868 research outputs found

    Survey on individual components for a 5 GHz receiver system using 130 nm CMOS technology

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    La intención de esta tesis es recopilar información desde un punto de vista general sobre los diferentes tipos de componentes utilizados en un receptor de señales a 5 GHz utilizando tecnología CMOS. Se ha realizado una descripción y análisis de cada uno de los componentes que forman el sistema, destacando diferentes tipos de configuraciones, figuras de mérito y otros parámetros. Se muestra una tabla resumen al final de cada sección, comparando algunos diseños que se han ido presentando a lo largo de los años en conferencias internacionales de la IEEE.The intention of this thesis is to gather information from an overview point about the different types of components used in a 5 GHz receiver using CMOS technology. A review of each of the components that form the system has been made, highlighting different types of configurations, figure of merits and parameters. A summary table is shown at the end of each section, comparing many designs that have been presented over the years at international conferences of the IEEE.Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y FluidomecánicaGrado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Ultra low phase noise 19 GHz VCO design in bipolar technology

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    The thesis treats a design for an ultra low phase noise VCO for backhaul Gbit point-to-point communication 81-86 GHz. Two VCO-circuits have been designed for a frequency of 19 GHz with a tuning range of more than 10 % and a phase noise below -120 dBc/Hz at an offset frequency of 1 MHz. Both circuits use INFINEON's bipolar SiGe process offering high speed transistors, a high-Q varactor and a thick top metal level. One VCO circuit uses the varactor directly coupled to the integrated inductor requiring a tuning voltage up to 10 V. Although also comparable phase noise commercial products from HITTITE require such unconvenient high tuning voltages. A second version was implemented based on an integrated transformer and operating with a tuning voltage between 0 and 3.3 V. The power consumption of both implemented VCOs is 20 mA from a single 3.3 V supply voltag

    RF transceiver design for electronic toll collection system (ETC) using compact dipole antenna

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    Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system is one of the types of traffic control system that has rapid development in the recent years. ETC system is one of the major applications of Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) which operates in the frequency band of 5.8GHz, used for the transfer of information between the road side unit (RSU) and the on board unit (OBU) which are situated at the toll station and on the vehicle respectively. The working of the system is based on RFID technology. ETC system is implemented in the 0.18microm CMOS technology, which is an aggressive technology in terms of its low cost and easy integration of the RF circuits.;A compact dipole antenna based low-cost RF transceiver for ETC system is designed in this thesis. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) modulation technique is employed in the implemented RF transceiver. In transmitter side, a class-E power amplifier is used to amplify the signal power. In order to send and receive the signal, a dipole antenna operating at a frequency of 5.8GHz is used. A low-power and energy efficient Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) is used in the receiver block which consumes very less power and has a minimal noise figure compared with prior arts. A self-mixer is used for the down-conversion of the signal. Results of this design demonstrate the working of the transceiver at 5.8GHz frequency up to an input data rate of 400 Mbps


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    Department of Electrical EngineeringThis thesis focuses on the design of digitally-controlled oscillators (DCO) for ultra-low-jitter digital phase-locked-loops (PLL), which requires very fine frequency resolution and low phase noise performance. Before going details of the design, fundamentals of the digital-to-analog converter (DAC), delta-sigma modulator (DSM), LC voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) are discussed in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Detailly, Chapter 2 begins with the basic operations of the digital-toanalog converters. Plus, several types of DACs and their properties are discussed. For instance, resistorbased DAC or current source-based DAC. In Chapter 3, the backgrounds of DSMs are presented. The reason why DSMs are indispensable components in fractional number generation is presented. The meaning of the randomization and noise shaping in DSMs is discussed then high-order noise shaping DSMs are explained as well. Chapter 4, starts with the LC tanks. Integrated passive components are introduced such as spiral inductors, metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors, and metal-oxide-metal (MOM) capacitors. The start-up of the oscillators also explained by using two approaches, the Barkhausen criterion and the negative resistance theory. Then the pros and cons of the CMOS and NMOS type topologies are stated. Finally, the phase noise in oscillators is analyzed by using the Leeson???s equation and the impulse-sensitivity function theory. In chapter 5, the detailed designs of the prototype DCO are presented. The designed DCO consists of 2nd order DSM, string resistor-based DAC, and CMOS-type LC VCO. The frequency resolutions of the proportional and integral path are different but the structures are identical. For the high-performance oscillator, iterative design is required. In the measurements, the designed DCO achieved 17 and 18 bit of frequency resolution in the proportional and integral path respectively, 12-14.5GHz of the frequency tuning range, 50 and 500MHz/V of KVCO for the main and auxiliary loop respectively, and -184.5 dB of figure of merit (FOM). The power consumption is 5.5mW and the prototype was fabricated in TSMC 65nm CMOS process.clos

    Advanced CMOS Integrated Circuit Design and Application

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    The recent development of various application systems and platforms, such as 5G, B5G, 6G, and IoT, is based on the advancement of CMOS integrated circuit (IC) technology that enables them to implement high-performance chipsets. In addition to development in the traditional fields of analog and digital integrated circuits, the development of CMOS IC design and application in high-power and high-frequency operations, which was previously thought to be possible only with compound semiconductor technology, is a core technology that drives rapid industrial development. This book aims to highlight advances in all aspects of CMOS integrated circuit design and applications without discriminating between different operating frequencies, output powers, and the analog/digital domains. Specific topics in the book include: Next-generation CMOS circuit design and application; CMOS RF/microwave/millimeter-wave/terahertz-wave integrated circuits and systems; CMOS integrated circuits specially used for wireless or wired systems and applications such as converters, sensors, interfaces, frequency synthesizers/generators/rectifiers, and so on; Algorithm and signal-processing methods to improve the performance of CMOS circuits and systems

    Low power digitally controlled oscillator for IoT applications

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    This work is focused on the design of a Low Power CMOS DCO for IEEE 802.11ah in IoT applications. The design methodology is based on the Unified current-control model (UICM), which is a physics-based model and enables an accurate all-region model of the operation of the device. Additionally, a transformer-based resonator has been used to solve the low-quality factor issue of integrated inductors. Two digitally controlled oscillators (DCO) have been implemented to show the advantages of utilizing a transformedbased resonator and the methodology based on the UICM model. These designs aim for the operation in low voltage supply (VDD) since VDD scaling is a trend in systems-onchip (SoCs), in which the circuitry is mostly digital. Despite the degradation caused by VDD scaling, new RF and analog circuits must deliver similar performance of the older CMOS nodes. The first DCO design was a low power LC-tank DCO, implemented in 40nm bulk-CMOS. The first design presented a DCO operating at 45% of the nominal VDD without compromise the performance. By reducing the VDD below the nominal value, this DCO reduces power consumption, which is a crucial feature for IoT circuits. The main contribution of this first DCO is the reduction of VDD scaling impact on the phase-noise do the DCO. The LC-based DCO operates from 1.8 to 1.86 GHz. At the maximum frequency and 0.395V VDD, the power consumption is a mere 380 W with a phase-noise of -119.3 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz. The circuit occupies an area of 0.46mm2 in 40 nm CMOS, mostly due to the inductor. The second DCO design was a low-power transformer-based DCO design, implemented in 28nm bulk-CMOS. This second design aims for the VDD reduction to below 0.3 V. Operating in a frequency range similar to the LC-based DCO, the transformer-based DCO operated with 0.280V VDD with a power consumption of 97 W. Meanwhile, the phase-noise was -101.95 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz. Even in the worst-case scenario (i.e., slow-slow and 85oC), this second DCO was able to operate at 0.330V VDD, consuming 126 W, while it keeps a similar phase-noise performance of the typical case. The core circuit occupies an area of 0.364 mm2.Este trabalho objetiva o projeto de um DCO de baixa potência em CMOS para aplicações de IoT e aderentes ao padrão IEEE 802.11ah. A metodologia de projeto é baseada no modelo de controle de corrente unificado (UICM), que é um modelo com embasamento físico que permite uma operação precisa em todas as regiões de operação do dispositivo. Adicionalmente, é utilizado um ressonador baseado em transformador visando solucionar os problemas provenientes do baixo fator de qualidade de indutores integrados. Para destacar as melhorias obtidas com o projeto do ressonador baseado em transformador e com a metodologia baseada no modelo UICM, dois projetos de DCO são realizados. Esses projetos visam a operação com baixa tensão de alimentação (VDD), uma vez que o escalonamento do VDD é uma tendência em sistemas em chip (SoCs), em que o circuito é majoritariamente digital. Independente da degradação causada pelo escalonamento de VDD, circuitos analógicos e de RF atuais devem oferecer desempenho semelhante ao alcançado em tecnologias CMOS mais antigas. O primeiro projeto foi um DCO de baixa potência com tanque LC, implementado em tecnologia bulk-CMOS de 40nm. O primeiro projeto apresentou uma operação a 45% do VDD nominal sem comprometer o desempenho. Ao reduzir o VDD abaixo do valor nominal, este DCO reduz o consumo de energia, que é uma característica crucial para circuitos IoT. A principal contribuição deste DCO é a redução do impacto do escalonamento do VDD no ruído de fase. O DCO com tanque LC opera de 1,8 a 1,86 GHz. Na frequência máxima e com VDD de apenas 0,395V, o consumo de energia é 380 W e o ruído de fase é -119,3 dBc/Hz a 1 MHz. O circuito ocupa uma área de 0.46mm2 em processo CMOS de 40 nm. O segundo projeto foi um DCO de baixa potência baseado em transformador, implementado em tecnologia bulk- CMOS de 28nm. Este projeto visa a redução de VDD abaixo de 0,3 V. Operando em uma faixa de frequência semelhante ao primeiro DCO, o DCO baseado em transformador opera com VDD de 0,280V e com consumo de potência de 97 W. O ruído de fase foi de -101,95 dBc/Hz a 1 MHz. Mesmo no pior caso de processo, este DCO opera a um VDD de 0,330V, consumindo 126 W, com o ruído de fase semelhante ao caso típico. O circuito ocupa uma área de 0.364mm2

    Using large signal S-parameters to design low power class-B and class-C CMOS cross-coupled voltage controlled oscillators.

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    This article presents a method for design of cross-coupled LC oscillators using open-loop technique and large signal scattering matrix parameters (S-parameters) in place of well known and established negative resistance approach. Thanks to the open-loop methodology, the main circuit parameters such as loaded quality factor, steady-state oscillation amplitude and signal frequency under large signal regime can be extracted without, often tedious and time consuming, transient simulations. The most important aspect of the proposed method is its ability to provide relatively simple and intuitive representation of a cross-coupled oscillator under changing bias conditions, with 10% accuracy in comparison to analysis in time domain. The presented methodology is not technology specific, however CMOS was chosen due to its availability, relative low cost and popularity of circuit implementation. The article shows two low power, sub-1 V voltage controlled oscillator prototypes, one operating in class-B, the other one in class-C, designed using the described method and operating under the reduced power supply requirements yet retaining a state of the art Figure of Merit (FoM) of various VCO reported in the literature

    A Low-Power BFSK/OOK Transmitter for Wireless Sensors

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    In recent years, significant improvements in semiconductor technology have allowed consistent development of wireless chipsets in terms of functionality and form factor. This has opened up a broad range of applications for implantable wireless sensors and telemetry devices in multiple categories, such as military, industrial, and medical uses. The nature of these applications often requires the wireless sensors to be low-weight and energy-efficient to achieve long battery life. Among the various functions of these sensors, the communication block, used to transmit the gathered data, is typically the most power-hungry block. In typical wireless sensor networks, transmission range is below 10 meters and required radiated power is below 1 milliwatt. In such cases, power consumption of the frequency-synthesis circuits prior to the power amplifier of the transmitter becomes significant. Reducing this power consumption is currently the focus of various research endeavors. A popular method of achieving this goal is using a direct-modulation transmitter where the generated carrier is directly modulated with baseband data using simple modulation schemes. Among the different variations of direct-modulation transmitters, transmitters using unlocked digitally-controlled oscillators and transmitters with injection or resonator-locked oscillators are widely investigated because of their simple structure. These transmitters can achieve low-power and stable operation either with the help of recalibration or by sacrificing tuning capability. In contrast, phase-locked-loop-based (PLL) transmitters are less researched. The PLL uses a feedback loop to lock the carrier to a reference frequency with a programmable ratio and thus achieves good frequency stability and convenient tunability. This work focuses on PLL-based transmitters. The initial goal of this work is to reduce the power consumption of the oscillator and frequency divider, the two most power-consuming blocks in a PLL. Novel topologies for these two blocks are proposed which achieve ultra-low-power operation. Along with measured performance, mathematical analysis to derive rule-of-thumb design approaches are presented. Finally, the full transmitter is implemented using these blocks in a 130 nanometer CMOS process and is successfully tested for low-power operation

    350 mV, 0.5 mW, 5 GHz, 130 nm CMOS Class-C VCO Design Using Open Loop Analysis

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    This paper presents a design method of LC cross-coupled oscillators using a large signal S-parameter open loop approach instead of typical negative resistance methodology presented in the liter- ature. The open loop technique allows extraction of loaded quality factor of the complete oscillator circuit and observe how oscillation conditions change with increasing oscillator signal amplitude. As a result, highly non-linear modes of oscillator operation (class-C in this case), can be analysed without necessity of conducting time consuming transient simulations. The presented method is not technology specific and allows fast calculations under changing bias conditions. The simulated class-C 130 nm CMOS oscillator operates at 5 GHz from a reduced power supply of 350 mV, achieving average SSB phase noise better than -115 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset from the carrier, using a relatively low loaded quality factor (QL ≈ 10) LC resonator. The presented VCO has tuning range of 280 MHz to compensate for process and temperature variations. In steady state, MOSFET devices in the oscillator operate in class-C i.e. for VGS <Vth, resulting in low power consumption of less than 0.5 mW RMS

    Precise Frequency Control of the Voltage Controlled Oscillator Using Finite Digital Word Lengths

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    For an oscillator that is periodically swept in frequency between some upper and lower bound, the output amplitude may easily be made constant and therefore known with a high degree of certainty. The instantaneous frequency exists only at a point in time and therefore possesses a zero probability of existing at any point. This thesis deals with the development of a method for interchanging the probability density functions of amplitude and frequency so that the latter becomes known with certainty while the former is known only to the extent that it is within a certain range. The method developed makes practical the use of the fast tuned voltage controlled oscillator as the local oscillator in a frequency scanning superheterodyne receiver. Exact frequency is expressed by a digital word of finite bit length that, in actuality, expresses the value of a quantized amplitude variable whose quantized value represents a precise frequency. Because of the interrelationship of amplitude, frequency, and time through the Fourier Transform, functions of these variables are also interrelated suggesting the possibility that the original certainty of amplitude information may be traded with the original uncertainty of frequency information. The success of the method presented makes use of the precise knowledge of the frequencies of the sidebands generated by the angle modulation process rather than make direct use of the instantaneous frequency. After mathematical development, a design example addresses the actual frequency range in the microwave region where the scanning superheterodyne receiver finds military application. To demonstrate the concept of precise frequency control with words of finite length, a practical frequency model is designed and constructed by scaling megahertz to hertz. Extensive use is made of monolithic waveform generators, balanced mixers, and operational amplifiers used as active filters and time domain summers. All assemblies within the model have practical microwave counterparts. Time and frequency domain waveforms are observed at virtually every major point of the model corresponding to the functional block interfaces and are compared with the mathematical predictions. The ultimate goal of precise frequency selection as a function of an imprecise independent variable is also obtained with the aid of a spectrum analyzer and dual trace oscilloscope. The causes of less than optimum signal level separation of adjacent discrete frequencies are analyzed in a qualitative manner. Reasons for the ineffectiveness of a quantitative critique are also presented. Experimental results, however, are demonstrated proof of the feasibility of the concept of exchanging probability density functions of related variables and that refinement is the only ingredient missing to render the fast scan VCO a useful local oscillator