dice que un sistema concurrente compuesto por procesos secuenciales está en situación de bloqueo si existe en él un conjunto de procesos que están indefinidamente esperando la liberación de ciertos recursos retenidos por miembros del mismo conjunto de procesos. En sistemas razonablemente complejos o distribuidos, establecer una política de asignación de recursos que sea libre de bloqueos puede ser un problema muy difícil de resolver de forma eficiente. En este sentido, los modelos formales, y particularmente las redes de Petri, se han ido afianzando como herramientas fructíferas que permiten abstraer el problema de asignación de recursos en este tipo de sistemas, con el fin de abordarlo analíticamente y proveer métodos eficientes para la correcta construcción o corrección de estos sistemas. En particular, la teoría estructural de redes de Petri se postula como un potente aliado para lidiar con el problema de la explosión de estados inherente a aquéllos. En este fértil contexto han florecido una serie de trabajos que defienden una propuesta metodológica de diseño orientada al estudio estructural y la correspondiente corrección física del problema de asignación de recursos en familias de sistemas muy significativas en determinados contextos de aplicación, como el de los Sistemas de Fabricación Flexible. Las clases de modelos de redes de Petri resultantes asumen ciertas restricciones, con significado físico en el contexto de aplicación para el que están destinadas, que alivian en buena medida la complejidad del problema. En la presente tesis, se intenta acercar ese tipo de aproximación metodológica al diseño de aplicaciones software multihilo libres de bloqueos. A tal efecto, se pone de manifiesto cómo aquellas restricciones procedentes del mundo de los Sistemas de Fabricación Flexible se muestran demasiado severas para aprehender la versatilidad inherente a los sistemas software en lo que respecta a la interacción de los procesos con los recursos compartidos. En particular, se han de resaltar dos necesidades de modelado fundamentales que obstaculizan la mera adopción de antiguas aproximaciones surgidas bajo el prisma de otros dominios: (1) la necesidad de soportar el anidamiento de bucles no desplegables en el interior de los procesos, y (2) la posible compartición de recursos no disponibles en el arranque del sistema pero que son creados o declarados por un proceso en ejecución. A resultas, se identifica una serie de requerimientos básicos para la definición de un tipo de modelos orientado al estudio de sistemas software multihilo y se presenta una clase de redes de Petri, llamada PC2R, que cumple dicha lista de requerimientos, manteniéndose a su vez respetuosa con la filosofía de diseño de anteriores subclases enfocadas a otros contextos de aplicación. Junto con la revisión e integración de anteriores resultados en el nuevo marco conceptual, se aborda el estudio de propiedades inherentes a los sistemas resultantes y su relación profunda con otros tipos de modelos, la confección de resultados y algoritmos eficientes para el análisis estructural de vivacidad en la nueva clase, así como la revisión y propuesta de métodos de resolución de los problemas de bloqueo adaptadas a las particularidades físicas del dominio de aplicación. Asimismo, se estudia la complejidad computacional de ciertas vertientes relacionadas con el problema de asignación de recursos en el nuevo contexto, así como la traslación de los resultados anteriormente mencionados sobre el dominio de la ingeniería de software multihilo, donde la nueva clase de redes permite afrontar problemas inabordables considerando el marco teórico y las herramientas suministradas para subclases anteriormente explotadas

    Overlapping of Communication and Computation and Early Binding: Fundamental Mechanisms for Improving Parallel Performance on Clusters of Workstations

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    This study considers software techniques for improving performance on clusters of workstations and approaches for designing message-passing middleware that facilitate scalable, parallel processing. Early binding and overlapping of communication and computation are identified as fundamental approaches for improving parallel performance and scalability on clusters. Currently, cluster computers using the Message-Passing Interface for interprocess communication are the predominant choice for building high-performance computing facilities, which makes the findings of this work relevant to a wide audience from the areas of high-performance computing and parallel processing. The performance-enhancing techniques studied in this work are presently underutilized in practice because of the lack of adequate support by existing message-passing libraries and are also rarely considered by parallel algorithm designers. Furthermore, commonly accepted methods for performance analysis and evaluation of parallel systems omit these techniques and focus primarily on more obvious communication characteristics such as latency and bandwidth. This study provides a theoretical framework for describing early binding and overlapping of communication and computation in models for parallel programming. This framework defines four new performance metrics that facilitate new approaches for performance analysis of parallel systems and algorithms. This dissertation provides experimental data that validate the correctness and accuracy of the performance analysis based on the new framework. The theoretical results of this performance analysis can be used by designers of parallel system and application software for assessing the quality of their implementations and for predicting the effective performance benefits of early binding and overlapping. This work presents MPI/Pro, a new MPI implementation that is specifically optimized for clusters of workstations interconnected with high-speed networks. This MPI implementation emphasizes features such as persistent communication, asynchronous processing, low processor overhead, and independent message progress. These features are identified as critical for delivering maximum performance to applications. The experimental section of this dissertation demonstrates the capability of MPI/Pro to facilitate software techniques that result in significant application performance improvements. Specific demonstrations with Virtual Interface Architecture and TCP/IP over Ethernet are offered

    Advances in parallel programming for electronic design automation

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    The continued miniaturization of the technology node increases not only the chip capacity but also the circuit design complexity. How does one efficiently design a chip with millions or billions transistors? This has become a challenging problem in the integrated circuit (IC) design industry, especially for the developers of electronic design automation (EDA) tools. To boost the performance of EDA tools, one promising direction is via parallel computing. In this dissertation, we explore different parallel computing approaches, from CPU to GPU to distributed computing, for EDA applications. Nowadays multi-core processors are prevalent from mobile devices to laptops to desktop, and it is natural for software developers to utilize the available cores to maximize the performance of their applications. Therefore, in this dissertation we first focus on multi-threaded programming. We begin by reviewing a C++ parallel programming library called Cpp-Taskflow. Cpp-Taskflow is designed to facilitate programming parallel applications, and has been successfully applied to an EDA timing analysis tool. We will demonstrate Cpp-Taskflow’s programming model and interface, software architecture and execution flow. Then, we improve Cpp-Taskflow in several aspects. First, we enhance Cpp-Taskflow’s usability through restructuring the software architecture. Second, we introduce task graph composition to support composability and modularity, which makes it easier for users to construct large and complex parallel patterns. Third, we add a new task type in Cpp-Taskflow to let users control the graph execution flow. This feature empowers the graph model with the ability to describe complex control flow. Aside from the above enhancements, we have designed a new scheduler to adaptively manage the threads based on available parallelism. The new scheduler uses a simple and effective strategy which can not only prevent resource from being underutilized, but also mitigate resource over-subscription. We have evaluated the new scheduler on both micro-benchmarks and a very-large-scale integration (VLSI) application, and the results show that the new scheduler can achieve good performance and is very energy-efficient. Next we study the applicability of heterogeneous computing, specifically the graphics processing unit (GPU), to EDA. We demonstrate how to use GPU to accelerate VLSI placement, and we show that GPU can bring substantial performance gain to VLSI placement. Finally, as the design size keeps increasing, a more scalable solution will be distributed computing. We introduce a distributed power grid analysis framework built on top of DtCraft. This framework allows users to flexibly partition the design and automatically deploy the computations across several machines. In addition, we propose a job scheduler that can efficiently utilize cluster resource to improve the framework’s performance

    Hybrid Nanophotonic NOC Design for GPGPU

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    Due to the massive computational power, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have become a popular platform for executing general purpose parallel applications. The majority of on-chip communications in GPU architecture occur between memory controllers and compute cores, thus memory controllers become hot spots and bottle neck when conventional mesh interconnection networks are used. Leveraging this observation, we reduce the network latency and improve throughput by providing a nanophotonic ring network which connects all memory controllers. This new interconnection network employs a new routing algorithm that combines Dimension Ordered Routing (DOR) and nanophotonic ring algorithms. By exploring this new topology, we can achieve to reduce interconnection network latency by 17% on average (up to 32%) and improve IPC by 5% on average (up to 11.5%). We also analyze application characteristics of six CUDA benchmarks on the GPGPU-Sim simulator to obtain better perspective for designing high performance GPU interconnection network

    Performance analysis and acceleration of nuclear physics application on high-performance computing platforms using GPGPUs and topology-aware mapping techniques

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    The number of nodes on current generation of high performance computing (HPC) platforms increases with a steady rate, and nodes of these computing platforms support multiple/many core hardware designs. As the number of cores per node increase, either CPU or accelerator based, we need to make use of all those cores. Thus, one has to use the accelerators as much as possible inside scientific applications. Furthermore, with the increase of the number of nodes, the communication time between nodes is likely to increase, which necessitates application specific network topology-aware mapping techniques for efficient utilization of these platforms. In addition, one also needs to construct network models in order to study the benefits of specific network mapping. The specific topology-aware mapping techniques will help to distribute the computational tasks so that the communication patterns make optimal use of the underlying network hardware. This research will mainly focus on the Many Fermion Dynamics nuclear (MFDn) application developed at Iowa State University, a computational tool for low-energy nuclear physics, which utilizes the so-called Lanczos algorithm (LA), an algorithm for diagonalization of sparse matrices that is widely used in the scientific parallel computing domain. We present techniques applied to this application which enhance its performance with the utilization of general purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs). Additionally, we compare the performance of the sparse matrix vector multiplication (SpMVM), the main computationally intensive kernel in the LA, with other efficient approaches presented in the literature. We compare results for the total HPC platforms\u27 resources needed for different SpMVM implementations, present and analyze the implementation of communication and computation overlapping method, and extend a model for the analysis of network topology presented in the literature. Finally, we present network topology-aware mapping techniques, focused at the LA stage, for IBM Blue Gene/Q (BG/Q) supercomputers, which enhance the performance as compared to the default mapping, and validate the results of our test using the network model

    Performance Aspects of Synthesizable Computing Systems

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    Code Generation and Global Optimization Techniques for a Reconfigurable PRAM-NUMA Multicore Architecture

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