47,603 research outputs found

    Coupling of Real-Time and Co-Simulation for the Evaluation of the Large Scale Integration of Electric Vehicles into Intelligent Power Systems

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    This paper addresses the validation of electric vehicle supply equipment by means of a real-time capable co-simulation approach. This setup implies both pure software and real-time simulation tasks with different sampling rates dependent on the type of the performed experiment. In contrast, controller and power hardware-in-the-loop simulations are methodologies which ask for real-time execution of simulation models with well-defined simulation sampling rates. Software and real-time methods are connected one to each other using an embedded software interface. It is able to process signals with different time step sizes and is called "LabLink". Its design implies both common and specific input and output layers (middle layer), as well as a data bus (core). The LabLink enables the application of the co-simulation methodology on the proposed experimental platform targeting the testing of electric vehicle supply equipment. The test setup architecture and representative examples for the implemented co-simulation are presented in this paper. As such, a validation of the usability of this testing platform can be highlighted aiming to support a higher penetration of electric vehicles.Comment: 2017 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC

    Modelling and Model Predictive Control of Power-Split Hybrid Powertrains for Self-Driving Vehicles

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    Designing an autonomous vehicle system architecture requires extensive vehicle simulation prior to its implementation on a vehicle. Simulation provides a controlled environment to test the robustness of an autonomous architecture in a variety of driving scenarios. In any autonomous vehicle project, high-fidelity modelling of the vehicle platform is important for accurate simulations. For power-split hybrid electric vehicles, modelling the powertrain for autonomous applications is particularly difficult. The mapping from accelerator and brake pedal positions to torque at the wheels can be a function of many states. Due to this complex powertrain behavior, it is challenging to develop vehicle dynamics control algorithms for autonomous power-split hybrid vehicles. The 2015 Lincoln MKZ Hybrid is the selected vehicle platform of Autonomoose, the University of Waterloo’s autonomous vehicle project. Autonomoose required high-fidelity models of the vehicle’s power-split powertrain and braking systems, and a new longitudinal dynamics vehicle controller. In this thesis, a grey-box approach to modelling the Lincoln MKZ’s powertrain and braking systems is proposed. The modelling approach utilizes a combination of shallow neural networks and analytical methods to generate a mapping from accelerator and brake pedal positions to the torque at each wheel. Extensive road testing of the vehicle was performed to identify parameters of the powertrain and braking models. Experimental data was measured using a vehicle measurement system and CAN bus diagnostic signals. Model parameters were identified using optimization algorithms. The powertrain and braking models were combined with a vehicle dynamics model to form a complete high-fidelity model of the vehicle that was validated by open-loop simulation. The high-fidelity models of the powertrain and braking were simplified and combined with a longitudinal vehicle dynamics model to create a control-oriented model of the vehicle. The control-oriented model was used to design an instantaneously linearizing model predictive controller (MPC). The advantages of the MPC over a classical proportional-integral (PI) controller were proven in simulation, and a framework for implementing the MPC on the vehicle was developed. The MPC was implemented on the vehicle for track testing. Early track testing results of the MPC show superior performance to the existing PI that could improve with additional controller parameter tuning

    Connected Vehicles at Signalized Intersections: Traffic Signal Timing Estimation and Optimization

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    Summary: While traffic signals ensure safety of conflicting movements at intersections, they also cause much delay, wasted fuel, and tailpipe emissions. Frequent stops and goes induced by a series of traffic lights often frustrates passengers. However, the connectivity provided by connected vehicles applications can improve this situation. A uni-directional traffic signal to vehicle communication can be used to guide the connected vehicles to arrive at green which increases their energy efficiency; and in the first part of the dissertation, we propose a traffic signal phase and timing estimator as a complementary solution in situations where timing information is not available directly from traffic signals or a city’s Traffic Management Center. Another approach for improving the intersection flow is optimizing the timing of traditional traffic signals informed by uni-directional communication from connected vehicles. Nevertheless, one can expect further increase in energy efficiency and intersection flow with bi-directional vehicle-signal communication where signals adjust their timings and vehicles their speeds. Autonomous vehicles can further benefit from traffic signal information because they not only process the incoming information rather effortlessly but also can precisely control their speed and arrival time at a green light. The situation can get even better with 100%penetration of autonomous vehicles since a physical traffic light is not needed anymore. However, the optimal scheduling of the autonomous vehicle arrivals at such intersections remains an open problem. The second part of the dissertation attempts to address the scheduling problem formulation and to show its benefits in microsimulation as well as experiments. Intellectual Merit: In the first part of this research, we study the statistical patterns hidden in the connected vehicle historical data stream in order to estimate a signal’s phase and timing (SPaT). The estimated SPaT data communicated in real-time to connected vehicles can help drivers plan over time the best vehicle velocity profile and route of travel. We use low-frequency probe data streams to show what the minimum achievable is in estimating SPaT. We use a public feed of bus location and velocity data in the city of San Francisco as an example data source. We show it is possible to estimate, fairly accurately, cycle times and duration of reds for pre-timed traffic lights traversed by buses using a few days worth of aggregated bus data. Furthermore, we also estimate the start of greens in real-time by monitoring movement of buses across intersections. The results are encouraging, given that each bus sends an update only sporadically (≈ every 200 meters) and that bus passages are infrequent (every 5-10 minutes). The accuracy of the SPaT estimations are ensured even in presence of queues; this is achieved by extending our algorithms to include the influence of queue delay. A connected vehicle test bed is implemented in collaboration with industry. Our estimated SPaT information is communicated uni-directionally to a connected test vehicle for those traffic signals which are not connected. In the second part of the dissertation, another test bed, but with bi-directional communication capability, is implemented to transfer the connected vehicle data to an intelligent intersection controller through cellular network. We propose a novel intersection control scheme at the cyber layer to encourage platoon formation and facilitate uninterrupted intersection passage. The proposed algorithm is presented for an all autonomous vehicle environment at an intersection with no traffic lights. Our three key contributions are in communica-tion, control, and experimental evaluation: i) a scalable mechanism allowing a large number of vehicles to subscribe to the intersection controller, ii) reducing the vehicle-intersection coordination problem to a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP), and iii) a Vehicle-in-the-Loop (VIL) test bed with a real vehicle interacting with the intersection control cyber-layer and with our customized microsimulations in a virtual road network environment. The proposed MILP-based controller receives information such as location and speed from each subscribing vehicle and advises vehicles of the optimal time to access the intersection. The access times are computed by periodically solving a MILP with the objective of minimizing intersection delay, while ensuring intersection safety and considering each vehicle’s desired velocity. In order to estimate the fuel consumption reduction potential of the implemented system, a new method is proposed for estimating fuel consumption using the basic engine diagnostic information of the vehicle-in-the-loop car. Broader Impacts: This research can transform not only the way we drive our vehicles at signalized intersec-tions but also the way intersections are managed. As we evaluated in a connected test vehicle in the first part of the dissertation, our SPaT estimations in conjunction with the SPaT information available directly from Traffic Management Centers, enables the drivers to plan over time the best vehicle velocity profile to reduce idling at red lights. Other fuel efficiency and safety functionalities in connected vehicles can also benefit from such information about traffic signals’ phase and timing. For example, advanced engine management strategies can shut down the engine in anticipation of a long idling interval at red, and intersection collision avoidance and active safety systems could foresee potential signal violations at signalized intersections. In addition, as shown in the second part of the dissertation, when a connected traffic signal or intersection con-troller is available, intelligent control methods can plan in real-time the best timings and the lengths of signal phases in response to prevailing traffic conditions with the use of connected vehicle data. Our MILP-based intersection control is proposed for an all autonomous driving environment; and right now, it can be utilized in smart city projects where only autonomous vehicles are allowed to travel. This is expected to transform driving experience in the sense that our linear formulations minimizes the intersection delay and number of stops significantly compared to pre-timed intersections

    A Model-Based Design Approach for a Parallel Hybrid Electric Tractor Energy Management Strategy Using Hardware in the Loop Technique

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    Recent developments in emissions regulations are pushing Non-Road Mobile Machineries manufacturers towards the adoption of more efficient solutions to reduce the amount of pollutants per unit of work performed. Electrification can be a reasonable alternative to traditional powertrain to achieve this goal. The higher complexity of working machines architectures requires, now more than ever, better design and testing methodologies to better integrate electric systems into mechanical and hydraulic layouts. In this work, the attention focused on the use of a Hardware in the Loop (HIL) approach to test performance of an energy management strategy (called load observer) developed specifically for an orchard tractor starting from field characterization. The HIL bench was designed to replicate a scaled architecture of a parallel hybrid electric tractor at mechanical and electrical level. The vehicle behavior was simulated with a personal computer connected on the CAN BUS network designed for the HIL system. Several tasks were simulated starting from data gathered during field measurements of a daily use of the machine. Results showed good performance in terms of load split between the two power sources and stability of the speed control although the variability of the applied load

    Estimating Uncertainty of Bus Arrival Times and Passenger Occupancies

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    Travel time reliability and the availability of seating and boarding space are important indicators of bus service quality and strongly influence users’ satisfaction and attitudes towards bus transit systems. With Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) and Automated Passenger Counter (APC) units becoming common on buses, some agencies have begun to provide real-time bus location and passenger occupancy information as a means to improve perceived transit reliability. Travel time prediction models have also been established based on AVL and APC data. However, existing travel time prediction models fail to provide an indication of the uncertainty associated with these estimates. This can cause a false sense of precision, which can lead to experiences associated with unreliable service. Furthermore, no existing models are available to predict individual bus occupancies at downstream stops to help travelers understand if there will be space available to board. The purpose of this project was to develop modeling frameworks to predict travel times (and associated uncertainties) as well as individual bus passenger occupancies. For travel times, accelerated failure-time survival models were used to predict the entire distribution of travel times expected. The survival models were found to be just as accurate as models developed using traditional linear regression techniques. However, the survival models were found to have smaller variances associated with predictions. For passenger occupancies, linear and count regression models were compared. The linear regression models were found to outperform count regression models, perhaps due to the additive nature of the passenger boarding process. Various modeling frameworks were tested and the best frameworks were identified for predictions at near stops (within five stops downstream) and far stops (further than eight stops). Overall, these results can be integrated into existing real-time transit information systems to improve the quality of information provided to passengers

    Distributed Event-Based State Estimation for Networked Systems: An LMI-Approach

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    In this work, a dynamic system is controlled by multiple sensor-actuator agents, each of them commanding and observing parts of the system's input and output. The different agents sporadically exchange data with each other via a common bus network according to local event-triggering protocols. From these data, each agent estimates the complete dynamic state of the system and uses its estimate for feedback control. We propose a synthesis procedure for designing the agents' state estimators and the event triggering thresholds. The resulting distributed and event-based control system is guaranteed to be stable and to satisfy a predefined estimation performance criterion. The approach is applied to the control of a vehicle platoon, where the method's trade-off between performance and communication, and the scalability in the number of agents is demonstrated.Comment: This is an extended version of an article to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (additional parts in the Appendix

    Microsimulation models incorporating both demand and supply dynamics

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    There has been rapid growth in interest in real-time transport strategies over the last decade, ranging from automated highway systems and responsive traffic signal control to incident management and driver information systems. The complexity of these strategies, in terms of the spatial and temporal interactions within the transport system, has led to a parallel growth in the application of traffic microsimulation models for the evaluation and design of such measures, as a remedy to the limitations faced by conventional static, macroscopic approaches. However, while this naturally addresses the immediate impacts of the measure, a difficulty that remains is the question of how the secondary impacts, specifically the effect on route and departure time choice of subsequent trips, may be handled in a consistent manner within a microsimulation framework. The paper describes a modelling approach to road network traffic, in which the emphasis is on the integrated microsimulation of individual trip-makers’ decisions and individual vehicle movements across the network. To achieve this it represents directly individual drivers’ choices and experiences as they evolve from day-to-day, combined with a detailed within-day traffic simulation model of the space–time trajectories of individual vehicles according to car-following and lane-changing rules and intersection regulations. It therefore models both day-to-day and within-day variability in both demand and supply conditions, and so, we believe, is particularly suited for the realistic modelling of real-time strategies such as those listed above. The full model specification is given, along with details of its algorithmic implementation. A number of representative numerical applications are presented, including: sensitivity studies of the impact of day-to-day variability; an application to the evaluation of alternative signal control policies; and the evaluation of the introduction of bus-only lanes in a sub-network of Leeds. Our experience demonstrates that this modelling framework is computationally feasible as a method for providing a fully internally consistent, microscopic, dynamic assignment, incorporating both within- and between-day demand and supply dynamic

    The development of an automatic method of safety monitoring at Pelican Crossings

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    This paper reports on the development of a method for automatic monitoring of safety at Pelican crossings. Historically, safety monitoring has typically been carried out using accident data, though given the rarity of such events it is difficult to quickly detect change in accident risk at a particular site. An alternative indicator sometimes used is traffic conflicts, though this data can be time consuming and expensive to collect. The method developed in this paper uses vehicle speeds and decelerations collected using standard in-situ loops and tubes, to determine conflicts using vehicle decelerations and to assess the possibility of automatic safety monitoring at Pelican crossings. Information on signal settings, driver crossing behaviour, pedestrian crossing behaviour and delays, and pedestrian-vehicle conflicts was collected synchronously through a combination of direct observation, video analysis, and analysis of output from tube and loop detectors. Models were developed to predict safety, i.e. pedestrian-vehicle conflicts using vehicle speeds and decelerations
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