1,812,332 research outputs found

    NICU Infants & SNHL: Experience of a western Sicily tertiary care centre

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    Introduction: The variability of symptoms and signs caused by central nervous system (CNS) lesions make multiple sclerosis difficult to recognize,Introduction: This study adds the evaluation of the independent etiologic factors that may play a role in the development of SNHL in a NICU population. We compared neonatal intensive care unit NICU infants with sensorineural hearing loss SNHL to age and gender matched normal hearing NICU controls. Materials and methods: 284 consecutive NICU infants positive to the presence of risk indicators associated with permanent congenital, delayed-onset, or progressive hearing loss underwent to global audiological assessment. The following risk factors were researched, making a distinction between prenatal and perinatal risk factors: in the first group, family history of permanent childhood hearing impairment, consanguinity, pregnant maternal infection and drugs exposition during pregnancy; in the second group, premature birth, respiratory distress, hyperbilirubinemia requiring exchange tranfusion, very low birth weight, cranio-facial abnormality, perinatal infections, ototoxic drugs administration, acidosis, hyponatremia, head trauma. Results: The analysis of the auditory deficit for infants according to numbers of risk factors showed mean values of: 78 + 28.08 dB nHL for infants positive to two risk factors; 75.71 + 30.30 dB nHL in cases positive to three risk factors; 96.66 + 34.46 dB nHL for four risk factors and 85 + 35 dB nHL in case of >5 risk factors. Conclusion: NICU infants have greater chances of developing SNHL, because of the presence of multiple risk factors; in fact, as the number of coexisting risk factors increases, the prevalence rate of SNHL also increases (r=0.81)

    Three‐dimensional scanning with dual‐source computed tomography in patients with acute skeletal trauma

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of multiplanar reformatted images and threedimensional images created after multidetector computed tomography examination in detecting acute posttraumatic osseous pathology of the skeletal system. METHOD: Between October 2006 and December 2008, 105 patients with a history of acute trauma were referred to our service. Patients were evaluated with multidetector computed tomography using multiplanary reconstructed images initially (R-I), and six months after this initial evaluation, three-dimensional images were assessed of each patient (R-II). Axial images were used for guiding as a reference Data obtained was recorded and graded according to importance levels of the pathologies. RESULTS: The R-II score was higher in the non-articular and highest in periartricular fractures of the extremities, and thoracic and pelvic cage injuries. For the spinal column, while R-I data was more significant In patients referred with polytrauma, R-II data, was more statistically significant, for short processing and adaptation time to acquiring immediate critical information. For all cases it was seen that three dimensional scans were more efficient in providing the orientation, within a short time. CONCLUSION: By dual source multidedector tomography systems trauma patients may be evaluated by multiplanary and three dimensionally reconstructed images. When used correctly, three dimensional imaging is advantageous and can help determine the exact nature and extension and also importance of osseous injuries

    Employee Appraisal System in Sidit spol. s r. o.

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    Práce je zaměřena na analýzu systému hodnocení ve firmě Sidit spol. s r.o., který ve firmě funguje. Hlavním cílem jsou doporučení a návrhy pro zlepšení současného systému hodnocení firmy. Teoretická část se zaměřuje na řízení lidských zdrojů, lidský kapitál, personální činnosti, hodnocení zaměstnanců, metody hodnocení zaměstnanců, vedení rozhovoru s podřízenými pracovníky, chyby v oblasti hodnocení pracovníků a metodologický přístup. V rámci praktické části je popsána organizace Sidit spol. s r. o. z hlediska základních informací, historie a současnosti a z hlediska organizační struktury. Hlavní část praktické části diplomové práce tvoří polostrukturovaný rozhovor s jedním z majitelů firmy, dotazníkové šetření směrem na zaměstnance a dotazníkové šetření směrem na hodnotitele. Závěr diplomové práce tvoří návrhy a doporučení, které vyplynuly z dotazníkového šetření a které mají pomoci ke zlepšení současného systému hodnocení firmy Sidit spol. s r. o.The aim of this thesis is to provide an analysis of the evaluation system in place for the company Sidit spol. s r.o., The main goal is to create a proposal and recommendations to improve this evaluation system. In terms of theory, the focus is set on human resource management, human capital, personnel activities, employee evaluation, the methods of employee evaluation, interviewing subordinates, errors in the field of employee evaluation and methodological approach. For the practical part, the company Sidit spol. s r. o. is described in terms of basic information, past and present history and in the terms of organisational structure. The main part of the practical consists of a semi-structured interview with one of the owners of the company, a questionnaire for the employees and a questionnaire for the evaluators. The significance of this study is to create proposals and recommendations that emerged using the questionnaires, which are to help improve the current evaluation system of the company Sidit spol. s r. o.115 - Katedra managementuvelmi dobř

    CNS Structural Anomalies in Iranian Children with Global Developmental Delay

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    How to Cite This Article: Zamani GH, Shervin Badv R, Niksirat A, Alizadeh H. CNS Structural Anomalies in Iranian Children with Global Developmental Delay. Iran J Child Neurol. 2013 Winter; 7 (1):25-28. ObjectiveCentral Nervous system (CNS) malformations are one of the most important causes of global developmental delay (GDD) in Children. About one percent of infants with GDD have an inherited metabolic disorder and 3-10 percent have a chromosomal disorder. This study aimed to survey the frequency of brain structural anomalies and their subtypes among the variety of etiologic factors in children with GDD in our patients.Materials & MethodsThis study used the results of neuroimaging studies [unenhanced brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)] of all children who had been referred for evaluation of GDD to outpatient Clinic of Pediatric neurology at Children’s Medical Center affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Science between September 2009 and September 2010.ResultsIn this study, unenhanced brain MRI was performed on 405 children, of which80 cases (20 percent) had brain structural anomalies. In 8.7 percent of the cases, previous history of brain structural disorders existed in other children of the family and 20 percent of mothers had inadequate consumption of folate during pregnancy.ConclusionBased on the results of this study, unenhanced cranial MRI seems to be a fundamental part of evaluation in all children with GDD. Adequate folate consumption as prophylaxis as well as genetic counseling can be worthy for high-risk mothers who have previous history of CNS anomaly or miscarriage to avoid repeated CNS anomalies in their next pregnancies. References1. Fenichel M. Clinical Pediatric Neurology: A Signs and Symptoms Approach. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2009. p. 119-52.2. A guide to investigation of children with developmental delay in East Anglia 2005Available from:http://www. phgfoundation.org/file/2366.3. Williams J. Global developmental delay–globally helpful? Dev Med Child Neurol 2010;52(3):227.4. Shevell M, Ashwal S, Donley D, Flint J, Gingold M, Hirtz D, et al. Practice parameter: Evaluation of the child with global developmental delay: Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and The Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society. Neurology 2003;60(3):367-80.5. Whiting K. Investigating the child with learning difficulty.Current Pediatrics 2001;11(4):240-7.6. Aicardi J. The etiology of developmental delay. Semin Pediatr Neurol 1998;5(1):15-20.7. Von Wendt L, Rantakallio P. Congenital malformations of the central nervous system in a 1-year birth cohort followed to the age of 14 years. Childs Nerv Syst.1986;2(2):80-2.8. Kuzniecky R, Murro A, King D, Morawetz R, Smith J, Powers R, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging in childhood intractable partial epilepsy: Pathologic correlations. Neurology1993;43:681-7.9. Massimi L, Paternoster G, Fasano T, et al: On the changing epidemiology of hydrocephalus. Childs Nerv Syst. 2009;25(7):795-800.10. Warkany J, Lemire RJ, Cohen Jr MM. Mental retardation and congenital malformations of the central nervous system. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers; 1981.11. Petrini J, Damus K, Johnston RB Jr. An overview of infant mortality and birth defects in the United States. Teratology. 1997;56(1-2):8-10.12. Rosano A, Botto LD, Botting B, Mastroiacovo P. Infant mortality and congenital anomalies from 1950 to 1994: an international perspective. J Epidemiol Community Health 2000; 54(9):660-6.13. Cordero JF. Finding the causes of birth defects. The New England Journal of Medicine. 1994;331(1):48-9.14. Srour M, Mazer B, Shevell MI. Analysis of Clinical Features Predicting Etiologic Yield in the Assessment of Global    Developmental    Delay.Pediatrics    2006 ;118(1):139-45.15. Meral O, Burak T, Nur A. Etiologic evaluation in 247 children with GDD at Istanbul, Turkey. J Trop Pediatr 2005;51(5):310-3.16. World Health Organization. Weekly Iron-Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS) in women of reproductive age: its role in promoting optimal maternal and child health. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2009. WHO/NMH/ NHD/MNM/09.2. p. 2. 

    Comparative utility of the BESTest, mini-BESTest, and brief-BESTest for predicting falls in individuals with Parkinson disease: A cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: The newly developed Brief–Balance Evaluation System Test (Brief-BESTest) may be useful for measuring balance and predicting falls in individuals with Parkinson disease (PD). OBJECTIVES: The purposes of this study were: (1) to describe the balance performance of those with PD using the Brief-BESTest, (2) to determine the relationships among the scores derived from the 3 versions of the BESTest (ie, full BESTest, Mini-BESTest, and Brief-BESTest), and (3) to compare the accuracy of the Brief-BESTest with that of the Mini-BESTest and BESTest in identifying recurrent fallers among people with PD. DESIGN: This was a prospective cohort study. METHODS: Eighty participants with PD completed a baseline balance assessment. All participants reported a fall history during the previous 6 months. Fall history was again collected 6 months (n=51) and 12 months (n=40) later. RESULTS: At baseline, participants had varying levels of balance impairment, and Brief-BESTest scores were significantly correlated with Mini-BESTest (r=.94, P<.001) and BESTest (r=.95, P<.001) scores. Six-month retrospective fall prediction accuracy of the Brief-BESTest was moderately high (area under the curve [AUC]=0.82, sensitivity=0.76, and specificity=0.84). Prospective fall prediction accuracy over 6 months was similarly accurate (AUC=0.88, sensitivity=0.71, and specificity=0.87), but was less sensitive over 12 months (AUC=0.76, sensitivity=0.53, and specificity=0.93). LIMITATIONS: The sample included primarily individuals with mild to moderate PD. Also, there was a moderate dropout rate at 6 and 12 months. CONCLUSIONS: All versions of the BESTest were reasonably accurate in identifying future recurrent fallers, especially during the 6 months following assessment. Clinicians can reasonably rely on the Brief-BESTest for predicting falls, particularly when time and equipment constraints are of concern

    Are book publications disappearing from scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities?

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the evolution in terms of shares of scholarly book publications in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in five European countries, i.e. Flanders (Belgium), Finland, Norway, Poland and Slovenia. In addition to aggregate results for the whole of the social sciences and the humanities, the authors focus on two well-established fields, namely, economics & business and history. Design/methodology/approach – Comprehensive coverage databases of SSH scholarly output have been set up in Flanders (VABB-SHW), Finland (VIRTA), Norway (NSI), Poland (PBN) and Slovenia (COBISS). These systems allow to trace the shares of monographs and book chapters among the total volume of scholarly publications in each of these countries. Findings – As expected, the shares of scholarly monographs and book chapters in the humanities and in the social sciences differ considerably between fields of science and between the five countries studied. In economics & business and in history, the results show similar field-based variations as well as country variations. Most year-to-year and overall variation is rather limited. The data presented illustrate that book publishing is not disappearing from an SSH. Research limitations/implications – The results presented in this paper illustrate that the polish scholarly evaluation system has influenced scholarly publication patterns considerably, while in the other countries the variations are manifested only slightly. The authors conclude that generalizations like “performance-based research funding systems (PRFS) are bad for book publishing” are flawed. Research evaluation systems need to take book publishing fully into account because of the crucial epistemic and social roles it serves in an SSH.Originality/value – The authors present data on monographs and book chapters from five comprehensive coverage databases in Europe and analyze the data in view of the debates regarding the perceived detrimental effects of research evaluation systems on scholarly book publishing. The authors show that there is little reason to suspect a dramatic decline of scholarly book publishing in an SSH.This work is conducted within the framework of the COST action “European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities” (ENRESSH, CA15137, enressh.eu). Tim Engels thanks the Flemish Government for its financial support to the Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM)

    Ewaluacyjna (r)ewolucja czasopism w Polsce

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    The article concerns the key problems of Polish ministerial lists of scientific journals, which are shown on the example of journals from the history and history of science, the idea of a new list according to the Unit for the Science of Science at the Institute for the History of Science (Polish Academy of Sciences) and the appreciation of the editorial and review activity in the Polish system of evaluation of scientific achievements. The fundamental flaw in the procedure for creating the lists of scientific journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland (December 18, 2019) and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Poland (February 9, 2021 / February 18, 2021) is the lack of reference to the achievements of the science of science, although it was established in Poland in 1916–1939 and has been fruitfully developed in the world ever since. The bibliometric achievements of the 12 highest-scoring Polish journals from history, which received 100 points in the “List of journals of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Poland” (February 9, 2021 / February 18, 2021) were compared with the bibliometric achievements of the highest-scoring Polish journals from the sub-disciplines “history of science” or “history and philosophy of science”. Although they received only 40 points, they did not have fewer bibliometric achievements than Polish historical journals rated at 100 points. A comparison of bibliometric achievements of 18 Polish history journals indexed in Scopus showed that in 2019 and 2020, the journal Studia Historiae Scientiarum had the highest values of these indicators. On this basis, it is justified to claim that in the case of Polish journals in the discipline of “history” and sub-disciplines “history of science” and “history and philosophy of science”, the ministerial list of journals was built on the basis of non-objective and non-transparent rules. Such a critical remark also applies to the previous lists of journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland, including the list of December 18, 2019. It is therefore necessary to: a) thoroughly improve the scores of Polish journals in the sub-disciplines “history of science” and “history and philosophy of science” in the short term, because maintaining such verdicts will lead to an unjustified depreciation of scientific achievements in the field of these sub-disciplines during the evaluation of Polish academic units, and b) develop a new Polish model for evaluating journals in the long term. Bearing in mind the achievements of the integrated science of science, in particular the method of correspondence thinking and the idea of scientific (r)evolution by Michał Kokowski, praxeological research in the spirit of Tadeusz Kotarbiński, scientific communication and the trend named the responsible metrics, a new model of journal evaluation is presented. The idea of objective measures of journal’s achievements and the costs of publishing in it are described: the journal’s achievement measure (JAM)©, the journal’s cost-effectiveness measure (JCEM)© and the normalized journal’s cost-effectiveness measure (NJCEM)©. This is followed by a presentation of Rules for the creation of lists of scientific journals according to the Unit for the Science of Science at the Institute for the History of Science (Polish Academy of Sciences)©. It is postulated that relevant appreciation of editorial and review activity in the Polish system of evaluation of scientific achievements should be introduced by modifying the current regulation on the evaluation of scientific achievements.Artykuł dotyczy kluczowych problemów polskich ministerialnych list czasopism naukowych, co zostanie okazane na przykładzie czasopism z historii i historii nauki, idei nowej listy według Pracowni Naukoznawstwa IHN PAN oraz dowartościowania działalności redaktorskiej i recenzyjnej w polskim systemie ewaluacji dokonań naukowych. Wskazano fundamentalną wadę procedury tworzenia wykazów czasopism naukowych MNiSW (18 grudnia 2019 r.) i MEiN (9 lutego 2021 r. / 18 lutego 2021 r.) – brak nawiązania do osiągnięć naukoznawstwa (powstałego w Polsce w latach 1916–1939 i od tego czasu rozwijanego owocnie na świecie). Porównano osiągnięcia bibliometryczne 12 najwyżej punktowanych polskich czasopism z historii, które otrzymały po 100 punktów w „Wykazie czasopism MEiN” (9 lutego 2021 r. / 18 lutego 2021 r.), z osiągnięciami bibliometrycznymi 9 najwyżej punktowanych polskich czasopism z subdyscyplin „historia nauki” lub „historia i filozofia nauki”, które choć otrzymały jedynie 40 punktów, nie mają mniejszych dokonań bibliometrycznych niż polskie czasopisma historyczne ocenione na 100 punktów. Porównano osiągnięcia bibliometryczne 18 polskich czasopism z historii indeksowanych w Scopus. W 2019 i 2020 r. najwyższe wartości wskaźników miało wśród nich czasopismo Studia Historiae Scientiarum. Na tej podstawie jest zasadne twierdzić, że w przypadku polskich czasopism z dyscypliny „historia” i subdyscyplin „historia nauki” i „historia i filozofia nauki”, ministerialny wykaz czasopism zbudowano w oparciu o nieobiektywne i nietransparentne zasady. Taka krytyczna uwaga odnosi się także do poprzednich wykazów czasopism MNiSW, włącznie z Wykazem z 18 grudnia 2019 r. Dlatego należy: a) gruntownie poprawić punktacje polskich czasopism z subdyscyplin „historia nauki” i „historia i filozofia nauki” w krótkiej perspektywie czasowej, gdyż utrzymanie takich werdyktów doprowadzi w trakcie ewaluacji polskich jednostek akademickich do nieuzasadnionej merytorycznie deprecjacji dorobku naukowego z zakresu tych subdyscyplin oraz b) wypracować nowy model ewaluacji czasopism w dłuższej perspektywie czasowej. Mając na względzie dokonania zintegrowanego naukoznawstwa, w szczególności metody myślenia korespondencyjnego i idei (r)ewolucji naukowej Michała Kokowskiego, badań prakseologicznych w duchu Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego, komunikacji naukowej oraz nurtu odpowiedzialnych metryk, przedstawiono nowy model ewaluacji czasopism. Opisano ideę obiektywnych mierników dokonań czasopisma i kosztów publikowania w nim: miernika osiągnięć czasopisma (MOC)©, miernika kosztowności czasopisma (MKC)© i unormowanego miernika kosztowności czasopisma (UMKC)© oraz przedstawiono zasady tworzenia listy czasopism naukowych według Pracowni Naukoznawstwa IHN PAN©. Przedstawiono postulat dowartościowania działalności redaktorskiej i recenzyjnej w polskim systemie ewaluacji dokonań naukowych poprzez modyfikację obowiązującego rozporządzenia w sprawie ewaluacji dokonań naukowych

    State history tree: an incremental disk-based data structure for very large interval data

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    In this paper, we propose the State History Tree, a disk-based data structure to manage large streaming interval data. The State History Tree provides an efficient way to store interval data on permanent storage with a logarithmic access time. The disk-based structure ensures that extremely large data sets can be accommodated. The State History Tree stores intervals in blocks on disk in a tree organization. Unlike other interval management data structures like R-Trees, our solution avoids re-balancing the nodes, speeding up the tree construction. The proposed method is implemented in Java, and evaluated using large data sets (up to one terabyte). Those data sets were obtained from the state intervals computed from system events traced with the LTTng kernel tracer. The evaluation results demonstrate the performance and efficiency of the method, as compared with other solutions to managing huge interval data sets

    Sport Fish Research in Illinois: A Look Inside Sport Fish Restoration Fund Project F-69-R

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    Executive Summary: For over 75 years, the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Fund has worked with state partners to conserve, protect, and enhance fish and their habitats, along with the sport fishing and recreational boating opportunities they provide. During more than a third of the existence of this important conservation program, Project F-69-R has been the cornerstone for collection and analysis of Illinois fisheries data, with a specific focus through much of its existence on understanding the interface between recreational anglers and the recreational fisheries on which they depend. F-69-R has produced a wide array of groundbreaking research findings, supported modern advancements in fisheries management, and implemented state-of-the-art technologies for fisheries data management. Most recently, this project has opened the door to connect resource users with data-driven information about Illinois fisheries through the use of emergent Internet technologies.In its first few years, Project F-69-R was tasked with developing an efficient method for conducting regular creel surveys on inland lakes in Illinois. Additionally, several research studies led to improvements in sampling design and a better understand-ing of how the efficiency of sampling gear used by fisheries managers is affected by environmental conditions. The design and implementation of creel surveys and more effective sampling was supported by what was, at the time, a cutting-edge computer-ized system for storing and analyzing fisheries data, the Fisheries Analysis System (FAS). This system became the single tool used by fisheries managers and researchers alike to tap into valuable information about sport fish populations across the state. Illinois emerged as a leader in fisheries data management through the development of FAS, serving as a model for other states to develop their own systems.From 1992 – 2009, Project F-69-R was focused on the execution of inland creel surveys, producing 334 lake and river creel surveys that have played a major role in fisheries management decisions, such as setting size and bag limits, informing supple-mental stocking strategies, and identifying needs for habitat improvement. Data from those creel surveys has been utilized by other Federal Aid Projects as well. For example, a project evaluating the effectiveness of stocking largemouth bass at certain sizes and anther project evaluating the regulation and stocking strategies designed to improve stunted bluegill populations were among the many projects that utilized creel survey data on study lakes. The combination of managing long-term fisheries data and addressing emerging research needs continues to be the corner-stone of Project F-69-R today. In the last three years, the breadth of research topics has expanded to include an evaluation of urban stream restoration on the DuPage River (p. 4–5), an in-depth investigation into largemouth bass recruitment dynamics as affected by spring angling (p. 6–7), an assessment of land-use practices and their impacts through the Fishes of Champaign County study (p. 8), and an investigation into natural reproduction of lake trout in southern Lake Michigan (p. 10). Bringing this information back to the angler has been a key component of Project F-69-R for the last 10 years through the creation of IFishIllinois.org and its social media counterparts (p. 9).A bright and exciting future is unfolding for the Sport Fish Restoration Program, and F-69-R is a central piece of that future in Illinois. Within these pages is a snapshot of the many contributions this project has made to sustaining sport fish populations in Illinois. As this project evolves to answer more complex, data-driven research questions to inform fisheries management decisions, anglers in Illinois will have access to a wide array of sustainable fisheries for generations to come.Good Fishing! Dr. Jeffrey A. Stein, Project LeaderSenior Research ScientistIllinios Natural History SurveyUS Fish and Wildlife Service/IL Department of Natural ResourcesOpe

    Submillimetric GPS distance measurement over short baselines: case study in inner consistency

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    Distance determination in the open air with submillimetric accuracy is a challenging task usually carried out with the use of submillimetric distancemeters and costly observation campaigns. The present paper represents a first step in the research of the potential use of GPS for submillimetric distance determination for distances up to a few hundred metres consisting in the evaluation of GPS distance determination reproducibility. As will be concluded, reliable submillimetric precision is attainable after some hours of observation if the same equipment in both baseline ends is used, even considering that there still remain some long-term systematic effects of a few tenths of a millimetre. The need for precise absolute antenna calibration values is also shown to be critical for submillimetric distance reproducibility.This research is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AYA2011-23232). The authors are grateful to the editor and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions, corrections and comments that helped improve the original manuscript.Baselga Moreno, S.; García-Asenjo Villamayor, L.; Garrigues Talens, P. (2013). Submillimetric GPS distance measurement over short baselines: case study in inner consistency. Measurement Science and Technology. 24(7):750011-750018. https://doi.org/10.1088/0957-0233/24/7/075001S750011750018247Amiri-Simkooei, A. R., & Tiberius, C. C. J. M. (2006). Assessing receiver noise using GPS short baseline time series. GPS Solutions, 11(1), 21-35. doi:10.1007/s10291-006-0026-8Bruyninx, C., Altamimi, Z., Boucher, C., Brockmann, E., Caporali, A., Gurtner, W., … Weber, G. (2009). The European Reference Frame: Maintenance and Products. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 131-136. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-00860-3_20Doloca, N. R., Meiners-Hagen, K., Wedde, M., Pollinger, F., & Abou-Zeid, A. (2010). Absolute distance measurement system using a femtosecond laser as a modulator. Measurement Science and Technology, 21(11), 115302. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/21/11/115302Dow, J. M., Neilan, R. E., & Rizos, C. (2009). The International GNSS Service in a changing landscape of Global Navigation Satellite Systems. Journal of Geodesy, 83(3-4), 191-198. doi:10.1007/s00190-008-0300-3Firuzabadì, D., & King, R. W. (2011). GPS precision as a function of session duration and reference frame using multi-point software. GPS Solutions, 16(2), 191-196. doi:10.1007/s10291-011-0218-8Hyun, S., Kim, Y.-J., Kim, Y., Jin, J., & Kim, S.-W. (2009). Absolute length measurement with the frequency comb of a femtosecond laser. Measurement Science and Technology, 20(9), 095302. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/20/9/095302Koivula, H., Häkli, P., Jokela, J., Buga, A., & Putrimas, R. (2011). GPS Metrology: Bringing Traceable Scale to a Local Crustal Deformation GPS Network. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 105-112. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-20338-1_13Ray, J., Altamimi, Z., Collilieux, X., & van Dam, T. (2007). Anomalous harmonics in the spectra of GPS position estimates. GPS Solutions, 12(1), 55-64. doi:10.1007/s10291-007-0067-7Schuhler, N., Salvadé, Y., Lévêque, S., Dändliker, R., & Holzwarth, R. (2006). Frequency-comb-referenced two-wavelength source for absolute distance measurement. Optics Letters, 31(21), 3101. doi:10.1364/ol.31.003101Snay, R. A., & Soler, T. (2008). Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS): History, Applications, and Future Enhancements. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 134(4), 95-104. doi:10.1061/(asce)0733-9453(2008)134:4(95