410 research outputs found

    A Compact Inductive Position Sensor Made by Inkjet Printing Technology on a Flexible Substrate

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    This paper describes the design, simulation and fabrication of an inductive angular position sensor on a flexible substrate. The sensor is composed of meandering silver coils printed on a flexible substrate (Kapton film) using inkjet technology. The flexibility enables that after printing in the plane, the coils could be rolled and put inside each other. By changing the angular position of the internal coil (rotor) related to the external one (stator), the mutual inductance is changed and consequently the impedance. It is possible to determine the angular position from the measured real and imaginary part of the impedance, in our case in the frequency range from 1 MHz to 10 MHz. Experimental results were compared with simulation results obtained by in-house developed software tool, and very good agreement has been achieved. Thanks to the simple design and fabrication, smaller package space requirements and weight, the presented sensor represents a cost-effective alternative to the other sensors currently used in series production applications

    Conductive inkjet printed antennas on flexible low-cost paper-based substrates for RFID and WSN applications

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    This thesis investigates inkjet-printed flexible antennas fabricated on paper substrates as a system-level solution for ultra-low-cost and mass production of RF structures. These modules are designed for the UHF Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tags and Wireless Sensor Nodes (WSN); however the approach could be easily extended to other microwave and wireless applications. Chapter 1 serves as an introduction to RFID technology and its capabilities while listing the major challenges that could potentially hinder RFID practical implementation. Chapter 2 discusses the benefits of using paper as a substrate for high-frequency applications, reporting its very good electrical/dielectric performance up to at least 1 GHz. The dielectric properties are studied by using the microstrip ring resonator. Brief discussion on Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) is also given in this chapter. Chapter 3 gives details about the inkjet printing technology, including the characterization of the conductive ink, which consists of nano-silver-particles, while highlighting the importance of this technology as a fast and simple fabrication technique especially on flexible organic (e.g.LCP) or paper-based substrates. Chapter 4 focuses on antenna designs. Four examples are given to provide: i) matching techniques to complex IC impedance, ii) proof of concept of inkjet printing on paper substrate through measurement results, iii) demonstration of a fully-integrated wireless sensor modules on paper and show a 2D sensor integration with an RFID tag module on paper. Chapter 5 concludes the thesis by explaining the importance of this work in creating a first step towards an environmentally friendly generation of "green" RF electronics and modules.M.S.Committee Chair: Dr. Manos Tentzeris; Committee Member: Dr. Gregory Durgin; Committee Member: Dr. Joy Laska

    Design and development of novel radio frequency identification (RFID) tag structures

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    The objective of the proposed research is to design and develop a series of radio frequency identification (RFID) tag structures that exhibit good performance characteristics with cost optimization and can be realized on flexible substrates such as liquid crystal polymer (LCP), paper-based substrate and magnetic composite material for conformal applications. The demand for flexible RFID tags has recently increased tremendously due to the requirements of automatic identification in various areas. Several major challenges existing in today's RFID technologies need to be addressed before RFID can eventually march into everyone's daily life, such as how to design high performance tag antennas with effective impedance matching for passive RFID IC chips to optimize the power performance, how to fabricate ultra-low-cost RFID tags in order to facilitate mass production, how to integrate sensors with passive RFID tags for pervasive sensing applications, and how to realize battery-free active RFID tags in which changing battery is not longer needed. In this research, different RFID tag designs are realized on flexible substrates. The design techniques presented set the framework for answering these technical challenges for which, the focus will be on RFID tag structure design, characterization and optimization from the perspectives of both costs involved and technical constraints.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Tentzeris, Manos; Committee Member: DeJean, Gerald; Committee Member: Ingram, Mary; Committee Member: Kavadias, Stylianos; Committee Member: Laskar, Jo

    Wearable sensors for respiration monitoring: a review

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    This paper provides an overview of flexible and wearable respiration sensors with emphasis on their significance in healthcare applications. The paper classifies these sensors based on their operating frequency distinguishing between high-frequency sensors, which operate above 10 MHz, and low-frequency sensors, which operate below this level. The operating principles of breathing sensors as well as the materials and fabrication techniques employed in their design are addressed. The existing research highlights the need for robust and flexible materials to enable the development of reliable and comfortable sensors. Finally, the paper presents potential research directions and proposes research challenges in the field of flexible and wearable respiration sensors. By identifying emerging trends and gaps in knowledge, this review can encourage further advancements and innovation in the rapidly evolving domain of flexible and wearable sensors.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (MICINN) under Projects TED2021-131209B-I00 and PID2021-124288OB-I00.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The effect of bending on laser-cut electro-textile inductors and capacitors attached on denim as wearable structures

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    In this paper we present the design, fabrication and characterization of electro-textile inductor and capacitor patterns on denim fabric as a basis for the development of wearable e-textiles. Planar coil inductors have been harnessed as antenna structures for the development of Near Field Communication (NFC) tags with temperature sensing capability, while interdigitated electrode (IDE) capacitors have been used as humidity sensors for wearable applications. The effect of bending in the electrical performance of such structures was evaluated, showing variations below 5% in both inductance and capacitance values for bending angles in the range of interest, i.e. those fitting to human limbs. In the case of the fabricated NFC tags, a shift in the resonance frequency below 1.7% was found, meaning that the e-textile tag would still be readable by an NFC- enabled smartphone. In respect of the capacitive humidity sensor, we obtained a minimum capacitance variation of 40% for a relative humidity range from 10% to 90%. Measured thermal shift was below 5% in the range from 10 to 40oC. When compared to the 4% variation due to bending, it can be concluded that this capacitive structure can be harnessed as humidity sensor even under bending strain conditions and moderate temperature variations. The development and characterization of such structures on denim fabrics, which is one of the most popular fabrics for everyday clothing, combined with the additional advantage of affordable and easy fabrication methodologies, means a further step towards the next generation of smart e-textile products

    Innovative micro-NMR/MRI functionality utilizing flexible electronics and control systems

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    Das zentrale Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Integration von flexibler Elektronik für Mikro-Magnetresonanz (MR)-Anwendungen. Zwei wichtige Anwendungen wurden in der Dissertation behandelt; eine Anwendung auf dem Gebiet der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRI) und die andere auf dem Gebiet der Kernspinresonanz (NMR). Die MRI-Anwendung konzentriert sich auf die Lösung der Sicherheits- und Zuverlässigkeitsaspekte von MR-Kathetern. Die NMR-Anwendung stellt einen neuartigen Ansatz zur Steigerung des Durchsatzes bei der NMR-Spektroskopie vor. Der erste Teil der Dissertation behandelt die verschiedenen Technologien die zur Herstellung flexibler Elektronik auf der Mikroskala entwickelt wurden. Die behandelten MR-Anwendungen erfordern die Herstellung von Induktoren, Kondensatoren und Dioden auf flexiblen Substraten. Die erste Technologie, die im Rahmen der Mikrofabrikation behandelt wird, ist das Aufbringen einer leitfähigen Startschicht auf flexiblen Substraten. Es wurden verschiedene Techniken getestet und verglichen. Die entwickelte Technologie ermöglicht die Herstellung einer mehrschichtigen leitfähigen Struktur auf einem flexiblen Substrat (50 μ\mum Dicke), die sich zum Umwickeln eines schlanken Rohres (>0,5 mm Durchmesser) eignet. Die zweite Methode ist der Tintenstrahldruck von Kondensatoren mit hoher Dichte und niedrigem Verlustkoeffizienten. Zwei dielektrische Tinten auf Polymerbasis wurden synthetisiert, durch die Dispersion von TiO2_2 und BaTiO3_3 in Benzocyclobuten (BCB) Polymer. Die im Tintenstrahldruckverfahren hergestellten Kondensatoren zeigen eine relativ hohe Kapazität pro Flächeneinheit von bis zu 69 pFmm2^{-2} und erreichen dabei einen Qualitätsfaktor (Q) von etwa 100. Außerdem wurde eine Technik für eine tintenstrahlgedruckte gleichrichtende Schottky-Diode entwickelt. Die letzte behandelte Technologie ist die Galvanisierung der leitenden Startschichten. Die Galvanik ist eine gut erforschte Technologie und ein sehr wichtiger Prozess auf dem Gebiet der Mikrofabrikation. Sie ist jedoch in hohem Maße von der Erfahrung des Bedieners abhängig. Darüber hinaus ist eine präzise Steuerung der Galvanikleistung erforderlich, insbesondere bei der Herstellung kleiner Strukturen, wobei sich die Pulsgalvanik als ein Verfahren erwiesen hat, das ein hohes Maß an Kontrolle über die abgeschiedene Struktur bietet. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde eine hochflexible Stromquelle auf Basis einer Mikrocontroller-Einheit entwickelt, um Genauigkeit in die Erstellung optimaler Galvanikrezepte zu bringen. Die Stromquelle wurde auf Basis einer modifizierten Howland-Stromquelle (MHCS) unter Verwendung eines Hochleistungs-Operationsverstärkers (OPAMP) aufgebaut. Die Stromquelle wurde validiert und verifiziert, und ihre hohe Leistungsfähigkeit wurde durch die Durchführung einiger schwieriger Anwendungen demonstriert, von denen die wichtigste die Verbesserung der Haftung der im Tintenstrahldruckverfahren gedruckten Startschicht auf flexiblen Substraten ist. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation befasst sich mit interventioneller MRT mittels MR-Katheter. MR-Katheter haben potenziell einen erheblichen Einfluss auf den Bereich der minimalinvasiven medizinischen Eingriffe. Implantierte längliche Übertragungsleiter und Detektorspulen wirken wie eine Antenne und koppeln sich an das MR-Hochfrequenz (HF)-Sendefeld an und machen so den Katheter während des Einsatzes in einem MRT-Scanner sichtbar. Durch diese Kopplung können sich die Leiter jedoch erhitzen, was zu einer gefährlichen Erwärmung des Gewebes führt und eine breite Anwendung dieser Technologie bisher verhindert hat. Ein alternativer Ansatz besteht darin, einen Resonator an der Katheterspitze induktive mit einer Oberflächenspule außerhalb des Körpers zu koppeln. Allerdings könnte sich auch dieser Mikroresonator an der Katheterspitze während der Anregungsphase erwärmen. Außerdem ändert sich die Sichtbarkeit der Katheterspitze, wenn sich die axiale Ausrichtung des Katheters während der Bewegung ändert, und kann verloren gehen, wenn die Magnetfelder des drahtlosen Resonators und der externen Spule orthogonal sind. In diesem Beitrag wird die Abstimmkapazität des Mikrodetektors des Katheters drahtlos über eine Impulsfolgensteuerung gesteuert, die an einen HF-Abstimmkreis gesendet wird, der in eine Detektorspule integriert ist. Der integrierte Schaltkreis erzeugt Gleichstrom aus dem übertragenen HF Signal zur Steuerung der Kapazität aus der Ferne, wodurch ein intelligenter eingebetteter abstimmbarer Detektor an der Katheterspitze entsteht. Während der HF-Übertragung erfolgt die Entkopplung durch eine Feinabstimmung der Detektorbetriebsfrequenz weg von der Larmor-Frequenz. Zusätzlich wird ein neuartiges Detektordesign eingeführt, das auf zwei senkrecht ausgerichteten Mikro-Saddle-Spulen basiert, die eine konstante Sichtbarkeit des Katheters für den gesamten Bereich der axialen Ausrichtungen ohne toten Winkel gewährleisten. Das System wurde experimentell in einem 1T MRT-Scanner verifiziert. Der dritte Teil der Dissertation befasst sich mit dem Durchsatz von NMR-Spektroskopie. Flussbasierte NMR ist eine vielversprechende Technik zur Verbesserung des NMR-Durchsatzes. Eine häufige Herausforderung ist jedoch das relativ große Totvolumen im Schlauch, der den NMR-Detektor speist. In diesem Beitrag wird ein neuartiger Ansatz für vollautomatische NMR-Spektroskopie mit hohem Durchsatz und verbesserter Massensensitivität vorgestellt. Der entwickelte Ansatz wird durch die Nutzung von Mikrofluidik-Technologien in Kombination mit Dünnfilm-Mikro-NMR-Detektoren verwirklicht. Es wurde ein passender NMR-Sensor mit einem mikrofluidischen System entwickelt, das Folgendes umfasst: i) einen Mikro-Sattel-Detektor für die NMR-Spektroskopie und ii) ein Paar Durchflusssensoren, die den NMR-Detektor flankieren und an eine Mikrocontrollereinheit angeschlossen sind. Ein mikrofluidischer Schlauch wird verwendet, um eine Probenserie durch den Sondenkopf zu transportieren, die einzelnen Probenbereiche sind durch eine nicht mischbare Flüssigkeit getrennt, das System erlaubt im Prinzip eine unbegrenzte Anzahl an Proben. Das entwickelte System verfolgt die Position und Geschwindigkeit der Proben in diesem zweiphasigen Fluss und synchronisiert die NMR-Akquisition. Der entwickelte kundenspezifische Sondenkopf ist Plug-and-Play-fähig mit marktüblichen NMR-Systemen. Das System wurde erfolgreich zur Automatisierung von flussbasierten NMR-Messungen in einem 500 MHz NMR-System eingesetzt. Der entwickelte Mikro-NMR-Detektor ermöglicht hochauflösende Spektroskopie mit einer NMR-Empfindlichkeit von 2,18 nmol s1/2^{1/2} bei Betrieb der Durchflusssensoren. Die Durchflusssensoren wiesen eine hohe Empfindlichkeit bis zu einem absoluten Unterschied von 0,2 in der relativen Permittivität auf, was eine Differenzierung zwischen den meisten gängigen Lösungsmitteln ermöglichte. Es wurde gezeigt, dass eine vollautomatische NMR-Spektroskopie von neun verschiedenen 120 μ\muL Proben innerhalb von 3,6 min oder effektiv 15,3 s pro Probe erreicht werden konnte

    Additive Manufactured Antennas and Novel Frequency Selective Sensors

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    The research work carried out and reported in this thesis focuses on the application of additive manufacturing (AM) for the development antennas and novel frequency selective surfaces structures. Various AM techniques such as direct writing (DW), material extrusion, nanoparticle conductive inks are investigated for the fabrication of antennas and FSS based sensors. This research has two parts. The first involves the development of antennas at the microwave and millimetre wave bands using AM techniques. Inkjet printing of nanoparticle silver inks on paper substrate is employed in the fabrication of antennas for an origami robotic bird. This provides an exploration on the practicability of developing foldable antennas which can be integrated on expendable robots using low-cost household inkjet printers. This is followed using Aerosol jet printing in the fabrication of fingernail wearable antennas. The antennas are developed to operate at microwave and millimetre wave bands for potential use in 5G Internet of Things (IoT) or body-centric networks. The second part of the research work involves the development of frequency selective sensors. Trenches have been incorporated on an FSS structure to produce a new concept of liquid sensor. The sensor is fabricated using standard etching techniques and then using FDM method in conjunction with nanoparticle conductive ink. Finally, a new concept displacement sensor using an FSS coupled with a retracting substrate complement is introduced. The displacement sensor is a 3D structure which is conveniently fabricated using AM techniques

    Paper-based Screen-printed Passive Electronic Components

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    This thesis investigates paper-based electronics in terms of various substrates, fabrication methods and example devices, including touch sensors and microwave resonators. The term ‘paper’ is very broad and covers a wide range of substrates. A decision matrix has been created to determine the optimum paper for an application, based on a range of properties. Thermal evaporation and screen printing are compared for their use as fabrication methods for paper-based electronics and a second decision matrix has been compiled. Based on these decision matrices, screen printing onto a thicker matt paper was determined to be optimal. The printing process was further optimised to achieve the best results from the in-house process. Using this well-developed screen-printing method, passive components (including inductors and interdigitated capacitive touch sensors) were fabricated and found to be comparable with state-of-the- art results reported in the literature. Measurements from the touch pads were compared to modelling, with little variation between the two, and were confirmed to work under a wide range of conditions, showing that they are compatible with any user. The microwave characteristics, up to 3GHz, of both the chosen substrate and silver-flake ink were investigated through production of screen-printed transmission lines. These characteristics were then used to create microwave resonators. The frequency range is important for applications as the industrial, scientific and medical radio band (ISM band) lies between 2.45 and 2.55 GHz which includes Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Initially, stub resonators were considered to determine the cause of differences between theoretical and measured results. Then spiral defected ground structures were made, with multiple resonances, and sensitivity to touch and humidity demonstrated. As paper is hygroscopic, the effect of humidity on paper-based electronics is of key importance. This has been considered for all the devices fabricated in this work and it has been determined that the change in permittivity of the substrate, as a result of absorbed water within paper, is the most dominant factor

    Mechanical Characterization of Ink-Jet Printed Ag Samples on Different Substrates

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    Part 6: Computational Systems ApplicationsInternational audienceIn this paper, the main activity was to investigate how different substrates, temperature of sintering and percentage of silver ink containing silver nanoparticles influence on Young’s modulus and hardness of printed silver thin samples. Samples were prepared by low cost ink-jet printing technique using Dimatix Material Printer on polyimide flexible substrate and slide glass. Characterization of these samples was carried out by Nano Indenter using a three sided pyramidal (Berkovich) diamond tip. Measurement results show that the thickness of ink-jet printed silver layer varies for different percent of nanoparticles in silver ink. All measurements were done at same depth of indentation to avoid possibility of perforation of printed layer. The higher temperature of sintering and the higher percent of silver nanoparticles give the bigger Young’s modulus and hardness of printed silver sample. This research provides very useful information about mechanical characterization of the silver layers on flexible substrates for printed-electronics

    Wireless power transmission: R&D activities within Europe

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    Wireless power transmission (WPT) is an emerging technology that is gaining increased visibility in recent years. Efficient WPT circuits, systems and strategies can address a large group of applications spanning from batteryless systems, battery-free sensors, passive RF identification, near-field communications, and many others. WPT is a fundamental enabling technology of the Internet of Things concept, as well as machine-to-machine communications, since it minimizes the use of batteries and eliminates wired power connections. WPT technology brings together RF and dc circuit and system designers with different backgrounds on circuit design, novel materials and applications, and regulatory issues, forming a cross disciplinary team in order to achieve an efficient transmission of power over the air interface. This paper aims to present WPT technology in an integrated way, addressing state-of-the-art and challenges, and to discuss future R&D perspectives summarizing recent activities in Europe.The work of N. Borges Carvalho and A. J. S. Soares Boaventura was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under Project CREATION EXCL/EEI-TEL/0067/2012 and Doctoral Scholarship SFRH/BD/80615/2011. The work of H. Rogier was supported by BELSPO through the IAP Phase VII BESTCOM project and the Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders (FWO-V). The work of A. Georgiadis and A. Collado was supported by the European Union (EU) under Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IAPP 251557 and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Project TEC 2012-39143. The work of J. A. García and M. N. Ruíz was supported by the Spanish Ministries MICINN and MINECO under FEDER co-funded Project TEC2011-29126-C03-01 and Project CSD2008-00068. The work of J. Kracek and M. Mazanek was supported in part by the Czech Ministry of Education Youth and Sports under Project OC09075–Novel Emerging Wireless Systems