93,186 research outputs found

    Emotion Recognition from Acted and Spontaneous Speech

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    DizertačnĂ­ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ rozpoznĂĄnĂ­m emočnĂ­ho stavu mluvčích z ƙečovĂ©ho signĂĄlu. PrĂĄce je rozdělena do dvou hlavnĂ­ch častĂ­, prvnĂ­ část popisuju navrĆŸenĂ© metody pro rozpoznĂĄnĂ­ emočnĂ­ho stavu z hranĂœch databĂĄzĂ­. V rĂĄmci tĂ©to části jsou pƙedstaveny vĂœsledky rozpoznĂĄnĂ­ pouĆŸitĂ­m dvou rĆŻznĂœch databĂĄzĂ­ s rĆŻznĂœmi jazyky. HlavnĂ­mi pƙínosy tĂ©to části je detailnĂ­ analĂœza rozsĂĄhlĂ© ĆĄkĂĄly rĆŻznĂœch pƙíznakĆŻ zĂ­skanĂœch z ƙečovĂ©ho signĂĄlu, nĂĄvrh novĂœch klasifikačnĂ­ch architektur jako je napƙíklad „emočnĂ­ pĂĄrovĂĄní“ a nĂĄvrh novĂ© metody pro mapovĂĄnĂ­ diskrĂ©tnĂ­ch emočnĂ­ch stavĆŻ do dvou dimenzionĂĄlnĂ­ho prostoru. DruhĂĄ část se zabĂœvĂĄ rozpoznĂĄnĂ­m emočnĂ­ch stavĆŻ z databĂĄze spontĂĄnnĂ­ ƙeči, kterĂĄ byla zĂ­skĂĄna ze zĂĄznamĆŻ hovorĆŻ z reĂĄlnĂœch call center. Poznatky z analĂœzy a nĂĄvrhu metod rozpoznĂĄnĂ­ z hranĂ© ƙeči byly vyuĆŸity pro nĂĄvrh novĂ©ho systĂ©mu pro rozpoznĂĄnĂ­ sedmi spontĂĄnnĂ­ch emočnĂ­ch stavĆŻ. JĂĄdrem navrĆŸenĂ©ho pƙístupu je komplexnĂ­ klasifikačnĂ­ architektura zaloĆŸena na fĂșzi rĆŻznĂœch systĂ©mĆŻ. PrĂĄce se dĂĄle zabĂœvĂĄ vlivem emočnĂ­ho stavu mluvčího na Ășspěơnosti rozpoznĂĄnĂ­ pohlavĂ­ a nĂĄvrhem systĂ©mu pro automatickou detekci ĂșspěơnĂœch hovorĆŻ v call centrech na zĂĄkladě analĂœzy parametrĆŻ dialogu mezi ĂșčastnĂ­ky telefonnĂ­ch hovorĆŻ.Doctoral thesis deals with emotion recognition from speech signals. The thesis is divided into two main parts; the first part describes proposed approaches for emotion recognition using two different multilingual databases of acted emotional speech. The main contributions of this part are detailed analysis of a big set of acoustic features, new classification schemes for vocal emotion recognition such as “emotion coupling” and new method for mapping discrete emotions into two-dimensional space. The second part of this thesis is devoted to emotion recognition using multilingual databases of spontaneous emotional speech, which is based on telephone records obtained from real call centers. The knowledge gained from experiments with emotion recognition from acted speech was exploited to design a new approach for classifying seven emotional states. The core of the proposed approach is a complex classification architecture based on the fusion of different systems. The thesis also examines the influence of speaker’s emotional state on gender recognition performance and proposes system for automatic identification of successful phone calls in call center by means of dialogue features.

    End-to-end 3D face reconstruction with deep neural networks

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    Monocular 3D facial shape reconstruction from a single 2D facial image has been an active research area due to its wide applications. Inspired by the success of deep neural networks (DNN), we propose a DNN-based approach for End-to-End 3D FAce Reconstruction (UH-E2FAR) from a single 2D image. Different from recent works that reconstruct and refine the 3D face in an iterative manner using both an RGB image and an initial 3D facial shape rendering, our DNN model is end-to-end, and thus the complicated 3D rendering process can be avoided. Moreover, we integrate in the DNN architecture two components, namely a multi-task loss function and a fusion convolutional neural network (CNN) to improve facial expression reconstruction. With the multi-task loss function, 3D face reconstruction is divided into neutral 3D facial shape reconstruction and expressive 3D facial shape reconstruction. The neutral 3D facial shape is class-specific. Therefore, higher layer features are useful. In comparison, the expressive 3D facial shape favors lower or intermediate layer features. With the fusion-CNN, features from different intermediate layers are fused and transformed for predicting the 3D expressive facial shape. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the superiority of our end-to-end framework in improving the accuracy of 3D face reconstruction.Comment: Accepted to CVPR1

    A survey of outlier detection methodologies

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    Outlier detection has been used for centuries to detect and, where appropriate, remove anomalous observations from data. Outliers arise due to mechanical faults, changes in system behaviour, fraudulent behaviour, human error, instrument error or simply through natural deviations in populations. Their detection can identify system faults and fraud before they escalate with potentially catastrophic consequences. It can identify errors and remove their contaminating effect on the data set and as such to purify the data for processing. The original outlier detection methods were arbitrary but now, principled and systematic techniques are used, drawn from the full gamut of Computer Science and Statistics. In this paper, we introduce a survey of contemporary techniques for outlier detection. We identify their respective motivations and distinguish their advantages and disadvantages in a comparative review

    Algorithm for the detection of outliers based on the theory of rough sets

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    Outliers are objects that show abnormal behavior with respect to their context or that have unexpected values in some of their parameters. In decision-making processes, information quality is of the utmost importance. In specific applications, an outlying data element may represent an important deviation in a production process or a damaged sensor. Therefore, the ability to detect these elements could make the difference between making a correct and an incorrect decision. This task is complicated by the large sizes of typical databases. Due to their importance in search processes in large volumes of data, researchers pay special attention to the development of efficient outlier detection techniques. This article presents a computationally efficient algorithm for the detection of outliers in large volumes of information. This proposal is based on an extension of the mathematical framework upon which the basic theory of detection of outliers, founded on Rough Set Theory, has been constructed. From this starting point, current problems are analyzed; a detection method is proposed, along with a computational algorithm that allows the performance of outlier detection tasks with an almost-linear complexity. To illustrate its viability, the results of the application of the outlier-detection algorithm to the concrete example of a large database are presented.This work was performed as part of the Smart University Project (SmartUniversity2014) financed by the University of Alicante

    Face analysis using curve edge maps

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    This paper proposes an automatic and real-time system for face analysis, usable in visual communication applications. In this approach, faces are represented with Curve Edge Maps, which are collections of polynomial segments with a convex region. The segments are extracted from edge pixels using an adaptive incremental linear-time fitting algorithm, which is based on constructive polynomial fitting. The face analysis system considers face tracking, face recognition and facial feature detection, using Curve Edge Maps driven by histograms of intensities and histograms of relative positions. When applied to different face databases and video sequences, the average face recognition rate is 95.51%, the average facial feature detection rate is 91.92% and the accuracy in location of the facial features is 2.18% in terms of the size of the face, which is comparable with or better than the results in literature. However, our method has the advantages of simplicity, real-time performance and extensibility to the different aspects of face analysis, such as recognition of facial expressions and talking

    Efficient fetal-maternal ECG signal separation from two channel maternal abdominal ECG via diffusion-based channel selection

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    There is a need for affordable, widely deployable maternal-fetal ECG monitors to improve maternal and fetal health during pregnancy and delivery. Based on the diffusion-based channel selection, here we present the mathematical formalism and clinical validation of an algorithm capable of accurate separation of maternal and fetal ECG from a two channel signal acquired over maternal abdomen

    Estimation of glottal closure instants in voiced speech using the DYPSA algorithm

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