44 research outputs found

    A Policy-Based Resource Brokering Environment for Computational Grids

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    With the advances in networking infrastructure in general, and the Internet in particular, we can build grid environments that allow users to utilize a diverse set of distributed and heterogeneous resources. Since the focus of such environments is the efficient usage of the underlying resources, a critical component is the resource brokering environment that mediates the discovery, access and usage of these resources. With the consumer\u27s constraints, provider\u27s rules, distributed heterogeneous resources and the large number of scheduling choices, the resource brokering environment needs to decide where to place the user\u27s jobs and when to start their execution in a way that yields the best performance for the user and the best utilization for the resource provider. As brokering and scheduling are very complicated tasks, most current resource brokering environments are either specific to a particular grid environment or have limited features. This makes them unsuitable for large applications with heterogeneous requirements. In addition, most of these resource brokering environments lack flexibility. Policies at the resource-, application-, and system-levels cannot be specified and enforced to provide commitment to the guaranteed level of allocation that can help in attracting grid users and contribute to establishing credibility for existing grid environments. In this thesis, we propose and prototype a flexible and extensible Policy-based Resource Brokering Environment (PROBE) that can be utilized by various grid systems. In designing PROBE, we follow a policy-based approach that provides PROBE with the intelligence to not only match the user\u27s request with the right set of resources, but also to assure the guaranteed level of the allocation. PROBE looks at the task allocation as a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that needs to be enforced between the resource provider and the resource consumer. The policy-based framework is useful in a typical grid environment where resources, most of the time, are not dedicated. In implementing PROBE, we have utilized a layered architecture and façade design patterns. These along with the well-defined API, make the framework independent of any architecture and allow for the incorporation of different types of scheduling algorithms, applications and platform adaptors as the underlying environment requires. We have utilized XML as a base for all the specification needs. This provides a flexible mechanism to specify the heterogeneous resources and user\u27s requests along with their allocation constraints. We have developed XML-based specifications by which high-level internal structures of resources, jobs and policies can be specified. This provides interoperability in which a grid system can utilize PROBE to discover and use resources controlled by other grid systems. We have implemented a prototype of PROBE to demonstrate its feasibility. We also describe a test bed environment and the evaluation experiments that we have conducted to demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of our approach

    Agent-based resource management for grid computing

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    A computational grid is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides dependable, consistent, pervasive, and inexpensive access to high-end computational capability. An ideal grid environment should provide access to the available resources in a seamless manner. Resource management is an important infrastructural component of a grid computing environment. The overall aim of resource management is to efficiently schedule applications that need to utilise the available resources in the grid environment. Such goals within the high performance community will rely on accurate performance prediction capabilities. An existing toolkit, known as PACE (Performance Analysis and Characterisation Environment), is used to provide quantitative data concerning the performance of sophisticated applications running on high performance resources. In this thesis an ASCI (Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative) kernel application, Sweep3D, is used to illustrate the PACE performance prediction capabilities. The validation results show that a reasonable accuracy can be obtained, cross-platform comparisons can be easily undertaken, and the process benefits from a rapid evaluation time. While extremely well-suited for managing a locally distributed multi-computer, the PACE functions do not map well onto a wide-area environment, where heterogeneity, multiple administrative domains, and communication irregularities dramatically complicate the job of resource management. Scalability and adaptability are two key challenges that must be addressed. In this thesis, an A4 (Agile Architecture and Autonomous Agents) methodology is introduced for the development of large-scale distributed software systems with highly dynamic behaviours. An agent is considered to be both a service provider and a service requestor. Agents are organised into a hierarchy with service advertisement and discovery capabilities. There are four main performance metrics for an A4 system: service discovery speed, agent system efficiency, workload balancing, and discovery success rate. Coupling the A4 methodology with PACE functions, results in an Agent-based Resource Management System (ARMS), which is implemented for grid computing. The PACE functions supply accurate performance information (e. g. execution time) as input to a local resource scheduler on the fly. At a meta-level, agents advertise their service information and cooperate with each other to discover available resources for grid-enabled applications. A Performance Monitor and Advisor (PMA) is also developed in ARMS to optimise the performance of the agent behaviours. The PMA is capable of performance modelling and simulation about the agents in ARMS and can be used to improve overall system performance. The PMA can monitor agent behaviours in ARMS and reconfigure them with optimised strategies, which include the use of ACTs (Agent Capability Tables), limited service lifetime, limited scope for service advertisement and discovery, agent mobility and service distribution, etc. The main contribution of this work is that it provides a methodology and prototype implementation of a grid Resource Management System (RMS). The system includes a number of original features that cannot be found in existing research solutions

    UBIDEV: a homogeneous service framework for pervasive computing environments

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    This dissertation studies the heterogeneity problem of pervasive computing system from the viewpoint of an infrastructure aiming to provide a service-oriented application model. From Distributed System passing through mobile computing, pervasive computing is presented as a step forward in ubiquitous availability of services and proliferation of interacting autonomous entities. To better understand the problems related to the heterogeneous and dynamic nature of pervasive computing environments, we need to analyze the structure of a pervasive computing system from its physical and service dimension. The physical dimension describes the physical environment together wit the technology infrastructure that characterizes the interactions and the relations within the environment; the service dimension represents the services (being them software or not) the environment is able to provide [Nor99]. To better separate the constrains and the functionalities of a pervasive computing system, this dissertation classifies it in terms of resources, context, classification, services, coordination and application. UBIDEV, as the key result of this dissertation, introduces a unified model helping the design and the implementation of applications for heterogeneous and dynamic environments. This model is composed of the following concepts: • Resource: all elements of the environment that are manipulated by the application, they are the atomic abstraction unit of the model. • Context: all information coming from the environment that is used by the application to adapts its behavior. Context contains resources and services and defines their role in the application. • Classification: the environment is classified according to the application ontology in order to ground the generic conceptual model of the application to the specific environment. It defines the basic semantic level of interoperability. • Service: the functionalities supported by the system; each service manipulates one or more resources. Applications are defined as a coordination and adaptation of services. • Coordination: all aspects related to service composition and execution as well as the use of the contextual information are captured by the coordination concept. • Application Ontology: represents the viewpoint of the application on the specific context; it defines the high level semantic of resources, services and context. Applying the design paradigm proposed by UBIDEV, allows to describe applications according to a Service Oriented Architecture[Bie02], and to focus on application functionalities rather than their relations with the physical devices. Keywords: pervasive computing, homogenous environment, service-oriented, heterogeneity problem, coordination model, context model, resource management, service management, application interfaces, ontology, semantic services, interaction logic, description logic.Questa dissertazione studia il problema della eterogeneit`a nei sistemi pervasivi proponendo una infrastruttura basata su un modello orientato ai servizi. I sistemi pervasivi sono presentati come un’evoluzione naturale dei sistemi distribuiti, passando attraverso mobile computing, grazie ad una disponibilit`a ubiqua di servizi (sempre, ovunque ed in qualunque modo) e ad loro e con l’ambiente stesso. Al fine di meglio comprendere i problemi legati allintrinseca eterogeneit`a dei sistemi pervasivi, dobbiamo prima descrivere la struttura fondamentale di questi sistemi classificandoli attraverso la loro dimensione fisica e quella dei loro servizi. La dimensione fisica descrive l’ambiente fisico e tutti i dispositivi che fanno parte del contesto della applicazione. La dimensione dei servizi descrive le funzionalit`a (siano esse software o no) che l’ambiente `e in grado di fornire [Nor99]. I sistemi pervasivi vengono cos`ı classificati attraverso una metrica pi `u formale del tipo risorse, contesto, servizi, coordinazione ed applicazione. UBIDEV, come risultato di questa dissertazione, introduce un modello uniforme per la descrizione e lo sviluppo di applicazioni in ambienti dinamici ed eterogenei. Il modello `e composto dai seguenti concetti di base: • Risorse: gli elementi dell’ambiente fisico che fanno parte del modello dellapplicazione. Questi rappresentano l’unit`a di astrazione atomica di tutto il modello UBIDEV. • Contesto: le informazioni sullo stato dell’ambiente che il sistema utilizza per adattare il comportamento dell’applicazione. Il contesto include informazioni legate alle risorse, ai servizi ed alle relazioni che li legano. • Classificazione: l’ambiente viene classificato sulla base di una ontologia che rappresenta il punto di accordo a cui tutti i moduli di sistema fanno riferimento. Questa classificazione rappresenta il modello concettuale dell’applicazione che si riflette sull’intero ambiente. Si definisce cos`ı la semantica di base per tutto il sistema. • Servizi: le funzionalit`a che il sistema `e in grado di fornire; ogni servizio `e descritto in termini di trasformazione di una o pi `u risorse. Le applicazioni sono cos`ı definite in termini di cooperazione tra servizi autonomi. • Coordinazione: tutti gli aspetti legati alla composizione ed alla esecuzione di servizi cos`ı come l’elaborazione dell’informazione contestuale. • Ontologia dell’Applicazione: rappresenta il punto di vista dell’applicazione; definisce la semantica delle risorse, dei servizi e dell’informazione contestuale. Applicando il paradigma proposto da UBIDEV, si possono descrivere applicazioni in accordo con un modello Service-oriented [Bie02] ed, al tempo stesso, ridurre l’applicazione stessa alle sue funzionalit`a di alto livello senza intervenire troppo su come queste funzionalit` a devono essere realizzate dalle singole componenti fisiche

    Building Distributed Systems for the Pragmatic Object Web

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    We review the growing power and capability of commodity computing and communication technologies largely driven by commercial distributed information systems. These systems are built from CORBA, Microsoft\u27s COM, JavaBeans, and rapidly advancing Web approaches. One can abstract these to a three-tier model with largely independent clients connected to a distributed network of servers. The latter host various services including object and relational databases and of course parallel and sequential computing. High performance can be obtained by combining concurrency at the middle server tier with optimized parallel back end services. The resultant system combines the needed performance for large-scale HPCC applications with the rich functionality of commodity systems. Further the architecture with distinct interface, server and specialized service implementation layers, naturally allows advances in each area to be easily incorporated. We illustrate how performance can be obtained within a commodity architecture and we propose a middleware integration approach based on JWORB (Java Web Object Broker) multi-protocol server technology. We illustrate our approach on a set of prototype applications in areas such as collaborative systems, support of multidisciplinary interactions, WebFlow based visual metacomputing, WebFlow over Globus, Quantum Monte Carlo and distributed interactive simulations

    MPJ: MPI-like message passing for Java

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    Recently, there has been a lot of interest in using Java for parallel programming. Efforts have been hindered by lack of standard Java parallel programming APIs. To alleviate this problem, various groups started projects to develop Java message passing systems modelled on the successful Message Passing Interface (MPI). Official MPI bindings are currently defined only for C, Fortran, and C++, so early MPI-like environments for Java have been divergent. This paper relates an effort undertaken by a working group of the Java Grande Forum, seeking a consensus on an MPI-like API, to enhance the viability of parallel programming using Java

    Applying conflict management strategies in BDI Agents for resource management in computational grids

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    Managing resources in large scale distributed systems --- "Computational Grids", is a complex and time sensitive process. The computational resources being shared vary in type and complexity, and resource properties can change over time. An approach based on interacting software agents is presented, where each resource manager and resource requester is modelled as a BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) agent. The proposed approach can help resolve conflicts that arise during resource discovery and application scheduling, and enables site autonomy to be maintained. The modelling and detection of conflicts is important in the context of this work, to enable each resource and application to respond to changes in the environment. We propose a BDI based framework that can be used to model agents that represent resources and applications --- and outline properties that each must maintain

    Quality assessment technique for ubiquitous software and middleware

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    The new paradigm of computing or information systems is ubiquitous computing systems. The technology-oriented issues of ubiquitous computing systems have made researchers pay much attention to the feasibility study of the technologies rather than building quality assurance indices or guidelines. In this context, measuring quality is the key to developing high-quality ubiquitous computing products. For this reason, various quality models have been defined, adopted and enhanced over the years, for example, the need for one recognised standard quality model (ISO/IEC 9126) is the result of a consensus for a software quality model on three levels: characteristics, sub-characteristics, and metrics. However, it is very much unlikely that this scheme will be directly applicable to ubiquitous computing environments which are considerably different to conventional software, trailing a big concern which is being given to reformulate existing methods, and especially to elaborate new assessment techniques for ubiquitous computing environments. This paper selects appropriate quality characteristics for the ubiquitous computing environment, which can be used as the quality target for both ubiquitous computing product evaluation processes ad development processes. Further, each of the quality characteristics has been expanded with evaluation questions and metrics, in some cases with measures. In addition, this quality model has been applied to the industrial setting of the ubiquitous computing environment. These have revealed that while the approach was sound, there are some parts to be more developed in the future

    Java Grande Forum Report: Making Java Work for High-End Computing

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    This document describes the Java Grande Forum and includes its initial deliverables.Theseare reports that convey a succinct set of recommendations from this forum to SunMicrosystems and other purveyors of Java™ technology that will enable GrandeApplications to be developed with the Java programming language

    Self-adaptive Grid Resource Monitoring and discovery

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    The Grid provides a novel platform where the scientific and engineering communities can share data and computation across multiple administrative domains. There are several key services that must be offered by Grid middleware; one of them being the Grid Information Service( GIS). A GIS is a Grid middleware component which maintains information about hardware, software, services and people participating in a virtual organisation( VO). There is an inherent need in these systems for the delivery of reliable performance. This thesis describes a number of approaches which detail the development and application of a suite of benchmarks for the prediction of the process of resource discovery and monitoring on the Grid. A series of experimental studies of the characterisation of performance using benchmarking, are carried out. Several novel predictive algorithms are presented and evaluated in terms of their predictive error. Furthermore, predictive methods are developed which describe the behaviour of MDS2 for a variable number of user requests. The MDS is also extended to include job information from a local scheduler; this information is queried using requests of greatly varying complexity. The response of the MDS to these queries is then assessed in terms of several performance metrics. The benchmarking of the dynamic nature of information within MDS3 which is based on the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA), and also the successor to MDS2, is also carried out. The performance of both the pull and push query mechanisms is analysed. GridAdapt (Self-adaptive Grid Resource Monitoring) is a new system that is proposed, built upon the Globus MDS3 benchmarking. It offers self-adaptation, autonomy and admission control at the Index Service, whilst ensuring that the MIDS is not overloaded and can meet its quality-of-service,f or example,i n terms of its average response time for servicing synchronous queries and the total number of queries returned per unit time

    Java on Networks of Workstations (JavaNOW): A Parallel Computing Framework Inspired by Linda and the Message Passing Interface (MPI)

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    Networks of workstations are a dominant force in the distributed computing arena, due primarily to the excellent price/performance ratio of such systems when compared to traditionally massively parallel architectures. It is therefore critical to develop programming languages and environments that can help harness the raw computational power available on these systems. In this article, we present JavaNOW (Java on Networks of Workstations), a Java‐based framework for parallel programming on networks of workstations. It creates a virtual parallel machine similar to the MPI (Message Passing Interface) model, and provides distributed associative shared memory similar to the Linda memory model but with a richer set of primitive operations. JavaNOW provides a simple yet powerful framework for performing computation on networks of workstations. In addition to the Linda memory model, it provides for shared objects, implicit multithreading, implicit synchronization, object dataflow, and collective communications similar to those defined in MPI. JavaNOW is also a component of the Computational Neighborhood, a Java‐enabled suite of services for desktop computational sharing. The intent of JavaNOW is to present an environment for parallel computing that is both expressive and reliable and ultimately can deliver good to excellent performance. As JavaNOW is a work in progress, this article emphasizes the expressive potential of the JavaNOW environment and presents preliminary performance results only