1,632 research outputs found

    A 400 MHz 500-fs-Jitter Open-Loop DLL-Based Multi-Phase Clock Generator Utilizing an Noise-Free All-Digital Locking Detection Circuitry

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    [[abstract]]An open-loop DLL-based multi-phase clock generator for low jitter applications is designed in 0.13µm CMOS technology. A noise-free all-digital locking detection circuitry (AD-LDC) is designed to detect whether the DLL is locked in time domain. Besides, a current-mismatch free, supplyregulated charge pump is also proposed. As the DLL operating in the open-loop mode, an rms jitter of 500 fs is achieved at the frequency of 400 MHz. The entire circuit occupies 0.01 mm2 and consumes 14 mW. The low jitter multi-phase clock generator can be applied for high-speed ADCs/DACs and wire line transceivers.[[sponsorship]]Hokkaido University[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20120715~20120718[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Sapporo, Japa

    고속 DRAM 인터페이스를 위한 전압 및 온도에 둔감한 클록 패스와 위상 오류 교정기 설계

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    학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2021. 2. 정덕균.To cope with problems caused by the high-speed operation of the dynamic random access memory (DRAM) interface, several approaches are proposed that are focused on the clock path of the DRAM. Two delay-locked loop (DLL) based schemes, a forwarded-clock (FC) receiver (RX) with self-tracking loop and a quadrature error corrector, are proposed. Moreover, an open-loop based scheme is presented for drift compensation in the clock distribution. The open-loop scheme consumes less power consumption and reduces design complexity. The FC RX uses DLLs to compensate for voltage and temperature (VT) drift in unmatched memory interfaces. The self-tracking loop consists of two-stage cascaded DLLs to operate in a DRAM environment. With the write training and the proposed DLL, the timing relationship between the data and the sampling clock is always optimal. The proposed scheme compensates for delay drift without relying on data transitions or re-training. The proposed FC RX is fabricated in 65-nm CMOS process and has an active area containing 4 data lanes of 0.0329 mm2. After the write training is completed at the supply voltage of 1 V, the measured timing margin remains larger than 0.31-unit interval (UI) when the supply voltage drifts in the range of 0.94 V and 1.06 V from the training voltage, 1 V. At the data rate of 6.4 Gb/s, the proposed FC RX achieves an energy efficiency of 0.45 pJ/bit. Contrary to the aforementioned scheme, an open-loop-based voltage drift compensation method is proposed to minimize power consumption and occupied area. The overall clock distribution is composed of a current mode logic (CML) path and a CMOS path. In the proposed scheme, the architecture of the CML-to-CMOS converter (C2C) and the inverter is changed to compensate for supply voltage drift. The bias generator provides bias voltages to the C2C and inverters according to supply voltage for delay adjustment. The proposed clock tree is fabricated in 40 nm CMOS process and the active area is 0.004 mm2. When the supply voltage is modulated by a sinusoidal wave with 1 MHz, 100 mV peak-to-peak swing from the center of 1.1 V, applying the proposed scheme reduces the measured root-mean-square (RMS) jitter from 3.77 psRMS to 1.61 psRMS. At 6 GHz output clock, the power consumption of the proposed scheme is 11.02 mW. A DLL-based quadrature error corrector (QEC) with a wide correction range is proposed for the DRAM whose clocks are distributed over several millimeters. The quadrature error is corrected by adjusting delay lines using information from the phase error detector. The proposed error correction method minimizes increased jitter due to phase error correction by setting at least one of the delay lines in the quadrature clock path to the minimum delay. In addition, the asynchronous calibration on-off scheme reduces power consumption after calibration is complete. The proposed QEC is fabricated in 40 nm CMOS process and has an active area of 0.048 mm2. The proposed QEC exhibits a wide correctable error range of 101.6 ps and the remaining phase errors are less than 2.18° from 0.8 GHz to 2.3 GHz clock. At 2.3 GHz, the QEC contributes 0.53 psRMS jitter. Also, at 2.3 GHz, the power consumption is reduced from 8.89 mW to 3.39 mW when the calibration is off.본 논문에서는 동적 랜덤 액세스 메모리 (DRAM)의 속도가 증가함에 따라 클록 패스에서 발생할 수 있는 문제에 대처하기 위한 세 가지 회로들을 제안하였다. 제안한 회로들 중 두 방식들은 지연동기루프 (delay-locked loop) 방식을 사용하였고 나머지 한 방식은 면적과 전력 소모를 줄이기 위해 오픈 루프 방식을 사용하였다. DRAM의 비정합 수신기 구조에서 데이터 패스와 클록 패스 간의 지연 불일치로 인해 전압 및 온도 변화에 따라 셋업 타임 및 홀드 타임이 줄어드는 문제를 해결하기 위해 지연동기루프를 사용하였다. 제안한 지연동기루프 회로는 DRAM 환경에서 동작하도록 두 개의 지연동기루프로 나누었다. 또한 초기 쓰기 훈련을 통해 데이터와 클록을 타이밍 마진 관점에서 최적의 위치에 둘 수 있다. 따라서 제안하는 방식은 데이터 천이 정보가 필요하지 않다. 65-nm CMOS 공정을 이용하여 만들어진 칩은 6.4 Gb/s에서 0.45 pJ/bit의 에너지 효율을 가진다. 또한 1 V에서 쓰기 훈련 및 지연동기루프를 고정시키고 0.94 V에서 1.06 V까지 공급 전압이 바뀌었을 때 타이밍 마진은 0.31 UI보다 큰 값을 유지하였다. 다음으로 제안하는 회로는 클록 분포 트리에서 전압 변화로 인해 클록 패스의 지연이 달라지는 것을 앞서 제시한 방식과 달리 오픈 루프 방식으로 보상하였다. 기존 클록 패스의 인버터와 CML-to-CMOS 변환기의 구조를 변경하여 바이어스 생성 회로에서 생성한 공급 전압에 따라 바뀌는 바이어스 전압을 가지고 지연을 조절할 수 있게 하였다. 40-nm CMOS 공정을 이용하여 만들어진 칩의 6 GHz 클록에서의 전력 소모는 11.02 mW로 측정되었다. 1.1 V 중심으로 1 MHz, 100 mV 피크 투 피크를 가지는 사인파 성분으로 공급 전압을 변조하였을 때 제안한 방식에서의 지터는 기존 방식의 3.77 psRMS에서 1.61 psRMS로 줄어들었다. DRAM의 송신기 구조에서 다중 위상 클록 간의 위상 오차는 송신된 데이터의 데이터 유효 창을 감소시킨다. 이를 해결하기 위해 지연동기루프를 도입하게 되면 증가된 지연으로 인해 위상이 교정된 클록에서 지터가 증가한다. 본 논문에서는 증가된 지터를 최소화하기 위해 위상 교정으로 인해 증가된 지연을 최소화하는 위상 교정 회로를 제시하였다. 또한 유휴 상태에서 전력 소모를 줄이기 위해 위상 오차를 교정하는 회로를 입력 클록과 비동기식으로 끌 수 있는 방법 또한 제안하였다. 40-nm CMOS 공정을 이용하여 만들어진 칩의 위상 교정 범위는 101.6 ps이고 0.8 GHz 부터 2.3 GHz까지의 동작 주파수 범위에서 위상 교정기의 출력 클록의 위상 오차는 2.18°보다 작다. 제안하는 위상 교정 회로로 인해 추가된 지터는 2.3 GHz에서 0.53 psRMS이고 교정 회로를 껐을 때 전력 소모는 교정 회로가 켜졌을 때인 8.89 mW에서 3.39 mW로 줄어들었다.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Thesis Organization 4 Chapter 2 Background on DRAM Interface 5 2.1 Overview 5 2.2 Memory Interface 7 Chapter 3 Background on DLL 11 3.1 Overview 11 3.2 Building Blocks 15 3.2.1 Delay Line 15 3.2.2 Phase Detector 17 3.2.3 Charge Pump 19 3.2.4 Loop filter 20 Chapter 4 Forwarded-Clock Receiver with DLL-based Self-tracking Loop for Unmatched Memory Interfaces 21 4.1 Overview 21 4.2 Proposed Separated DLL 25 4.2.1 Operation of the Proposed Separated DLL 27 4.2.2 Operation of the Digital Loop Filter in DLL 31 4.3 Circuit Implementation 33 4.4 Measurement Results 37 4.4.1 Measurement Setup and Sequence 38 4.4.2 VT Drift Measurement and Simulation 40 Chapter 5 Open-loop-based Voltage Drift Compensation in Clock Distribution 46 5.1 Overview 46 5.2 Prior Works 50 5.3 Voltage Drift Compensation Method 52 5.4 Circuit Implementation 57 5.5 Measurement Results 61 Chapter 6 Quadrature Error Corrector with Minimum Total Delay Tracking 68 6.1 Overview 68 6.2 Prior Works 70 6.3 Quadrature Error Correction Method 73 6.4 Circuit Implementation 82 6.5 Measurement Results 88 Chapter 7 Conclusion 96 Bibliography 98 초록 102Docto

    Hardware simulation of KU-band spacecraft receiver and bit synchronizer, phase 2, volume 1

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    The acquisition behavior of the PN subsystem of an automatically acquiring spacecraft receiver was studied. A symbol synchronizer subsystem was constructed and integrated into the composite simulation of the receiver. The overall performance of the receiver when subjected to anomalies such as signal fades was evaluated. Potential problems associated with PN/carrier sweep interactions were investigated

    Low jitter design techniques for monolithic CMOS phase-locked and delay-locked systems

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    Timing jitter is a major concern in almost every type of communication system. Yet the desire for high levels of integration works against minimization of this error, especially for systems employing a phase-locked loop (PLL) or delay-locked loop (DLL) for timing generation or timing recovery. There has been an increasing demand for fully-monolithic CMOS PLL and DLL designs with good jitter performance. In this thesis, the system level as well as the transistor level low jitter design techniques for integrated PLLs and DLLs have been explored.;On the system level, a rigorous jitter analysis method based on a z-domain model is developed, in which the jitter is treated as a random event. Combined with statistical methods, the rms value of the accumulated jitter can be expressed with a closed form solution that successfully ties the jitter performance with loop parameters. Based on this analysis, a cascaded PLL/DLL structure is proposed which combines the advantage of both loops. The resulting system is able to perform frequency synthesis with the jitter as low as that of a DLL.;As an efficient tool to predict the jitter performance of a PLL or DLL system, a new nonlinear behavioral simulator is developed based on a novel behavioral modeling of the VCO and delay-line. Compared with prior art, this simulator not only simplifies the computation but also enables the noise simulation. Both jitter performance during tracking and lock condition can be predicted. This is also the first reported top-level simulation tool for DLL noise simulation.;On the transistor level, three prototype chips for different applications were implemented and tested. The first two chips are the application of PLL in Gigabit fibre channel transceivers. High speed circuit blocks that have good noise immunity are the major design concern. Testing results show that both designs have met the specifications with low power dissipation. For the third chip, an adaptive on-chip dynamic skew calibration technique is proposed to realize a precise delay multi-phase clock generator, which is a topic that has not been addressed in previous work thus far. Experimental results strongly support the effectiveness of the calibration scheme. At the same time, this design achieves by far the best reported jitter performance

    An embedded tester core for mixed-signal System-on-Chip circuits

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    Strategies for enhancing DC gain and settling performance of amplifiers

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    The operational amplifier (op amp) is one of the most widely used and important building blocks in analog circuit design. High gain and high speed are two important properties of op amps because they determine the settling behavior of the op amps. As supply voltages decrease, the realization of high gain amplifiers with large Gain-Bandwidth-Products (GBW) has become challenging. The major focus in this dissertation is on the negative output impedance gain enhancement technique. The negative impedance gain enhancement technique offers potential for achieving very high gain and energy-efficient fast settling and is low-voltage compatible. Misconceptions that have limited the practical adoption of this gain enhancement technique are discussed. A new negative conductance gain enhancement technique was proposed. The proposed circuit generates a negative conductance with matching requirements for achieving very high DC gain that are less stringent than those for existing -g m gain enhancement schemes. The proposed circuit has potential for precise digital control of a very large DC gain. A prototype fully differential CMOS operational amplifier was designed and fabricated based on the proposed gain enhancement technique. Experimental results which showed a DC gain of 85dB and an output swing of 876mVp-p validated the fundamental performance characteristics of this technique. In a separate section, a new amplifier architecture with bandpass feedforward compensation is presented. It is shown that a bandpass feedforward path can be used to substantially extend the unity-gain-frequency of an operational amplifier. Simulation results predict significant improvements in rise time and settling performance and show that the bandpass compensation scheme is reasonably robust. In the final section, a new technique for asynchronous data recovery based upon using a delay line in the incoming data path is introduced. The proposed data recovery system is well suited for tight tolerance channels and coding systems supporting standards that limit the maximum number of consecutive 0\u27s and 1\u27s in a data stream. This system does not require clock recovery, suffers no loss of data during acquisition, has a reduced sensitivity to jitter in the incoming data and does not exhibit jitter enhancement associated with VCO tracking in a PLL

    Low-Power and Low-Noise Clock Generator for High-Speed ADCs

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    The rapid development of high-performance communication technologies reflects a clear trend in demanding requirements imposed on analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). Thus, it appears that these requirements imply higher frequencies not only for the input signal but also higher sampling frequencies, which translates into a higher sensitivity of the circuit to thermal noise and consequent increase in phase-noise. This arises as to the main purpose of this document, which will seek, as its main objective, the development of an architecture that allows the generation of multiple clock signals at high input frequencies with low jitter and low power dissipation to make ADCs more efficient and faster. This dissertation proposes an architecture implemented by a Clock Buffer that converts a differential input signal into a single-ended output signal, a Digital Buffer that transforms a sine wave into a square wave, and finally a Multi Clock Phase Generator (MPCG), consisting of Shift Registers. Both architectures are implemented in 130 nm CMOS technology. The architecture is powered by a LVDS signal with an amplitude of 200 mV and a frequency of 1 GHz, in order to output 8 square wave clock signals with an amplitude of 1.2 V and with a frequency of 125 MHz. The signals obtained at the output later will feed an architecture of 8 Time-Interleaved ADCs. The total area of the implemented circuit is about 8054.3 μm2, for a dissipated power of 5.3 mW and a jitter value of 1.13 ps. This new architecture will be aimed at all types of entities that work with devices that are made up of high-speed performance ADCs, to improve the operation of these same devices, making the processing from a continuous signal to a discrete signal as efficiently as possible.O rápido desenvolvimento das tecnologias de comunicação de alto desempenho, reflete uma tendência clara na exigência dos requisitos impostos aos conversores analógico-digital (ADCs). Deste modo, verifica-se que estes requisitos implicam elevadas frequências não só sinal de entrada, como também frequências elevadas de amostragem o que se traduz numa maior sensibilidade do circuito ao ruído térmico e consequente aumento ruído de fase. Esta problemática, surge como propósito principal deste documento, no qual se procurará, como objetivo principal, o desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura que permita gerar múltiplos sinais de relógio a altas frequências de entrada e períodos de amostragem, com um baixo jitter e baixa energia consumida de forma a tornar mais eficiente e rápido o funcionamento de ADCs. Ruido térmico. Esta dissertação propõe uma arquitetura composta por um amplificador de sinal de relógio que converte o duplo sinal de entrada num único sinal de saída, um amplificador digital que transforma uma onda sinusoidal numa onda quadrada e por fim um gerador de fase múltipla de sinais de relógio (MPCG), constituído por registos de deslocamento. Ambas as arquiteturas são implementadas em tecnologia CMOS de 130 nm. A arquitetura é alimentada com um sinal LVDS de 200 mV de amplitude e com uma frequência de 1 GHz, de forma a obter à saída 8 sinais de relógio de onda quadrada com uma amplitude de 1,2 V e com 125 MHz de frequência. Os sinais obtidos à saída posteriormente alimentarão uma arquitetura de 8 canais com multiplexagem temporal. A área total do circuito implementado é cerca de 8054,3 μm2, para uma potência dissipada de 5,3 mW e para um valor de jitter de 1,13 ps. Esta nova arquitetura será direcionada para todo o tipo de entidades que trabalham com dispositivos que são constituídos por ADCs de alta velocidade de desempenho, de forma a poder melhorar o funcionamento desses mesmos dispositivos, tornando o processamento de sinal continuo para sinal discreto o mais eficiente possível

    Development of high speed integrated circuit for very high resolution timing measurements

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    A multi-channel high-precision low-power time-to-digital converter application specific integrated circuit for high energy physics applications has been designed and implemented in a 130 nm CMOS process. To reach a target resolution of 24.4 ps, a novel delay element has been conceived. This nominal resolution has been experimentally verified with a prototype, with a minimum resolution of 19 ps. To further improve the resolution, a new interpolation scheme has been described. The ASIC has been designed to use a reference clock with the LHC bunch crossing frequency of 40MHz and generate all required timing signals internally, to ease to use within the framework of an LHC upgrade. Special care has been taken to minimise the power consumption

    A Low Power Multi-Channel Single Ramp ADC With Up to 3.2 GHz Virtual Clock

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    During the last decade, ADCs using single ramp architecture have been widely used in integrated circuits dedicated to nuclear science applications. These types of converters are actually very well suited for low power, multi-channel applications. Moreover their wide dynamic range and their very good differential non-linearity are perfectly matched to spectroscopy measurement. Unfortunately, their use is limited by their long conversion time, itself limited by their maximum clock frequency. A new architecture is described in this paper. It permits speeding up the conversion time of the traditional ramp ADC structures by a factor of 32 while keeping a low power consumption. Measurement results on a 4-channel, 12-bit prototype using a 3.2 GHz virtual clock are then presented in detail, showing excellent performances of linearity and noise