1,132 research outputs found

    Hybrid algorithms for independent batch scheduling in grids

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    Grid computing has emerged as a wide area distributed paradigm for solving large-scale problems in science, engineering, etc. and is known as the family of eScience grid-enabled applications. Computing planning of incoming jobs efficiently with available machines in the grid system is the main requirement for optimised system performance. One version of the problem is that of independent batch scheduling, in which jobs are assumed to be independent and are scheduled in batches aimed at minimising the makespan and flowtime. Given the hardness of the problem, heuristics are used to find high quality solutions for practical purposes of designing efficient grid schedulers. Recently, considerable efforts were spent in implementing and evaluating not only stand-alone heuristics and meta-heuristics, but also their hybridisation into even higher level algorithms. In this paper, we present a study on the performance of two popular algorithms for the problem, namely Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Tabu Search (TS) and two hybridisations involving them, namely, the GA (TS) and GA-TS, which differ in the way the main control and cooperation among GA and TS are implemented. The hierarchic and simultaneous optimisation modes are considered for the bi-objective scheduling problem. Evaluation is done using different grid scenarios generated by a grid simulator. The computational results showed that the hybrid algorithm outperforms both the GA and TS for the makespan parameter, but not for the flowtime parameter.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Hybrid ant colony system algorithm for static and dynamic job scheduling in grid computing

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    Grid computing is a distributed system with heterogeneous infrastructures. Resource management system (RMS) is one of the most important components which has great influence on the grid computing performance. The main part of RMS is the scheduler algorithm which has the responsibility to map submitted tasks to available resources. The complexity of scheduling problem is considered as a nondeterministic polynomial complete (NP-complete) problem and therefore, an intelligent algorithm is required to achieve better scheduling solution. One of the prominent intelligent algorithms is ant colony system (ACS) which is implemented widely to solve various types of scheduling problems. However, ACS suffers from stagnation problem in medium and large size grid computing system. ACS is based on exploitation and exploration mechanisms where the exploitation is sufficient but the exploration has a deficiency. The exploration in ACS is based on a random approach without any strategy. This study proposed four hybrid algorithms between ACS, Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Tabu Search (TS) algorithms to enhance the ACS performance. The algorithms are ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS(TS), and ACS+TS. These proposed hybrid algorithms will enhance ACS in terms of exploration mechanism and solution refinement by implementing low and high levels hybridization of ACS, GA, and TS algorithms. The proposed algorithms were evaluated against twelve metaheuristic algorithms in static (expected time to compute model) and dynamic (distribution pattern) grid computing environments. A simulator called ExSim was developed to mimic the static and dynamic nature of the grid computing. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms outperform ACS in terms of best makespan values. Performance of ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS(TS), and ACS+TS are better than ACS by 0.35%, 2.03%, 4.65% and 6.99% respectively for static environment. For dynamic environment, performance of ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS+TS, and ACS(TS) are better than ACS by 0.01%, 0.56%, 1.16%, and 1.26% respectively. The proposed algorithms can be used to schedule tasks in grid computing with better performance in terms of makespan

    Hybrid ant colony system and genetic algorithm approach for scheduling of jobs in computational grid

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    Metaheuristic algorithms have been used to solve scheduling problems in grid computing.However, stand-alone metaheuristic algorithms do not always show good performance in every problem instance. This study proposes a high level hybrid approach between ant colony system and genetic algorithm for job scheduling in grid computing.The proposed approach is based on a high level hybridization.The proposed hybrid approach is evaluated using the static benchmark problems known as ETC matrix.Experimental results show that the proposed hybridization between the two algorithms outperforms the stand-alone algorithms in terms of best and average makespan values

    Hybrid Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Static and Dynamic Job Scheduling in Grid Computing

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    The term ’grid computing’ is used to describe an infrastructure that connects geographically distributed computers and heterogeneous platforms owned by multiple organizations allowing their computational power, storage capabilities and other resources to be selected and shared. Allocating jobs to computational grid resources in an efficient manner is one of the main challenges facing any grid computing system; this allocation is called job scheduling in grid computing. This thesis studies the application of hybrid meta-heuristics to the job scheduling problem in grid computing, which is recognized as being one of the most important and challenging issues in grid computing environments. Similar to job scheduling in traditional computing systems, this allocation is known to be an NPhard problem. Meta-heuristic approaches such as the Genetic Algorithm (GA), Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS) and Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) have all proven their effectiveness in solving different scheduling problems. However, hybridising two or more meta-heuristics shows better performance than applying a stand-alone approach. The new high level meta-heuristic will inherit the best features of the hybridised algorithms, increasing the chances of skipping away from local minima, and hence enhancing the overall performance. In this thesis, the application of VNS for the job scheduling problem in grid computing is introduced. Four new neighbourhood structures, together with a modified local search, are proposed. The proposed VNS is hybridised using two meta-heuristic methods, namely GA and ACO, in loosely and strongly coupled fashions, yielding four new sequential hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms for the problem of static and dynamic single-objective independent batch job scheduling in grid computing. For the static version of the problem, several experiments were carried out to analyse the performance of the proposed schedulers in terms of minimising the makespan using well known benchmarks. The experiments show that the proposed schedulers achieved impressive results compared to other traditional, heuristic and meta-heuristic approaches selected from the bibliography. To model the dynamic version of the problem, a simple simulator, which uses the rescheduling technique, is designed and new problem instances are generated, by using a well-known methodology, to evaluate the performance of the proposed hybrid schedulers. The experimental results show that the use of rescheduling provides significant improvements in terms of the makespan compared to other non-rescheduling approaches

    Game-theoretic, market and meta-heuristics approaches for modelling scheduling and resource allocation in grid systems

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    Task scheduling and resource allocation are the crucial issues in any large scale distributed system, such as Computational Grids (CGs). However, traditional computational models and resolution methods cannot effectively tackle the complex nature of Grid, where the resources and users belong to many administrative domains with their own access policies, users' privileges, etc. Recently, researchers are investigating the use of game theoretic approaches for modelling task and resource allocation problems in CGs. In this paper, we present a compact survey of the most relevant research proposals in the literature to use game-based models for the resource allocation problems and their resolution using metaheuristic methods. We emphasize the need of the translation of the traditional economical models into the game scenarios and the use of metaheuristic schedulers for solving such games in order to address the new complex scheduling and allocation criterions. We study the case of asymmetric Stackelberg game used for modelling the Grid users' behavior, where the security and reliability criterions are aggregated and defined as the users' costs functions. The obtained results show the efficiency of the hybridization of heuristic-based approaches with game models, which enables to include additional requirements and features into the computational models and tackle more effectively the resolution of the applied schedulers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A web interface for meta-heuristics based grid schedulers

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    The use of meta-heuristics for designing efficient Grid schedulers is currently a common approach. One issue related to Grid based schedulers is their evaluation under different Grid configurations, such as dynamics of tasks and machines, task arrival, scheduling policies, etc. In this paper we present a web application that interfaces the final user with several meta-heuristics based Grid schedulers. The application interface facilities for each user the remote evaluation of the different heuristics, the configuration of the schedulers as well as the configuration of the Grid simulator under which the schedulers are run. The simulation results and traces are graphically represented and stored at the server and can retrieved in different formats such as spreadsheet form or pdf files. Historical executions are as well kept enabling a full study of use cases for different types of Grid schedulers. Thus, through this application the user can extract useful knowledge about the behavior of different schedulers by simulating realistic conditions of Grid system without needing to install and configure any specific software.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms for independent job scheduling in grid computing

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The term ’grid computing’ is used to describe an infrastructure that connects geographically distributed computers and heterogeneous platforms owned by multiple organizations allowing their computational power, storage capabilities and other resources to be selected and shared. The job scheduling problem is recognized as being one of the most important and challenging issues in grid computing environments. This paper proposes two strongly coupled hybrid meta-heuristic schedulers. The first scheduler combines Ant Colony Optimisation and Variable Neighbourhood Search in which the former acts as the primary algorithm which, during its execution, calls the latter as a supporting algorithm, while the second merges the Genetic Algorithm with Variable Neighbourhood Search in the same fashion. Several experiments were carried out to analyse the performance of the proposed schedulers in terms of minimizing the makespan using well known benchmarks. The experiments show that the proposed schedulers achieved impressive results compared to other selected approaches from the bibliography

    Enhancing the genetic-based scheduling in computational grids by a structured hierarchical population

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    Independent Job Scheduling is one of the most useful versions of scheduling in grid systems. It aims at computing efficient and optimal mapping of jobs and/or applications submitted by independent users to the grid resources. Besides traditional restrictions, mapping of jobs to resources should be computed under high degree of heterogeneity of resources, the large scale and the dynamics of the system. Because of the complexity of the problem, the heuristic and meta-heuristic approaches are the most feasible methods of scheduling in grids due to their ability to deliver high quality solutions in reasonable computing time. One class of such meta-heuristics is Hierarchic Genetic Strategy (HGS). It is defined as a variant of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) which differs from the other genetic methods by its capability of concurrent search of the solution space. In this work, we present an implementation of HGS for Independent Job Scheduling in dynamic grid environments. We consider the bi-objective version of the problem in which makespan and flowtime are simultaneously optimized. Based on our previous work, we improve the HGS scheduling strategy by enhancing its main branching operations. The resulting HGS-based scheduler is evaluated under the heterogeneity, the large scale and dynamics conditions using a grid simulator. The experimental study showed that the HGS implementation outperforms existing GA-based schedulers proposed in the literature.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Scheduling jobs in computational grid using hybrid ACS and GA approach

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    Metaheuristics algorithms show very good performance in solving various job scheduling problems in computational grid systems.However, due to the complexity and heterogeneous nature of resources in grid computing, stand-alone algorithm is not capable to find a good quality solution in reasonable time.This study proposes a hybrid algorithm, specifically ant colony system and genetic algorithm to solve the job scheduling problem.The high level hybridization algorithm will keep the identity of each algorithm in performing the scheduling task.The study focuses on static grid computing environment and the metrics for optimization are the makespan and flowtime.Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms other stand-alone algorithms such as ant system, genetic algorithms, and ant colony system for makespan.However, for flowtime, ant system and genetic algorithm perform better
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