10,342 research outputs found

    Automatic Algorithm Design for Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Problems

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    [EN] Industrial production scheduling problems are challenges that researchers have been trying to solve for decades. Many practical scheduling problems such as the hybrid flowshop are ATP-hard. As a result, researchers resort to metaheuristics to obtain effective and efficient solutions. The traditional design process of metaheuristics is mainly manual, often metaphor-based, biased by previous experience and prone to producing overly tailored methods that only work well on the tested problems and objectives. In this paper, we use an Automatic Algorithm Design (AAD) methodology to eliminate these limitations. AAD is capable of composing algorithms from components with minimal human intervention. We test the proposed MD for three different optimization objectives in the hybrid flowshop. Comprehensive computational and statistical testing demonstrates that automatically designed algorithms outperform specifically tailored state-of-the-art methods for the tested objectives in most cases.Pedro Alfaro-Fernandez and Ruben Ruiz are partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, under the project "OPTEP-Port Terminal Operations Optimization" (No. RTI2018-094940-B-I00) financed with FEDER funds and under grants BES-2013-064858 and EEBB-I-15-10089. This work was supported by the COMEX project (P7/36) within the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme of the Belgian Science Policy Office. Thomas Stiitzle acknowledges support from the Belgian F.R.S.-FNRS, of which he is a Research Director.Alfaro-Fernandez, P.; Ruiz García, R.; Pagnozzi, F.; Stützle, T. (2020). Automatic Algorithm Design for Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Problems. European Journal of Operational Research. 282(3):835-845. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2019.10.004S8358452823Bożejko, W., Gnatowski, A., Niżyński, T., Affenzeller, M., & Beham, A. (2018). Local Optima Networks in Solving Algorithm Selection Problem for TSP. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 83-93. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91446-6_9Bożejko, W., Pempera, J., & Smutnicki, C. (2013). Parallel tabu search algorithm for the hybrid flow shop problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65(3), 466-474. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2013.04.007Burke, E. K., Hyde, M. R., & Kendall, G. (2012). Grammatical Evolution of Local Search Heuristics. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 16(3), 406-417. doi:10.1109/tevc.2011.2160401Cahon, S., Melab, N., & Talbi, E.-G. (2004). ParadisEO: A Framework for the Reusable Design of Parallel and Distributed Metaheuristics. Journal of Heuristics, 10(3), 357-380. doi:10.1023/b:heur.0000026900.92269.ecCarlier, J., & Neron, E. (2000). 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    Climbing depth-bounded adjacent discrepancy search for solving hybrid flow shop scheduling problems with multiprocessor tasks

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    This paper considers multiprocessor task scheduling in a multistage hybrid flow-shop environment. The problem even in its simplest form is NP-hard in the strong sense. The great deal of interest for this problem, besides its theoretical complexity, is animated by needs of various manufacturing and computing systems. We propose a new approach based on limited discrepancy search to solve the problem. Our method is tested with reference to a proposed lower bound as well as the best-known solutions in literature. Computational results show that the developed approach is efficient in particular for large-size problems

    Efficient heuristics for the parallel blocking flow shop scheduling problem

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    We consider the NP-hard problem of scheduling n jobs in F identical parallel flow shops, each consisting of a series of m machines, and doing so with a blocking constraint. The applied criterion is to minimize the makespan, i.e., the maximum completion time of all the jobs in F flow shops (lines). The Parallel Flow Shop Scheduling Problem (PFSP) is conceptually similar to another problem known in the literature as the Distributed Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problem (DPFSP), which allows modeling the scheduling process in companies with more than one factory, each factory with a flow shop configuration. Therefore, the proposed methods can solve the scheduling problem under the blocking constraint in both situations, which, to the best of our knowledge, has not been studied previously. In this paper, we propose a mathematical model along with some constructive and improvement heuristics to solve the parallel blocking flow shop problem (PBFSP) and thus minimize the maximum completion time among lines. The proposed constructive procedures use two approaches that are totally different from those proposed in the literature. These methods are used as initial solution procedures of an iterated local search (ILS) and an iterated greedy algorithm (IGA), both of which are combined with a variable neighborhood search (VNS). The proposed constructive procedure and the improved methods take into account the characteristics of the problem. The computational evaluation demonstrates that both of them –especially the IGA– perform considerably better than those algorithms adapted from the DPFSP literature.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A hybrid CFGTSA based approach for scheduling problem: a case study of an automobile industry

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    In the global competitive world swift, reliable and cost effective production subject to uncertain situations, through an appropriate management of the available resources, has turned out to be the necessity for surviving in the market. This inspired the development of the more efficient and robust methods to counteract the existing complexities prevailing in the market. The present paper proposes a hybrid CFGTSA algorithm inheriting the salient features of GA, TS, SA, and chaotic theory to solve the complex scheduling problems commonly faced by most of the manufacturing industries. The proposed CFGTSA algorithm has been tested on a scheduling problem of an automobile industry, and its efficacy has been shown by comparing the results with GA, SA, TS, GTS, and hybrid TSA algorithms

    Pilot, Rollout and Monte Carlo Tree Search Methods for Job Shop Scheduling

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    Greedy heuristics may be attuned by looking ahead for each possible choice, in an approach called the rollout or Pilot method. These methods may be seen as meta-heuristics that can enhance (any) heuristic solution, by repetitively modifying a master solution: similarly to what is done in game tree search, better choices are identified using lookahead, based on solutions obtained by repeatedly using a greedy heuristic. This paper first illustrates how the Pilot method improves upon some simple well known dispatch heuristics for the job-shop scheduling problem. The Pilot method is then shown to be a special case of the more recent Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) methods: Unlike the Pilot method, MCTS methods use random completion of partial solutions to identify promising branches of the tree. The Pilot method and a simple version of MCTS, using the ε\varepsilon-greedy exploration paradigms, are then compared within the same framework, consisting of 300 scheduling problems of varying sizes with fixed-budget of rollouts. Results demonstrate that MCTS reaches better or same results as the Pilot methods in this context.Comment: Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN (LION'6) 7219 (2012

    Framework for sustainable TVET-Teacher Education Program in Malaysia Public Universities

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    Studies had stated that less attention was given to the education aspect, such as teaching and learning in planning for improving the TVET system. Due to the 21st Century context, the current paradigm of teaching for the TVET educators also has been reported to be fatal and need to be shifted. All these disadvantages reported hindering the country from achieving the 5th strategy in the Strategic Plan for Vocational Education Transformation to transform TVET system as a whole. Therefore, this study aims to develop a framework for sustainable TVET Teacher Education program in Malaysia. This study had adopted an Exploratory Sequential Mix-Method design, which involves a semi-structured interview (phase one) and survey method (phase two). Nine experts had involved in phase one chosen by using Purposive Sampling Technique. As in phase two, 118 TVET-TE program lecturers were selected as the survey sample chosen through random sampling method. After data analysis in phase one (thematic analysis) and phase two (Principal Component Analysis), eight domains and 22 elements have been identified for the framework for sustainable TVET-TE program in Malaysia. This framework was identified to embed the elements of 21st Century Education, thus filling the gap in this research. The research findings also indicate that the developed framework was unidimensional and valid for the development and research regarding TVET-TE program in Malaysia. Lastly, it is in the hope that this research can be a guide for the nations in producing a quality TVET teacher in the future

    A simheuristic algorithm for solving an integrated resource allocation and scheduling problem

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    Modern companies have to face challenging configuration issues in their manufacturing chains. One of these challenges is related to the integrated allocation and scheduling of resources such as machines, workers, energy, etc. These integrated optimization problems are difficult to solve, but they can be even more challenging when real-life uncertainty is considered. In this paper, we study an integrated allocation and scheduling optimization problem with stochastic processing times. A simheuristic algorithm is proposed in order to effectively solve this integrated and stochastic problem. Our approach relies on the hybridization of simulation with a metaheuristic to deal with the stochastic version of the allocation-scheduling problem. A series of numerical experiments contribute to illustrate the efficiency of our methodology as well as their potential applications in real-life enterprise settings