171 research outputs found

    HAIR: Hierarchical Architecture for Internet Routing

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    Super-linear routing table growth, high update churn, lack of mobility and security, insufficient support for multi-homing and traffic engineering are some of the significant deficiencies of today’s Internet. More and more researchers are convinced that these shortcomings cannot be resolved by incremental and band-aid solutions. In this paper, we introduce HAIR, a scalable routing architecture for the future Internet. It addresses many of the problems the Internet is facing today. The focus is on limiting routing table size and update churn while supporting legacy hosts and avoiding unnecessary burden for transit providers. The key idea is to combine a hierarchical routing approach with locator/identifier separation: The routing as well as the mapping system are organized in a hierarchical manner where updates to both systems are not globally visible as far as possible. First experiences with a prototype implementation are promising and demonstrate a potential migration path where legacy devices are supported as well

    Use of locator/identifier separation to improve the future internet routing system

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    The Internet evolved from its early days of being a small research network to become a critical infrastructure many organizations and individuals rely on. One dimension of this evolution is the continuous growth of the number of participants in the network, far beyond what the initial designers had in mind. While it does work today, it is widely believed that the current design of the global routing system cannot scale to accommodate future challenges. In 2006 an Internet Architecture Board (IAB) workshop was held to develop a shared understanding of the Internet routing system scalability issues faced by the large backbone operators. The participants documented in RFC 4984 their belief that "routing scalability is the most important problem facing the Internet today and must be solved." A potential solution to the routing scalability problem is ending the semantic overloading of Internet addresses, by separating node location from identity. Several proposals exist to apply this idea to current Internet addressing, among which the Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP) is the only one already being shipped in production routers. Separating locators from identifiers results in another level of indirection, and introduces a new problem: how to determine location, when the identity is known. The first part of our work analyzes existing proposals for systems that map identifiers to locators and proposes an alternative system, within the LISP ecosystem. We created a large-scale Internet topology simulator and used it to compare the performance of three mapping systems: LISP-DHT, LISP+ALT and the proposed LISP-TREE. We analyzed and contrasted their architectural properties as well. The monitoring projects that supplied Internet routing table growth data over a large timespan inspired us to create LISPmon, a monitoring platform aimed at collecting, storing and presenting data gathered from the LISP pilot network, early in the deployment of the LISP protocol. The project web site and collected data is publicly available and will assist researchers in studying the evolution of the LISP mapping system. We also document how the newly introduced LISP network elements fit into the current Internet, advantages and disadvantages of different deployment options, and how the proposed transition mechanism scenarios could affect the evolution of the global routing system. This work is currently available as an active Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Internet Draft. The second part looks at the problem of efficient one-to-many communications, assuming a routing system that implements the above mentioned locator/identifier split paradigm. We propose a network layer protocol for efficient live streaming. It is incrementally deployable, with changes required only in the same border routers that should be upgraded to support locator/identifier separation. Our proof-of-concept Linux kernel implementation shows the feasibility of the protocol, and our comparison to popular peer-to-peer live streaming systems indicates important savings in inter-domain traffic. We believe LISP has considerable potential of getting adopted, and an important aspect of this work is how it might contribute towards a better mapping system design, by showing the weaknesses of current favorites and proposing alternatives. The presented results are an important step forward in addressing the routing scalability problem described in RFC 4984, and improving the delivery of live streaming video over the Internet

    Chord-based Resource Identifier-to-Locator Mapping and Searching for the Future Internet

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    A great many problems, such as scalability, mapping data searching, high frequency update of mapping data, arise in the future network resource mapping system for its vast data processing need. Future Network Chord (FN Chord), an algorithm based on Chord and aims at solving the resources identity mapping and searching problem, is put forward by taking advantage of the qualities of scalability, rapid searching speed, high searching efficiency and flexible naming of chord in order to solve this problem. What’s more, an extra interest node index table for FN Chord is designed to record the hotspot resource mapping location in the paper. So, the resource searching strategy, which is named as Interest Index Table Future Network Chord (IIT-FN Chord) is proposed to search the resource in the paper. The entropy weight method is used to calculate the node interest level according the interest nodes’ resource item online time and visited times and to renew the interest index table. Moreover, probability replacement method is proposed to replace the outdated item on interest index table with new item. Simulation results show that the algorithm can decrease the average searching latency, average searching hops and thus increases the searching efficiency for the resource searching

    Review of name resolution and data routing for information centric networking

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    Information Centric Networking (ICN) a future Internet, presents a new paradigm by shifting the current network to the modern network protocols. Its goal, to improve the traditional network operations by enabling ICN packet routing and forwarding based on names.This shift will bring advantages, but at the same time, it is leading to a big challenge on routing approaches to implement ICN nodes. Routing approaches must use special techniques to publish messages to all the network nodes.Flooding approach is an easy and stateless, however, results in control overhead, depending on the network size.Moreover, designing, implementing, and evaluating routing approaches with higher capacity is really a key challenge in the overall ICN research area, because the state of ICN brings a significant cost; both in packet processing and router storage.Many approaches were proposed in the literatures over these years for the efficient control of forwarding on the network.This paper provides a classification and review of the routing mechanisms that are proposed on six ICN architectures.A summary in tabular form and a comparative study of these six architectures is also given in the paper as well as few open research challenges are highlighted

    Toward a new addressing scheme for a service-centric Internet

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    © 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Traditional network architectures based on the Internet Protocol (IP) are now being questioned by the research community, since they are no longer positioned as the most suitable paradigm for supporting the increasing diversity of applications and uses of the Internet. A key issue in this subject is that, although the IP protocol has provided the basis for the rapid evolution of the Internet, its addressing scheme is not prepared to face the challenges posed by many foreseen applications. In light of this, different initiatives worldwide have started specific research programs to address these problems and work toward the "Future Internet". The TARIFA project represents one of these initiatives, and it is positioned as a clean slate alternative aimed at overcoming the critical issues in today's Internet. The novelty in TARIFA resides in the fact that any “commodity” in the network can be composed as a set of atomic services, which can be in turn assembled through a service-centric model for building a promising Internet architecture. In this paper, we focus on the space requirements and set the basis for a new addressing scheme suitable for service-centric network architectures such as the one proposed by TARIFA. The addressing scheme discussed in this paper is general in scope, and could be applied not only to architectures based on the composition of services but also to user and data-centric Internet architectures.This work was supported in part by the TARIFA project, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under contract TEC2009-07041, and by the Catalan Research Council (CIRIT) under contract 2009 SGR1508.Postprint (author's final draft

    Design and implementation of the node identity internetworking architecture

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    The Internet Protocol (IP) has been proven very flexible, being able to accommodate all kinds of link technologies and supporting a broad range of applications. The basic principles of the original Internet architecture include end-to-end addressing, global routeability and a single namespace of IP addresses that unintentionally serves both as locators and host identifiers. The commercial success and widespread use of the Internet have lead to new requirements, which include internetworking over business boundaries, mobility and multi-homing in an untrusted environment. Our approach to satisfy these new requirements is to introduce a new internetworking layer, the node identity layer. Such a layer runs on top of the different versions of IP, but could also run directly on top of other kinds of network technologies, such as MPLS and 2G/3G PDP contexts. This approach enables connectivity across different communication technologies, supports mobility, multi-homing, and security from ground up. This paper describes the Node Identity Architecture in detail and discusses the experiences from implementing and running a prototype

    U-sphere: strengthening scalable flat-name routing for decentralized networks

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    Supporting decentralized peer-to-peer communication between users is crucial for maintaining privacy and control over personal data. State-of-the-art protocols mostly rely on distributed hash tables (DHTs) in order to enable user-to-user communication. They are thus unable to provide transport address privacy and guaranteed low path stretch while ensuring sub-linear routing state together with tolerance of insider adversaries. In this paper we present U-Sphere, a novel location-independent routing protocol that is tolerant to Sybil adversaries and achieves low O (1) path stretch while maintaining View the MathML source per-node state. Departing from DHT designs, we use a landmark-based construction with node color groupings to aid flat name resolution while maintaining the stretch and state bounds. We completely remove the need for landmark-based location directories and build a name-record dissemination overlay that is able to better tolerate adversarial attacks under the assumption of social trust links established between nodes. We use large-scale emulation on both synthetic and actual network topologies to show that the protocol successfully achieves the scalability goals in addition to mitigating the impact of adversarial attacks

    A Scalable Name Resolution System for Information Centric Networking

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    Information Centric Networking (ICN) is a new paradigm, aimed at shifting to the future Internet from host centric to a content centric approach. ICN focuses on retrieval and dissemination of information between pairwise communications of hosts. Information are organized in the form of Information Objects (IO), known as Named Data Objects (NDO). These NDO are location independent. Objects in ICN are stored in the system overlay; popularly known as Name Resolution System (NRS). NDOs are requested by the Subscribers in the network to get the needed information from the Publishers, through NRS. Thus, the NRS is responsible in forwarding the interest packets based on the names of NDOs. This application of ICN depends on the scalability of the NRS. To design NRS, the most significant issue is scalability due to the ever-increasing number of NDOs. This paper aims to present the issues, by proposing balanced binary tree data structure to organize and store the NDOs. The methodology proposed in this work is thus; for every new insertion in the tree, a Balance Factor (BF) is computed to balance the height of left and right sub-tree. According to our investigation, balanced binary tree provides less searching time when compared to the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) approach. Simulation results show that End-to-End delay decreases by increasing the throughput in the network

    U-sphere: strengthening scalable flat-name routing for decentralized networks

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    Supporting decentralized peer-to-peer communication between users is crucial for maintaining privacy and control over personal data. State-of-the-art protocols mostly rely on distributed hash tables (DHTs) in order to enable user-to-user communication. They are thus unable to provide transport address privacy and guaranteed low path stretch while ensuring sub-linear routing state together with tolerance of insider adversaries. In this paper we present U-Sphere, a novel location-independent routing protocol that is tolerant to Sybil adversaries and achieves low O (1) path stretch while maintaining View the MathML source per-node state. Departing from DHT designs, we use a landmark-based construction with node color groupings to aid flat name resolution while maintaining the stretch and state bounds. We completely remove the need for landmark-based location directories and build a name-record dissemination overlay that is able to better tolerate adversarial attacks under the assumption of social trust links established between nodes. We use large-scale emulation on both synthetic and actual network topologies to show that the protocol successfully achieves the scalability goals in addition to mitigating the impact of adversarial attacks
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