123 research outputs found

    Automatic Deployment Space Exploration Using Refinement Transformations

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    To manage the complex engineering information for real-time systems, the system under development may be modelled in a high-level architecture de- scription language. This high-level information provides a basis for deployment space exploration as it can be used to generate a low-level implementation. During this deployment mapping many platform-dependent choices have to be made whose consequences cannot be easily predicted. In this paper we present an approach to the automatic exploration of the deployment space based on platform-based design. All possible solutions of a deployment step are generated using a refinement trans- formation. Non-conforming deployment alternatives are pruned as early as possible using simulation or analytical methods. We validate the feasibility of our approach by deploying part of an automotive power window optimized for its real-time be- haviour using an AUTOSAR-like representation. First results are promising and show that the optimal solution can indeed be found efficiently with our approach

    Managed Evolution of Automotive Software Product Line Architectures: A Systematic Literature Study

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    The rapidly growing number of software-based features in the automotive domain as well as the special requirements in this domain ask for dedicated engineering approaches, models, and processes. Nowadays, software development in the automotive sector is generally developed as product line development, in which major parts of the software are kept adaptable in order to enable reusability of the software in different vehicle variants. In addition, reuse also plays an important role in the development of new vehicle generations in order to reduce development costs. Today, a high number of methods and techniques exist to support the product line driven development of software in the automotive sector. However, these approaches generally consider only partial aspects of development. In this paper, we present an in-depth literature study based on a conceptual model of artifacts and activities for the managed evolution of automotive software product line architectures. We are interested in the coverage of the particular aspects of the conceptual model and, thus, the fields covered in current research and research gaps, respectively. Furthermore, we aim to identify the methods and techniques used to implement automotive software product lines in general, and their usage scope in particular. As a result, this in-depth review reveals that none of the studies represent a holistic approach for the managed evolution of automotive software product lines. In addition, approaches from agile software development are of growing interest in this field

    Trusted autonomous vehicles: an interactive exhibit

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    Recent surveys about autonomous vehicles show that the public is concerned about the safety consequences of system or equipment failures and the vehicles' reactions to unexpected situations. We believe that informing about the technology and quality, e.g., safety and reliability, of autonomous vehicles is paramount to improving public expectations, perception and acceptance. In this paper, we report on the design of an interactive exhibit to illustrate (1) basic technologies employed in autonomous vehicles, i.e., sensors and object classification; and (2) basic principles for ensuring their quality, i.e., employing software testing and simulations. We subsequently report on a public engagement event involving this exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2019 in the exhibit titled "Trusted Autonomous Vehicles". We describe the process of designing and developing the artefacts used in our exhibit, the theoretical background associated to them, the design of our stand, and the lessons learned. The activities and findings of this study can be used by other educators and researchers interested in promoting trust in autonomous vehicles among the general public

    SISSA: Real-time Monitoring of Hardware Functional Safety and Cybersecurity with In-vehicle SOME/IP Ethernet Traffic

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    Scalable service-Oriented Middleware over IP (SOME/IP) is an Ethernet communication standard protocol in the Automotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR), promoting ECU-to-ECU communication over the IP stack. However, SOME/IP lacks a robust security architecture, making it susceptible to potential attacks. Besides, random hardware failure of ECU will disrupt SOME/IP communication. In this paper, we propose SISSA, a SOME/IP communication traffic-based approach for modeling and analyzing in-vehicle functional safety and cyber security. Specifically, SISSA models hardware failures with the Weibull distribution and addresses five potential attacks on SOME/IP communication, including Distributed Denial-of-Services, Man-in-the-Middle, and abnormal communication processes, assuming a malicious user accesses the in-vehicle network. Subsequently, SISSA designs a series of deep learning models with various backbones to extract features from SOME/IP sessions among ECUs. We adopt residual self-attention to accelerate the model's convergence and enhance detection accuracy, determining whether an ECU is under attack, facing functional failure, or operating normally. Additionally, we have created and annotated a dataset encompassing various classes, including indicators of attack, functionality, and normalcy. This contribution is noteworthy due to the scarcity of publicly accessible datasets with such characteristics.Extensive experimental results show the effectiveness and efficiency of SISSA

    Modeling and Analysis of Automotive Cyber-physical Systems: Formal Approaches to Latency Analysis in Practice

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    Based on advances in scheduling analysis in the 1970s, a whole area of research has evolved: formal end-to-end latency analysis in real-time systems. Although multiple approaches from the scientific community have successfully been applied in industrial practice, a gap is emerging between the means provided by formally backed approaches and the need of the automotive industry where cyber-physical systems have taken over from classic embedded systems. They are accompanied by a shift to heterogeneous platforms build upon multicore architectures. Scien- tific techniques are often still based on too simple system models and estimations on important end-to-end latencies have only been tightened recently. To this end, we present an expressive system model and formally describe the problem of end-to-end latency analysis in modern automotive cyber-physical systems. Based on this we examine approaches to formally estimate tight end-to-end latencies in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. The de- veloped approaches include a wide range of relevant systems. We show that our approach for the estimation of latencies of task chains dominates existing approaches in terms of tightness of the results. In the last chapter we make a brief digression to measurement analysis since measuring and simulation is an important part of verification in current industrial practice

    Model-based resource analysis and synthesis of service-oriented automotive software architectures

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    Context Automotive software architectures describe distributed functionality by an interaction of software components. One drawback of today\u27s architectures is their strong integration into the onboard communication network based on predefined dependencies at design time. The idea is to reduce this rigid integration and technological dependencies. To this end, service-oriented architecture offers a suitable methodology since network communication is dynamically established at run-time. Aim We target to provide a methodology for analysing hardware resources and synthesising automotive service-oriented architectures based on platform-independent service models. Subsequently, we focus on transforming these models into a platform-specific architecture realisation process following AUTOSAR Adaptive. Approach For the platform-independent part, we apply the concepts of design space exploration and simulation to analyse and synthesise deployment configurations, i. e., mapping services to hardware resources at an early development stage. We refine these configurations to AUTOSAR Adaptive software architecture models representing the necessary input for a subsequent implementation process for the platform-specific part. Result We present deployment configurations that are optimal for the usage of a given set of computing resources currently under consideration for our next generation of E/E architecture. We also provide simulation results that demonstrate the ability of these configurations to meet the run time requirements. Both results helped us to decide whether a particular configuration can be implemented. As a possible software toolchain for this purpose, we finally provide a prototype. Conclusion The use of models and their analysis are proper means to get there, but the quality and speed of development must also be considered

    Towards a Common Software/Hardware Methodology for Future Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

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    The European research project DESERVE (DEvelopment platform for Safe and Efficient dRiVE, 2012-2015) had the aim of designing and developing a platform tool to cope with the continuously increasing complexity and the simultaneous need to reduce cost for future embedded Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). For this purpose, the DESERVE platform profits from cross-domain software reuse, standardization of automotive software component interfaces, and easy but safety-compliant integration of heterogeneous modules. This enables the development of a new generation of ADAS applications, which challengingly combine different functions, sensors, actuators, hardware platforms, and Human Machine Interfaces (HMI). This book presents the different results of the DESERVE project concerning the ADAS development platform, test case functions, and validation and evaluation of different approaches. The reader is invited to substantiate the content of this book with the deliverables published during the DESERVE project. Technical topics discussed in this book include:Modern ADAS development platforms;Design space exploration;Driving modelling;Video-based and Radar-based ADAS functions;HMI for ADAS;Vehicle-hardware-in-the-loop validation system

    Evaluation and Determination of Integration Orders in Component-based Embedded Systems

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    Vestavěné počítačové systémy jsou stále složitější. Jedním ze způsobů, jak tuto složitost zvládnout, je komponentově založený přístup, kdy systémy jsou postaveny z jednotlivých nezávislých SW komponent. Důležitým aspektem stavby systému je jeho softwarová integrace. Klíčovým bodem integrace je pořadí, ve kterém jsou komponenty kombinovány do výsledného celku. Dosavadní vědecké práce v dané oblasti dávají pouze hrubá doporučení a spoléhají se na zkušenost návrháře. V disertační práci jsou identifikovány parametry sofwarového integračního procesu a dále je navržen optimaliyační proces, který vede k nalezení integračního pořadí, které vyžaduje nejmenší čas a náklady.Katedra informatiky a výpočetní technikyObhájenoEmbedded software systems are getting more and more complex. One answer to handle this complexity is component-based development, in which systems are built of individual independent software components. One important aspect of the component-based development approach is software integration. Individual components have to be put together and their interactions have to be verified. The crucial point of integration is the order in which components are combined. State-of-the-art approaches are only coarse guidelines and rely strongly on integrators expertise. More elaborate methods in which an algorithm is used to derive an integration order are only available for object-oriented software and cannot be directly used in procedural programming languages. To deal with these challenges, parameters are identified the software integration process is subjected to and metrics are developed in order to evaluate a certain integration order. Furthermore, an optimization approach based on simulated annealing is presented which is used to derive an integration order with respect to the proposed parameters in a powerful and reliable manner
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