2,139 research outputs found

    A Primal-Dual Augmented Lagrangian

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    Nonlinearly constrained optimization problems can be solved by minimizing a sequence of simpler unconstrained or linearly constrained subproblems. In this paper, we discuss the formulation of subproblems in which the objective is a primal-dual generalization of the Hestenes-Powell augmented Lagrangian function. This generalization has the crucial feature that it is minimized with respect to both the primal and the dual variables simultaneously. A benefit of this approach is that the quality of the dual variables is monitored explicitly during the solution of the subproblem. Moreover, each subproblem may be regularized by imposing explicit bounds on the dual variables. Two primal-dual variants of conventional primal methods are proposed: a primal-dual bound constrained Lagrangian (pdBCL) method and a primal-dual \ell1 linearly constrained Lagrangian (pd\ell1-LCL) method

    Viscous regularization and r-adaptive remeshing for finite element analysis of lipid membrane mechanics

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    As two-dimensional fluid shells, lipid bilayer membranes resist bending and stretching but are unable to sustain shear stresses. This property gives membranes the ability to adopt dramatic shape changes. In this paper, a finite element model is developed to study static equilibrium mechanics of membranes. In particular, a viscous regularization method is proposed to stabilize tangential mesh deformations and improve the convergence rate of nonlinear solvers. The Augmented Lagrangian method is used to enforce global constraints on area and volume during membrane deformations. As a validation of the method, equilibrium shapes for a shape-phase diagram of lipid bilayer vesicle are calculated. These numerical techniques are also shown to be useful for simulations of three-dimensional large-deformation problems: the formation of tethers (long tube-like exetensions); and Ginzburg-Landau phase separation of a two-lipid-component vesicle. To deal with the large mesh distortions of the two-phase model, modification of vicous regularization is explored to achieve r-adaptive mesh optimization

    Conic Optimization Theory: Convexification Techniques and Numerical Algorithms

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    Optimization is at the core of control theory and appears in several areas of this field, such as optimal control, distributed control, system identification, robust control, state estimation, model predictive control and dynamic programming. The recent advances in various topics of modern optimization have also been revamping the area of machine learning. Motivated by the crucial role of optimization theory in the design, analysis, control and operation of real-world systems, this tutorial paper offers a detailed overview of some major advances in this area, namely conic optimization and its emerging applications. First, we discuss the importance of conic optimization in different areas. Then, we explain seminal results on the design of hierarchies of convex relaxations for a wide range of nonconvex problems. Finally, we study different numerical algorithms for large-scale conic optimization problems.Comment: 18 page

    Multiplier-continuation algorthms for constrained optimization

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    Several path following algorithms based on the combination of three smooth penalty functions, the quadratic penalty for equality constraints and the quadratic loss and log barrier for inequality constraints, their modern counterparts, augmented Lagrangian or multiplier methods, sequential quadratic programming, and predictor-corrector continuation are described. In the first phase of this methodology, one minimizes the unconstrained or linearly constrained penalty function or augmented Lagrangian. A homotopy path generated from the functions is then followed to optimality using efficient predictor-corrector continuation methods. The continuation steps are asymptotic to those taken by sequential quadratic programming which can be used in the final steps. Numerical test results show the method to be efficient, robust, and a competitive alternative to sequential quadratic programming

    On barrier and modified barrier multigrid methods for 3d topology optimization

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    One of the challenges encountered in optimization of mechanical structures, in particular in what is known as topology optimization, is the size of the problems, which can easily involve millions of variables. A basic example is the minimum compliance formulation of the variable thickness sheet (VTS) problem, which is equivalent to a convex problem. We propose to solve the VTS problem by the Penalty-Barrier Multiplier (PBM) method, introduced by R.\ Polyak and later studied by Ben-Tal and Zibulevsky and others. The most computationally expensive part of the algorithm is the solution of linear systems arising from the Newton method used to minimize a generalized augmented Lagrangian. We use a special structure of the Hessian of this Lagrangian to reduce the size of the linear system and to convert it to a form suitable for a standard multigrid method. This converted system is solved approximately by a multigrid preconditioned MINRES method. The proposed PBM algorithm is compared with the optimality criteria (OC) method and an interior point (IP) method, both using a similar iterative solver setup. We apply all three methods to different loading scenarios. In our experiments, the PBM method clearly outperforms the other methods in terms of computation time required to achieve a certain degree of accuracy

    Projection methods in conic optimization

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    There exist efficient algorithms to project a point onto the intersection of a convex cone and an affine subspace. Those conic projections are in turn the work-horse of a range of algorithms in conic optimization, having a variety of applications in science, finance and engineering. This chapter reviews some of these algorithms, emphasizing the so-called regularization algorithms for linear conic optimization, and applications in polynomial optimization. This is a presentation of the material of several recent research articles; we aim here at clarifying the ideas, presenting them in a general framework, and pointing out important techniques