19 research outputs found

    Non-isolated high gain DC-DC converter by quadratic boost converter and voltage multiplier cell

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    AbstractA novel non-isolated DC-DC converter is proposed by combining quadratic boost converter with voltage multiplier cell. The proposed converter has low semiconductor device voltage stress and switch utilization factor is high. The superiority of the converter is voltage stress of the semiconductor devices depends on voltage multiplier (VM) cell. By increasing the VM cell the stresses across the devices reduce drastically. The proposed converter has same number of components compared to certain voltage lift converters taken for comparison. A detailed comparative study is made on the proposed converter with few voltage lift converters in the literature, conventional boost with VM cell and quadratic boost converter. A 40W prototype is constructed with 12V input voltage and 96V output voltage to verify the performance and validate the theoretical analysis of the proposed converter

    New inverting modified CUK converter configurations with switched inductor (MCCSI) for high-voltage/low-current renewable applications

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    Inverting Modified CUK Converter with Switched Inductor (MCCSI) configurations are articulated in the paper for high-voltage and low-current renewable energy applications. Based on the Switched Inductor (SI) position in MCC converter, four new modified CUK converter configurations are proposed as MCCSI-XLL, MCCSI-LYL, MCCSI-LLZ and MCCSI-XYZ. The mathematical analysis and comparison is shown in terms of the voltage conversion ratio, number of active and reactive components. The mode of operation of MCCSI-XLL configuration is discussed to understand the working concept of MCCSI configurations. The striking features of the proposed configurations are discussed in details. Operation of the proposed converter is verified by simulation in MatLab R2016a

    A Comprehensive Review Of the Quadratic High Gain DC-DC Converter For Fuel Cell Application

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    In the recent times, lot of research work carried out in the field of fuel cells explicitly divulges that it has the potential to be an ultimate power source in upcoming years. The fuel cell has more storing capacity, which enables to use in heavy power applications. In these applications, power conditioning is more vital to regulate the output voltage. Hence, we need a dc-dc converter to provide a constant regulated output voltage for such high-power system. Currently, many new converters were designed and implemented as per the requirement. This paper has made comparative study on several topologies of the quadratic high gain dc-dc converter and the applications where these topologies can be used when the fuel cell is given as a source. Also, we have compared various parameters of all the converters considered and generated the results with steady-state and dynamic study. In this article, we briefed the types of analysis carried on the dc-dc converter to study its performance. Moreover, various application of fuel cell is presented and discussed. This paper will be a handbook to the researchers who start to work on high gain dc-dc converter topologies with quadratic boost converter as a base. This article will also guide the engineers to concentrate on the fuel cell components where it needs to be explored for optimizing its operation.

    A High Step-Up Transformerless DC-DC Converter with New Voltage Multiplier Cell Topology and Coupled Inductor

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    In this paper, a new high step-up transformerless DC-DC converter based on voltage multiplier and coupled inductor topology is presented. The proposed converter has two stages. In the first stage, a modified boost converter is designed by the coupled inductor and in the second stage, a new voltage multiplier by using a coupled inductor was illustrated. In this converter, high voltage gain can be achieved by adjusting the turn ratio of two coupled inductors and duty cycle which result in three degrees of design freedom. Using a single power switch with low on-resistance in the converter structure leads to simple control and low conduction loss. Also, total voltage stresses of active elements are decreased which cause to increase efficiency. Steady-state performance and theoretical achievements are confirmed by experimental test results on a test setup with one 200 W DC-DC prototype.©2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    IoT high-frequency electronic transformer with dimmable output voltage using PWM signals

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    This work presents the design, simulation, and implementation of a low-power electronic transformer, which output effective voltage can be controlled wirelessly through WIFI, via a user interface on a mobile phone. The methodology used in this project consists of 4 stages, a rectifier, an inverter, the inverter’s control system, and a ferrite reducer. The inverter has a full-bridge design and was implemented using MOSFET. The control system can vary the frequency and duty cycle of the output signals, by phase shifting the control signals, thus achieving the functionality of reducing the effective output voltage. Circuit design simulations were performed using PsPice Orcad. The implementation and the mathematical model of the built electronic transformer are carried out. The designed transformer operates with a maximum input voltage of 120 Vrms at 60 Hz at frequencies between 20 kHz and 30 kHz, which are controlled through the user interface; can reduce a 120 Vrms 60 Hz input signal to an effective voltage between 10 Vrms and 20 Vrms at a maximum power of 50 W. This project presents the feasibility of developing electronic transformers with variable output voltage, remotely controlled using IoT technology.This work presents the design, simulation, and implementation of a low-power electronic transformer, which output effective voltage can be controlled wirelessly through WIFI, via a user interface on a mobile phone. The methodology used in this project consists of 4 stages, a rectifier, an inverter, the inverter’s control system, and a ferrite reducer. The inverter has a full-bridge design and was implemented using MOSFET. The control system can vary the frequency and duty cycle of the output signals, by phase shifting the control signals, thus achieving the functionality of reducing the effective output voltage. Circuit design simulations were performed using PsPice Orcad. The implementation and the mathematical model of the built electronic transformer are carried out. The designed transformer operates with a maximum input voltage of 120 Vrms at 60 Hz at frequencies between 20 kHz and 30 kHz, which are controlled through the user interface; can reduce a 120 Vrms 60 Hz input signal to an effective voltage between 10 Vrms and 20 Vrms at a maximum power of 50 W. This project presents the feasibility of developing electronic transformers with variable output voltage, remotely controlled using IoT technology

    High-Voltage-Gain DC-DC Power Electronic Converters -- New Topologies and Classification

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    This dissertation proposes two new high-voltage-gain dc-dc converters for integration of renewable energy sources in 380/400V dc distribution systems. The first high-voltage-gain converter is based on a modified Dickson charge pump voltage multiplier circuit. The second high-voltage-gain converter is based on a non-inverting diode-capacitor voltage multiplier cell. Both the proposed converters offer continuous input current and low voltage stress on switches which make them appealing for applications like integration of renewable energy sources. The proposed converters are capable for drawing power from a single source or two sources while having continuous input current in both cases. Theoretical analysis of the operation of the proposed converters and the component stresses are discussed with supporting simulation and hardware results. This dissertation also proposes a family of high-voltage-gain dc-dc converters that are based on a generalized structure. The two stage general structure consists of a two-phase interleaved (TPI) boost stage and a voltage multiplier (VM) stage. The TPI boost stage results in a classification of the family of converters into non-isolated and isolated converters. A few possible VM stages are discussed. The voltage gain derivations of the TPI boost stages and VM stages are presented in detail. An example converter is discussed with supporting hardware results to verify the general structure. The proposed family of converters can be powered using single source or two sources while having continuous input current in both cases. These high voltage gain dc-dc converters are modular and scalable; making them ideal for harnessing energy from various renewable sources offering power at different levels --Abstract, page iv

    No-isolated high gain DC/DC converter with low input current ripple suitable for renewable applications

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    In this paper, a new non-isolated high voltage gain dc/dc converter with low input current ripple is proposed for renewable sources applications. The proposed converter combined SEPIC converter and voltage multiplier cells. In order to achieve high voltage gain, the proposed converter can increase the output voltage level using the voltage multiplier unit. The voltage stress across the semiconductors will be decreased compared to SEPIC, conventional boost converter. Therefore, using only one switch with lower resistance RDS(on), the overall efficiency of the proposed converter is increased significanly. In order to verify the theoretical analysis of the proposed converter and its accurate operation, a 150 W prototype operating at 25 kHz is built and tested

    High Voltage Gain DC/DC Power Electronic Converters

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    A DC/DC power converter provides high voltage gain using integrated boost and voltage multiplier (VM) stages. The boost cell operates according to a switching sequence to alternately energize and discharge a primary winding. A VM cell electrically coupled to the primary winding of the boost cell charges a multiplier capacitor to a DC output voltage greater than the input voltage when the primary winding is energized and discharges the multiplier capacitor when primary winding is discharged

    A New Triple-Switch-Triple-Mode High Step-Up Converter with Wide Range of Duty Cycle for DC Microgrid Applications

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    Design and Analysis of a Non-Isolated High Gain Step-Up Cuk Converter

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    Renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, are desired for both economic and ecological issues. These renewable energy sources are plentiful in nature and have a terrific capability for power generation. The only drawback of solar energy, which is one of the best forms of energy sources, is that the output has a low voltage and needs to be stepped up in order to be inserted into the DC grid or an inverter for AC applications. To overcome this drawback, a high gain DC-DC power converter is required in this kind of system. These power converters are needed for a better regulation capability with a small density volume, lightweight, high efficiency, and low cost. In this dissertation, different topologies of a non-isolated high gain step-up Cuk converter based on switched-inductor (SL) and switched-capacitor (SC) techniques for renewable energy applications, such as photovoltaic and fuel cell, are proposed. These kinds of Cuk converters provide a negative-to-positive step-up DC-DC voltage conversion. The proposed Cuk converters increase the voltage boost ability significantly using the SL and SC techniques compared with the conventional Cuk and boost converters. Then, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique is employed in the proposed Cuk converter to get the maximum power point (MPP) from the PV panel. The proposed Cuk converters are derived from the conventional Cuk converter by replacing the single inductor at the input, output sides, or both by a SL and the transferring energy capacitor by a SC. The main advantages of the proposed Cuk converters are achieving a high voltage conversion ratio and reducing the voltage stress across the main switch. Therefore, a switch with a lower voltage rating and thus a lower RDS-ON can be used, and that will lead to a higher efficiency. For example, the third topology of the proposed Cuk converter has the ability to boost the input voltage up to 13 times when D=0.75, D is the duty cycle. The voltage gain and the voltage stress across the main switch in all topologies have been compared with conventional converters and other Cuk converters used different techniques. The proposed topologies avoid using a transformer, coupled inductors, or an extreme duty cycle leading to less volume, loss, and cost. The proposed Cuk converters are analyzed in continuous conduction mode (CCM), and they have been designed for 12V input supply voltage, 50kHz switching frequency, and 75% duty cycle. A detailed theoretical analysis of the CCM is represented, and all the equations have been derived and matched with the results. The proposed Cuk converters have been simulated in MATLAB/Simulink and the results are discussed