156 research outputs found

    FPGA based technical solutions for high throughput data processing and encryption for 5G communication: A review

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    The field programmable gate array (FPGA) devices are ideal solutions for high-speed processing applications, given their flexibility, parallel processing capability, and power efficiency. In this review paper, at first, an overview of the key applications of FPGA-based platforms in 5G networks/systems is presented, exploiting the improved performances offered by such devices. FPGA-based implementations of cloud radio access network (C-RAN) accelerators, network function virtualization (NFV)-based network slicers, cognitive radio systems, and multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channel characterizers are the main considered applications that can benefit from the high processing rate, power efficiency and flexibility of FPGAs. Furthermore, the implementations of encryption/decryption algorithms by employing the Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+MPSoC ZCU102 FPGA platform are discussed, and then we introduce our high-speed and lightweight implementation of the well-known AES-128 algorithm, developed on the same FPGA platform, and comparing it with similar solutions already published in the literature. The comparison results indicate that our AES-128 implementation enables efficient hardware usage for a given data-rate (up to 28.16 Gbit/s), resulting in higher efficiency (8.64 Mbps/slice) than other considered solutions. Finally, the applications of the ZCU102 platform for high-speed processing are explored, such as image and signal processing, visual recognition, and hardware resource management

    High-performance AES-128 algorithm implementation by FPGA-based SoC for 5G communications

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    In this research work, a fast and lightweight AES-128 cypher based on the Xilinx ZCU102 FPGA board is presented, suitable for 5G communications. In particular, both encryption and decryption algorithms have been developed using a pipelined approach, so enabling the simultaneous processing of the rounds on multiple data packets at each clock cycle. Both the encryption and decryption systems support an operative frequency up to 220 MHz, reaching 28.16 Gbit/s maximum data throughput; besides, the encryption and decryption phases last both only ten clock periods. To guarantee the interoperability of the developed encryption/decryption system with the other sections of the 5G communication apparatus, synchronization and control signals have been integrated. The encryption system uses only 1631 CLBs, whereas the decryption one only 3464 CLBs, ascribable, mainly, to the Inverse Mix Columns step. The developed cypher shows higher efficiency (8.63 Mbps/slice) than similar solutions present in literature

    High-performance AES-128 algorithm implementation by FPGA-based SoC for 5G communications

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    none4siIn this research work, a fast and lightweight AES-128 cypher based on the Xilinx ZCU102 FPGA board is presented, suitable for 5G communications. In particular, both encryption and decryption algorithms have been developed using a pipelined approach, so enabling the simultaneous processing of the rounds on multiple data packets at each clock cycle. Both the encryption and decryption systems support an operative frequency up to 220 MHz, reaching 28.16 Gbit/s maximum data throughput; besides, the encryption and decryption phases last both only ten clock periods. To guarantee the interoperability of the developed encryption/decryption system with the other sections of the 5G communication apparatus, synchronization and control signals have been integrated. The encryption system uses only 1631 CLBs, whereas the decryption one only 3464 CLBs, ascribable, mainly, to the Inverse Mix Columns step. The developed cypher shows higher efficiency (8.63 Mbps/slice) than similar solutions present in literature.openP.Visconti, R. Velazquez, S. Capoccia, R. de FazioVisconti, P.; Velazquez, R.; Capoccia, S.; de Fazio, R

    Design of a Scan Chain for Side Channel Attacks on AES Cryptosystem for Improved Security

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    Scan chain-based attacks are side-channel attacks focusing on one of the most significant features of hardware test circuitry. A technique called Design for Testability (DfT) involves integrating certain testability components into a hardware design. However, this creates a side channel for cryptanalysis, providing crypto devices vulnerable to scan-based attacks. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) has been proven as the most powerful and secure symmetric encryption algorithm announced by USA Government and it outperforms all other existing cryptographic algorithms. Furthermore, the on-chip implementation of private key algorithms like AES has faced scan-based side-channel attacks. With the aim of protecting the data for secure communication, a new hybrid pipelined AES algorithm with enhanced security features is implemented. This paper proposes testing an AES core with unpredictable response compaction and bit level-masking throughout the scan chain process. A bit-level scan flipflop focused on masking as a scan protection solution for secure testing. The experimental results show that the best security is provided by the randomized addition of masked scan flipflop through the scan chain and also provides minimal design difficulty and power expansion overhead with some negligible delay measures. Thus, the proposed technique outperforms the state-of-the-art LUT-based S-box and the composite sub-byte transformation model regarding throughput rate 2 times and 15 times respectively. And security measured in the avalanche effect for the sub-pipelined model has been increased up to 95 per cent with reduced computational complexity. Also, the proposed sub-pipelined S-box utilizing a composite field arithmetic scheme achieves 7 per cent area effectiveness and 2.5 times the hardware complexity compared to the LUT-based model

    On the Edge of Secure Connectivity via Software-Defined Networking

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    Securing communication in computer networks has been an essential feature ever since the Internet, as we know it today, was started. One of the best known and most common methods for secure communication is to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) solution, mainly operating with an IP security (IPsec) protocol suite originally published in 1995 (RFC1825). It is clear that the Internet, and networks in general, have changed dramatically since then. In particular, the onset of the Cloud and the Internet-of-Things (IoT) have placed new demands on secure networking. Even though the IPsec suite has been updated over the years, it is starting to reach the limits of its capabilities in its present form. Recent advances in networking have thrown up Software-Defined Networking (SDN), which decouples the control and data planes, and thus centralizes the network control. SDN provides arbitrary network topologies and elastic packet forwarding that have enabled useful innovations at the network level. This thesis studies SDN-powered VPN networking and explains the benefits of this combination. Even though the main context is the Cloud, the approaches described here are also valid for non-Cloud operation and are thus suitable for a variety of other use cases for both SMEs and large corporations. In addition to IPsec, open source TLS-based VPN (e.g. OpenVPN) solutions are often used to establish secure tunnels. Research shows that a full-mesh VPN network between multiple sites can be provided using OpenVPN and it can be utilized by SDN to create a seamless, resilient layer-2 overlay for multiple purposes, including the Cloud. However, such a VPN tunnel suffers from resiliency problems and cannot meet the increasing availability requirements. The network setup proposed here is similar to Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) solutions and is extremely useful for applications with strict requirements for resiliency and security, even if best-effort ISP is used. IPsec is still preferred over OpenVPN for some use cases, especially by smaller enterprises. Therefore, this research also examines the possibilities for high availability, load balancing, and faster operational speeds for IPsec. We present a novel approach involving the separation of the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) and the Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP) in SDN fashion to operate from separate devices. This allows central management for the IKE while several separate ESP devices can concentrate on the heavy processing. Initially, our research relied on software solutions for ESP processing. Despite the ingenuity of the architectural concept, and although it provided high availability and good load balancing, there was no anti-replay protection. Since anti-replay protection is vital for secure communication, another approach was required. It thus became clear that the ideal solution for such large IPsec tunneling would be to have a pool of fast ESP devices, but to confine the IKE operation to a single centralized device. This would obviate the need for load balancing but still allow high availability via the device pool. The focus of this research thus turned to the study of pure hardware solutions on an FPGA, and their feasibility and production readiness for application in the Cloud context. Our research shows that FPGA works fluently in an SDN network as a standalone IPsec accelerator for ESP packets. The proposed architecture has 10 Gbps throughput, yet the latency is less than 10 µs, meaning that this architecture is especially efficient for data center use and offers increased performance and latency requirements. The high demands of the network packet processing can be met using several different approaches, so this approach is not just limited to the topics presented in this thesis. Global network traffic is growing all the time, so the development of more efficient methods and devices is inevitable. The increasing number of IoT devices will result in a lot of network traffic utilising the Cloud infrastructures in the near future. Based on the latest research, once SDN and hardware acceleration have become fully integrated into the Cloud, the future for secure networking looks promising. SDN technology will open up a wide range of new possibilities for data forwarding, while hardware acceleration will satisfy the increased performance requirements. Although it still remains to be seen whether SDN can answer all the requirements for performance, high availability and resiliency, this thesis shows that it is a very competent technology, even though we have explored only a minor fraction of its capabilities

    Low-complexity, low-area computer architectures for cryptographic application in resource constrained environments

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    RCE (Resource Constrained Environment) is known for its stringent hardware design requirements. With the rise of Internet of Things (IoT), low-complexity and low-area designs are becoming prominent in the face of complex security threats. Two low-complexity, low-area cryptographic processors based on the ultimate reduced instruction set computer (URISC) are created to provide security features for wireless visual sensor networks (WVSN) by using field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based visual processors typically used in RCEs. The first processor is the Two Instruction Set Computer (TISC) running the Skipjack cipher. To improve security, a Compact Instruction Set Architecture (CISA) processor running the full AES with modified S-Box was created. The modified S-Box achieved a gate count reduction of 23% with no functional compromise compared to Boyar’s. Using the Spartan-3L XC3S1500L-4-FG320 FPGA, the implementation of the TISC occupies 71 slices and 1 block RAM. The TISC achieved a throughput of 46.38 kbps at a stable 24MHz clock. The CISA which occupies 157 slices and 1 block RAM, achieved a throughput of 119.3 kbps at a stable 24MHz clock. The CISA processor is demonstrated in two main applications, the first in a multilevel, multi cipher architecture (MMA) with two modes of operation, (1) by selecting cipher programs (primitives) and sharing crypto-blocks, (2) by using simple authentication, key renewal schemes, and showing perceptual improvements over direct AES on images. The second application demonstrates the use of the CISA processor as part of a selective encryption architecture (SEA) in combination with the millions instructions per second set partitioning in hierarchical trees (MIPS SPIHT) visual processor. The SEA is implemented on a Celoxica RC203 Vertex XC2V3000 FPGA occupying 6251 slices and a visual sensor is used to capture real world images. Four images frames were captured from a camera sensor, compressed, selectively encrypted, and sent over to a PC environment for decryption. The final design emulates a working visual sensor, from on node processing and encryption to back-end data processing on a server computer

    Remote Attacks on FPGA Hardware

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    Immer mehr Computersysteme sind weltweit miteinander verbunden und über das Internet zugänglich, was auch die Sicherheitsanforderungen an diese erhöht. Eine neuere Technologie, die zunehmend als Rechenbeschleuniger sowohl für eingebettete Systeme als auch in der Cloud verwendet wird, sind Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Sie sind sehr flexible Mikrochips, die per Software konfiguriert und programmiert werden können, um beliebige digitale Schaltungen zu implementieren. Wie auch andere integrierte Schaltkreise basieren FPGAs auf modernen Halbleitertechnologien, die von Fertigungstoleranzen und verschiedenen Laufzeitschwankungen betroffen sind. Es ist bereits bekannt, dass diese Variationen die Zuverlässigkeit eines Systems beeinflussen, aber ihre Auswirkungen auf die Sicherheit wurden nicht umfassend untersucht. Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit einem Querschnitt dieser Themen: Sicherheitsprobleme die dadurch entstehen wenn FPGAs von mehreren Benutzern benutzt werden, oder über das Internet zugänglich sind, in Kombination mit physikalischen Schwankungen in modernen Halbleitertechnologien. Der erste Beitrag in dieser Arbeit identifiziert transiente Spannungsschwankungen als eine der stärksten Auswirkungen auf die FPGA-Leistung und analysiert experimentell wie sich verschiedene Arbeitslasten des FPGAs darauf auswirken. In der restlichen Arbeit werden dann die Auswirkungen dieser Spannungsschwankungen auf die Sicherheit untersucht. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass verschiedene Angriffe möglich sind, von denen früher angenommen wurde, dass sie physischen Zugriff auf den Chip und die Verwendung spezieller und teurer Test- und Messgeräte erfordern. Dies zeigt, dass bekannte Isolationsmaßnahmen innerhalb FPGAs von böswilligen Benutzern umgangen werden können, um andere Benutzer im selben FPGA oder sogar das gesamte System anzugreifen. Unter Verwendung von Schaltkreisen zur Beeinflussung der Spannung innerhalb eines FPGAs zeigt diese Arbeit aktive Angriffe, die Fehler (Faults) in anderen Teilen des Systems verursachen können. Auf diese Weise sind Denial-of-Service Angriffe möglich, als auch Fault-Angriffe um geheime Schlüsselinformationen aus dem System zu extrahieren. Darüber hinaus werden passive Angriffe gezeigt, die indirekt die Spannungsschwankungen auf dem Chip messen. Diese Messungen reichen aus, um geheime Schlüsselinformationen durch Power Analysis Seitenkanalangriffe zu extrahieren. In einer weiteren Eskalationsstufe können sich diese Angriffe auch auf andere Chips auswirken die an dasselbe Netzteil angeschlossen sind wie der FPGA. Um zu beweisen, dass vergleichbare Angriffe nicht nur innerhalb FPGAs möglich sind, wird gezeigt, dass auch kleine IoT-Geräte anfällig für Angriffe sind welche die gemeinsame Spannungsversorgung innerhalb eines Chips ausnutzen. Insgesamt zeigt diese Arbeit, dass grundlegende physikalische Variationen in integrierten Schaltkreisen die Sicherheit eines gesamten Systems untergraben können, selbst wenn der Angreifer keinen direkten Zugriff auf das Gerät hat. Für FPGAs in ihrer aktuellen Form müssen diese Probleme zuerst gelöst werden, bevor man sie mit mehreren Benutzern oder mit Zugriff von Drittanbietern sicher verwenden kann. In Veröffentlichungen die nicht Teil dieser Arbeit sind wurden bereits einige erste Gegenmaßnahmen untersucht

    On the Efficiency of Software Implementations of Lightweight Block Ciphers from the Perspective of Programming Languages

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    Lightweight block ciphers are primarily designed for resource constrained devices. However, due to service requirements of large-scale IoT networks and systems, the need for efficient software implementations can not be ruled out. A number of studies have compared software implementations of different lightweight block ciphers on a specific platform but to the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to benchmark various software implementations of a single lightweight block cipher across different programming languages and platforms in the cloud architecture. In this paper, we defined six lookup-table based software implementations for lightweight block ciphers with their characteristics ranging from memory to throughput optimized variants. We carried out a thorough analysis of the two costs associated with each implementation (memory and operations) and discussed possible trade-offs in detail. We coded all six types of implementations for three key settings (64, 80, 128 bits) of LED (a lightweight block cipher) in four programming languages (Java, C#, C++, Python). We highlighted the impact of choice relating to implementation type, programming language, and platform by benchmarking the seventy-two implementations for throughput and software efficiency on 32 & 64-bit platforms for two major operating systems (Windows & Linux) on Amazon Web Services Cloud. The results showed that these choices can affect the efficiency of a cryptographic primitive by a factor as high as 400

    A Comprehensive Survey on the Implementations, Attacks, and Countermeasures of the Current NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standard

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    This survey is the first work on the current standard for lightweight cryptography, standardized in 2023. Lightweight cryptography plays a vital role in securing resource-constrained embedded systems such as deeply-embedded systems (implantable and wearable medical devices, smart fabrics, smart homes, and the like), radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, sensor networks, and privacy-constrained usage models. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) initiated a standardization process for lightweight cryptography and after a relatively-long multi-year effort, eventually, in Feb. 2023, the competition ended with ASCON as the winner. This lightweight cryptographic standard will be used in deeply-embedded architectures to provide security through confidentiality and integrity/authentication (the dual of the legacy AES-GCM block cipher which is the NIST standard for symmetric key cryptography). ASCON's lightweight design utilizes a 320-bit permutation which is bit-sliced into five 64-bit register words, providing 128-bit level security. This work summarizes the different implementations of ASCON on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and ASIC hardware platforms on the basis of area, power, throughput, energy, and efficiency overheads. The presented work also reviews various differential and side-channel analysis attacks (SCAs) performed across variants of ASCON cipher suite in terms of algebraic, cube/cube-like, forgery, fault injection, and power analysis attacks as well as the countermeasures for these attacks. We also provide our insights and visions throughout this survey to provide new future directions in different domains. This survey is the first one in its kind and a step forward towards scrutinizing the advantages and future directions of the NIST lightweight cryptography standard introduced in 2023